Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 137 Borrowing a Knife

In the next few days, Lu Qian and Lu Jun were bored in Fejun City, busy taking medicine and doing exercises to make up for their physical deficiencies.

Time flies and time flies and it is March 2, Jiayou's nineteenth year.

Wang Pu's middle army was dispersed, but the front and rear armies were safe and sound.

Within a few days, Wang Pu, who was seriously injured and lost an arm, commanded the quelling army to gather troops and horses, built a defense line based on Anping Pass, and fought continuously against the rebels.

After all, culture and education spent their efforts to divide the elite city defense forces of Dayin's military power. Even if the rebels have cheating devices like the Red Lotus Solid Pill, the chaotic mobs are as neat and well-trained civilians as the army. The rebel army fought evenly.

For several days in a row, the information sent back by the ranger patrols was that the battle losses between the rebels and the rebel army were basically one to one.

In the battlefield with a radius of two to three hundred miles, the chaotic people and the chaotic army fought into a pot of porridge. It was a mess, and tens of thousands of casualties were suffered every day.

March 2, night.

A few days ago, he forced the windmill to activate, and the exhausted essence, immortal energy, and spiritual light were completely replenished. With the help of the power of the one hundred thousand red lotus solid pills, he swallowed another drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water. Lu Qian's cultivation level One step further.

Several new acupoints have been opened in the body, with greater strength, faster speed, sharper senses, and the level of life has been improved again. This is the proper principle of cultivation in the 'Melting Furnace Realm'.

Wuliang Guixu's body was mysterious and mysterious. Lu Chen looked inside with the spiritual light of his soul. The internal space of his Tanzhong acupoint was already one foot in diameter. There was only a goose egg-sized Guixu immortal essence inside that was quietly rotating. The huge Tanzhong acupoint gave people A feeling of 'emptiness, emptiness, spirituality, and illusion', it is better to feel like a black hole, releasing a faint devouring suction force all the time.

In the small courtyard of the Magistrate's Mansion of Chu County, Lu Qian was walking around the small garden, protecting Ahu and the five uncles who had taken the Xuanyuan Divine Water.

As he walked around in circles, he silently pondered the secrets of the technique of Wuliang Guixu Body.

The Supreme Beiming Immortal Sect, Wulianggui Ruixi, this is an extremely domineering technique.

Transform the mortal body into the Boundless Ruins, tolerate all things, swallow all things, use domineering means to plunder the heaven and earth's spiritual opportunities for your own use, and build the strongest and most powerful immortal foundation in the world.

Build the strongest 'melting furnace', collect the most 'new firewood', burn the craziest 'raging fire', and plant the most mysterious 'raging fire golden lotus'.

Fiery Golden Lotus blooms and ascends to immortality.

In this world, the Ultimate Holy Heaven, regardless of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Demonism, this is the fundamental way of cultivation.

It's just that the foundation of the furnace is different in strength, the mystery of the fire is different, the secrets of the golden lotus seeds are different, and the Tao fruits that are finally produced, the magical powers and the path to immortality are different.

As for the Supreme Beiming Immortal Sect, if the ray of consciousness in the Beiming Ring obtained by Lu Qian is not bragging, there is no doubt that it is the most powerful top sect in the Holy Sky, and can be called the leader of the Immortal City.

Besides, it's quite shameless. Lu Qian chewed the essence of Wulianggui Ruins Body and secretly cursed in his heart.

The Wuliang Guixu Body is said to contain all things, and naturally it can also contain all laws in the world and simulate all the skills in the world. When the Wuliang Guixu Body is cultivated to great perfection, the Guixu Immortal Yuan can transform into thousands of things, and can transform the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Demon at will. technique.

‘Return to the ruins and embrace the four seas, all dharmas will eventually return to one’!

Lu Chen walked slowly, and the void in the Tanzhong acupoint quietly shrank. In the surrounding air, wisps of dense air continued to seep out, and were forcibly absorbed by the Tanzhong acupoint.

Lu Qian did not circulate the infinite return to the ruins body.

