Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 153: Holding the Throat (2)

In Haojing City, the ground is covered with chicken feathers.

There was smelly black blood everywhere. The patrolling Wuhou and the government officials of various government offices organized countless civilians to wash it with clean water again and again. There was still sticky plasma stubbornly adhering to everywhere, exuding a pungent smell. Stink.

Lu Yi led three thousand wolf cavalry, patrolling the area around the Imperial City and Jiuqu Garden.

The black scale monster is causing trouble, and the core outbreak locations are in the four first-level cities of Fengyu, Guotai and Minan.

They appeared too suddenly, their scales were too strong, and their strength weighed thousands of kilograms. They ran like horses. Each black-scaled monster could be regarded as a heavy cavalry running at full speed. It was really difficult to deal with them.

The city defense garrisons, patrolling Wuhou, and Sikotai policemen in the four major cities were almost all killed by these black-scaled monsters as long as they took to the streets to maintain order.

Even the Forbidden Army garrison, which had always maintained a 'strong military' demeanor, suffered heavy losses due to the black-scaled monster's surprise attack.

Fortunately, Lewu led a group of Le family generals and an elite heavy cavalry force from the general's palace to attack forcefully, and then forcefully suppressed the black-scaled monsters.

Even so, a general born in the Le family also lost nearly a hundred men in one battle. Le Wu was so heartbroken that he broke into the imperial city and cried loudly towards the Queen Mother. It is said that he fainted from crying several times.

Lu Yi's three thousand wolf cavalry, equipped with weapons smeared with incense ash offered to Buddhas in the Great Vajra Temple, could kill those black-scaled monsters with terrifying force.

In addition, these three thousand Cang Lang Cavalry are actually three thousand outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple. All of them have strong cultivation and are comparable to the masters of horizontal training in the Tuo Pulse Realm.

After several hours of high-intensity fighting, not a single one of the three thousand wolf riders was killed, hundreds were seriously injured, and more than a thousand were slightly injured. Nearly a hundred thousand black-scaled monsters were killed, and nearly a hundred families of officials were almost wiped out. Saved from doom.

The emperor was afraid of death. After learning about the glorious achievements of Lu Yi's Canglang Cavalry, he immediately ordered Lu Yi to lead the troops to patrol near Jiuqu Garden and defend the imperial city and Jiuqu Garden nearby.

At the same time, shocking news came from the Imperial College:

Tens of thousands of female ghosts broke into the Imperial College with the intention of destroying the culture and education seeds in the Imperial College. Unexpectedly, Bai Changkong, the deputy chief of the Imperial College, remained calm in the face of danger, and with a breath of righteousness cultivated for decades, he wiped out the tens of thousands of female ghosts. !

In Haojing City, countless shocked scholars have begun to praise Bai Changkong.

In just one day, Bai Changkong's reputation in Haojing City has skyrocketed, and he is expected to be the most eminent sage in the country.

There is even a group of cultural sages and celebrities who have always been friends with Bai Changkong. They consciously or unconsciously advocate that Bai Changkong has a sage style!

In the Imperial College, one hundred thousand prison students who had been rescued by Bai Changkong paid homage to Bai Changkong and regarded him as a 'living saint' with great admiration.

Most of the one hundred thousand supervisors come from powerful families and even princes from all over the world.

And they witnessed their classmates having their hearts ripped out by a female ghost and died. They were indeed saved from the brink of death by Bai Changkong!

The hundred thousand supervising students shed tears of gratitude and regarded Bai Changkong as their reborn parents.

They even saw with their own eyes that the white sky hung high in the void. After a loud roar, heat waves surged between the sky and the earth, and righteousness overflowed. The ghost fog in the sky disappeared without a trace, and the sun was still shining brightly and the years were quiet.

They really regard Bai Changkong as 'sacred'!

This favor.

This connection.

No matter how many overt or covert conflicts the Bai family and Lu Qian had before, no matter how embarrassing and embarrassing the Bai family had fallen into under Lu Qian's intentional or unintentional blows.

After this battle, the Bai family completely turned over.

Bai Changkong, in the cultural and educational circles of Haojing, really has a prestige that is comparable to the dead saint and the most great living sage!

Leading the Canglang Cavalry slowly across the large stone bridge between the Imperial City and Jiuqu Garden, Lu Wei frowned and looked in the direction of Kunpengfang Imperial Academy.

Bai Changkong, can he save those stinky scholars from tens of thousands of female ghosts?

Haha. With such great ability, how could he be forced into such an embarrassing situation by Brother Gen?

Tsk, tsk.

The distant niece sent to the palace...the imperial concubine appointed by the emperor...and...the Paradise Palace?

Lu Wei narrowed his eyes and whispered: Haha, what a plan. This matter must be discussed with the brothers. Does the move of the Paradise Palace violate the secret agreement of the three religions? At this juncture, it is not a matter of turn. Will they take action?

In the sky, three-headed eagles descended from the sky and flew towards Lu Wei and the two generals beside him.

Lu Yan raised his hand, caught the falcon, unhooked a small copper tube from the talons of the falcon, took out the information written in secret language, squinted and read it carefully.

Huh? That bitch, Tai Dou Xiong, wants to devour the Red Lotus Crossing Edan for himself?

What a courageous dog. I should have broken a few more of his bones that day.

Heh, Brother Gen, how dare you do this?

It doesn't matter to the demon cubs of the War Demon Palace. Sooner or later, they have to do something. Killing Wang Pu, who was trained by the War Demon Palace in Dayin Palace, is a credit...

Lu Yi raised his head and smiled strangely: This method is a bit like his grandfather and father.

