Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 164 Kidney Shot

Immortal Residence, in the hall.

The sword's light was like a dragon, beheading the leader of Paradise Palace and tearing the beauty's skin into countless pieces.

Countless red shadows rushed out of the beauty's skin, crying or laughing and flying towards Lu Qian and the three girls. Three cyan sword lights, together with masses of black spear light, swept across the sky, beating countless shadows into thin air.

The heat surges into the body.

Within Lu Qian's body, acupuncture points were opened one after another, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and the sound of the spear being swung became louder and louder.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng were obviously a little dissatisfied with what Lu Qian had just said. The two women stabbed with their swords while shouting in unison: When we are done with eradicating evil, we sword cultivators take action, as we have always done!

As if to prove something to Lu Qian, the two women wielded swords faster and faster. Some shadows could have finished with one sword, but they had to strike dozens of swords across the shadows with their sword light. give up.

The sword light became more and more fierce, and the cyan light was like rain, covering the entire hall, and no shadow could escape.

Next door, in the backyard of the Survey Department Yamen, Li Erya was pushing her father, asking him to quickly take action against Bai Changkong - this situation had quite the charm of a naughty kid closing the door and letting the dogs out.

Bai Changkong smiled calmly: Master Li, your master seems to have made a mistake. Are you going to take action against me?

Li Zi smiled hehe, stretched out his hands, and kept making fists, unclenching, making fists, and unclenching, making a click sound from his palms.

Bai Changkong shook his head: On weekdays, I think you are still an honest person. Otherwise, why would I choose your son for Shuang's marriage?

However, it seems now that you still don't know how to advance or retreat, and you don't understand current affairs.

I can understand, after all, it's for your son. Bai Changkong smiled brightly: I heard that you favor this young son the most? Alas, in the original plan, after he and Wei Shuang got married, at most half a month , he will fall into the river and die after drinking.

The reason why I chose your son is because you are the most gentle, the most fearful, and the most bullied in the court.

Bai Changkong had an inexplicable desire to talk tonight.

It may be that he has just mastered power that is far beyond the world, and he can't wait to let people know these things.

For so many years, he has pretended to be a moral master in front of others, and he has become a bit psychologically distorted. Today he finally had the opportunity to tear off the mask of hypocrisy and completely expose the most invisible dark corner of his heart to the public.

A kind of twisted pleasure made Bai Changkong excited.

It's a pity that the conditions didn't allow it, otherwise he would have wanted to hold a banquet, so he talked to Li Zi in a friendly manner.

Li Zi sighed. He looked back at his son and said quietly: Erya, can you see now? This human heart is sometimes darker than a crow. You have to thank Lord Tianyang, otherwise you would have been given to someone else. harmed.

Li Erya's face turned pale with anger and her body was trembling continuously.

He originally thought that he had conquered the Bai family with his talent and character, and allowed Bai Lu to choose him as her husband.

It turned out that everything was a damn conspiracy.

He glared at Bai Changkong: Lu Qian escaped from marriage. Did he know about your Bai family's plan?

Perhaps because of his cultivation, the original playboy Li Erya's head suddenly opened up. He suddenly figured out some truths from the uproar between Lu Yan and the Bai family some time ago.

Bai Changkong praised: Yes, that puppy... is also somewhat capable. He actually knew some of Wei Shuang's plans, so he did not hesitate to join the palace guard and commit suicide, thereby escaping this golden marriage...

Shaking his head, Bai Changkong said: However, no matter how hard he struggles, how can he escape from my hands? Tonight, he cannot escape justice!

Li Zi sighed: It's hard to seek justice? Hey, what Chief Baishan said and did tonight really opened my eyes, hehe.

Shaking his head, Li Zi said quietly: No wonder my teachers and teachers talk so much about the hypocrisy of culture and education. They are all a bunch of low-minded hypocrites. I have been hiding in culture and education for many years, and I feel more and more that what the teachers and teachers say is very reasonable.

Seeing how Bai Shanchang can actually swagger around in the name of a great sage, tsk!

Bai Changkong smiled and waved forward: That's all, I wanted to talk to you more, but you are all ignorant mortals after all. That's all, that's all, I'll give you a good time!

Dozens of girls flew out, jumped over the stream like ghosts, and attacked the waterside pavilion.

A long scimitar sliced ​​through the air silently, striking Li Zi and Li Erya's foreheads and vital points around their bodies.

Li Erya's body stiffened, and she stared dumbly at the scimitar that was slashing down rapidly. She wanted to shout something, but he was so frightened that he couldn't even shout.

Li Zi smiled calmly. He stood motionless on the spot, and twelve afterimages suddenly flew out of his body.

These afterimages, who looked just like Li Zi, were smiling and lifelike, waving their hands gracefully, and the afterimages of their palms silently shuttled through the void, passing through the bodies of various girls.

The bodies of these girls flying past suddenly stiffened.

They vomited blood profusely, and the blood soaked into the visors on their faces, dripping continuously from the gaps in the soft armor.

