Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 154: Holding the Throat (3)

A sudden strong wind blew up, and Xiong Taidou's burly body fell heavily to the ground.

Just the wind, not the wind knife.

Lu Qian blocked Anping Pass just to cross Edan with Honglian, but had no intention of completely killing Xiong Taidou.

Taidou Xiong is not without foundation at the outer gate of the Great Vajra Temple.

As the general manager of the first half of the Anping Prefecture plan, this is a fertile position that can make great achievements and make a lot of money. That Xiong Taidou was able to take on this position shows that he also has a strong backer behind him.

It might be possible to kill him, but Lu Qian thought to himself that his weight in the hearts of senior Buddhist officials was not as important as that of Xiong Taidou. Lu Qian couldn't bear the consequences of killing him hastily.

Therefore, Xiong Taidou's chest was shaken by the strong wind, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. His hands and feet became weak. After a while, with the help of several outer disciples, he stood up in embarrassment.

Good means.

Xiong Taidou looked at the small windmill in Lu Qian's hand with fear.

Is this something Lu Yi gave you? Xiong Tai Douji snorted jealously: He is one of the very few inner disciples accepted from the secular world in the Great Vajra Temple over the years... So, I heard how many illnesses he has had. A good thing.

With a cold snort, Xiong Taidou stood up straight and stared at Lu Yan: Come out of the way. What do you want to do? You have delayed the sect's plan, how do you want to die?

Lu Qian gently waved the windmill and laughed with a puff.

How do I want to die? Tsk, have I delayed the sect's plans?

Brothers Lu Jun and Lu Yi have told me about the sect's plan. In the first half of the Anping Prefecture incident, you used the name of the Red Lotus Goddess to stir up chaos in the entire Anping Prefecture, and then rushed out of Anping Pass. The unrest will spread to several surrounding states and counties.”

In fact, Anping Prefecture is only 8,000 miles away from Haojing. If the rebels can show up and wander around Haojing City, the effect will be better.

“However, the second half of the Anping Prefecture plan was for my uncle Lu Yi to lead the army and fight back the rebels in Anping Prefecture. Then, with Anping Pass as the boundary, the two sides fought and attacked to maintain an invincible and undefeated situation.

From then on, Anping Prefecture has completely become the paradise of Buddhist faith. We will steadily gain a share of Anping Prefecture's faith and cut off one's destiny.

And my uncle, because of his meritorious service in quelling the chaos, his status and influence in the court continued to increase, and he once again obtained a piece of Dayin's orthodox luck from the court.

Xiong Taidou said sternly: At this moment, you are guarding Anping Pass. My people cannot get out of the pass. You have ruined the sect's plan.

Lu Qian rolled his eyes at Taidou Xiong: How stupid can you be? Yes, I strangled Anping Pass to death, and your people can't get out. This is because you are incompetent, can you blame me?

As for the sect's grand plan... Is there a big difference between my uncle defeating you and forcing you back to Anping Prefecture and me defeating you and blocking you in Anping Prefecture?

Aren't the final results exactly the same?

Xiong Taidou's mind was dizzy. Lu Qian's words confused him.

He pointed at Lu Qian and shouted: Don't be so messy. In short, if you don't get out of the way... the sect's plan is to let your uncle Lu Yi come to crusade against the rebellion. What does it mean for you to interfere here?

Lu Qian smiled and took two steps forward: What's that? It's just four red lotus crossing Edan!

Lu Qian looked sideways at Xiong Taidou: When I got the thing, I immediately went into battle in person and was beaten and seriously injured by the rebel masters. Then the army collapsed thousands of miles away and made way for you. You can lead your people out of Anping Pass and do whatever you want.

My uncle Lu Wei can take the initiative to ask Ying to avenge me and bring people to fight with you.

But there aren't four freshly baked Red Lotus Danes. I just conquered Anping Pass, what can you do to me?

Lu Qian opened his mouth and showed two rows of big white teeth towards Xiong Taidou.

You! Taidou Xiong hissed: How dare you do anything reckless?

I dare! Lu Qian looked at him coldly: You know I brought people here, so I was so busy that I even sent a request for credit back to the sect, right? I took up all the Red Lotus Crossing Edan at once Share, tsk tsk, you have the ability of a lion to open your mouth, just rely on your own ability to pass Anping Pass!

Xiong Taidou's eyes widened and he said angrily: You think I can't do it?

Lu Qian pondered for a moment, then he raised the small windmill in his hand and said slowly, I bet you can't do it.

Xiong Taidou was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed ferociously: Guess, if I reported the previous conversation between you and me to the elders of the sect, I would say that you maliciously sabotaged the sect's plan!

Lu Qian smiled slightly at Xiong Taidou: I killed Xiong Dingtian, who you don't know is your nephew or grandnephew. You and I have a personal grudge. Can the elders of the sect only believe half of your words?

Even if they believe all your words... Guess, a knight who already has a 'dong' in the Dayin court, who is also an outer disciple of the Emperor's confidant, and a man who can only run around in the wilderness sweating From all directions, among the outer disciples who work hard to do the dirty work, which one will the sect trust more?

When it comes to credit, I also have credit.

