Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 152: Hold the throat

Wind knives roared across the sky.

Wang Pu looked at the wind knife and instinctively thought of the tragic scene a few days ago when the entire wall of Anping Pass was almost torn apart by the wind knife.

Desperation struck, Wang Pu waved his arms wildly, one big and one small, and screamed hysterically.

A deacon from the outer gate of the War Demon Palace strode out. Looking at the wind knife rushing towards him, he also let out a roar of despair. The muscles on his body shriveled and collapsed in an instant, becoming like dried apricots.

Almost all the essence and blood in his body merged into a ball and rushed into his left palm.

He took out a palm-sized black bone shield with his right hand and slapped it hard on his left palm. With a muffled sound, his left palm exploded, and the blood mist instantly merged into the bone shield.

With a whoosh sound, a black bone shield with a diameter of six feet and a thickness of three inches, with strange animal head patterns on the surface, spurted out with a cold light.

The methods of the devil are indeed very different from those of the righteous way.

This black bone shield almost drained the outer gate deacon of the War Demon Palace, whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Furnace Realm. As the bone shield rotated, large black mist rose up, turning into black spheres about a foot in diameter in front of the shield. The whirlpool and the blue wind knife collided and swallowed crazily.

The wind knife and the whirlpool constantly collide and annihilate.

Wang Pu and others seemed to see a chance to escape. Wang Pu flicked his sleeves, threw away the outer deacon who was so shriveled that he couldn't move, and fled to the side with all his strength.

The disciples of the War Demon Palace were quite loyal. They rushed forward and reached out to grab the outer deacon who was risking his life.

When Lu Qian saw the movement in the building, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: It won't work unless there is some blood... Tsk!

With a long sigh, Lu Qian bit the tip of his tongue and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The speed of the small windmill's rotation increased tenfold. With the harsh chichi sound, 30% of the surging essence and blood in Lu Qian's body instantly disappeared. A fist-sized drop of Guixu Immortal Yuan in the Tanzhong acupoint burned 70%, and in his mind The light of his soul also dimmed. Lu Qian's body swayed, and blood flowed from all his seven orifices.

There was a muffled sound, and the ground for miles around trembled. Smoke and dust rose up from the sky, and tornadoes as thick as water tanks emerged from the ground. Around Lu Qian, buildings and houses collapsed one after another under the shaking of the tornado. Countless broken bricks, tiles, and even entire pillars were blown high into the sky by the tornado.

The exclamations of countless soldiers came from everywhere.

Even more knowledgeable generals were yelling: How can there be such a bad wind in such a heavy fog? This situation is wrong, wrong!

Yes, how could there be such a vicious tornado in such a heavy fog?

Countless wind knives condensed from the tornadoes, and then smashed towards the small building from all directions.

The whirlpools on the bone shield continued to annihilate, and then countless wind knives smashed into the bone shield. Hearing the sound of intensive collisions, the faint light on the surface of the bone shield was continuously broken open, and the wind knife slashed on the body of the bone shield.

In an instant, the bone shield transformed into its original palm-sized form and was split open by a wind knife.

Dahuang, who was originally hiding behind Lu Qian, roared and suddenly turned into a strong wind and rushed out. Before the bone shield flew far, Dahuang caught up with him and swallowed it in one gulp.

The rabbit was killing people wantonly in the yard just now. It was much faster than Dahuang, but the distance was also much farther. Seeing the bone shield being chopped away, the rabbit flew over and was just one step away from catching up with the bone shield. Dahuang swallowed the bone shield in one gulp, making the rabbit scream ouch in anger and shined at Dahuang. Liangzhao finally turned around dejectedly.

Countless wind knives were rolled towards the center, and screams were heard continuously. Wang Pu and the disciples of the War Demon Hall in the small building were all killed by the wind knives.

Inexplicably, a strange dense air appeared around Lu Qian, and traces of dense air continued to merge into Lu Qian's body. The consumption of the small windmill he had just driven crazily was replenished in a few breaths.

Subsequently, strange energy circulated in Lu Qian's body, and the large acupoints in his body continued to open up. The innate essence and blood that had been brewing and accumulated in these large acupoints since he was still in the womb was released and quickly sucked into the Tanzhong acupoint.

The Guixu Immortal Yuan that had just been consumed by 70% was shaking violently, and Lu Qian's furnace level cultivation began to soar rapidly.

Wulianggui Ruixi is the fundamental method of immortality of the Supreme Beiming Immortal Sect, and its practice in the furnace realm is much better than other sects at the same time.

The Wulianggui Ruins body is in the furnace realm. In addition to the most important and final fire acupoints of the five internal organs, a total of 360 major acupoints, 720 hidden acupoints, and 1,296 auxiliary acupoints can be opened in the Zhoutian.

With these large, hidden, and auxiliary points as the hub, in addition to the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve main meridians, the Wulianggui Xu Body can also break through thousands of other small hidden meridians.

From the skin to the veins, from the five internal organs to the bone marrow, even the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, brain, spine, etc., the Wulianggui Xu Body can develop almost all the innate mysteries of the human body, thereby forging the most powerful life in the world. furnace'!

In comparison, the orthodox Furnace Realm exercises currently circulated in the Great Vajra Temple, even the Golden Body of the Great Vajra Power Bodhisattva practiced by the inner sect, can only open 128 large acupoints and 344 hidden acupoints. There are fourteen points, and there are only one hundred and nine auxiliary points.

