Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 163 The Tragic Leader (4)

Immortal residence.

In the hall.

The leader of the Paradise Palace's eyes were like water, and there was a faint glimmer of saliva at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Lu Qian intently.

This was the first time that the leader of the Paradise Palace had taken a close and serious look at Lu Yi, who Bai Changkong was about to kill. Not to mention his appearance, the Paradise Palace had never lacked handsome male disciples.

But this majestic physique, this fierce and domineering temperament.

The male disciples of the Paradise Palace all walk in a romantic and handsome way, and each one of them walks like a weak willow supporting the wind.

It's really rare for someone like Lu Qian to be the best!

Tianyang Gong Lu Qian... Hee, the word 'Yang' is said to be a boy who was found today after searching all the nobles and soldiers in Haojing City? The eyes of the leader of Paradise Palace became brighter and brighter. : What a lovely little man.

Qingyou's eyes widened.

Green Lemon Green Lemon gathered together and murmured in a low voice: This should be...

Qingyou took out the thick book from her luggage and quickly flipped through it: Well, the legendary slutty witch who picks up yang and replenishes yin. When you meet such a person, hold your breath, isolate the internal and external breath, and then …”

The leader of the Paradise Palace looked at the three girls with a smile: Then, how about it? The three little girls also look quite fresh and delicious... The supreme magic of this sect is not taboo for men and women!

A faint cold light rose around Qingyou, Qing Ning and Qing Meng. With a 'swish' sound, the cold light turned into a light shield and enveloped them tightly, making the hall feel chilly.

The next moment, the sound of swords in the luggage carried by the three women was loud. Three cyan sword rainbows roared out from the luggage with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air. A dragon swung its tail, and the sword light enveloped the entire hall. He slashed towards the leader of Paradise Palace.

This is sword cultivation.

Take action as soon as you meet, never delay by chattering.

The leader of Paradise Palace was caught off guard. She screamed strangely and tried to dodge and move, but there was no way she could do it in time.

Fright and anger rose in her heart. She just wanted to tease the three girls... She even really wanted to take the three girls into her house as disciples. As she said, the evil spells in the Paradise Palace are indeed unforgiving. She is very interested in a strong man like Lu Qian, but she will not miss a woman like the third daughter who is like a pearl of fairy dew.


In the Imperial College, the pink orb that had been used to resist Bailu's attack jumped out of her chest. A large pink light shone in the hall. Pieces of smooth pink light mist with a faint fragrance sprayed out from the orb, quickly protecting the leader of Paradise Palace.

Three cyan sword rainbows were swept away fiercely, and the sound of cracking silk was heard.

The pink smoke was cut to pieces, and then three sword rainbows struck the orb body. There was only a harsh shattering sound, and the pink orb with strong defense was smashed into four pieces.

My... The leader of Paradise Palace spurted out a mouthful of old blood. His pretty face, which was so smooth and smooth, suddenly shriveled up a bit, and crow's feet appeared at the corners of his eyes.

The clothes on her body suddenly exploded, and a piece of beauty skin wrapped around her waist flew out, accompanied by countless women's cries, laughter, shouts, curses, and various indescribable strange sounds. The beauty's skin danced uncertainly, wisps of pink light erupted from the beauty's skin, and large groups of beauties in red skirts continued to emerge.

The leader of Paradise Palace snorted, and the wrinkles on his face became more and more obvious.

A few days ago, in the Imperial Academy, she used her fallen beauty skin to refine the prototype of the Beautiful Picture of Bliss, but this treasure was obviously not fully functional.

There are more than 100,000 sneaks sucked into the beauty's skin by her?

These days, she spent all her energy suppressing and subduing these sneaks one by one. She squeezed a dozen of the accompanying disciples of Paradise Palace every day, but she could only subdue a hundred or so sneaks.

In just a few days, she only suppressed hundreds of Sneaky.

But at this moment, the three green sword lights were about to touch her body. In shock and anger, she released thousands of sneaky weapons at once. Every sneaky appearance consumes her mana and squeezes her soul...

The body of the leader of the Paradise Palace shriveled up and aged quickly. In just a short breath, she changed from a stunningly beautiful woman to an old woman who was ravaged by wind and rain and looked like an old woman who was over fifty years old.

Lu Qian laughed hahaha: Emotions are like an old lady, why are you pretending to be a 28-year-old beauty?

The leader of the Paradise Palace screamed, and flew towards the three sword lights one by one. She didn't care about dealing with the three Qingyou girls, but looked at Lu Qian, and with a little finger, ten seven or eight feet long pink cold light shot out. And out.

It was a nail set worn by the leader of Paradise Palace on his fingers. It was made of gold and jade and had an exquisite shape.

The ten nail covers were extremely sharp and curved like scorpion tail hooks. They had a faint red oily sheen on them and exuded a strange fishy fragrance.

The pink cold light laser struck, and Lu Qian couldn't help but be stunned - what kind of brain circuit does this old woman have? With such a good method, why don't you deal with the three Qingyou girls, but instead attack you first?

In an instant, Lu Qian suddenly realized that he had called her an ‘old lady’!

Woman, hey! Lu Qian laughed and grabbed the spear that he had brought with him since entering the door. It was currently being hammered in the hall. Dozens of black spear points shook out with a shake of his hand.

This ancient black bear essence was built up with many top-quality materials. Because the refining technique was too crude, there was nothing mysterious inside the gun. It was just a heavy, hard and sturdy spear. On the contrary, it was perfectly preserved in this world where the world was shattered. .

