Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 114 Roadblock (3)

In Baimafang, the palace guard guards the yamen and the front lobby.

There are officials sent by the Baimafang Lingyamen who are working on-site in the lobby to help Lu Qian hand over the land and house deeds.

In the lobby, there were a large number of wooden boxes filled with dusty copper coins.

The storage environment of these copper coins was obviously not very good, and some of the coins were turned green.

Previously, when the representatives of the major wealthy merchants in Baimafang handed over the land and house deeds and left the guard yamen with their young masters and young ladies, the servants around them all had disgusting expressions on their faces while carrying these copper coins.

When Lu Qian and He Taiping rushed to the lobby, the delivery work in the lobby had stopped.

A middle-aged man with a round face, small eyes, and a shrewd look was sitting on a big chair. When he saw He Taiping, he stood up quickly and raised his hand towards He Taiping: General He.

He Taiping gave the man a deep look and smiled at Lu Qian: Tian Yanggong, let me introduce you. This is Ma Qianli, the head of the Ma family. He is the candidate pacifier of Miaozhou in the far north. He is from the second rank. The title.

Lu Qian's face twitched.

Yinyuan is too shameless.

To sell his officials and win titles, he actually sold off the officials of the far northern Changzhou, which had lost control of its formality eight hundred years ago and had become an independent king long ago?

Tsk, this Ma Qianli, he has the guts to go to Mozhou and take office?

Lu Qian cupped his hands towards Ma Qianli and said coldly: Master Ma, is that what you said, your family's business is not for sale?

Ma Qianli blinked and looked back at a burly young man standing behind him wearing a battle robe, a cape, a sword at his waist, and thick-soled steel-plated combat boots.

Judging from his appearance, this young man looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, with an unconcealed arrogance and arrogance on his face.

With a dry laugh, Ma Qianli narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: Hey, after all, this matter is the inheritance of the ancestors. No matter how unworthy the descendants are, they can't sell the things left by the ancestors, right?

Lu Qian turned around and looked at the Kan map hanging in the lobby that he had seen when he met Lu Yi a few days ago.

On the map, Lu Qian found the Ma family's villa.

Lu Qian's face suddenly darkened. The Ma family's villa was twenty acres in size, covering more than three thousand acres of nearby mountains and forests, and was right at the core of the green peaks south of Jingang River.

Shi E showed another drawing to Lu Qian. The location of the Ma family's villa was exactly where the Patriarch's Hall of the Haojing outer courtyard of the Great Vajra Temple was located. It was the core place in the outer courtyard for worshiping the ancestors of the Great Vajra Temple.

If other peripheral properties cannot be acquired, it will not have much impact on the reconstruction of the outer courtyard.

However, a set of special properties in this core area cannot be taken down, and the reconstruction of the outer courtyard is out of the question - the top management of the Great Vajra Temple has clearly issued an order that the reconstruction of the outer courtyard must be done according to the original drawings from 30,000 years ago!

Lu Qian looked at Ma Qianli with a deep look: Master Ma, please think about it again? If you think the price is not enough, we can talk about it again.

Ma Qianli waved his hands hurriedly: It's not about money. What are our identities? It's too vulgar to talk about money!

Ma Qianli looked at Lu Qian with a smile: It's really a matter of filial piety. The inheritance of the ancestors cannot be sold.

Lu Qian nodded: Then, the matter of your noble master beating Mr. Chiyang cannot be cleared up.

Ma Qianli smiled and took a few steps back.

The handsomely dressed young man behind him took two steps forward and stood in front of Lu Qian. He grinned at Lu Qian and said, Master Lu, Mr. Ma's son, I want to take him away. Please do it for your convenience.

Lu Qian looked at the young man curiously.

The young man had a strong military aura, and Lu Qian felt a faint bloody evil aura from him. It was obvious that he had more than one life in his hands. In such a situation, he was able to jump out and help Ma Qianli, which shows that he has a lot of backing behind him.

Are you sure about this? Lu Qian put his hands in his sleeves and asked with a smile.

Do you need me to tell you the truth about this matter? The young man said with a strange smile: Mr. Lu clearly wanted to seize the forest on the south bank of King Kong River for his private business and deliberately framed Mr. Ma. However, the Ma family Not someone to be bullied.”

Lu Qian frowned: May I ask, who is more valuable?

The young man puffed up his chest and said, I am the captain of Longxiang, Leqin, who is under the command of General Leshan of the Fengdiaofang Forbidden Army.

With a slight smile, Le Qin raised his head, with a hint of provocation, and squinted at Lu Qian, who was more than half a head taller than him: By the way, the current general is my cousin.

He Taiping tensed his face, took two steps back, and said nothing.

Although he wanted to make friends with Lu Qian, he would never dare to offend General Lewu's clan members.

Although Lu Qian was a popular figure in front of the emperor, Lewu was the empress dowager's biological brother and the emperor's biological uncle, a powerful figure who controlled Dayin's military power.

If Lu Qian had a conflict with the Le clan, He Taiping would definitely not be optimistic about Lu Qian.

Lu Qian looked at Le Qin, and then at Ma Qianli, who was standing behind Le Qin, winking and looking at him with a smile.

