Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 166 Vicious

A few days ago.

Lu Qian led the team back to Haojing and received a treasure from Monk Kongkong of the Great Vajra Temple on the way.

Lu Chen got up and tried the long bow given as a gift. Maybe this was 'fate'? A group of masters from the War Demon Palace who were reinforcing Wang Pu of Anping Pass were riding their mounts smoothly, but they were inexplicably hit by an arrow and killed a master from the Fire Realm.

If the start is unfavorable, kill one person first.

The furious masters of the War Demon Palace rushed to Anping Pass and used sect methods to contact Wang Pu and others.

They endured the harassment of mosquitoes in the mountains and forests for several hours, but did not receive any reply.

When their internal organs were filled with smoke, finally someone from the Corpse Demon Dao disciple who had made good friends with the War Demon Palace killed Wang Pu and a group of masters from the War Demon Palace overnight. Lu Qian took over the power of the army for a few days, and later Wang Pu The news that (Wang Bu) took over the army was passed to them.

Wang Pu is walking through the outer gate of the War Demon Palace.

Wang (Wang Bu) is not.

The master of reinforcements from the War Demon Palace sent a person to visit Wang (Wang Bu) at Anping Pass, hoping to renew the relationship and include Wang (Wang Bu) in the outer gate of the War Demon Palace.

Here comes the problem.

The nine Bailang brothers were protected by a group of disciples from the Paradise Palace.

When Zhuge Li and Wang Pu were in power, they were instructed by Zhu Chong and Zhu Song to torment the nine Bai brothers wantonly. They would find excuses every now and then to beat them up, and even let them lead an army to fight with an army several times their own. Chaos fighting.

However, Haojing was once again haunted on a large scale. After Bai Changkong gained the reputation of a 'living saint' in the Imperial College, Zhu Chong and Zhu Song were forced to change their attitudes, from suppressing Bai Changkong to frantically wooing him.

Therefore, Wang (Wang Bu) promoted nine Bailang brothers to high positions at Anping Pass and asked them to serve as military counselors.

This counselor is haunted.

The nine disciples of the Paradise Palace around the Bai Lang brothers are all handsome and good-looking, but Wang (Wang Bu) has the talent of Long Yang. There were nine Bailang brothers, but they were not 'moral gentlemen' at all. They had a glimpse of some of Wang (Wang Bu's) little thoughts, and immediately gave him several male disciples from Paradise Palace to act as 'personal guards'.

When the master of War Demon Palace came to the door, Wang (Wang Bu) was already so fascinated that he willingly became the disciple of Paradise Palace!

Anpingguan, City Guards House, enter the inner living room in the backyard.

Wearing a loose white Taoist robe, the king (Wang Bu) with a glowing face leaned lazily on the big chair. Four people with long hair, wearing scribes' robes and jade belts around their waists, were elegant and handsome. The male disciple of Paradise Heavenly Palace stood beside him with a charming smile and gently massaged his shoulders and arms.

Bai Lang sat aside, holding a teacup reservedly, sipping the fragrant tea given by the emperor in small sips.

The king (Wang Bu) enjoyed it quietly, and finally sighed with satisfaction: I didn't expect that there is such a wonderful scenery in the world. The Paradise Palace is indeed worthy of the name of bliss.

Bai Lang smiled and looked at Wang (Wang Bu): Master Chengwei has entered the door, and you will have such beautiful scenery in the future. Moreover, you can practice the supreme secret method of my Paradise Palace... I have experienced it personally. ?”

Wang (Wang Bu) kept nodding his head: It's wonderful, it's wonderful.

He glanced at Bai Lang and said with a smile: When the chaos is quelled this time, Kunzhong of the Bai family should be the first to take the lead!

Bai Lang smiled reservedly and chatted happily with Wang Pu.