Dozens of residual images of palms were suspended in the air, each holding a still beating heart.

Bai Changkong stared blankly at this terrifying scene. A cold air fell from the Tianling Gai and instantly traveled through his body, making his whole body cold and his mind went blank, as if he was in a nightmare.

This, this, this... Bai Changkong trembled and said more than a dozen words 'this', and suddenly smiled brightly: Master Li, if I said all the things before, it was all a joke... …You and I, the future can be a good thing for the whole family…”

As soon as the word 'good' came out of his mouth, Bai Changkong suddenly turned around and left.

While running at full speed in the direction of the Bai family's house, he took out a pink handkerchief, bit his tongue and spurted blood on it, then knocked out the fluorescent handkerchief with his backhand.

The thin and thin handkerchief exuded a faint light, and when it was swayed by the wind, it turned into a six-foot square. With the sound of chichi, countless shiny embroidery needles spurted out from the handkerchief, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and kept moving towards the back. Blast out.

An extremely small embroidery needle is as powerful as a crossbow bolt fired by a heavy crossbow.

Along with the harsh sound of breaking through the air, wherever the countless embroidery needles passed, the rockeries, big trees, flowers and plants in the back garden were all pricked with holes, and several rockeries were hit with rocks flying and collapsed suddenly.

Many embroidery needles fell directly towards Li Erya with a piercing scream.

Li Zi frowned and protected in front of Li Erya. Countless residual images of palms around him rose and fell, turning into a large airtight net that blocked all the embroidery needles that were shot.

Once these shiny embroidery needles are blocked, they immediately turn into wisps of extremely fine pink smoke that spread rapidly.

There was a faint, greasy aroma spreading in the air. Li Zi hurriedly waved his sleeves to force this strange aroma out far away.

With the cover of the handkerchief, Bai Changkong had already escaped more than a hundred feet away. Only then did he turn around and yell at Li Zi in surprise and anger: Li Honglu, with you...all these years, I actually didn’t recognize your true face... You have such strength, why are you still bullied by those protons?

Okay, okay, okay. The most shameless person I have ever seen in my life is you!

Wait a minute, you will be repaid for what you did today!

Bai Changkong scolded happily while running away at full speed.

Li Zi looked at him coldly, and the twelve afterimages around him suddenly merged inward and turned into one figure in an instant. Silently, this afterimage pounced forward, as if teleporting, and was behind Bai Changkong in an instant.

Bai Changkong screamed strangely, bit the tip of his tongue again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His escape speed increased by 30% again.

The afterimage flickered slightly, and a shadow of a palm pressed towards Bai Changkong's back.

At the extremely critical moment, Bai Changkong's body rolled in the air, rising more than a foot high in the air. The shadow of his palm failed to hit his back, but quickly moved in and out of other parts of his body. Second-rate.

Bai Changkong let out a miserable howl and disappeared into the vast pink mist.

Li Zi snorted coldly: You can escape quickly... Haha, now, how can I be afraid of your mere retribution from Bai Changkong?

The embroidery needles released from the small handkerchief became increasingly sparse. After another two breaths, the handkerchief exhausted its strength and fell to the ground slumped.

Li Zi looked at the handkerchief, narrowed his eyes, and was about to say something to Li Erya.

An extremely strong sense of danger emerged from the surrounding fog.

one two three……

Several dangerous auras locked onto Li Zi and Li Erya. Li Zi's pupils shrank and he did not dare to stay in this yard any longer. He grabbed Li Erya and hurriedly flew away. He quickly left through the back door of the garden and headed towards Kunpengfang ran away at full speed in the direction of his home.

The night wind blew by, and the pink mist in the garden gradually dissipated.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Qian, whose body was as hot as fire and whose movements were slightly stiff, was wearing heavy armor, climbed over the wall with heavy steps, and hurried back to his home base.

The guards who stayed at the station were still sleeping.

Everyone's face was pale, as if they had been squeezed by eighteen female ghosts in turn. Their whole bodies were dripping with cold sweat, and their essence and blood were greatly depleted.

Lu Qian quickly circled the entire station. He found dozens of corpses of women in black in the backyard waterside pavilion.

In addition to the wounds, dozens of bloody human hearts were left on the ground.

The spear cut open the soft armor of these women, revealing their bodies without any wounds.

After checking the bodies of more than a dozen women in a row, Lu Qian stared at them blankly, feeling that his head was full of mush.

There were no wounds on their bodies, so how did their hearts get dug out?

In the distance, the roar of rhubarb was heard.

Lu Qian hurried over and saw rhubarb, rabbit cat, green snake, and snapping turtle surrounding two bloody things.

Lu Qian frowned and leaned over to take a look.

This is not a human heart, but two human waists...

This... Lu Qian looked in the direction of the waterside pavilion, then looked at the two kidneys on the ground, and fell into deep thought.

Obviously, someone escaped from the direction of Shuixie, but he couldn't escape and was stabbed twice halfway.

There was no body, obviously the person escaped.

But is this for one person...or two?

If it's a person's waist...tsk, isn't this a sure death?

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