Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 115 Blood Soul Temple

Leshan wore a blood-colored robe and slowly walked into the guard yamen with his hands behind his back.

Leshan, who is nearly nine feet tall, has a body like a bear, a face like a Xie Zhi, and a green-grey complexion. When he walks, he is so powerful that he oppresses the guards and supervisors in the front yard of the Yamen. They all lower their heads and quietly He kept retreating until he reached the base of the wall.

Leqin, who was holding his belly and twitching on the ground, also stopped twitching. He raised his head and shouted at Leshan: Brother Shan...

Leshan waved his hand and said calmly: I will seek justice for you.

While speaking, Leshan had already walked in front of Lu Yi, less than three feet away, staring at Lu Yi's upright, resolute and majestic face with wide eyes.

Leshan felt jealous.

He was born with a face like a Xie Zhi... From the good side, it means that he looks majestic; from the bad side, it means that his face is almost like a horse's face, and his chin is still pointed. !

Leshan looks unpleasant.

But Lu Qian’s face... One of the steps in selecting candidates for the Dayin imperial examination was that officials from the Ministry of Rites evaluated the facial features of the candidates who passed the examination.

For those who look majestic and extraordinary, the road to promotion will naturally be smooth and smooth.

Those with ugly eyebrows will inevitably spend their whole lives wasted, and may even miss promotions.

Lu Qian's face would definitely be rated as A in the imperial examination review.

As for Leshan's face, with a Ding, he probably has to secretly stuff some money into it.

Leshan had a sullen face and was too lazy to say anything. He punched Lu Qian's face, which made him uncomfortable.

Lu Qian sneered and caught Leshan's heavy punch with a snap with his right hand.

Leshan's left fist hit Lu Qian's chin hard.

Lu Qian arrived first, his right leg suddenly jumped up, and there was a sound of breaking wind. He kicked Leshan on the chest. Leshan lost his footing and staggered back more than ten steps.

A group of soldiers exclaimed in unison: General!

Leshan waved his hand to stop the soldiers' impulse. He looked at Lu Qian and chuckled: The place here is small and it is not convenient to do anything. If you have the courage, follow me out and find a secluded place in the wilderness to have a good fight?

Lu Qian looked at Leshan and said coldly: General Leshan, it seems that we have no grievances or enmities?

Leshan patted the huge boot mark on his chest and said coldly: Ma Qianli's niece is my concubine. Do you think I should take care of this matter?

Lu Qian shook his head helplessly: It's just for a villa.

Leshan’s ‘Hey Hey’ Zhile: “Other careers are worthless, but my face in Leshan is very valuable.”

With a bang sound, Leshan's figure was like a crossbow arrow, flying backwards with a strong sound of breaking wind. After a few ups and downs, he ran for more than a mile. From a distance, he heard his voice floating over. : Want that villa? Just beat me down!

As soon as Leshan moved, Lu Qian almost followed him and ran out of the guarding yamen.

When Leshan flew by, it was extremely violent. Lu Qian followed closely behind, but there was no movement during the flyby.

Lu Qian followed Leshan closely and said coldly: Okay, then I will beat you down. However, if you are beaten, don't complain to the Queen Mother in tears.

Leshan laughed wildly: Just you? Lu Qian, do you really think you have to be made a duke? How capable are you? Hey, hey, hey.

Leshan laughed inexplicably, his laughter full of dissatisfaction and provocation.

Not to mention Leshan, ten percent of the younger generation of General Le's family are not convinced by Lu Qian.

In their opinion, it was just a coincidence that Lu Qian benefited from the Buddhist secret treasure that Yinsheng had, so he happened to make great contributions in the imperial city and won the favor of the Queen Mother and the Emperor.

He is just a 'lucky person', a 'minion' of the emperor's close ministers, but he actually became a 'gong'?

Represented by Leshan, the younger generation of 'heroes' of the Le family, the one who got the highest title was just because Leshan relied on his 'contribution to suppressing bandits'. I don't know where he got thousands of heads. The title of the empty head of the fief, 'Bo'.

Jealousy towards Lu Qian is a common phenomenon among the younger generation of the Le family.

Therefore, Leshan's move this time has received the full support of several leading figures of the younger generation of Leshan - if Leshan kills Lu Jin, the entire younger generation of Leshan will come forward to put pressure on the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the General.

Will the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the General blame Leshan, a member of their family, for the death of a newly promoted 'gong'?


Therefore, Leshan grinned and looked at Lu Qian who was following closely behind him and laughed ferociously: Lu Qian, I once invited you to join the Forbidden Army with good intentions. It's a pity. If you were one of our own today, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

What a pity. Today, I will beat you to death!

Ahead is the end of the street, past a stone archway, and ahead is a wilderness woodland with dense streams and rivers. Between the mountains and forests, you can faintly see manors standing quite far apart.

Leshan and Lu Qian were extremely fast. In a few breaths, they rushed out of the archway and rushed several miles to the countryside.

Leshan suddenly stopped, his body bounced and folded, and his kick swept like an axe, slashing across Lu Qian's waist with a faint bloody halo.

Lu Qian also stopped. He flew out a palm, and the wave hand stirred up water ripples visible to the naked eye, and struck Leshan's leg hard.

There was a loud noise, and a large crater about ten feet in diameter exploded on the ground. Lu Qian and Leshan flew backward at the same time.

