Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 190 Emergency Arrest

Jiayou's 19th year, April 29th, Zishi (23:00-1:00).

Yushunfang, Tianyang Gongfu.

The five uncles were hesitating and absorbing, and the five colors filled the back garden covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres. The world's shattered aura, nourished by the five colors, is healing piece by piece in a miraculous way, turning into wisps of aura quietly emerging.

In a pavilion next to the water in the back garden, Lu Qian sat cross-legged, with the silver dragon sword suspended in front of him, making gentle sword sounds.

Two days ago, when he just snatched the Silver Dragon Sword from Li Zi's hand, the sword's spiritual power had already collapsed. The sword, which barely survived with only a trace of spirituality, was full of resistance to Lu Qian.

But for two consecutive days, Lu Qian continued to forcefully infuse it with his own energy and spirit, and after being nourished by Houyuan's spiritual energy, this sword... was already full of admiration for Lu Qian.

Qinglin Sword Pavilion is one of the few sword cultivating families in today's world. Over the years, they have collected many good things.

Many sword cultivating sects and family techniques that have been extinct have been secretly included in the family's collection through unknown means by their ancestors.

At least Qingyou has a lot of good things on hand.

For example, the Eighteen Yuan Limited Sword Sutra that uses gods to control swords, the Giant Spirit Sword Art that uses blood to control swords, and the One Qi Mountain and River Sword that uses Qi to control swords are all practiced by Lu Qian. The best thing in sword cultivation.

Using gods to control swords, the sword is supreme and can be cultivated to an extremely deep level. The sword can communicate with gods and can break all kinds of magic with one sword, and can also conjure all kinds of magic with one sword.

Using blood to control the sword, he is powerful and domineering. When he reaches the peak of his cultivation, the human sword becomes one and can be transformed into a spiritual sword clone, which can replace the calamity of life and death.

Using Qi to control a sword is easy to get started. If you can achieve great success, the sword Qi can fly into the air, and you can control the sword for thousands of miles, and thousands of sword Qi can split mountains and rivers.

Among the three sword techniques, the Eighteen Yuan Limit Sword Sutra is the most profound and mysterious. Use the god to control the sword, use the sword to nourish the spirit. The eighteen yuan limit level on the plain, one level and one sky. The eighteen yuan limit is a great achievement. You can cultivate the soul of swordsmanship. Divide the mysteries and perform magical powers.

The Giant Spirit Sword Technique uses blood to control the sword, and uses the sword to temper the body. The stronger the sword is, the stronger the blood will be. When it reaches its peak, the human sword becomes one, the sword is the human being, and the human being is the sword. This is the same as the powerful Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body of the Great Vajra Temple. 》Cooperating with each other, there is a wonderful way of creating and harmonizing each other.

The simplest One Qi Mountain and River Sword doesn't have many bells and whistles. The stronger the practitioner's Yuan Gang or magic power, the stronger the sword power that can be exerted with the Qi Sword. If a person's magic power cultivation can cover the world, then With one strike of his sword, he can shatter the heaven and the earth.

And when you use Qi to control the sword, the sword will control Qi in turn. The deeper you practice, the more you will naturally retain a trace of sword intention in your own Yuan Gang and magic power. The more exquisite your cultivation, the more powerful your sword intention will be. At the end, when you exhale with one breath, it will be like Thousands of swords fired together, sharp enough to kill all things.

Three groups of dim lights lit up at the center of Lu Qian's eyebrows, in the middle of his chest, and at his heart.

The light of the soul between the eyebrows, the immortal essence returning to the ruins in the belly, the infinite blood in the heart, the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit come out together, pouring into the Silver Dragon Sword in a mighty manner.

In his mind, the image of a three-eyed man burst into dazzling light.

Lu Qian concentrated on comprehending the Three Sword Techniques. With the help of the miraculous Sanyan Rentu, his understanding of the Three Sword Techniques continued to deepen. The three sword techniques of Jingqi and Shen were constantly interacting and merging, gradually forming The prototype of kendo far beyond the three methods.

Qingyou mentioned it when he was teaching the Dharma.

