Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 151: Turning the Tide (4)

Zhuge Li and other generals who came from cultural and educational families are useless.

The achievements they relied on to get promoted were all outlandish, and they were nothing more than killing bandits and the like.

When it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, all of them are top players; but when it comes to fighting, they all talk eloquently but have nothing to say.

Wang Pu was furious, and after discussing for a while with no results, he drove them all out, leaving only a few disciples of the War Demon Hall.

Things are getting tricky. Wang Pu patted his neck hard and said with a wry smile: The rebels in Anping Prefecture are their people; the ones who urged us to put down the rebels are also their people.

Then Lu Qian issued a reprimand order. He is holding the Emperor's Scepter. If he really makes up his mind, he can kill me first and then kill me!

Wang Pu smiled bitterly and said: How can those bald thieves be so shameless?

A War Demon Palace disciple laughed dryly and said comfortingly: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. In a few days, the reinforcements from the sect will arrive. After they arrived, they killed the three puppies with heavy blows. Hey, that number Wan Jingli can still get it in his hands.

Wang Pu was still scratching his head in distress: I didn't expect that marching and fighting would be such a troublesome thing. The elite city defense force that we have painstakingly trained can't defeat a group of random people. This is completely unreasonable.

After a pause, Wang Pu asked: Did the sect bring the holy medicine again?

A War Demon Palace disciple nodded: Among the teachers who came to reinforce this time, there are ten people from the Fiery Realm and three people from the Half-step Golden Lotus. The holy medicine they brought is enough for a million people... As long as they are willing to sacrifice those soldiers, it will be enough for us. Build an invincible army.

Wang Pu had a gloomy face and said coldly: At this point, what else is there to be reluctant to give up? If Anping Prefecture is not pacified and those bald thieves are not allowed to be proud, my position in the court will inevitably be affected... If I was replaced by someone else...

All the disciples of the War Demon Palace frowned at the same time.

Wang Pu is the representative of their War Demon Palace in the Dayin Court, and is the most respected disciple. In this age of great strife, one can imagine the significance of having an important minister as a disciple in the court to the sect.

If Wang Pu is really kicked out because of his inability to quell the chaos, it will be a huge loss to the War Demon Palace.

Stomping his feet fiercely, a War Demon Palace disciple gritted his teeth and said: That's the only way it can be. Tomorrow, I'll wait for my fellow apprentices to charge in again... Using the bloody tactics, even if the essence is wasted, we must kill more thieves. Tu, at least clear up the chaos outside Anping Pass.

The faces of the disciples of the War Demon Palace were solemn, and their eyes were extremely complicated.

In today's world, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is shattered. The cultivation they have today is all due to their hard work and accumulation in the mountain gate.

Following Wang Pu these days, to be honest, when they fought with the outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple, both sides only used the most basic skills, and they were reluctant to use some methods that seriously damaged their vitality and even damaged their foundation. use.

But seeing Wang Pu in a critical situation... they would have to work hard no matter what tomorrow.

The sect has strict rules. If they have made enough contributions, they will definitely receive a lot of rewards when it comes to judging their merits.

Tomorrow, we will go out with all our strength. If there are any good things that the teacher has given us to save our lives, don't hide them. A man walking outside the Demon Palace's outer gate said coldly: In addition, put more manpower on the west side of the city wall. ...I always feel a little uneasy.”

Wang Pu smiled and waved his hand: Brothers, please rest assured on this point. Anping Prefecture is the territory that our cultural and educational families have been operating for more than ten years. Although the rebels were lucky enough to capture some cities, they want to really capture it. Anping Prefecture...they don’t have this ability.”

In a war, you can't win a war just by relying on those thieves and some skilled masters.

As if he had received the news that the masters from the War Demon Palace were coming to help, Wang Pu inexplicably regained his confidence in his own martial arts strategy. He was talking and laughing with high spirits, and he felt a bit complacent.

White fog spread rapidly in the streets.

Dahuang walked slowly beside Lu Qian, letting out a low growl from his throat from time to time.

Wherever they passed, those patrolling teams were also followed by vigilant dogs. But when they heard Dahuang's roar in the distance, these fierce dogs all clamped their tails and lowered their heads, turning a blind eye to Dahuang and Lu Qian who were passing by in the white mist.

High in the sky, large parrots were circling.

On the ground, the rabbit was traveling at high speed.

Lu Qian kidnapped a mid-level officer of the counter-rebellion army on the way, dragged him to an alley, and after a little use of his muscle-splitting hand, the officer honestly explained where Wang Pu was stationed.

After knocking the officer unconscious and throwing him in an alley, Lu Qian came to Wang Pu's residence.

This is a huge courtyard.

There are sentry towers and archery towers all around, with sentinel archers on duty at night.

There were patrols patrolling around the yard.

At the gate of the yard, there are more than a dozen large fire pots lined up in a row, filled with lamp oil, and the fire is blazing, illuminating the front door.

Lu Qian took out the small windmill and shook it gently.

