Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 113 Roadblock (2)

No matter how ugly Panman's performance was, he was still caught.

In Baimafang, the palace guard guards the Yamen.

In the backyard of the school yard, two large cases were placed side by side. Lu Qian was sitting behind one, holding a tea cup, smiling and thanking the general guarding Baimafang, the Seven-Star General He Taiping.

General He, if you work hard today, we two brothers will get closer to each other in the future.

He Taiping, who was in his early fifties, was holding a tea cup with a smile on his face and responded to Lu Qian enthusiastically.

Nowadays, Lu Qian is already a complete legend within the palace guard. In just one month after joining the palace guard, he was awarded the red robe of a general by the emperor himself, but he was actually granted the title of public official?

Such a divine favor is truly incredible.

Lu Qian took the initiative to use the Baimafang Guarding Yamen to do things. This was a favor that came to his doorstep. He Taiping must handle this face with the fastest efficiency and the greatest enthusiasm.

Taking a sip of fragrant tea, He Taiping said with a smile: If Mr. Tianyang needs anything, just speak... We all serve His Majesty, true brothers, please don't be polite.

Lu Qian nodded with a smile and glanced at the 649 young ladies from 227 families who were detained in the school grounds.

The school grounds were surrounded by the school captains, warriors and supervisors who guarded the palace. There were also Lu Qian's personal guards riding blood-hoofed Wuzui, guarding the four directions with expressionless faces. A murderous intent unique to the military was permeated, and some of them were brave. The young lady was so frightened that she was trembling all over and her face was pale.

A delicate young man who was still young and about the same age as Lu Qian was crying in a low voice: I didn't hit anyone!

Lu Qian has opened seventy-two acupuncture points, and what follows is that his five senses are more than ten times more sensitive than ordinary people? Hearing the cry of the delicate young master, Lu Qian looked over and said calmly: Master, what you said is wrong. There were so many people and it was so chaotic. You said you didn't hit anyone. Where is the witness?

Tapping the big case with his fingers, Lu Qian shook his head: If there are witnesses and the evidence is conclusive, I can let you go.

But you should all live through Dayin's laws. According to Dayin's laws, in this case, your relatives, friends, guards, servants, etc. cannot be used as witnesses. Do you have people who are completely unrelated to you and have no power with you? Can a relevant passerby serve as a witness?

All the young ladies were speechless.

Previously in Green Willow Building, how could the idle people who had not received the invitation be qualified to enter the building?

Those who can enter Luliu Tower are all people from a large circle involved in their Baimafang. Many people are related to each other by marriage. According to Dayin Law, they cannot serve as witnesses to each other. Prove innocence.

Lu Qian sighed, put down the tea cup, and held up a roll of white silk framed on a sandalwood scroll in front of him with both hands.

Here is the emperor's handwriting. The emperor said, I, Dayin, will be kind to the princes and princes.

Just a few days after this handwritten letter was issued, you publicly beat and injured Duke Chiyang's eldest son.

Hey, this kind of behavior, in a big way, you are disrespecting the emperor's order, which is almost equivalent to treason!

To put it into perspective, Duke Chiyang of Chishendong in Nanman Prefecture is a fierce man with a territory of 30,000 miles and billions of people. With a single order, he can mobilize hundreds of millions of barbarian soldiers to fight for him.

You have injured his son. If he insists on venting his anger on Prince Panman... I would like to ask you, which of your families can withstand the anger of a 'father'?

Lu Qian's words were not empty words.

If the person who was beaten was the prince of the princes of Eastern China, Eastern China was the birthplace of culture and education. It was elegant and civilized, and abided by etiquette. You could still count on the princes of Eastern China to be reasonable.

But the princes of Nanman State?

It was a ghost place based entirely on the laws of the jungle, where the weak and the strong preyed on the weak.

If you provoke the princes of Nanman Prefecture, they will send out their close friends to kill your family all the way to Haojing without any care!

For a dominating prince like Chiyang Gong, is it nothing to send thousands of dead soldiers, disguised as caravans, and sneak into Haojing to kill people? Compared to the barbarian soldiers under his command, is it nothing to consume so many manpower?

Many young men and young ladies thought of the ferocity and viciousness of the barbarians in the Southern Barbarian State in popular legends, and some of them were so frightened that they cried out.

After all, they were from wealthy merchant families and were not sons of officials. They could not withstand Lu Qian's words and intimidation.

Lu Qian and He Taiping looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Not long after, there was a surge of people outside, and the elders of Miss Gongzi's family who were involved in the conflict and were closer to the guard yamen hurried over.

Seeing the scene in the backyard, several middle-aged men who arrived first gasped and winked at each other. One of them was wearing a purple crane-patterned robe with a jade belt tied around his waist and a chilong-patterned jade pendant hanging on it. The rich man straightened his expression and strode to the front of Lu Qian and He Taiping with square steps.

When the wealthy man came over, He Taiping had already introduced his identity to Lu Qian.

Baimafang, Zhou family.

A big grain merchant, 30% of the people's rice in Baimafang and the surrounding 127 villages comes from his rice shop.

The big cloth merchant also sells daily cloths from hundreds of markets around Baimafang, 40% of which come from his own cloth shop.

Behind the Zhou family, there was a minister from the Ministry of Revenue. One of the Zhou family's daughters married that minister as his wife. This background was considered quite solid in Haojing City.