In the ancient times of this world, there was a Supreme Sword Sect who used the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit to control the sword, which had incredible power.

Compared to the Supreme Sword Sect, Qinglin Sword Pavilion only has the mystery of controlling swords with gods. Although it is also at the upper level of swordsmanship, it pales in comparison to that supreme realm.

However, the Supreme Sword Sect has long been reduced to dust, and the Qinglin Sword Pavilion is the pinnacle in sword cultivation in today's world.

The water surface of the small lake outside the building is gently undulating.

The breeze gently rotated around the small building.

The wind dragon and water dragon in the hands of the three-eyed man twisted in the air, and the incredible magical power filled his mind, and finally merged into Lu Qian's energy and spirit, constantly infusing the silver dragon sword.

The shattered spirit of the Silver Dragon Sword is like the decaying land. With the warmth and nourishment of Lu Qian's spirit, a little sprout quietly sprouts in the desolation.

The spirituality of the Silver Dragon Sword was gently touching Lu Qian's consciousness, like an abandoned puppy, cautiously approaching its new owner.

The energy poured into it by Lu Qian was like the best dog food. Silver Dragon Sword swallowed it in big mouthfuls, oh, it smells so good!

The five colors and the aura of heaven and earth are constantly pouring into the body.

Lu Qian Wuliang's cultivation level in the ruins body is also slowly improving.

After breaking through the Furnace Realm and stepping into the Fierce Realm, the Guixu Immortal Essence in his Tanzhong Acupoint underwent a transformation, becoming darker and more crystal clear. The power contained in each strand of Immortal Essence increased by about ten times compared to that in the Melting Furnace Realm.

The Guixu bottle was suspended above Lu Qian's head, and he was also swallowing the mist and aura around him.

With a 'ding' sound, another drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water condensed.

A pair of heavy armor, a strong bow, and a spear, all filled with black demonic aura, were crawling beside Lu Qian, also quietly absorbing the resources Lu Qian provided to them.

As the natal secret treasures trained by the ancient bear demon, in this era when the world and the world are shattered, the three treasures are also suffering from hunger and thirst.

Now they are absorbing it with all their strength, repairing and strengthening themselves bit by bit.

The traces of the ancient bear demon left in their bodies were being polished away bit by bit by Lu Qian's energy.

Ninety-nine percent of the imprint left by the ancient bear demon in their bodies has been dissipated. These days, Lu Qian has been living with them day and night. The demonic aura emitted by the three secret treasures has gradually become thinner, replaced by traces of wind patterns on the surface of the secret treasure. , water patterns, as well as bluish-white wind swirls and water vapor.

The green and white aura was mixed with the black demonic aura. It was not very conspicuous, but it was definitely there.

In a few days, Lu Qian will be able to completely change the appearance of the three secret treasures and truly become his own treasures.

Everything went smoothly and smoothly.

The night was quiet and the moonlight was beautiful.

Although at the end of the month, there was only a waning moon hanging in the sky, the garden of Tianyang Gongfu was beautifully built, and everything looked so beautiful under the faint moonlight.

Then, bursts of hysterical bird calls came from high in the sky.

In the direction of the imperial city, the golden bell and jade chime sounded like a convulsion.

Buzzing buzzing, one hundred and eight bloody light pillars shot straight into the sky, dyeing a large area of ​​the sky red.

Everywhere in Haojing City, in the military cities and camps, there were also streaks of blood shining into the sky. On both sides of the gallops used by the army, pillars of fire lit up, illuminating all the military gallops.

A big eagle flew over Tianyang Gongfu.

The two little eunuchs jumped off the back of the big eagle and screamed hysterically: Where is Mr. Tianyang? Where is Mr. Tianyang? Your Majesty, hurry up, hurry up... Oh, why is this garden so big? Mr. Tianyang? Where? Where is Mr. Tianyang?

Lu Qian heard the movement outside. He took a deep breath, and the light around his body was dim. He absorbed the Guixu Immortal Energy rushing in his body into his body bit by bit, and bit by bit the vigorous blood energy was withdrawn into his heart, and he also withdrew the agile soul light. mind.