Lu Qian took twelve steps back and landed firmly on the ground. He shook his right hand slightly and felt a slight numbness in the joints of his five fingers.

At this moment, his physical strength has reached the ultimate level of the strength of nine oxen, and his body is unparalleled. Leshan's kick can make him feel sore. It can be seen that the strength of Leshan's kick is at least the level of five or six oxen.

Leshan staggered and took dozens of steps backward in embarrassment.

His sweeping right leg was in excruciating pain. He tried to put it down several times, but as soon as the sole of his foot touched the ground, severe pain spread along the nerves in his leg like wildfire.

He could only lift his right leg and rely on his left leg to continuously jump backwards.

The terrain in the suburban wilderness was uneven. Leshan stepped into potholes several times and almost fell over.

However, after all, he has extremely strong cultivation, and his control over the body is far beyond ordinary martial arts. His body shook again and again, and he endured the faint stinging pain in his left ankle. After taking dozens of steps back, he forcefully Shengsheng stabilized his figure.

The grinning Leshan's right leg was trembling slightly. He looked down and saw that the entire trouser leg of his right leg was shattered by Lu Qian's palm, revealing a gray-skinned leg covered with long hair.

In the middle of his calf, on the opposite bone, a cyan mark was printed into three-thirds of the leg bone.

Lu Qian's palm almost shattered Leshan's calf bone. No wonder the pain was so severe that he couldn't even land on the ground.

Ha! Leshan was a little dumbfounded.

He stood on the spot independently, staring at Lu Qian who was a hundred steps away with his mouth open: This doesn't make sense!

Lu Qian put his left hand behind his back and hooked his right hand towards Leshan. His face became extremely serious: It doesn't make sense? What is the truth? I was seriously injured by your kick, and then you beat me to death here?

Lu Qian's mood was also very solemn.

Just after the exchange of blows, Lu Yi felt that the power contained in Leshan's right leg was not the Yuan Gang formed by the transformation of essence through current martial arts practice, but a power higher than the Yuan Gang of martial arts.

For example, the Guixu Immortal Yuan possessed by Lu Qian is naturally beyond the power of Leshan's body.

But the power Leshan possesses contains a very faint trace of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and its power is far more powerful than the martial arts Yuangang.

Moreover, Leshan's power contains an extremely domineering 'heat poison'.

The tentacles were scalding hot, and Leshan's right leg was like a red-hot iron. If an ordinary person touched it, the skin and flesh might even be burned.

In addition to the inhumanly high temperature, Leshan's power also contains a vicious 'toxic power'.

This venom has the unique fishy smell of snakes and insects, and it should be the venom extracted from some highly venomous snakes and insects.

Lu Qian's whole body was filled with the black-purple fairy light transformed by the Guixu Immortal Yuan, and his whole body collapsed when the heat poison came in contact. Leshan's vicious power did not cause any damage to Lu Qian.

But if it were another person, even if it were a martial arts master who opened menstruation and opened acupuncture points, if he received Leshan's blow, the heat poison would have invaded his internal organs, and his internal organs would have been burned to half-cooked. The poison would have circulated throughout his body, and he would have died a long time ago. on the spot.

Heavy hoofbeats sounded from behind. Panman carried his long knotted cane, rode his horned bull mount, and rushed up with a group of barbarian guards.

From a distance, Panman shouted loudly: Mr. Tianyang, you are venting your anger on me. I, Panman, cannot be ungrateful and let you handle this matter alone!

Hey, Leshan, we've had a lot of interactions in the past years. I got drunk and had at least ten fights with you in the past few years. Hey, today, why don't we come and get close to each other?

Amid the clamor, Panman galloped over on horseback. The cane in his hand turned into dozens of black afterimages, and smashed towards Leshan, who was standing on one leg, with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

These days, Panman and Lu Qian are getting along quite happily.

Panman also taught Lu Qian some of the outer sects of the Great Vajra Temple.

What Panman is using at the moment is the extremely domineering 'Reincarnation Staff Technique' from the outer gate of the Great Vajra Temple. It focuses on 'the staff rises into reincarnation', which means that once it is used, the enemy will be sent into reincarnation.

This staff method has no compassion that Buddhism should have. It is designed to hit fatal points, and its power is cruel and vicious. The emphasis is on striking down with one stick and shattering everything.

According to Panman, he once saw Shi Evil practicing the Samsara Staff Technique. Shi Evil could blast an iron block about three feet in diameter into iron powder with a heavy blow from a reed pole.

The staff technique is fierce, and Panman's strength is slightly inferior to Leshan, but Leshan injured a leg and has difficulty moving at the moment.

While Leshan was cursing hysterically, Panman struck him eighteen times with the cane in his hand. Terrible blows were heard. Leshan was beaten until his limbs were broken and five or six ribs were broken. He vomited blood and was beaten backwards. It was knocked away more than ten feet.

Damn thing! A low and powerful curse came from the woods nearby.

A black shadow rushed out, and in an instant it was in front of Panman, and slapped Panman in front of his face.

Panman waved his stick arrogantly and carried it hard.

There was a loud bang like a thunderbolt from the blue. In the primitive jungle of Nanman State in Panman's hand, a strange cane that took thousands of years to grow. The cane, which was several times stronger than alloy steel, was slapped by the black shadow. It became more than ten sections.

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