Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 165 Defeated

I don't know when it started to rain.

The spring rain is lingering, like a girl's kiss, falling on the face and head, making it tickle.

This was supposed to be a gentle, peaceful night.

A group of wolf-like and tiger-like guards and supervisors shouted slogans, shattering the tranquility of the night. Carrying dozens of corpses, they rushed outside the gate of Bai's house and kicked the gate of Bai's house extremely violently.

In all directions, many mansions had lights on, and people were looking around on the walls.

A row of dozens of corpses was placed at the gate of the Bai family. Lu Qian rode the Black Cloud Beast and put a spear on his shoulder. His clear voice spread to several surrounding neighborhoods.

Deputy Commander Bai, someone attacked the Yushunfang Survey Department at night. These assassins were dressed exactly the same as the woman in black who appeared in your backyard last time. I suspect that this night attack is related to you. Please come out and cooperate with the investigation. .”

In the mansion across the street, the door was slightly opened, and someone behind the door took a deep breath: What kind of hatred is there? Mr. Tianyang just returned to Haojing today, why did he come to the door with a corpse?

The door of the Bai family opened, and a white-haired old man came out with a trembling lantern: Our master is not at home. These days, the master has been staying in the Imperial College, so he is not at home!

Not at home? Lu Qian looked at the old man.

The old man opened half of the door, moved a step sideways, and got out of the way: If Mr. Tianyang doesn't believe it, just go in and search. However, now the Bai family is the natal family of the imperial concubine. If Mr. Tianyang insists on going his own way, please do it first. Consider the consequences carefully.

Lu Qian looked at the old man and nodded slowly.

Yes, it is the imperial concubine's natal family. Tsk... Well, I dare to ask Deputy Mountain Chief Bai, where is his distant cousin-in-law who came all the way to join him? Lu Qian looked at the old man with a smile.

Lu Qian raised his head and looked at the rainy sky, feeling a little sad.

The three Qingyou girls were too cruel, and the leader of Paradise Palace was shattered into pieces by the light of the sword.

If not, her body is the best evidence.

What a pity.

The old man's face became very ugly, and he pointed his finger at Lu Qian and yelled: Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Tianyang. My wife in the back house, how can you, a foreigner like you, make random inquiries? You need to know that my master uses 'courtesy' The family management will not tolerate your misbehavior.

Lu Qian coughed slightly: She is involved in a case, and I asked her to come out and see her.

As soon as Lu Qian finished speaking, a stunning woman wearing a plain white dress and a long white scarf on her head, dressed as a little widow, walked out of the door tremblingly: This... this sir... Little... little woman...

Lu Qian's pupils condensed.

This woman is exactly the same as the leader of Paradise Palace, the so-called 'distant cousin-in-law' of Bai Changkong.

I don't know what kind of evil trick this is, but at least Lu Qian glanced at her face several times and couldn't find any flaws in her face. A face that is both pretty and timid, as if it was born that way.

Moreover, there is no trace of any cultivation experience on this woman, she is just an ordinary folk woman.

Lu Qian sighed: It seems that I made a mistake. You have nothing to do with this case.

Waving his hand, Lu Qian said coldly: Send these corpses, hearts, and two kidneys to the Palace Guards Headquarters to keep them as evidence. Especially these two kidneys, I don't know if their original owners will remember them. .”

In the third courtyard of the Bai family's mansion, there is a small building.

Bai Changkong exposed his upper body, gritted his teeth, and lay down on a soft couch.

Beside him, there were two handsome male disciples of Paradise Palace lying on their backs. They were also naked, with a long wound on their waist and abdomen, but no blood seeped out at all.

Bai Changkong's abdominal cavity was broken open, and the kidneys taken out from the two male disciples of the Paradise Palace were being put into his abdomen by the two female disciples of the Paradise Palace.

A female disciple poured a bottle of blood-colored potion into Bai Changkong's abdominal cavity and put it into the two kidneys of Bai Changkong's abdominal cavity. The extremely thin blood vessels, nerves, frenulum, etc. began to squirm rapidly, quickly interacting with Bai Changkong. Changkong's body is connected as one.

Don't worry Bai Xingxing, with the secret medicine of this sect, these two kidneys will fit perfectly with your body, and there won't be any future troubles.

A female disciple of Paradise Palace said with a leisurely smile: Bai Xingxing is old, and his two kidneys have been used for so many years. If you replace them with two younger ones, you will actually make a lot of money.

The two male disciples of Paradise Palace looked at Bai Changkong with resentful eyes.

Bai Changkong made a lot of money, but they... suffered a lot of losses!

Bai Changkong took a deep breath and said deeply: This secret medicine...

The female disciple of Paradise Palace who helped Bai Changkong change his waist sighed: You have to be careful next time. This secret medicine is not something we can refine now. It is easy for the elders of our sect and it costs a lot of money. The price has been carefully preserved from ancient times.

Bai Changkong coughed lightly: I see. Then, the leader...

The female disciple of Paradise Palace stretched out her hand, put together Bai Changkong's abdominal wound, and applied some secret medicine on it. She watched as bits of granulation sprouted on his wound, and the wound began to heal quickly.

