Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 149: Turning the Tide (2)

While those women in red were walking through the air, causing the entire Haojing City to become restless, the Tianen Palace was still peaceful.

After all, Tian'en Gong's Mansion is located in the northernmost part of Anlefang, and the surrounding area is clean. There are no brothels, brothels, people's teeth, or Jiaofangsi, Weaving Bureau and other places that harbor filth.

Just yesterday, Mrs. Hu was frightened to the point of going crazy when she was upstairs in her small building. Then she rolled down the small building and fell half to death.

The family general of Tian'en Gongfu found Lu Wei who was supervising the work in Baimafang and invited him back.

Mrs. Hu was so frightened by Bai Lu who suddenly turned into smoke and fled away, and two green sword lights, that Lu Wei rushed home. She was already huddled in the bed, trembling and talking nonsense, almost delirium.

Fortunately, Lu Wei was accompanied by the evil-dispelling monk. He read a mantra to Mrs. Hu to soothe the nerves and drive away evil spirits. He also took a small bag of incense ash and asked the maid to rinse it with water and drink it for Mrs. Hu. Mrs. Hu also stopped.

When Bai Lu and Duan Fangyu started to activate, Lu Yi was asking Shi Evil for advice on cultivation issues because of what happened to Mrs. Hu yesterday.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Shi Xie first pointed out several problems in Lu Yi's practice, and explained to him the essence of the fundamental method of the Mahavajra Temple. Then he talked about the bloody smoke and cyan sword light that Mrs. Hu had seen yesterday. Clear up doubts about Lu Yi’s missionary work.

As one of the three sects, three temples and three Zen forests of Buddhism, and as a protector of Buddhism, the Mahavajra Temple has countless Buddhist scriptures.

Many classics have been preserved from ancient times by our ancestors who spent endless efforts and huge costs.

Shi Evil first explained to Lu Wei the origin of the sneaky spirit and some knowledge about Buddhist salvation, and then began to tell the general details of the Sword Cultivator lineage.

Sword cultivation is an extreme way of cultivation.

The most famous sword cultivator in the world and the inheritance left behind is none other than the Dao Sect Heart Sword Sect. It was the lower branch of the supreme Heavenly Emperor Sword Sect in the ancient times. Unfortunately, the heaven and earth changed, and the Heavenly Emperor Sword Sect was completely extinct. The inheritance is pathetic. ”

By the way, in today's secular world, the Haojian Palace of the Eastern Shen Sect, which is known as the royal thug of culture and education, has the shadow of the Heart Sword Sect behind it. Those miscellaneous Taoist priests are unwilling to admit this, but the Haojian Palace of the Haojian Palace The palace masters in the past dynasties were all named Zhuge, and within the Heart Sword Sect, there is an inherited sword master also named Zhuge.

In the future, you must be careful when dealing with people from Haojian Palace. You would rather strike first. Even if you hit the wrong person, you cannot let them use the sword earlier than you.

Lu Ning listened attentively to the teachings of releasing evil.

The emphasis of our technique is to condense the indestructible body of the vajra. When the body is completed, all evil will not be invaded and all methods will not be broken. No one in the same realm can break through the defense of our body.

But those sword cultivators are so disgusting!

Shi Egan's thin face showed a rare look of disgust.

Our Buddhist practice is all within ourselves.

And most of the sword cultivators' cultivation is based on a sword.

If they get a good sword, they will bless it for generations, refine it for generations, and constantly infuse it with their own essence and spirit. The sword will naturally become stronger and stronger. At the end, when one sword is struck, it will have the power to open up the world.

Therefore, there are many sword cultivating sects and aristocratic families, some of them are arrogant juniors who have no cultivation level themselves, but relying on a good sword passed down from their ancestors, they dare to run rampant outside.

There are records in the handbooks of our ancestors left behind by the Great Vajra Temple. Many senior monks of our sect have opened golden lotuses in the fierce fire. After seeing the practice of the true Buddha, they were accidentally attacked by swordsmen in the furnace realm. , one sword cut through the golden body, ruining the practice.

So, when you see a sword cultivator, you either don't mess with him, or you attack him directly behind his back... I, the Buddha, am merciful and directly save him. This also resolves the murderous evil and prevents them from getting into trouble with a good sword and causing trouble for them. Disaster for the world.

Lu Yan looked at Shi Xie with enlightenment.

To strike first, to attack behind the scenes, to transcend those sword cultivators... can feelings also 'benefit the world'?

My senior brother is truly worthy of being a virtuous and eminent monk, and he can make all these words come true!

Lu Wei was about to ask more about the situation of various sects in the world of cultivation. Suddenly there was a noise outside, and a guard of Cang Langqi hurried in and hissed: Master, in the Huayang Hou Mansion across the street. , a monster covered in black scales rushed out and killed people randomly.

Lu Wei and Shi E were startled when they heard the sound and hurried towards the front yard.

The two of them walked very fast and rushed to the front door in a few steps. Without opening the door, they jumped directly onto the gate tower and looked outside.

In front of the Tianen Gong Mansion, there is a huge square.

Opposite the square, there is also a wealthy family, the family of Huayang Hou Mansion.

The Huayang Marquis Mansion is also the founding hero of Dayin, but the ancestor who won the title was from a commoner, and his family background is far different from that of a truly aristocratic family such as Laiguo Gongfu.

There were quite a lot of losers in the family, including several generations of prodigal marquises. They even offended the emperor in some places and were severely cut off in rank and salary, fined heavily several times, and almost lost their ancestral title.

As early as three generations ago, the Huayang Hou Mansion seemed to be in ruins. Now, the Huayang Hou Mansion, the direct descendants and branches, that is, the eight-bedroom family, have only a thousand relatives and relatives in Haojing.

