Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 138: Repudiation

Anping Pass was blown to pieces by a strong wind a few days ago. It has been urgently repaired for two days. On the wall that was barely covered, Wang Pu slowly moved the newly grown walls, which were only over a foot long, as long as a baby's arms. Snow-white and pink left arm.

How wonderful!

Wang Pu looked at a middle-aged man in black next to him with tears in his eyes.

He originally thought that he would be a disabled person in this life.

Unexpectedly, the War Demon Palace sent an outer deacon and brought him a spiritual elixir. After taking it, his arm regenerated in just a few days, and it looked like he would be back to his original state in three to five days.

When he joined the War Demon Palace, Wang Pu only regarded the War Demon Palace as a 'powerful martial arts sect'. He was determined to occupy the magpie's nest and used the War Demon Palace as his own tool to advance further in the court. .

The disciples from the War Demon Palace told him about the so-called magical powers such as calling wind and rain, moving mountains and filling seas, etc. Wang Pu had always listened to them as myths and strange novels, and had never taken them seriously.

But this time, after witnessing the terrifying battle scene between the disciples of the War Demon Palace and the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple, and personally experiencing the terrifying hurricane that destroyed tens of thousands of his troops in an instant, Wang Pu had the courage to fight against the Demon Palace. I had other thoughts.

Especially, this regrown arm!

What a miracle!

He scratched his cheek with his immature arms, feeling the terrifying power in his small arms that was more than ten times stronger than his original body. Wang Pu smiled at the middle-aged man beside him and said, Senior brother, don't worry, over there in Chu County , Wang Hu has already reached an agreement with Na Lu.

That little puppy has tens of thousands of elites under his command, and all of them are the first-class powerful troops of the country. According to what the senior brother said, after taking the secret medicine, the combat power can soar to the level of the Tuo Pulse Realm. The opponent's rebel army, Absolutely vulnerable.”

After a slight pause, Wang Pu hesitated and said: Does this secret medicine really have that effect?

The middle-aged man clasped his hands behind his back and said leisurely: Junior brother is from a mortal background and does not know the magic of the sect. After taking the secret medicine, as long as half an hour passes and the breath of this sect's technique is felt, all those who take the medicine will become powerful. Infinitely powerful, fearless of death, invulnerable to weapons and bullets, invulnerable to water and fire, and more importantly, completely devoid of intelligence...the war demon puppet.

Using our secret technique, we can easily control it and wipe out the chaos formed by the Great Vajra Temple opposite.

The secret medicine was passed down from our ancestors in ancient times, and there is not much left in the sect. That's why you are asked to choose the strongest soldiers you can find and take it to create the strongest war demon puppet.

It just so happens. Didn't you agree to Prime Minister Dayin and the others to let Lu Qian die here? This matter was easily handled. How convenient is it to kill two birds with one stone?

Wang Pu poked his nostrils with his tender fingers. This feeling was quite novel, and he couldn't help but stuff his fingers into his nostrils.

The middle-aged man glared at him, and Wang Pu hurriedly pulled out his finger.

He smiled and said: But, I heard about the secret agreement of the three religions, and we fought like this with the Great Vajra Temple...

The middle-aged man patted Wang Pu's newly grown shoulder vigorously: That's why we need you group of literary gentlemen who are more eloquent and can fool people than those bald Buddhist thieves.

We demons are only good at killing people, not good at talking.

If the Great Vajra Temple wants to come and argue with us, you can come out and argue with them... Anyway, it is true. They took the initiative to attack the army under your command, and you didn't take the initiative to come to them, right?

Wang Pu smiled brightly: Senior Brother is absolutely right about what he said... Please, please, please, Junior Brother has prepared several beauties like flowers for Senior Brother, and I would like to invite Senior Brother to taste them.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, with his hands behind his back and a square step, he slowly followed Wang Pu to the Anping Pass.

After walking through a section of the city wall, and when they were about to reach the horse path leading to the bottom of the city wall, the middle-aged man suddenly turned his head, squinted, and glanced at the mountains and forests in the distance.

There is an unsettling and evil aura over there.

Bald thief? It doesn't look like that. The middle-aged man frowned and pointed in that direction.

On the city wall, a dozen disciples of the War Demon Palace, wearing heavy armor, suddenly jumped up and rushed toward the mountain forest like meteors.

Outside Anping Pass, in a camp on the edge of the camp, Bai Lang was holding his buttocks that were burning with pain after receiving eighty military sticks. He gritted his teeth and looked at the dozens of black shadows passing by the camp.

These eighty military sticks have nothing to do with Zhuge Li.

During the day, a mob of more than a thousand people raided the camp where Bai Lang was located. Bai Lang and others were led by logistics soldiers and civilians with little combat power. The mob easily broke into the camp and killed hundreds of soldiers. , burned a batch of grain and grass.

Wang Pu was furious and personally ordered that each of the nine Bai Lang brothers be beaten with eighty military sticks.

Bai Lang and the others were filled with hatred.

A handsome young man quietly appeared from behind him, looked at the disciples of the War Demon Palace and smiled: Who are these murderers looking for to cause trouble? Is it possible that there are thief bald men peeking into the camp?

However, it was really a good show. The War Demon Palace and the bald donkeys from the Great Vajra Temple actually had a head-to-head fight here. It was really exciting.

We have passed the news here to the leader, just wait, the leader will definitely make a decision.