Lu Chen shook up dozens of bowl-sized gun flowers, and the spear vibrated, making bursts of dull and crazy sounds like wild beasts roaring through the forest. There was a loud ding-ding sound, and ten rays of pink cold light were shattered into pieces by the spear.

The leader of Paradise Palace spurted out another mouthful of old blood, and looked more than ten years older.

She looked at Lu Qian in disbelief: This, this, this is a magical weapon passed down by our ancestors...

Lu Qian raised the roaring spear in his hand and said loudly: My spear is not weak either.

Amidst the laughter, the heavy armor matching the spear spurted out from the Beiming Ring. With a few clangs, the heavy armor was draped over Lu Qian's body. The Guixu Immortal Yuan was injected into the heavy armor, and traces of black energy were sprayed out from the heavy armor. Out, behind Lu Qian, he transformed into a golden-eyed black bear several feet tall with two wings on his back!

The huge black bear phantom roared and roared, and hundreds of female figures in red swooped forward. Before they even touched Lu Qian's body, they were torn to pieces by the violent violent field emitted by the heavy armor with a 'bang' sound.

The billowing demonic energy turned into black smoke and shot straight into the sky. The hall shook violently, and the entire roof exploded into pieces. The black smoke shot up nearly a hundred meters high, and the terrifying roar of beasts shook the whole street slightly. Yuu.

Countless sneaks erupted from the beauty's skin. They rushed towards the three cyan sword lights and entangled them tightly.

With one flash of sword light, dozens of sneaks were killed.

But there were too many sneaks. The sword light stabbed and killed thousands of sneaks in an instant. The leader of Paradise Palace had already taken advantage of this short respite to take a dozen steps back.

Seeing Lu Qian wearing heavy armor, holding a spear, and striding towards him with an arrogant and terrifying demonic aura all over his body, the leader of Paradise Palace felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

Stop him and kill him!

The dozen or so close disciples brought by the leader of the Paradise Palace shouted in unison. As their bodies swayed, a large area of ​​fragrant mist sprayed out around them. Then they waved their hands and saw various bells, sachets, and streamers. The female-like objects brought out gleams of dim pink light and shot them chaotically towards Lu Qian.

These things were struck with a strange fragrance, and each blow weighed tens of thousands of kilograms. If they were to deal with masters of the worldly Tuo Pulse Realm or even the Sutra Opening Realm, those martial arts masters would be easily defeated by them.

Lu Qian strode forward with the heavy armor on his body, and pink rays of light hit his body, smashing them into pieces. He didn't even feel the slightest.

The low-level magic weapons controlled by more than a dozen female disciples of Paradise Palace were shattered one after another. They kept vomiting blood, and all of them looked pale and crumbling.

Sneaky creatures kept crashing into Lu Qian like moths flying into the flame, but this ancient demon heavy armor from the Great Vajra Temple was too powerful. All the sneaks failed to touch Lu Qian and were shattered into pieces.

Wave after wave of weak but extremely pure strange heat continued to pour into Lu Qian's body.

In Lu Qian's body, the main acupoints, auxiliary acupoints, and hidden acupoints were constantly lit up by the heat. More and more heat hit these acupoints, and the innate essence and blood were constantly stimulated, turning into billowing Yuan Gang. And out.

Every acupoint opened, Lu Qian's body functions soared, and the majestic essence and blood breath was continuously sucked into the Tanzhong acupoint.

He strode forward, and in an instant he passed by a dozen female disciples of Paradise Palace. The spear in his hand buzzed, and a dozen cold lights flashed away. A dozen female disciples were shot in the throat almost at the same time. It was terrifying. It exploded with great force, and dozens of ferocious-looking heads flew high into the sky.

The leader of Paradise Palace staggered and fled outside, screaming hoarsely.

She was really careless, and she had many strange methods, but she was caught off guard by the three women. She really shouldn't have released the beautiful picture of Bliss that she couldn't fully control.

At this moment, she felt as if she was being squeezed by a huge mountain. Her magic power was almost exhausted, but there was no way to replenish it.

She was covered in sweat and kept screaming: Do you know...

The three women shouted in unison: Qinglin Sword Pavilion, subdue demons and eliminate demons.

They shouted loudly at the same time, biting the tip of their tongues, a little blood and essence spurted out, and the three swords, entangled with countless sneaks, suddenly shone brightly.

Qingyou's sword light soared to more than twenty feet in length, and Qing Ning Qing Meng's sword light also increased to more than ten feet in length.

The high-pitched sword roar was like a dragon's roar, and dense green scales emerged from the sword light. The three sword lights now vaguely resembled dragons.

The sword light was loud, and in an instant, the hall was densely packed together. At least thirty to fifty thousand sneaks were swept away by the sword light.

Lu Qian's body heated up, and a sudden and violent heat wave raged around him. High-pitched dragon chants and phoenix chirps kept vibrating in his body, and every acupuncture point was continuously broken open by the heat.

I... The leader of Paradise Palace wanted to say something else.

Three cyan dragons swept across, and Lu Qian stabbed with a cold light.

The leader of the Paradise Palace was pierced through the chest with a spear, and his body was rotated by the sword light and cut into hundreds of pieces in an instant.

Lu Qian suddenly took a step back and looked at the three women in shock: You are so cruel?

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