This is very difficult for me to handle. Lu Qian scratched his head. He smiled bitterly at Ma Qianli and said, Master Ma, I plan to use that piece of forest to build a temple. Your land happens to be in The core location of that mountain forest.”

Ma Qianli smiled and said nothing.

Le Qin took a step closer to Lu Yi and said with a grin: How about Mr. Lu change his city? For example, those Jiupinfang cities are vast in area, with many barren mountains and wilderness. How can there be no room for a temple?

Lu Qian shook his head and sighed: But this piece of land in Baimafang is a treasure land of Feng Shui. Someone told me that this temple must be built on it and cannot be changed at all.

Le Qin shook his head: You can't build this temple.

Lu Qian was silent for a while, then turned around and asked the Lu clan member who had just sent him the message: Uncle Ping, how much has been delivered on this land deed?

Lu Ping cupped his hands to Lu Qian with a little worry: Master, I just lack the share of this Madam Madam.

Lu Qian pursed his lips and waved his hand: Then, send Mr. Ma's son to the Yushunfang Survey Department Yamen for detention. I suspect that he has an affair with the demon from the Jiuyin Sect.

Ma Qianli's face turned pale, and he hissed: Mr. Tianyang, don't accuse a good person unjustly.

Le Qin became even more violent and slapped Lu Qin's cheek with his palm: Lu Qin, you are shameless, right?

Leqin is eighteen or nineteen years old.

This year is Jiayou's nineteenth year, and it has been nineteen years since Lewu became this general.

During the period when Leqin was growing up, the power and status of the Le family soared, and they were in the stage of rising to dominate the Dayin court.

Leqin has been well-dressed and well-educated since he was a child, and the princes and princesses of ordinary clan princes may not be as useful as him.

Therefore, Leqin was used to being arrogant.

Regardless of Lu Qian's identity and background, Le Qin slapped him in front of everyone.

But he struck quickly, and Lu Qian's strike was more than ten times faster. Just as Le Qin's palm was raised, Lu Qian's right hand had already hit Le Qin's cheek with an evil wind.

There was a crisp sound, and half of Leqin's dough was almost pulled off his face.

Before Leqin felt the pain on his face, Lu Yi had already kicked him in the abdomen. With a muffled sound, Leqin flew backwards and hit Ma Qianli, who was completely unresponsive. He was hit so hard that he vomited blood and flew out.


Le Qin and Ma Qianli rolled around on the smooth floor of the lobby. They were kicked out of the lobby by Lu Qian, rolled down the steps, and rolled out several feet in embarrassment in the courtyard in front of the lobby. .

There was an uproar everywhere, and He Taiping shouted hysterically: Master, that is the nephew of the great general!

He Taiping wanted to commit suicide with a knife.

Dare I ask, there is a conflict between the emperor's popular confidant and the emperor's uncle's nephew, who is also the emperor's cousin... As an eyewitness, which side should He Taiping take?

Lu Qian turned around and grinned at He Taiping, who was trembling with hands and feet: General He, you must remember that we are all palace guards!

A group of soldiers wearing half soft armor and strong faces rushed into the lobby.

A young man who looked a bit similar to Le Qin, especially the outline of his ears, drew his sword and struck wildly: Which dog dares to hit my elder brother?

This young man is only fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as Lu Qian.

But the arrogance and arrogance in him was a bit stronger than that of Leqin.

After a few false strikes with the knife, the young man suddenly stared at Lu Qian: Hey, you are Lu Qian, I have seen you... you are a slave-like bitch, how dare you hurt our family?

The young man jumped forward suddenly, holding the knife in both hands, and struck Lu Qian's head with the knife.

Lu Qian said tsk, tsk twice. After all, he was also the Duke of Tianyang who had just been granted the title of Duke of Tianyang by the emperor a few days ago. He was a serious duke who had been recognized by the courtiers and had an official fiefdom!

This young man actually drew his sword and chopped without saying anything. He was either stupid or he was deceived and became lame!

The light of the sword fell, still two feet away from Lu Qian's head. Lu Qian flew up and kicked the young man who jumped up and brandished the sword away.

Leqin still rolled out on the lobby floor, and the damage he suffered was much less.

Lu Qian was angry that the young man was ruthless, so he simply kicked him and flew him out of the lobby. The impact was so powerful that when the young man flew backward, he vomited out large mouthfuls of blood.

All the soldiers rushed out of the hall in a hurry, shouting little general one by one.

Outside the gate of the guard's office, in a teahouse on the roadside, Leshan was sitting at the tea table by the window, drinking tea slowly.

Hearing the noise coming from the guard yamen, Leshan grinned and said, Come on, the fight is about to begin. Okay, I'll come and meet our Lord Tianyang.

He made great achievements in catching ghosts in the Imperial City before.

I don't know. His Buddhist magical power is not only useful for ghosts, but what about humans?

Shaking his head, Leshan whispered: However, I have long wanted to meet you, but I just have no excuse.

Then, Tai Dou Xiong's commission should be completed as soon as possible. It is better not to owe debts of gratitude for too long.

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