With a strong force, he crushed the small piece of paper containing the information into pieces. Lu Ye said calmly: If you want to eat alone, you can't do it. This bullshit Xiong Taidou, the newly made Red Lotus Du Erdan, except for Brother Ren, Consider it a share for my two children!”

Lu Yi glanced at a general beside him and said solemnly: Transfer the Canglang Cavalry outside the city to Anping Pass. We must rush day and night. We must arrive within two days.

After slapping the Canglang King hard, Lu Ye rushed towards the archway of Jiuquyuan: Quickly report to the emperor, I have an important military report from Tianen Gong Lu Ye - there is a big mess in Anping Prefecture to quell the chaos!

Let's just say that Wang Pu died in the battle, and Lu Qian, as the emperor's imperial envoy to supervise the army, temporarily supervised the quelling army and was fighting against the rebellious people!

That night.

Outside Anpingguan City, in the mountains and forests.

According to the information sent by the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple, Lu Qian was invited to meet here.

Lu Qian was alone, standing quietly under the red wild peach blossoms of a tree on the top of the mountain.

Near midnight (23:00-1:00), there was some movement in the distance. Following a breeze, several burly men stepped over the dense thorn bushes and weeds and strode to Lu Qian.

Lu Qian took out the token of the outer disciple of the Great Vajra Temple that Shi Evil had given him and waved it towards a few big men.

Several big men looked at the tokens, and the leader also showed a token.

I know what you are here for. Lu Qian looked at the few outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple and said calmly: Go back and tell Xiong Taidou that he is not doing this kindly. The elixir hasn’t been refined yet, and he’s thinking about eating alone?”

Whether you are a human being or a good person, you don't do things like this.

Go back and tell him that I want four of the first furnaces of Red Lotus Du Er Dan that have been re-refined in the Red Lotus Temple for 30,000 years. If one is missing, he will not be able to cross the Anping Pass!

Hearing this, several big men raised their thick eyebrows and took a step forward at the same time.

Boy, what do you mean?

A big man stepped in front of Lu Qian in two steps, stretched out his index finger thicker than a carrot, and tapped his chest fiercely: Young man, how dare you speak to an elder like this?

The index finger broke through the wind, causing a harsh scream.

A faint yellow light lingered on the fingertips, which was the Vajra Tribulation Finger that Shi Evil used to sneak attack the Blood Soul Temple Xue Tuo Luo from behind.

Compared with dispelling evil, this big man's Vajra Tribulation Finger is probably just getting started. There is only a little yellow light on the fingertips. However, it is also a Buddhist magical power and secret technique. The power of one finger is no less than tens of thousands of kilograms. Concentrated on such a small fingertip, it is enough. Penetrating heavy armor.

Lu Qian refused to hide and nodded with one finger.

With a sound of 'chi', the index finger of Lu Qian's right hand turned into pitch black, faintly like a rock on the seaside.

This is a vision created by the Jieshi Gong of the Jingyang Lu clan's martial arts. Jieshi Gong is a horizontal exercise method, which can temper the whole body and make the body as powerful as a trillion-year-old immortal reef on the seaside. hard.

It's just... Jieshi Kung is just a secular martial art after all.

But... Lu Qian seemed to be activating the Jieshi Gong, but in fact he was consuming the Guixu Immortal Yuan!


The big man grinned ferociously.

His Diamond Tribulation Finger and Lu Qian's index finger collided hard.

The big man's fingers were more than twice as thick as Lu Qian's. Amidst the harsh cracking sound, Lu Qian's finger was like an iron nail, piercing into the big man's fingers, forcibly pricking his fingers. A three-inch deep hole appeared.

The big man gritted his teeth tightly, and with a click sound, the severe pain caused him to crush two big teeth.

Without saying a word, he took a step forward, raised his left hand high, and an extremely dim yellow light shone in the palm of his hand, and a Vajra shadow was faintly visible in the yellow light.

The Vajra shadow was so erratic that only a human figure could be faintly seen, and no other details such as facial features, clothes, etc. could be seen.

The big man grunted and slapped it down with all his strength.

As one of the few peak masters of the Furnace Realm in the outer sect of the Great Vajra Temple, this big man's physical body has been tempered to the extreme, and he already has the strength of nine bulls and one tiger.

However, Lu Qian's cultivation level has soared recently, especially after killing Wang Pu and others, his cultivation level has soared inexplicably. He has not reached the peak of the furnace realm, but his pure physical strength has reached the level of nine bulls and two tigers.

One ox has a force of 129,600 kilograms.

One tiger, the power of twelve oxen!

This is the difference between the Supreme Beiming Immortal Sect's Wulianggui Ruins Body and the Great Vajra Temple's Furnace Realm Kung Fu.

Lu Qian also punched out, the sound of waves was loud, and the heavy fist landed on the light yellow palm. The red peach blossom tree behind Lu Qian suddenly swayed, and countless petals flew up and shattered.

The big man grunted, and his whole body flew up after being beaten. He vomited blood and flew up to a height of more than forty feet. Then he hit the ground heavily and was caught by several disciples of the Dajajajra Temple who were traveling with him.

How brave! In the forest, Xiong Taidou stepped out in one step and rushed in front of Lu Yi. He punched Lu Yi in the chest with his fist: As an outer disciple of the Great Vajra Temple, I will not tolerate small crimes. you!

This is not Haojing City.

Moreover, Lu Qian had just injured a fellow disciple.

Therefore, Taidou Xiong took action boldly, with all his strength, and without mercy.

In the next moment, Lu Qian took out the windmill, and it shot up from the ground and rolled up tightly on Taidou Xiong.

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