This is already the most powerful melting pot fundamental method of the three sects, three temples and three Zen forests of Buddhism. Buddhist monks all praise it as the golden body of Buddhism’s first protector and the strongest body in the world!

One large hole was opened one after another, and thirteen large holes were broken in an instant.

Thirteen large acupoints were opened, and part of the overflowing innate essence and blood energy followed the extremely small hidden veins and impacted and vibrated in the surroundings. Then, twenty-eight hidden acupoints and forty-nine auxiliary acupoints were overflowed. The energy of essence and blood was affected, and they also vibrated, thus activating the innate essence and blood contained within.

The hidden acupoints and auxiliary acupoints lit up one by one, and the tiny hidden veins that entangled in every corner of the body lit up.

The increasingly huge energy of essence and blood continuously washes through the whole body, and finally merges into the Tanzhong point.

The Guixu Immortal Essence, which was originally the size of a fist, gradually filled up to the size of a sea bowl, and its nature became more condensed and compressed, and the light was faintly like crystal.

Lu Qian took a long breath and blew on the windmill. The dense green wind patterns on the windmill continued to light up. His control over the windmill deepened a lot, and he became more and more comfortable in controlling it.

All around, tornadoes were raging.

Countless wind knives flew out of the tornado and struck all around.

The seemingly messy wind knife avoided the Pingluan soldiers who were scurrying around like headless flies, and specifically attacked the War Demon Palace disciples wearing black armor near the small courtyard.

The wind knife brought out sharp sounds of breaking through the air, and each of the War Demon Palace disciples was hit by the wind knife and flew into the air. Before they even landed on the ground, they exploded into magnificent blood flowers.

While Lu Qian was killing the disciples of the War Demon Palace, he waved the flagpole and shouted a few slogans of the rioters in embarrassment.

Cries such as The red lotus appears, enjoy peace, as Lu Chen drummed up the immortal energy, spread like thunder throughout the small half of Anping Pass.

Immediately there were shouts from everywhere.

The rioters have broken through the barrier, they have broken through the barrier!

Failed, defeated, run away!

I'm going to die, I'm going to die, give me a hand, hold me a hand!

Inside Anping Pass, the sound of weapons clashing came from several warehouses where military supplies were stored. The clever general and his soldiers want to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune!

Fires broke out in several warehouses where grain and grass were stored.

Inside Anping Pass, there are also the lucky ones who escaped with their families when the rebellion first broke out. They are all members of a cultural and educational family. When many people fled, their charming wives, beautiful concubines, handsome boys and beautiful maids were not among them. .

There were crazy soldiers from the counter-rebellion army who took the opportunity to deal cruel blows to these lucky people.

Break through the door, enter the house, chop to death the owner who ran out to intercept, and then plunder gold, silver, and soft goods to your heart's content, and enjoy those beautiful wives and concubines at the same time.

To the east of Anping Pass, dozens of miles away, the army under Lu Qian, led by Lu Jun and Lu Yi, displayed a full set of ceremonial guards and rushed towards Anping Pass at full speed.

Along the way, the Emperor's Scepter guided the way, and no one dared to stop him.

After only a few dozen miles, under the full sprint of these different-blooded mounts, they arrived in a moment. Lu Jun opened the city gate and led the army into Anping Pass.

The supervisory troops have entered the city, and the troops are calm!

All soldiers return to camp, no commotion allowed!

Those who cause trouble will die, those who plunder will die, and those who insult women will die!

The elite Canglang Cavalry, the Forbidden Army's heavy cavalry, and the Feather Forest Army's light cavalry, mixed with tens of thousands of palace guards, rushed in all directions as soon as they entered the city, frantically suppressing and killing the soldiers who were acting recklessly.

These 'elites' of the city defense army are no match for these Canglang Cavalry, Forbidden Army, and Yulin Army, not to mention that one side is already frightened, while the other side has high morale and righteousness at hand.

At dawn, Lu Chen's scepter and nine-curved green umbrella were already stuck on the gate tower of Anping Pass.

Lu Qian's army officially took over the city defense of Anping Pass.

As for Lu Qian, in the name of supervising the army, he took over the entire counter-rebellion army after Wang Pu was assassinated by the rebels and the peace-rebellion army responded to the high-level casualties.

At noon, a large red lotus flag was fluttering in the west of Anping Pass, and countless armed rioters poured in along the valley road towards the city wall of Anping Pass.

Lu Qian sent all the nine brothers Zhuge Li and Bai Lang, as well as brother Lu Jun's uncles and cousins, to the west city wall and asked them to lead the army and defend with all their might.

Zhuge Li is a dandy. If a fight starts, he will just hide and scream with his head in his hands.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi's uncles and cousins ​​are also from 'rich families'. People who can't even kill chickens with a kitchen knife on weekdays, you let them kill people with swords?

This is also a group of cowards who can only cower under the city wall and pee their pants.

The nine brothers of the Bai family, including Bai Lang, Bai Xi, and Bai Qiong, together with the disciples of Paradise Palace who guarded them, became the mainstay in resisting the chaos.

Facing Lu Qian's military order, Bai Lang and others held their noses and gritted their teeth, and went up to the city wall angrily. They worked hard as a fire brigade and fought fiercely all afternoon, but they managed to survive.

That night, news came from the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple outside the city.

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