Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 148 Turning the Tide

Imperial College, Gongfang.

Behind Bai Changkong, there is a wooden screen made of pine wood, on which the ancestors of the Zhu family, a sage family, were burned with a soldering iron. Zhu Sheng, a literary and educational figure, led his disciples to the top of Dongshenzhou Mountain (you) to Jiujiu. Qianhanshi taught the classic Taoist Teaching Picture of Mount Yaoshan.

Behind this screen, behind the gauze curtain, is a cloud bed.

On weekdays, if Bai Changkong works too late in the Imperial College, this cloud bed is where he stays at night.

In order to reflect Bai Changkong's 'incorruption' and 'self-denial', in the past, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, only a mat made of bamboo skin was spread on the cloud bed, paired with a thin quilt weighing less than three kilograms.

But today, the cloud bed was filled with top-quality silks and satins. The contemporary leader of the Paradise Palace in luxurious clothes, a beautiful woman whose alias was Bai Changkong's distant cousin-in-law, was leaning against the cloud bed.

In the public room, Bai Lu hissed and roared at Bai Changkong, taunting him to his heart's content, using the life and death of the hundreds of thousands of Imperial College students to squeeze out the negative emotions in Bai Changkong's heart.

Bai Changkong smiled like the leader of Paradise Palace, his smile was subtle, without any emotion.

At the moment when Yinyuan handed over Ruyi to Bai Shuang and promised her the position of noble concubine, a layer of pink mist aura grew out of thin air next to the leader of Paradise Palace who was leaning on the cloud bed.

Wisps of dense air, accompanied by hints of dazzling sounds of nature, emerged from a place half a foot above the body of the leader of the Paradise Palace, falling bit by bit and blending into her body.

A pink brilliance burst out from the eyes of the leader of the Paradise Palace. Pink mist swirled around her, and countless enchanting beauties, muscular handsome men, and all kinds of exaggerated images of extravagance and lewdness far beyond the imagination of the world appeared.

She took a deep breath and slowly sat up straight.

With a 'ding' sound, a thin pink mark split between her eyebrows, and then her entire skin split left and right along this mark, and a perfect piece of beauty skin fell off her body.

Just like the larva of a butterfly sheds its skin and turns into a gorgeous swallowtail butterfly, as this beauty skin fades away, the leader of the Paradise Palace turns into a beautiful and fragrant person with an extremely noble temperament. At first glance, he is only eighteen A nine-year-old stunning beauty.

Her hair was hanging down, and her dark hair was dragged under the cloud bed. At first glance, her long hair was actually more than eight feet long.

The mutton-fat jade-like skin has a faint sheen of orbs. Under the fair skin, there are occasionally golden-pink petal patterns looming. At this moment, the leader of the Paradise Palace feels like the flying goddess from myths and legends has descended into the world, and there is even more on her body. A refreshing and fragrant fragrance spreads out.

Sure enough, it's done!

The leader of Paradise Palace chuckled and gently held the piece of beauty skin that had fallen off in his arms.

Fight for luck, patch up the secret of heaven...fight, fight, fight, fight for your mother's big head!

That's bullshit Dayin's luck. As long as I send out a proud disciple, I can easily get this huge benefit... You still have to work hard and fight and fight for it. How can you be like me? Cheap?

With a 'puff' smile, the leader of the Paradise Palace said faintly: However, I can't blame you. Tsk, even the thief Bald of the Buddhist sect and the thief of the Taoist sect, you can't choose a good daughter to send to the palace.

Are you fellow disciples of the devil? Tsk, those embryo-killing shrews you raised are really embarrassing to us women!

The leader of the Paradise Palace slowly stood up, turned sideways, and faced a huge crystal mirror placed at the end of the cloud bed, admiring the stunning and enchanting figure who looked like a divine concubine in the mirror.

Bai Lu heard the movement behind the screen, and her face suddenly darkened: Is there someone inside? Or a woman? Hey, old guy, I know you are not serious, but I didn't expect that you dare to hide a woman in the public room of the Imperial College?

Bai Lu suddenly laughed again, her mouth split open with laughter, and both rows of big teeth were exposed to the air.

So, why don't you blame me? The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. You yourself are such a virtuous person. You teach me to follow the rules and follow the etiquette?

It's all your fault that our family is in such a miserable situation!

Bai Lu pointed at Bai Changkong and roared.

What kind of tragedy is the Bai family in? What kind of tragedy can it be? Bai Changkong clasped his hands behind his back and looked leisurely at his granddaughter, whom he once regarded as the apple of his eye: You will soon be forgotten by the world. And I, the Bai family, will become relatives of the emperor. , the family is prospering, and it’s not a bad idea to achieve immortality in the future!”

Immortal way? Bai Lu's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead.

Immortal! Bai Changkong looked at Bai Lu with a smile: Are you surprised? Or even a little horrified? Well, at home, only your uncle originally knew about this matter. Your father and others only knew a little bit about it. Our family has a huge backing.”

Do you think the Bai family will be in ruins because of you? Bai Changkong shook his head and said, You think too highly of yourself.

Bai Lu was furious and screamed at Bai Changkong.

Her eyes turned blood-colored. Because of Bai Changkong's words, the trace of clarity she barely maintained in her heart was instantly wiped out. She stretched out her two hands, and her bloody nails protruded more than a foot long, like ten daggers, piercing Bai Changkong's chest fiercely.

The leader of the Paradise Palace floated out from behind the screen.