Because of his declining family background and in order to save money, the Huayang Marquis Mansion only kept 300 generals, barely maintaining the basic dignity of the Founding Marquis.

Now the smell of blood is overflowing in the Huayang Hou Mansion, and all three hundred generals have turned into monsters covered with black scales and tangled muscles. They rushed out of the mansion, roaring and continuously attacking the main entrance of Tian'en Gong Mansion.

Lu Yi returned to Haojing to visit his relatives and brought three thousand wolf riders into the city. Now these three thousand people are following Lu Jun and Lu Yi on their business trip to Anping Prefecture.

He stationed 10,000 wolf cavalry outside the city, and he transferred another 3,000 people into the city to serve as guards of honor.

Those who were able to follow Lu Yi back to Haojing were all the outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple that he had secretly developed in Beijing City over the years, and they also practiced the foundational skills of the Great Vajra Temple.

Three hundred black-scale monsters roared and shouted, like wild beasts constantly attacking.

Hundreds of expressionless Wolf Riders, wearing heavy armor and holding sabers, formed a solid formation and stood together with these black-scaled monsters.

The black-scaled monsters swooped down, and the Cang Langqiu slashed with his sword.

The saber slashed heavily on the black-scaled monsters. There was only a ding-dong sound, sparks flew everywhere, and the black scales were split into white cracks. The saber forged from fine steel was also cracked, as if it had been gnawed by a dog. Same.

Lu Yi's pupils condensed and he said in a deep voice: What are these things? How come such hard scales...

The roars continued. At first, the Wolf Riders were able to fight these black-scaled monsters vigorously, but gradually, the manpower was exhausted, and these black-scaled monsters seemed to be tired.

Gradually, the Canglang Cavalry's feet shook and they retreated step by step.

The black-scaled monsters were spitting saliva, and their sharp claws kept leaving deep cracks on the heavy armor of the Cang Langqi.

Senior brother? Lu Yi looked at Shi evil.

Shi Wu frowned and took out a pack of fist-sized incense ash from his sleeve: This is the incense ash that has been enshrined in front of the holy statue of Vajra Bodhisattva in our temple for at least a hundred years. Let's try it.

Lu Yan took the incense ashes, and at this moment, in the direction of the imperial city, bloody light pillars and black wolf smoke rose into the sky.

The high-pitched golden bell sounded softly a moment later.

Lu Wei squinted his eyes, looked at the bloody smoke in the direction of the imperial city, and murmured: It can't be these monsters causing trouble in Haojing City, right? Someone is here!

Lu Yi gave the order, and the generals of the personal guards came forward.

A small packet of incense ash was carefully smeared on the knife edge by the Canglang Riders.

It is strange to say that after the incense ash is applied to the edge of the knife, it actually emits a faint light and blends into the knife like mercury flowing down the ground. It is really magical.

These Canglang Cavalry were finished and took the place of the fighting Paoze, facing those black-scaled monsters.

When the saber slashed at the black scale before, there was only a jingling sound, but it was unable to cause any substantial damage to the black scale monster.

But after applying such a thin layer of incense ash, the blade of the blade touched the black scales, and a faint golden light burst out immediately. There was a constant puff sound, and the black scales were easily broken open. The saber cut these black scales like tofu. The monster was chopped into pieces.

The foundation of these black scale monsters is the family guards of Huayang Hou Mansion. Their strength is far inferior to that of Canglang Cavalry. They only rely on their mutated black scales to fight against Canglang Cavalry. impressive.

The black scales were broken and the mutated bodies were destroyed. Facing the fierce and murderous Wolf Riders, these black scale monsters were killed in just a few breaths.

A strange roar came from the Huayang Hou Mansion.

The eldest son of the contemporary Marquis of Huayang, with a big mouth open and a long tongue spitting out, rushed out of the Marquis' mansion and grinned at Lu Wei.

Good job, Mr. Tianen. Hehe, I remember you. If you dare to delay my great cause of becoming an immortal, from now on...

Shi evil beside Lu Yi flicked his right hand, and a red copper Bodhi seed roared out with a bit of golden light and hit him hard on the chest.

With a loud noise, Prince Huayang's chest dented, and a flesh and blood hole the size of a basin exploded.

I heard him howl hoarsely, and then his limbs suddenly folded back, in an extremely twisted posture, with his face facing up, and his limbs on the ground. With a 'swish', he rushed back to the gate of Huayang Hou Mansion, jumping a few times. Just ran away without a trace.

Lu Yi was stunned.

Shi Xie's face turned red.

Lu Ye said in a deep voice: Imperial city warning, there are changes in Haojing. Senior brother?

Shi E nodded slowly and took out several fist-sized ash packets from his sleeves: Take it and use it, be careful. There is no need to save this ash. I don't know how much has been accumulated in the mountain gate over the years.

It's just that I don't have much with me. I'll ask your senior brother Shie to send you more later.

You go ahead. Don't worry about the safety of your house. I'm here to take care of you. It's not worth a little evil.

Lu Yi nodded in agreement and quickly dispersed the ashes.

The Canglang riders smeared the incense ash on their sabers, on the arrowheads they carried with them, and on their long horse stalls.

Everything is ready, and the golden bells in the imperial city are ringing more and more urgently.

Lu Yi shouted loudly, jumped on his mount Canglang King, and led the Canglang Cavalry towards the imperial city in a majestic charge.

Wherever it passed, arrows shot everywhere like a strong wind.

In various large and small houses, black-scaled monsters swooped out, and were killed by these wolf riders on the spot.

Hearing the cries in those houses, Lu Yi from time to time dispatched a small team of Canglang Riders to rush in and rescued many officials.

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