Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 191 Emergency Arrest (2)

Dark Cloud Beast kept his pace as slow as possible.

While it was running, it did not forget to turn around and snort a few times, laughing at the three petite little donkeys and a large group of burly black horses with blood hoofs.

They are all trash, and they run like a trash like a mother-in-law!

All animals that run slower than it are useless... Therefore, when the Black Cloud Beast stopped at the gate of Zhuge Mansion, it did not forget to poke its hooves a few times. Sparks were flying, and it forcibly dug a few times into the ground. A hoof print the size of a small washbasin.

It wasn't until the rabbit lying in front of Lu Qian's saddle put a paw on its forehead in displeasure that the guy calmed down. He turned around, bared his teeth, and showed the rabbit an almost flattery expression. 'Smile'.

There is a green snake lurking in Lu Qian's sleeve.

Overhead, large parrots spread their wings and flew by.

Dahuang lolled his tongue and twitched his nose vigorously.

Except for the oversized and slightly slow snapping turtle, which stayed behind at the Tianyang Palace, he brought over all the uncles around Lu Qian.

Gently patting the rabbit that was threatening the Black Cloud Beast, Lu Qian looked at the guards on the wall of Zhuge Mansion and said coldly: By order of the emperor, I ask Zhuge Mingming, the Minister of Rites, to go to the imperial city to discuss state affairs. Open the door as soon as possible.

The guards looked at Lu Qian with twinkling eyes. The expressions on their faces were meaningful and full of weirdness like 'you treat us as fools'.

Lu Qian looked at the guards and spread his hands: Come on, you won't be fooled, right? Then, attack in!

Lu Ren shouted loudly, and Ahu, who was running all the way with the large group of people carrying the magic pestle, rushed out. The magic pestle, with a faint firelight, hit the door of Zhuge Mansion with a heavy blow.

There was a loud bang, and the door of Zhuge Mansion let out a wail. The shouts of a group of guards came from behind the door. The door frame trembled, and a huge dent was made in the steel plate wrapped around the door. However, the door actually fell from Ah. Tiger managed to survive the heavy blow.

Ahu, haven't you eaten? Lu Qian laughed loudly.

Ah Hu's face turned red with anger, he roared, his body swayed, and he rose more than a foot from where he was, and his whole skin was covered with a light red color.

He rushed to the side for more than ten steps, avoiding the door that was held up by countless guards behind him. He waved the demon-conquering pestle and hit the side wall with his head. Hearing a loud noise, he knocked down a large section of the six-foot-thick courtyard wall that was seven to eight feet long.

The guards' exclamations came from behind the courtyard wall, the sound of bowstrings vibrating and roaring, hundreds of strong bows and crossbows fired, and dense arrows fell on Ahu one after another.

Ah Hu covered his eyes with his left hand, and with his right hand he swept the magic pestle wildly. He knocked out a large number of arrows. He didn't know which unlucky guy in the yard was affected by the flying arrows, and let out a miserable howl. Voice.

Rush in and ask Shangshu Zhuge to see His Majesty. Lu Qian waved his hand forward.

A large group of supervisors danced with guns and clubs, and followed A Hu as they rushed in through the gap in the courtyard wall.

As soon as more than a dozen guards rushed in, they heard a series of ghostly screams. They flew out much faster than they went in. They were all covered in blood and had been hacked by countless knives.

Several jailers were stabbed in the neck, their heads almost split off, and they looked like they were dead.

Lu Qian was furious and shouted: Ahu, what's going on?

Ahu yelled in the yard: There are many people, and the claws are very hard.

Lu Yi snorted, and the rabbit had already rushed out happily to see Hunter Xin. Lu Yi waved his hand, and the hundreds of strong men standing next to him, who were at least eight feet, five or six inches tall, immediately rushed towards him with a cry of Ao Ao. go out.

These strong men of Baihu Hall have been practicing with Ahu these days. Lu Qian purchased rare medicinal materials at any cost and concocted various soups, pills and powders for them to assist them in their cultivation.

In addition, the places where they practiced were all in the Five Elements Feng Shui formation set up by Lu Qian. They were nourished by the five elements and the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth. Their progress was much faster than that of secular martial arts. What they could earn in an ordinary day was probably higher than that of ordinary martial arts practitioners. The secular martial arts practice requires many months of hard training.

Nowadays, all of these men from Baihu Hall have almost half an ox's strength, and they are considered good even among masters in the Tuo Pulse Realm.

They were heavily armored, with heavy shields in their left hands, and short-handled maces in their right hands. Like a group of iron towers, they rushed in along the gap in the courtyard wall, and then there was a dull beating sound in the courtyard wall.

The 'Puff' sound of the mace striking the flesh, the 'Pap' sound of the Tianling Cap being struck, and the 'Crack' sound of broken bones could be heard endlessly. There was chaos in the yard, and earth-shaking miserable howls rose into the sky. .

Ahu led a group of strong men from Baihutang and swept away all the guards in the courtyard. Lu Qian waved his hand again, Yu Dianhu and other thirty-six generals shouted loudly, and a group of personal guards rushed forward. Violence knocked open the door of Zhuge Mansion.

There was a loud bang, and the two red-lacquered and copper-nailed doors fell heavily to the ground. Lu Qian rode the Black Cloud Beast, led a large group of people into the room, and broke into the door directly.

The structure of Zhuge's Mansion is no different from that of other princes' mansions in Dayin.

After entering the gate, there is a rectangular square with a carved walkway in the middle. At the end of the walkway, which is thirty to forty feet long, is the lobby upon entering the courtyard.