Beside her, the beautiful skin she shed has merged together perfectly, and the existence of the previous gap is not visible at all.

Beauty Skin was like a real beauty, floating quietly beside her, with its dark empty eyes staring straight at Bai Lu.

A 'ding' sound.

An orb the size of a fist, completely pink, with traces of pink smoke lingering in front of Bai Changkong blocked Bai Changkong. Bai Lu's nails hit the seemingly weak smoke, and actually splashed countless sparks, but not even a trace of smoke could be seen. scratched.

An extreme sense of danger came over, and when the beauty next to the leader of Paradise Palace grabbed her, Bai Lu let out a long roar, and her body suddenly flashed.

Bai Lu disappeared, and a beautiful woman wearing a red dress appeared in the public house, replacing the original Bai Lu.

Beauty Skin grabbed the beautiful woman, and the beautiful woman let out a shrill howl. Her figure flickered for a moment and disappeared without a trace. A lifelike and vivid picture appeared on the back of Beauty Skin. Beautiful face.

You have a good granddaughter. The leader of the Paradise Palace said leisurely: I was worried about where to find the souls of so many beauties to worship my 'Picture of Ten Thousand Beauties of Bliss', but she actually sent me so many beauties. Son.

Hey, hey, this is really the luck of my Heavenly Palace.

Bai Changkong smiled and looked at her deeply: This is the blessing of the leader. From now on, I hope the leader will give me more support in my journey to the great immortal world.

The leader of Paradise Palace smiled, and naturally rubbed his left hand on Bai Changkong's old face. Then he suddenly retracted it as if he was electrocuted, and wiped it hard on his clothes again and again.

Bai Changkong looked at her resentfully.

The leader of the Paradise Palace smiled and said: This leader only loves handsome men. You are a bit older, and your face is full of pits and wrinkles... But it doesn't matter. I think your sons are all good, hehe, hehe!

Bai Changkong rolled his eyes.

While wiping his palms on his clothes, the leader of Paradise Palace walked to the window and looked at the dense red figures in the sky and underground of the Imperial Academy.

She smiled and nodded. The pink mist around her continued to grow out of thin air. A vast aura gradually rose up from her body. The beauty skin floating around her flew out together with the pink orb.

The orb released pink Xia Ni, which caused severe pain in the eyes of the supervisor who was scared to death. He was immediately stung by Xia Ni and could not open his eyes.

Wherever Beauty Skin passed, a violent surge swept out. These enchanting beauties screamed and were swallowed by Beauty Skin in one gulp, turning into lifelike beauty faces on Beauty Skin.

While the leader of Paradise Palace was doing something, he whispered to Bai Changkong: Get ready, after I take care of these poor little things, you can go outside and do whatever you want. What you scholars call...

Bai Changkong smiled and said: Haoran is upright!

The leader of the Paradise Palace cast a sidelong glance at him and said leisurely, Just tell those idiots that you used your awe-inspiring righteousness to repel these female ghosts and save the lives of these idiots.

Bai Changkong smiled and nodded: They all have extraordinary family backgrounds. If they can become outer disciples of our sect.

The leader of the Paradise Palace curled his red lips and said sarcastically: Oh, do you think anyone can become a disciple of our sect? Outer disciples? It depends on their qualifications. However, let them become a great complement to the female disciples of our sect. Soup, I think, they can do it!”

There were screams in the air.

Bai Lu was suspended in the air, and a jade flute vibrated beside her, continuously emitting streams of gloomy cold light that struck downwards.

The pink orb of the leader of the Paradise Palace was suspended in the air, turning into a pink rainbow covering a ten-foot radius, covering the left and right, and easily blocked all Bai Lu's attacks.

While doing this, she chuckled at Bai Lu: Little girl, I see that you are quite spiritual. Considering your connection with this religion, I will give you a chance to be the master of my Ten Thousand Beautiful Pictures of Bliss. How is your soul?

After passing this village, there is no such store... If you enter my Wanmei Tu, you will live forever. How many people can't ask for it?

Suddenly, the beauty's skin floating in the air flickered, and in an instant it was behind Bai Lu, spraying out countless strands of pink smoke and turning into extremely thin chains to cover her.

Bai Lu screamed, her body swayed, and she turned into a ball of cold wind and ran away without a trace.

Old woman, wait and see...I am not your opponent today, just wait...I am not done with you for today's feud!

The leader of Paradise Palace said leisurely: It's just sneaky, haha, where did you get such a big tone?

Beauty skins were flying all over the sky, and the red figures inside and outside the Imperial Academy had been swept away until there were only a few left.

Bai Changkong had already jumped out of the public room, jumped into the air, and jumped to a tall building. Then he took a deep breath and roared loudly: How can you be so sneaky and dare to break into our Imperial College? You really think that we, a cultural and educational sage, are so righteous and upright, but what? Can’t you wait for evil spirits?”

The Master said that the rules of human relations are called 'rituals'!

Bai Changkong shouted loudly, and a wave of heat rushed out of his body, sweeping across dozens of feet in an instant.

Over the entire Imperial Academy, the ghostly aura was swept away. Countless supervisors were refreshed. When they opened their eyes, they saw Bai Changkong slowly rising from the top of the tall building, with majestic energy rippling around him, and several broken ghost figures struggling to pass by him. He escaped, but was caught in the white air waves visible to the naked eye, and was instantly smashed into pieces.

Oh my God, I'm afraid that Bai Shanchang is not a saint descending to earth? Immediately, someone shouted loudly, and some even knelt on the ground.

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