The spiritual light in my mind rippled, and several wind patterns on the small windmill lit up. A bad wind rose from the ground and blew past. A dozen large fire pots were blown up by the strong wind, and large pieces of kerosene rolled towards the fire. He poured it on the hundreds of heavily armored soldiers standing in front of the door.

Dozens of heavily armored soldiers were doused with burning kerosene.

They let out a low groan, quickly dropped their weapons, and quickly slapped their hands with traces of black smoke on their bodies.

The burning high-temperature oil was completely extinguished with a snap of their fingers.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

A huge man in golden armor suddenly jumped out from behind the gatehouse. He said in a deep voice: Be careful, the wind is so weird, be careful of someone...

Lu Qian raised the small windmill in his hand.

With a scream of chiliu, the small windmill rotated, and dozens of palm-sized wind knives were sprayed out at high speed, flying forward erratically following the rapidly changing zigzag trajectory.

Dozens of War Demon Palace disciples who were busy using their methods to extinguish the fire were caught off guard. Flying knives whirled past their necks at high speed. A thin line of blood appeared on their necks, and then the blood was like a fountain, 'chichichi. 'It sprayed out several feet away.

The big man in golden armor roared loudly: The enemy...

He wanted to dodge.

But Lu Qian stepped on the strong wind and flew out of the alley covered in white mist. The small windmill in his hand was spinning, and pieces of wind knives kept flying out, covering all the vital parts of his body.

The big man in golden armor couldn't dodge, and the wind knife tore his armor apart, and cut into his body with a chichi sound.

The big man in golden armor didn't bother to shout out the complete word enemy attack. He held his breath and luck, and a large black smoke filled his body. His body suddenly grew more than a foot taller, with bulging muscles and faint black lines emerging underneath.

The wind knife, which easily killed dozens of War Demon Palace disciples, cut two inches deep into the muscles of the golden-armored man and could no longer make an inch.

Lu Qian's pupils condensed.

The big man in golden armor grinned ferociously, raised his head, and gave Lu Qian a deep look.

In the blink of an eye, the rabbit swooped out of the mist. On its four paws, silver-white sharp claws more than an inch long protruded, slashing and scratching with a large cold light.

The big man in golden armor howled miserably. His specially thickened triple golden armor was cut into pieces, and then his whole body was torn into pieces by the rabbit in an instant.

The rabbit landed heavily, roaring haha in its throat, raised its right paw, and swung forward fiercely.

Hearing a clang sound like the collision of gold and jade, several streaks of white cold light spurted out from the rabbit's paws, turning into a three-foot-long light knife and slashing at the gate of the yard, directly cutting the half-foot-thick gate and the bucket-thick one behind the door. The iron door bolt was torn apart like tofu.

Dahuang jumped up and hit the door like a battering ram.


The entire courtyard door fell off the door frame, and with a strong wind, it flew back more than thirty feet against the ground.

The yard behind the gate was already densely packed with elite soldiers. The whole gate was slammed in front of your face with fierce force, and you could hear the sound of bones breaking. The gate swept across the array in the yard and forced a three-foot-wide path. , a flesh-and-blood alley more than thirty feet long.

The rhubarb fell to the ground with a loud 'boom' sound.

Then it suddenly saw the tragic scene of a river of blood behind the door. The guy shuddered, turned around with his tail between his legs, and ran behind Lu Qian with a 'chirp', and hid in a shrinking manner.

There was an extremely human expression on its dog's face - 'Such a cruel thing has nothing to do with me'!

A gentle crack sound came from the sky, and wisps of green bean-thick firelight were like arrows, like spring rain, pattering down. In an instant, fires were burning everywhere in the courtyard of Wang Pu's residence.

The wind rose from the ground, sweeping up the fire and burning it in all directions.

The temperature of this fire was more than ten times higher than that of ordinary firewood flames. Wherever the fire passed, the house and garden were quickly enveloped in flames, and half of the sky was burned red.

There were roars, shouts, and heavy footsteps from all directions. From all directions, countless counterinsurgent soldiers rushed to rescue.

But the fog is getting thicker and thicker.

Along with the deep breathing of the snapping turtle, the biting cold air burst out in the white mist. The soldiers who had just put on spring clothes felt more and more biting and cold as they got closer to Wang Pu's residence. Many people were shivering from the cold. I couldn't hold the weapons, and they all fell to the ground with a clatter.

Lu Qian rose into the air, stepped on the flowing wind, and took a step of dozens of feet. He drove straight in from the courtyard gate and broke into the courtyard.

In the front yard, a large group of soldiers recovered from the shock of the door slamming. Someone drew his bow and fired dozens of arrows at Lu Qian. However, before the arrows could get close to Lu Qian's body, he was struck by a The strong wind swept away without a trace.

Upstairs, Wang Pu and several War Demon Palace disciples opened the window and looked at Lu Qian, who was rushing towards him as fast as a meteor. Their eyes were also focused on the small windmill in Lu Qian's hand.

How dare you!

Lu Qian looked up and saw Wang Pu, and in the next moment, a mighty river of green wind knives swept through the entire small building.

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