The wealthy man is Zhou Ping, the head of the Zhou family. He is willing to spend money and now carries the title of fourth-grade candidate magistrate of a high house outside Haojing City.

As for the purple robe with crane pattern, jade belt, dragon pattern jade pendant and other clothing, they were all purchased from the emperor at a great price as royal favors.

Emperor Yinyuan dared to sell his title as long as he was given enough money.

The clothes Zhou Ping wears correspond to the official position of a first-rank official in the court. Because we only purchased the right to wear clothes and not the corresponding official positions and titles, the annual usage fee for such a set of clothing is only a mere three million yuan, less than three thousand guan. For a wealthy family like the Zhou family, this price is quite high. 'Affordable'.

Not only the Zhou family, but also the representatives of the wealthy merchant families who came into the backyard school grounds were all wearing purple robes, jade belts, and jade pendants with dragon patterns. For those who didn't know, they thought they were a group of important court officials.

Zhou Ping walked up to Lu Qian with a smile on his face, bowed his head deeply and said, Mr. Tianyang. I am the next official, Zhou Ping, to salute Mr. Tianyang.

Zhou Ping's attitude towards Lu Qian was cautious and conservative.

But for He Taiping, Zhou Ping was obviously much more relaxed. He just smiled and bowed his hand to He Taiping.

He Taiping also smiled and nodded to Zhou Ping - Lu Qian understood in his heart that He Taiping had benefited from Zhou Ping in the past, and Lu Qian had generally understood the virtues of the palace guards.

For the sake of He Taiping, Lu Qian's attitude became much gentler.

He unfolded Yinyuan's handwriting on the major case, letting Zhou Ping read the contents clearly, and then knocked on the major case: Master Zhou, let's resolve this matter peacefully?

He Taiping smiled and winked at Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping's heart suddenly relaxed - before coming to guard the Yamen, he had already heard all the causes and consequences from his son's guards and found out the specific details.

My son, as well as the sons and daughters of so many old friends, were caught in a huge trap, and everyone was trapped in it.

On the way here, he was still worried about how much blood he would have to shed this time to lose money and avoid disaster.

But seeing the attitudes of Lu Qian and He Taiping, he knew something in his heart: Mr. Tianyang, I will listen to you. If you have any rules, just tell me!

Lu Chen looked at Zhou Ping and showed a shy smile: A few days ago, someone went to Mr. Zhou, a wealthy businessman, to buy the villa in the mountains south of Jingang River.

Zhou Ping's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Qian in astonishment. He remembered this incident.

My ancestors had a villa in the mountains over there. The place was not big, just a yard of a few acres. Occasionally in the summer, he or his sons would take their concubines there to experience the wild scenery of the mountains and forests.

The yard has a few acres of land, and the surrounding mountains and forests are only a few hundred acres. Compared with the Zhou family's property, this is a small industry worth mentioning.

Just a few days ago, there was a Baimafang. A middle-class businessman who also worked in the rice shop came to buy the villa at the market price.

But Zhou is not short of money.

And why is it the property left behind by my ancestors? It seems a bit unfilial to sell it like this?

Therefore, Zhou Ping casually dismissed the businessman who came to his door.

Unexpectedly, the beginning and end of this matter were waiting for him here.

That's what happened. Zhou Ping said with a smile: If I had known that Duke Tianyang wanted that yard, I would have sent it to your house long ago without you having to tell me.

Lu Qian smiled a little awkwardly: Haha, Lord Zhou is laughing at me. I want to build a temple there.

Zhou Ping kept smiling and nodding: It should, it should. With Tianyang Gong's current status, he really needs a family temple to worship his ancestors and chant sutras day and night to pray for his people. The green mountains are indeed beautiful and quiet and pleasant. .”

Lu Qian stretched out his right hand: Well, after all, it was Prince Panman who was beaten. Your yard has less than ten acres of land, and it is located in a secluded place in the mountains and forests. Let's...

The little dog is in the wrong. Just give me 20 guan based on the cost of the yard built by our ancestors back then. Zhou Ping smiled very kindly: If you'd like, Duke Tianyang will send someone to the Fangling Yamen. Let's give the land deed The property deed has been settled.

Zhou Ping held Lu Qian's hand, the two held hands tightly and shook them gently.

The delivery of a title deed is completed.

Zhou Ping went back to the representatives of various families who came with him and told them what Lu Qian meant.

The representatives of each family also remembered that a few days ago, some of their own colleagues did go to their mansion to buy a property in the mountains and forests south of King Kong River, but they were dismissed by their own words.

Once you know the cause and effect of the matter, it will be easier to solve.

It's just a worthless business in the mountains and forests. There is no need to offend the most popular Duke Tianyang in the court just for this matter!

As a result, all the villas were sold to Lu Qian one by one.

Lu Qian watched people from wealthy merchants coming in and out, and took his young master back. He suddenly sighed: Hey, the reputation of our eunuchs is going to get even worse... I guess. Not counting, are you taking advantage of others?

He Taiping glanced at Lu Yi in surprise and laughed: Why did Lord Tianyang say this? Where is this guy?

Lu Qian was stunned, and was about to ask a question. A man wearing a green robe, who was born in Tianen Gong's mansion, has now been divided into Lu Qian's Tianyang Gong lineage, and was transferred to the Yushunfang Survey Division Yamen by Lu Qianzheng. The clansmen came over in a hurry.

Master, there is a thorn on the head!

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