A general of the anti-rebellion army walked over quietly: Sir, there is a man outside the door. He doesn't know how to sneak into Guanzhong. He said that he is a good friend of Lord Wang Pu and he came here specifically to quell the rebellion in Anping Prefecture.

A quarter of an hour later, the master of the War Demon Palace who came to visit the king (Wang Bu) was invited into the front hall of the city guard's mansion.

The king (Wang Bu) put on formal clothes, wore heavy armor and a cloak, and stood majestically behind the koan.

Are you my cousin's friend? Wang (Wang Bu) looked at the Master of War Demon Palace who was dressed in black and looked arrogant; That's all, for the sake of my brother, please sit down and have some tea. Oh, I dare to ask, what’s your surname?”

The masters of the War Demon Palace sat down firmly, and bowed their hands towards the king (Wang Bu) arrogantly and coldly: Someone, fight against the Nine Tribulations.

Wang (Wang Bu) smiled and said unusually kindly: Oh, it turns out to be Brother Zhan. Well, I wonder how Brother Zhan and my brother got acquainted? This Anping Pass is now surrounded by a large army, and the military camps outside the city stretch for hundreds of miles. , Brother Zhan can enter Anping Pass, he is obviously capable of great things!

The king (Wang Bu) cursed in his heart - there were millions of troops surrounding the city, and the Nine Tribulations actually came directly to the outside of the city guard's mansion so easily. This shows how terrifying this guy's strength is.

Wang Pu actually knows such a person?

Wang Pu has never leaked any relevant information in front of his family members!

Wang Pu who killed a thousand swords!

Judging from his words and deeds in Zhan Jiujie, it is obvious that he is not an easy person to deal with. He came to visit, probably related to Wang Pu, who had died without a complete body.

I don’t know how many shady exchanges of interests Wang Pu and Zhan Jiujie had.


No matter what kind of deal Wang Pu and Zhan Jiujie have, Wang Pu is Wang Pu, and his king (Wang Bu) is the king (Wang Bu).

Thinking of those handsome and charming male disciples of Paradise Palace, Wang (Wang Bu) felt itchy in his heart. Comparing this with Zhan Jiujie, who was born tall and thick, as burly as a bear, and as ugly as a butcher, Wang (Wang Bu) chose Paradise Palace without hesitation.

A slightly ugly maid came up with a tray and served fragrant tea to the king (Wang Bu) and Zhan Jiujie.

Zhan Jiujie glanced at the maid deeply.

Wang Pu held up the tea cup and greeted Zhan Jiujie: Brother Zhan, please, this is tea given by the Emperor. Ordinary people will never be able to drink it. If Brother Zhan hadn't been a good friend of my brother, I would have I’m also reluctant to take it out to entertain guests.”

Wang Pu took a sip of fragrant tea.

Zhan Jiujie glanced at the ugly maid again, picked up the teacup, and looked at the fragrant and clear-green tea in the teacup. He sniffed the tea gently, looked at the king (Wang Bu) again, and said contemptuously: Tea given by the emperor? Haha, do you know what a really good thing is?

Shaking his head, Zhan Jiujie sighed: You guys are just frogs in the well. You don't know the truth about this world at all.

Wang (Wang Bu) smiled and looked at Zhan Jiujie: Brother Zhan is so hesitant, is it because he is afraid of being poisoned by me?

Zhan Jiujie was stunned, and then laughed almost crazily: Poison? Haha, someone is afraid of you poisoning? I'm just a mortal, what kind of poison can you have that can harm me?

Zhan Jiujie said proudly: Xiu, I just thought that the maid serving tea was too ugly and disliked the tea that passed through her hands. Poisoning? A joke... Do you know Xiu's cultivation? Do you know that the world is full of poisons? It doesn’t hurt you at all!”

Picking up the tea cup, he drank the fragrant tea in one gulp, even chewing the tea leaves and swallowing it. Zhan Jiujie looked at the king (Wang Bu) and said solemnly: Tell the truth, this is the War Demon Palace...