All the energy and spirit were gathered together, and the silver dragon sword, heavy armor, strong bow, and spear also took back the Beiming Ring. Lu Qian took off the Guixu bottle, glanced at the drop of Xuanyuan Divine Water that had just condensed in the bottle, frowned, and directly put it into the bottle. Pour it into your mouth and swallow it in one gulp.

With a tremor all over his body, Lu Qian opened the door of the pavilion and strode out.

A wisp of breeze blew from the side and went straight to the two young eunuchs. Lu Qian's voice also came to them: Don't panic. No matter what you look like, if the eunuch sees you, he will definitely give you a slap in the face.

What happened? Is there another female ghost causing trouble?

Your Majesty is urgent. Should we go to Jiuqu Garden or the Imperial City?

The two young eunuchs flew in front of Lu Yi and fell at his feet: Tianyang Gong, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is rushing to the imperial city... Your Majesty has made an urgent call... I want you to take people to Kunpengfang and circle the area. Live in Zhuge Mansion! No one can run away, no one can run away!


Zhuge Mansion?

Lu Qian looked at the two panicked little eunuchs and said coldly: Don't panic, Zhuge Mansion, the Zhuge family of the Six Sage Family? What did they commit?

The little eunuch looked up at Lu Qian and stammered: On the 26th of this month, Zhuge Duming opened the East Boundary City to welcome Uncle Dong Qi's army into the city.

Within three days, Dong Qibo's army has captured twenty-nine counties in the two counties to the west of Dongjie City. One county governor and nineteen county magistrates were born in culture and education, and they all surrendered to the enemy... Take one county governor and ten county magistrates who were born in Xiaolian. He led the imperial army to garrison the city and all died for the country.

Lu Qian stared at the two young eunuchs dumbfounded.

He remembered the opinions of Zhu Chong and other important cultural and educational ministers on how to deal with Dong Qibo's rebellion in the court a few days ago.

Haha, with East Boundary City, everything is safe.

Haha, Zhuge is unique and a good minister of the country.

Well, the Eastern Boundary City, known as the Golden Water City, was occupied like this? Zhuge Duming, he directly opened the city gate to let Dong Qibo's army enter the city?

The young eunuch hissed: Mr. Tianyang, Gong Tianyang, Your Majesty said that the Zhuge family has rebelled. Now in Haojing City, there are only a few loyal ministers that he dares to trust and use. This Zhuge Mansion... …”

Lu Qian picked up the young eunuch and shouted sternly: Come here, hurry up and set off. Please also ask the two young gentlemen to report back to Your Majesty. Lu Qian is loyal to Your Majesty, as can be seen from the sun and the moon... Oh, Zhuge family.

Lu Qian murmured in his heart.

As a pioneer of Buddhism, the Great Vajra Temple caused trouble in Anping Prefecture.

So, who is this Zhuge family behind them?

Lu Qian's voice caused the entire Tianyang Palace to quickly become noisy. After a while, 3,000 personal guards, 36 Shenwu generals, and 300 supervisors under the jurisdiction of Lu Qian's headquarters quickly dressed up and, under the leadership of Lu Qian, Get off, rush out from the north back door of Tianyang Gongfu, cross the back street, run along the canal for a short distance, and then break into Wuyinfang through the stone bridge.

Passing through Wuyinfang from west to east and crossing a street is Kunpengfang.

Turn north and run along the main road for a quarter of an hour. In front of you is the Prime Minister's Mansion, which is being rebuilt. Then turn east, and among the long list of court offices, there is the Rites Office under the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Near the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites and across the street, there is a mansion that occupies an area comparable to that of a prince.

In front of the door of the mansion, there is a plaque with large gilt characters on a blue background, which is the word Zhuge Mansion.

Nowadays, outside the gate of Zhuge Mansion, there are already many guards, warriors, and lieutenants looking around. The walls of the mansion are even brightly lit. Many Zhuge Mansion guards are carrying weapons and circling the surrounding streets. The palace guards and supervisors were watching with eager eyes.

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