Hey! Bai Lang touched his buttocks, which were still in severe pain after applying ointment, and said softly: Just be afraid, we won't be able to hold on until the leader's order is sent... Senior brother, our Paradise Palace and the War Demon How is your relationship with the palace?

Wang Pu is involved with the War Demon Palace. Bai Lang has been beaten with military sticks these days and is hysterical. He wants to make peace with Wang Pu through the relationship with the Paradise Palace.

The young man looked at Wang Pu in shock, suddenly stretched out his finger and poked his forehead affectionately: Junior brother, I'm afraid you are confused. Our Paradise Palace and the War Demon Palace are both demonic paths... Do you know what the demonic path is?

Wang Pu doesn't know that you brothers are my disciples of Paradise Palace. You just beat them with military sticks every day. If he knew...are you afraid that you will have to charge into the battle yourself and fight against the thief Tudu of the Great Vajra Temple?

As soon as the young man finished speaking, more than a dozen messenger soldiers were already galloping over, and a roll of military order documents, with the sound of breaking wind, hit Bai Lang straight in the face.

Bai Lang had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the official document.

A messenger shouted sternly: According to the order of General Zhuge, the army will fight back against the rebels tomorrow. With the cooperation of the army from the direction of Wei County, the general ordered Baizhu Bo Tong's army to be the right wing vanguard and attack first!

Bai Lang looked pale and looked at the disciples of Paradise Palace beside him.

Two more disciples of Paradise Palace came out of the tent. They looked towards the Anpingguan wall with dark eyes: Junior brother Bai, tell me, they have discovered our whereabouts, right?

On March 3rd, early in the morning, before dawn, Lu Qian led his people out of the county governor's mansion and walked slowly out of the west gate of Weijun City.

Outside the city of Chujun, in the camp of Lu Qian's army, smoke was lingering and rice and meat were fragrant.

The soldiers got up, changed their guard, and began to organize the camp.

The logistics soldiers carried grain and fed the mounts.

The entire camp suddenly became alive and vivid.

In particular, a convoy that followed Lu Qian into the camp brought cartloads of gold, silver, and copper coins.

Lu Qian opened his mouth last night and asked Wang Hu for a huge amount of pensions, development expenses and other expenses. Wang Hu contacted the officials of the aristocratic family in Weijun City and ran around for half a night, and finally managed to collect the cash. Lu Qian sent it.

Early in the morning, Lu Qian asked people to distribute money in the camp.

The soldiers, whether they were the Forbidden Army, the Yulin Army, the Palace Guards, the Cang Langqi, or Lu Qian's bodyguards, all received an inexplicable amount of extra money early in the morning, and their morale was greatly boosted, and their energy levels were immediately lifted. got up.

Outside Lu Qian's camp, at some point, a group of burly men in city defense uniforms appeared.

They held an official document issued by Wang Hu, euphemistically claiming that they were here to assist Lu Qian's army in fighting.

They are all disciples of the War Demon Palace.

As long as Lu Qian's army takes the secret medicine of the War Demon Palace, when the medicine takes effect, they will immediately activate the secret method to control this army of puppets, stab the army from behind, and kill the rebels by surprise. At the same time, they will kill Lu Yi, Lu Jun, Lu Yi and others were all wiped out.

They waited quietly outside the camp.

From the moment the sun rises, wait until it reaches three poles above the sun.

Three poles from sunrise to nearly noon.

In Lu Qian's army camp, the soldiers had already had breakfast. Groups of soldiers put on their helmets and armor and began daily drills around the camp. The logistics soldiers also escorted the mounts to the nearby river, let the mounts drink enough river water, and then returned to the camp.

Time passed little by little, and smoke rose again. In Lu Qian's camp, the leading soldiers began to cook lunch.

The disciples of the War Demon Palace were stunned.

This thing is wrong.

Wang Hu said that he had already agreed with Lu Qian last night that Lu Qian’s army should move towards Anping Pass after breakfast, and cooperate with the main force of the anti-rebellion army at Anping Pass to clean up the chaos outside Anping Pass in one fell swoop. ?

What, no movement?

With the intervention of the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple, the rebels were very powerful and difficult to deal with. Wang Pu placed all his hopes on wiping out the rebels on Lu Qian, a puppet transformed from an elite army!

The gate of Weijun City opened, and Wang Hu, sensing that something was wrong, hurried out of the city.

After a lot of reporting, Wang Hu finally saw Lu Qian in the Chinese army's tent, who was holding a military book and studying the art of war.

Mr. Tianyang, why haven't you sent out troops yet? Wang Hu shouted rudely when he saw Lu Qian.

Send troops? I'm here to supervise the army. General Wang Puzhang is responsible for the war... Why do I want to send troops? Lu Qian asked Wang Hu with an innocent look on his face and a confused look on his face.

You took my money last night and promised me to send troops today to cooperate with the general to put down the rebellion! Wang Hu was furious, jumping to his feet and yelling.

Money? What money? Lu Qian stood up suddenly, pointed at Wang Hu and yelled: You dare to accuse me of accepting your dirty money? You are so presumptuous, so presumptuous... Come on, drag me down and beat up a hundred troops. stick!

Wang Hu was dragged out at a loss, pushed down at the gate of the camp and beaten severely.

Severe pain struck, and Wang Hu fainted.

Before fainting, Wang Hu finally understood - Lu Qian, you have defaulted on your debt!

He actually defaulted on his debt!

This one kills a thousand cuts, puppy!

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