Now the square is full of guards wearing soft armor. They are dead, injured, and disabled. Many of them are seriously injured and are lying on the ground wailing loudly.

More than a hundred guards, panting and covered in blood, lined up in front of the steps into the lobby of the compound, looking at Lu Qian and others who came in with flickering eyes.

Ahu led more than a hundred strong men and approached the array of guards step by step. It felt like a group of big bad wolves approaching a group of little lambs step by step, which made the guards look more fragile and pitiful.

Lu Qian rode on the dark cloud beast and looked coldly at the brightly lit lobby.

There were at least a thousand candles lit in the huge lobby, and the bright lights illuminated most of the square.

Wearing a dark purple casual robe, his long hair was pulled into a bun, and he simply inserted a white jade hairpin. Zhuge Mingming, who looked calm, was sitting in the lobby, holding a book in his hand, and whispered without raising his head. Chanting.

Zhuge, who is nearly seventy years old, is obviously well maintained. His hair is only gray, and there are only three wrinkles on his forehead on his white jade plate-like cheeks. He looks like he is in his early fifties.

Several men in white clothes stood quietly aside. Their auras were stern, their eyes were like swords, and they stared directly at Lu Qian, with deep malice in their eyes.

Lu Qian smiled: Master Zhuge, Your Majesty is suddenly thinking about you. How about you follow me into the palace and have a few intimate words with Your Majesty?

Zhuge Mingming put down the book in his hand, slowly raised his head, and smiled at Lu Qian: The words 'intimate words' are remarkable. Mr. Tianyang, you are an interesting person... But, Shou The Palace Supervisor has greatly disappointed me this time!

Lu Qian keenly captured the hidden meaning of Zhuge Mingming's words.

Oh? Master Zhuge has already known what happened in the East Boundary City? Tsk, do you think it's too late for us to visit you? Should we come to visit you a few days earlier?

Zhuge Mingming smiled but said nothing.

Lu Qian sighed: Then I don't understand. Why don't you leave?

Zhuge Mingming looked at Lu Qian with a smile: Why do I want to leave?

Lu Qian looked at him with wide eyes in shock: You Zhuge clan have rebelled, how can you not leave?

Zhuge Mingming stood up, pointed his sword at Lu Qian and shouted sternly: Huangkou boy, don't talk nonsense. I, Zhuge, are loyal to Dayin, the Queen Mother, and the Emperor. How can I rebel?

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he looked at the other party in astonishment.

Zhuge Duming sacrificed the Eastern Boundary City, and Dong Qibo's army invaded the heart of Dayin. You, Zhuge, are clearly rebelling.

Zhuge Mingming stroked his long beard with his hand and said leisurely: With a big family and a big business, it is inevitable that there will be bad sons... I, Zhuge Mingming, am brave and loyal, and the world can learn from it. However, unfortunately, three or five traitors came out of the family, and they did such cruel things. The matter of you not having a father...

Lu Qian understood.

He smiled and said: Oh, it's a good idea to hedge your bets. Master Zhuge Mingming is a loyal minister; Master Zhuge Duming is a rebellious minister. No matter who wins, your Zhuge family will always be invincible!

Lu Chen shook his head and sighed: Okay, okay, it's really good. But, Master Zhuge, can the world believe your words?

Zhuge Mingming chuckled haha and looked at Lu Qian as if he were a fool.

Lu Qian understood clearly and shook his head slightly. He was really stupid - Zhuge clearly didn't need the world to believe his words. He only needed the civil and military officials of the dynasty to believe his words, and that was enough.

So, would the civil and military officials of Dayin Manchu Dynasty believe his words?

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.

Those civil servants believed that then Zhuge Mingming and Zhuge's reputation as bold and loyal would not collapse.

Will civil servants believe it?

of course!

They will believe each other, testify to each other, and confirm each other. The other party is a loyal minister who is completely loyal to Dayin.

Lu Qian sighed: Yes, of course everyone in the world will believe that Master Zhuge is a loyal minister, and the Zhuge family is also full of loyalties...

Zhuge Mingming glared at Lu Yi fiercely.

‘The whole family is loyal’ is not a good word.

Lu Qian smiled and cupped his hands towards Zhuge Mingming: I'm sorry, I haven't studied much since I was a child, so I can't speak. Here, I'll wait for Master Zhuge to enter the palace to see His Majesty.

Lu Qian's tone turned cold and he shouted sternly: Take off his purple robe, loosen his bun, take off his shoes and socks, let him wear underwear, hair and bare feet, and beat him with a soft stick all the way. See your Majesty!

Lu Qian couldn't see people like Zhuge Mingming.

The whole family is a traitor, how can you pretend to be so loyal?

Come on, you have to pretend, right?

Lu Qianfei had to strip him of his dignity.

A group of guards were gearing up and marching towards the lobby step by step with strange smiles - when it came to humiliating ministers and tormenting officials, all of these murderers who guarded the palace were good at it.

Lu Qian shouted again: Eight hundred people will go to the backyard to protect Lord Zhuge's family!

These words are even more vicious.

The cultural and educational ministers, not to mention all of them are Bai Changkong, their emphasis on 'etiquette' has reached a crazy level.

If their family members were really 'protected' by Lu Qian's guards for a whole night, they seemed to have no other way to protect their 'face as a gentleman' except forcing them to hang themselves!

Zhuge Mingming was furious, jumped to his feet and cursed: Lu Qian, how dare you!

Lu Qian sneered: Act according to my orders. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!

With a 'clang' sound, a man in white in the lobby waved his right hand, and a green blade turned into a cold light more than three feet long, and stabbed straight into Lu Qian's chest.

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