Zhan Jiujie's words came to an abrupt end.

He stood up suddenly and looked at Wang (Wang Bu) in disbelief.

You are so brave. The tea, the tea...is really poisonous?

Wang (Wang Bu) dropped the tea cup, stood up, and quickly retreated. He looked at Zhan Jiujie with a ferocious look on his face, and said coldly: What is what? Zhan Jiujie, you are pretending to be my brother's friend. , sneaking into the military aircraft base, what is your intention?

Zhan Jiujie took a deep breath, and he let out a low roar. The clothes on his upper body instantly turned into blue smoke and floated away.

Zhan Jiujie's black iron color looks like a metal cast body. On his heart and liver, two blood-red red lights light up. In these two locations, his skin, muscles, and bones have become translucent, and the heart can be seen. , liver, there is a black and red flame burning.

Black-red flames rose three feet high in his body, and even rushed out of his body, turning into black-red flames visible to the naked eye.

I don't know what to say. This is the first time we met. Why did you plot against X? Zhan Jiujie roared at the top of his lungs: X, I'm here to give you a great opportunity. Why... why...

Dozens of disciples from the Paradise Palace rushed out of the back hall silently, looking at Zhan Jiujie with sneers.

Zhan Jiujie's eyes widened and he looked at these gorgeous men and women in astonishment.

That mother... Zhan Jiujie hissed: It's you bunch of foxy people. Why...why did you do this for no reason?

Without saying a word, many disciples of the Paradise Palace quickly formed a formation in the hall. Lines of pink smoke seeped out from their bodies and quickly turned into a large pink net that enveloped Zhan Jiujie.

A female disciple with a hot body roared in joy: A master of the Fiery Realm of the War Demon Palace, a great tonic, you must not let him go... Brothers and sisters joined forces to harvest him!

Another male disciple laughed and said: He was hit by the Bliss Qingling Decoction, which is a secret medicine left by the ancestors to restrain the masters of the Agni Fire Realm... Don't look at his fierce appearance at the moment, inside, he has long been weak. !”

Several male and female disciples laughed one after another, and all of them wildly boasted about how effective their sect's secret medicine was. When they return to the world this time, they will definitely shine and shock everyone in the world!

Zhan Jiujie's face was pale, the red light in his heart and liver quickly dimmed, and the fire that burst out of his body quickly dimmed.

Bliss Qingling Decoction is a third-rate secret medicine used by the Bliss Heavenly Palace to bring trouble to the world. It was specially used to plot against monks and kidnap them to use it to compensate for their evil deeds. The techniques of the Paradise Palace are very shameful. The various secret medicines they prepare are powerful and strange. They have harmed many monks in the past. They are notorious and frightening.

Time has changed, and the world has collapsed. These sects have been in seclusion for who knows how many years. The reputation of the various filthy secret medicines in the Paradise Palace has long been completely forgotten by the sects of all sizes who have also closed their doors. net.

Zhan Jiujie never dreamed that he would meet a group of Paradise Palace disciples here.

Moreover, they actually have secret medicine in their hands that can quickly take effect on the masters of the Fire Realm.

A burst of crazy fighting sounds and roars lasted for about a cup of tea. Finally, with a hoarse roar, Zhan Jiujie fell to the ground. He was as majestic as a bear when he came, but now he has become skin and bones, and a skeleton. The shelf is no different.

You, you...

You little fox from Paradise Palace, just wait and see!

Bai Lang walked slowly to Wang (Wang Bu) with his hands behind his back, and nodded to Wang (Wang Bu) with a smile: Master Wang, once you submit this letter of surrender, you will truly be my disciple of Paradise Palace.

Don't worry, we will fully assist you to annihilate the rebels in Anping Prefecture.

There is nothing to worry about in the War Demon Palace. The leader of this palace is in Haojing. With her in charge, this place is as stable as Mount Tai, and there will never be anything wrong.

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