However, the exercises were running on their own in his body, regardless of day or night. Regardless of whether he was walking, sitting, lying, eating, or resting, the Tanzhong point was spontaneously absorbing the inspiration from the surrounding heaven and earth.

Just like in the legend, all the currents return to the sea, and the sea returns to the ruins. Everything is created by nature, and everything is created naturally.

The spiritual inspiration enters the body, absorbs the Qi and returns to the Yuan. The Guixu Immortal Yuan in the Tanzhong Point slowly grows, and then releases the spiritual light to wash the whole body, digging out the twelve main meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and the innate essence in various orifices. Silk strengthens itself.

Every time the spiritual light swept across his body, Lu Qian could notice that there were traces of wind and water patterns quietly blending into his body.

The whole body is itchy like thousands of ants crawling, and the itching goes straight to the bone marrow, but it is inexplicably very comforting.

Lu Qian clearly felt that with every breath he took, his physical strength increased by three to five kilograms.

For a day and a night, if he was just walking and living, Lu Qian's breath would be much longer than that of an ordinary person, probably only 2,880 times. For a day and a night, just relying on the self-tempering of his infinite body, his body would Strength can be increased by more than 10,000 kilograms.

How terrifying is such an increase?

Immortal magic is indeed many times stronger than worldly martial arts.

More than 10,000 kilograms of strength. How many years does it take an ordinary martial arts monk to achieve this?

For Lu Qian, it was just an ordinary income for a day and a night in this environment where the world's spiritual power collapsed.

‘Dong dong’!

Someone knocked on the door of the backyard where Lu Qian lived.

Yu Diaihu's deep and powerful voice sounded at the door: My lord, Wang Hu, the lieutenant of Wei County, would like to see my lord.

Wang Hu? Lu Qian raised his eyebrows: Ahu has entered samadhi. It's inconvenient for people to enter the yard, so I'll come right away!

Lu Qian walked to the door and opened the courtyard door.

At the entrance of the courtyard, Yu Dianhu and a group of personal guards moved sideways and stopped a middle-aged man wearing a Shuiyun Taoist robe, with a cool and calm demeanor, a handsome appearance, and a typical literary gentleman.

Wang Hu, the lieutenant of Fejun County, was a member of the Wang family, a descendant of the Six Sages of Culture and Education, and Wang Pu's distant cousin.

The Wang Hu in front of Lu Qian looked like an elegant scholar, but this guy easily overpowered Lu Yu, who was the governor of Wei County, and completely controlled the administrative power of Wei County, the entire city defense army and most of the imperial army. The garrison was also tightly held in his hands.

According to the information given by Lu Yu, Wang Hu even relied on his power to impose excessive taxes in Chu County. Under his leadership, all taxes in Chu County were advanced and received thirty years later!

Wang Hu quickly accumulated an astronomical amount of private wealth in this way. He purchased various real estates in Weijun County. In the southeast of Weijun City alone, more than one million acres of fertile land were Wang Hu's private property.

In particular, Wang Hu was a womanizer and a very good girl. Because of the good-looking daughters in his family, the number of people who were impoverished and perished by him was no less than 300 households known to Shan Luju.

It was late at night, and the small courtyard where Lu Qian lived was located in the backyard of the county magistrate's mansion. Wang Hu, who had always been at odds with Lu Yu, actually came to the entrance of Lu Qian's courtyard alone and easily.

Master Wang, are all the guards at the Sheriff's Mansion yours? Lu Qian opened the door and was very rude as soon as he opened the door.

Wang Hu smiled and cupped his hands towards Lu Yi: What did Lord Tianyang say? A few days ago, Xiaguan led the army outside to chase down the rebellious people. It was Xiaguan's fault that he failed to welcome Lord Tianyang in the city.

With a flip of his right hand, Wang Hu took out an iron-wood box from his sleeve and gently handed it to Lu Qian.

A few thoughts are not disrespectful.

Lu Qian took the iron-wood box unceremoniously and opened it casually. Inside was a neatly stacked stack of White Deer Money. The top White Deer Money was clearly marked worth ten million dollars.

Lu Qian counted and found that there were twenty pieces of white deer money in the box.