We have already sent a message to the mountain gate. The female disciple of Paradise Palace said with a sinister look: It is a great shame and humiliation for the contemporary leader to be killed. This matter will not be let go so easily.

Bai Changkong nodded with satisfaction, as long as he didn't give up.

The more the Paradise Palace refuses to give up, the stronger the help he can get. He firmly believed that no matter who was sent to the Paradise Palace in the future, they would not be able to leave the outer sect of him.


After reminiscing about the wonderful experience of the leader of Paradise Palace teaching him the true method... Bai Changkong suddenly felt hot all over his body. He looked at the two female disciples who performed the surgery on him and laughed haha.

Two junior sisters, I do feel that I am much younger.

The lights in the small building went out, and the woman's silver bell-like laughter sounded faintly.

Occasionally, you can still hear feeble wailing: Senior sister, help us look at our wounds, such a big wound...

Early the next morning, Lu Qian went out and turned a corner and arrived at Xianrenju.

He ordered an extremely sumptuous breakfast, such as crab roe soup dumplings, red oil noodles, chicken soup silver noodles, crab roe steamed siomai, etc. There were thirty or forty varieties, and they were all made in Hao in the past four or five years. A new thing that is popular in Beijing.

Green pomelo, green lemon, and green lemon looked at these delicacies with their eyes a little straight.

Fortunately for Qingyou, after all, she is two years older and can barely maintain the etiquette of a lady.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng had not washed their faces, brushed their teeth, or combed their hair. They were like two little pigs, almost lying on the dining table, and they were eating happily.

Yummy, this is delicious!

“It’s delicious, this one is delicious too!”

Yummy, this is so delicious!

Ah, at home, the meals cooked by your aunts and sisters-in-law are just like pig food for pigs!

Practitioners, even if they are not specialized in physical cultivation, because of their strong blood essence and strong body functions, they can eat a lot if they are willing, and a meal of ten oxen is not a problem.

Lu Qian brought breakfast for more than forty people. Qingyou probably finished the exquisite snacks for five people. Lu Qian was willing to accompany two people, and the rest were wiped out by Qing Ning and Qing Meng. There was no soup left.

The tableware was removed, and a maid served the fragrant tea given by the emperor.

Lu Qian began to communicate with the three Qingyou girls about the tasks assigned to them by Yinyuan.

Miss Qingyou, I recognize that female ghost leader. I almost became her husband-in-law. Lu Qian's first sentence came straight to the point. Although Qingyou's eyes widened, Qing Ning and Qing You, who couldn't move, were holding their stomachs. Meng looked at Lu Qian with a look of amazement and inexplicable admiration.

I know her background, and I also know that she will probably not let Bai Changkong go.

So, I think if you want to find those sneaky people, instead of running around in the streets, it's better to keep an eye on Bai Changkong.

Lu Qian sipped the fragrant tea and thoroughly explained his grudges with Bai Lu's family. At the same time, he also named the identity of the leader of Paradise Palace last night - she actually came to Haojing under the name of Bai Changkong's distant cousin-in-law.

Qingyou listened to Lu Qian's words and took out the thick book from her bag.

Well, the method that the woman used last night... was the extremely evil side secret technique of Bliss Wanmei Tu. Well, Bliss Heavenly Palace... they and I, Qinglin Sword Pavilion, are also feuding. Several of our ancestors fell to them. In hand.

While Lu Qian and the three girls Qingyou were discussing, Lu Yi was drafting a document conferring merit in the Tianen Palace.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi were sitting in front of Lu Yi's writing desk. They were holding large tea bowls the size of human heads and drinking tea mixed with mare's milk, butter, and various seasonings, giving it a northern grassland flavor.

You will take this document to Lu Qian later. If he agrees, use the seal. After all, he is the chief general supervising the army.

Tell Lu Qian that I am not seeking favoritism for my three uncles and five cousins ​​when I ask for credit. Tell him frankly that those few are not worthy of my favoritism for them.

If he has any questions, let him come to me or Senior Brother Shie and ask.

A few days ago, ghosts were rampant in Haojing City in broad daylight, and you met the demon cubs from the War Demon Palace at Anping Pass. It can be seen that all three religions have taken action, and the world will soon be in chaos.

My Buddhist sect has settled in Anping Prefecture, and I have two sects, Tao and Demon. I don't know what the plans are yet.

In short, in a world of great strife, you are like beans in a millstone. If you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces. You young people act impulsively, and a little carelessness may lead to disaster... You must be careful and careful. Be cautious and cautious.”

Lu Yan was here teaching his son a lesson when hurried footsteps sounded, and a general from the Canglang Cavalry knocked on the door of the study.

Come in!

Lu Yi drank lightly.

The general strode into the study and saluted Lu Ye with clasped fists: My lord, at Anping Pass, Wang (Wang Bu)'s army has been completely destroyed.

With a 'pop' sound, the brush in Lu Yan's hand broke.

He looked up at the general in shock: Total annihilation? Not a rout?

The general nodded solemnly: It's not a rout. Total destruction!

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