I bought the address of the outer courtyard of the Vajra Temple in Haojing City. It is now in my name and the outer temple is being rebuilt.

The War Demon Palace used the evil potion to create a group of puppets to kill the rebels you provoked and completely put down the rebellion. My plan was also foiled by me. The potion has been sent to the Red Lotus Temple and obtained by the Red Lotus Temple. Approval from the great monk of Renji Temple.”

Not to mention, I killed Wang Pu in one battle, killed hundreds of demon cubs around Wang Pu who had 'offended the majesty of our Vajra Temple', and completely controlled the quelling army. Let us completely own the battlefield. initiative.”

Compared with your hard work, who do you think has greater credit for this achievement?

Lu Qian looked at the ashen-faced Xiong Taidou proudly: Not to mention, in terms of financial resources, qualifications, and all aspects, I have a better future than you! You may hang around outside for the rest of your life, but I, maybe The sky is rising in the inner gate!

You can complain as you please, you can complain however you want!

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and said quietly: I believe that the higher-ups of the Buddhist sect can compare who is more important between you and me, and whether I should be given the four Red Lotus Crossing Edans.

Xiong Taidou gritted his teeth and said, Blackmailing the sect? You're not in a good position, Lu Qian!

Lu Qian looked at him with a smile: No, I'm just blackmailing you! Besides, what am I afraid of? I have figured it out. In the so-called world of great strife, I am also one of those whose luck is being fought for... You Do you know? I belong to the fate that is being fought for, and you are just a tool running around to help fight for luck!

Taidou Xiong took a big step back.

Lu Qian's words hit the point.

Therefore, Taidou Xiong is older than Lu Ye, and he believes that his qualifications are no worse than Lu Ye. But Lu Yi entered the inner gate of the Great Vajra Temple and became a true disciple, while he could only be the leader of the Dharma protector in the outer gate!


Maybe it’s because Lu Yi had already saved him and was granted the title of Marquis Tianen, right?

As for Xiong Taidou, at that time he was just a commoner who came from a folk martial arts school and was crazy about seeking immortality.

I will attack the city with all my strength tomorrow. After a moment of silence, Xiong Taidou laughed ferociously: You want to take it from me...

Lu Qian interrupted Xiong Taidou's words, and he said slowly: Lu Jun and Lu Yi told me that the elders of the sect said that in the Anping Prefecture plan, the disciples of the Great Vajra Temple belonging to the two camps met. Don’t really do anything.”

Attack the city with all your strength? Do you dare to disobey the sect's order and attack the city with all your strength? Lu Qian laughed so hard that he shook his head: That's a joke!

Xiong Taidou's face turned livid.

He clenched his fists, stared at Lu Qian fiercely, and suddenly grinned: Without the strength of the outer disciples, I bet you can't defend Anping Pass!

Lu Qian shrugged his shoulders: Anyway, I have finished what I need to say. Four Red Lotus Duer Dan, hello, me, hello, everyone. If not, you can hold it in outside Anping Pass. However, you are The longer you stay stuck, the more incompetent you will appear. If you want it, think about it seriously.

Lu Qian turned around and left.

He whirled the windmill in his hand, and a breeze rose from the ground, carrying him up to a height of tens of feet. It drew an arc directly, floated over the hill, and landed at the foot of the mountain far away. Then with a few flickers, he No one was seen.

Xiong Taidou looked in the direction of Anping Pass with gloomy eyes, and suddenly sneered: Tomorrow, restrain the outer disciples and not take action. Let those mud-legged people go up and fight for their lives! Hey, if these mud-legged people suffer too many casualties, I don't see what Lu Qian will do. Explain to the sect!”

Xiong Taidou sneered for a long time, turned around, and was about to leave with a few outer disciples when he saw hundreds of camp heads stocking food and grass in the rebel camp west of Anping Pass, inexplicably burning. A raging fire broke out.

The fire was also extremely weird, the temperature was astonishingly high, and it burned the food and grass very quickly. Xiong Taidou cursed angrily, and before he could rush back to the camp with a group of outer disciples, more than a hundred camp heads of food and grass were completely burned. .

Before Xiong Taidou could wake up from the anger of losing all the marching food and fodder, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit, the ordnance battalion heads in the camp also caught fire one by one.

Ladders, rams, crossbows, trebuchets, carts, arrows, etc., all heavy equipment used in siege were also burned clean.

Xiong Taidou was so angry that he cursed loudly in the camp, scaring all the outer disciples from speaking.

The next day, the rebels under Xiong Taidou's command failed to get a bite of food, and he failed to send people to attack the city.

On the third day, Xiong Taidou ordered grain and grass to be transported from the counties near Anping Pass in Anping Prefecture. As a result, the grain transport team had just set off. In one night, tens of thousands of grain trucks were burned clean.

On the fourth day, the rear counties could not even get together the trucks to transport grain, so naturally there was no need to mention transporting grain to Anping Pass.

The rebels were already paralyzed by hunger, so it was naturally impossible for Xiong Taidou to let them attack the city on an empty stomach.

On the fifth day, Taidou Xiong had no choice but to write a long letter about what happened here and send it back to the Great Vajra Temple.

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