Two hundred million dollars? This kind of kindness is not just a little bit! Lu Qian looked at Wang Hu with a half-smile.

This is what my brother, General Wang Pu, meant. Wang Hu put his hands in his sleeves and said leisurely: As the supervisor of the army, Duke Tianyang watched from the sidelines during these days when the general led the army to fight fiercely. This seems to be a bit disappointing. Queen Mother, and the Emperor, right?

Lu Chen shook the White Deer Coin in his hand and said sternly: Nonsense, these days, I have been guarding Wei County for a certain Lord Lieutenant who has left his post without permission, guarding the peace of the area.

Stuffing the white deer money into his sleeve, Lu Yi pointed at Wang Hu and said with a smile: Believe it or not, if this lawsuit goes before His Majesty, the loser will definitely be you and you!

Wang Hu's face twitched and he looked at Lu Qian's sleeves - this guy did take the money, but how could he be so rude when he spoke?

Where does that face come from?

Wang Hu straightened his face and said in a deep voice: The ones brought by Duke Tianyang are all the elites of the Forbidden Army, the Yulin Army, and the Palace Guards, especially the 10,000 heavy cavalry of the Forbidden Army, which can be called the strongest in the dynasty. Elite soldiers.

Lu Qian looked at Wang Hu: You want me to send troops to help the general fight? Tsk, just for these three melons and two dates? Two hundred million dollars? Haha, I brought 20,000 Yulin troops, 10,000 forbidden troops, 10,000 If the palace guard and the three thousand wolf riders lose eight thousand or ten thousand, do you know how much their pension will be?

Wang Hu said in a deep voice: The promises just made were only given to you, Duke Tianyang. If Duke Tianyang leads his troops to join the war, all losses will be borne by everyone in Anping Prefecture, and they will be doubled.

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and remained silent.

Next door to the small courtyard where Lu Qian lived, the courtyard door opened, and brothers Lu Jun and Lu Yi swayed out with their arms crossed.

Wang Hu looked at Lu Jun and Lu Yi, and then took out a black jade gourd more than half a foot high from his sleeve. He shook the jade gourd, and a dull sound of water came from inside.

Moreover, the casualties among the soldiers under the Duke's command may not be as exaggerated as you think.

Here is a potion of ancient elixir obtained by the general by chance. Don't look at this small gourd. As long as you mix it with water and let the soldiers drink it, it can be enough for one hundred thousand soldiers to drink. It is enough for the soldiers to drink. His strength has increased by thousands of kilograms, and he is not afraid of death and knows no pain, making him invincible on the battlefield!

Wang Hu shook the gourd and said with a smile: The stronger the soldiers themselves, the more effective this magical medicine will be. With the strength of Tianyang Gong's 10,000 forbidden army heavy cavalry, after taking the magical medicine, they will definitely be able to survive day and night. Within, he possesses strength above the sixth level of the Tuo Pulse Realm!

Wang Hu smiled and said: Such strength is enough to sweep away the chaos around Anping Pass!

Lu Qian snatched the gourd. He shook the gourd and sneered: You want me to use such a good thing? And you also add such a 'small' amount of money?

Wang Hu said calmly: It's just a gourd, and it can't be found again. Good steel must be used on the blade, right?

Lu Qian handed the gourd to Yu Dianhu, took out the white deer money from his sleeve, and shook it at Lu Jun and Lu Yi: I agree to this. But, we have to pay more. We three brothers, If you only give me money, isn't this alienating our brotherhood?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said solemnly: Besides, I don't want the pension after the incident. If you want me to send troops, you should give me the pension first.

We follow the rules of the Dayin Dynasty. The pension for a heavy knight of the Forbidden Army killed in battle is two hundred guan, which is 240,000 yuan. Assuming that all my 10,000 brothers died in battle, you have to give me 24,000 yuan. Billions of dollars.”

As for the Yulin Army, the Emperor's Guards, their pensions are slightly higher than those of the Forbidden Army...

Where's the palace guard...

Where is the Canglang Cavalry...

Lu Qian rambled on about the account, and Wang Hu's face turned blue and green. Finally, he nodded deeply and agreed.

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