Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 207 Stranger

Lu Qian's strong bow was made by the ancient bear demon who collected countless rare materials and forged it with brute force.

There are no magical changes, it just has an extremely long range and extremely strong power, that's all.

But thanks to Lu Qian's polishing and tempering these days, the traces originally left by the ancient bear demon in the strong bow have been completely washed away. As the spiritual light of the soul was tempered by Lu Qian's visualization of the three-eyed figure, the nature of the strong bow also changed wonderfully.

When the strong bow, which was originally pitch black, was drawn and released, countless fine wind and water patterns flashed on the bow body and bow strings.

The originally overbearing and evil demonic energy disappeared. On the three long arrows released, wisps of water vapor were wrapped in the breeze. The long arrows rotated rapidly, following an almost absolutely straight trajectory, and pierced Wu Heyun.

The speed of the long arrow is three times faster than that of the original strong bow shot by brute force. According to Lu Qian's estimation, the range has at least doubled, and it can easily shoot two to three hundred miles!

The long arrow was accompanied by a loud noise and hit Wu Heyun who was protected by the sword.

The arrow exploded into pieces on the sword light, but the wind and water vapor entangled around the arrow violently impacted and rubbed. Seeing a tiny flash of lightning, three huge roars of thunder exploded on the ground, and three balls of water exploded. A vat-sized electric light suddenly exploded next to Wu Heyun.

When the arrow struck, Wu Heyun was protected by sword light, but he was still shocked by the terrifying power attached to the arrow and took several steps back.

If the quality of the arrows is not too poor, and they are just made of ordinary heavy alloys in the secular world, if they are replaced by the special materials commonly used by monks for casting various spiritual weapons and spiritual armors... I am afraid that these three arrows can kill them. Wu Heyun fought against him.

Even so, the sword light crushed three long arrows. Who would have thought that there would be electric light exploding on the arrows?

In particular, the power of Feng Shui obtained by Lu Qian's visualization of the three-eyed figure is extremely pure, of extremely high quality, and contains infinite mysteries. The power of thunder caused by the wind and water is extremely high.

That kind of pure Yang was the most powerful, containing the righteousness of heaven and earth, and the mighty energy burst out like a punishment from heaven. Wu Heyun's body-protecting sword light exploded into pieces, and traces of electric light penetrated along the cracks of the broken sword light. Entering, he landed directly on Wu Heyun.

Wu Heyun howled miserably, and more than a dozen extremely thin electric lights exploded on his body, blasting out transparent holes the size of thumbs in his body.

He vomited blood, and the golden sword light rolled back and engulfed his body. Together with his body, it turned into a human-shaped golden light and fled in the direction of Qi Li's Chinese army camp, clinging to the ground.

Three cyan sword rainbows pursued Wu Heyun relentlessly and struck him on the head.

The three Qingyou girls had just fought with Wu Heyun in a sword fight, and all three girls had suffered a big loss. The little girl's family was the most stingy, how could she let Wu Heyun off so easily?

Lu Qian was also restless. He had already killed two people, so why not kill one more?

Moreover, even if the trouble was brought to the top of the Buddhist and Taoist sects, Lu Qian was justified - it was Wu Heyun and the disciples of the Heart Sword Sect who took the initiative to attack and kill Lu Qian, but it was not Lu Qian who took the initiative to provoke them!

Lu Qian was right.

Not to mention, the Great Vajra Temple, and even Buddhism, will make trouble even if it is unreasonable, and it will not forgive others if it is justified?

Watching Wu Heyun fleeing in embarrassment, Lu Qian took the arrow from the guard. There was a loud bang, and arrows flew out densely, hitting Wu Heyun with extreme precision and cruelty.

Thunderballs exploded, the humanoid golden light shook violently, and Wu Heyun's roars continued to be heard.

Little Lu Qian...

Little thief Lu Qian...

With a loud 'boom' sound, the golden light on Wu Heyun's body suddenly dimmed, faintly revealing his original physical form.

Wu Heyun's curse immediately changed.

Mr. Tianyang, I am...

More than a dozen arrows flew out in succession, hitting Wu Heyun hard.

At this time, it was only a snap of a finger before Wu Heyun fled backwards. Wu Heyun had just flown backwards for a hundred feet, and could not even escape to Qi Li's side.

The sound of thunderstorms continued, and large pits with a diameter of more than ten feet were blasted on the ground. The soil that was blown up was all scorched by the thunder, and traces of black smoke kept rising.

The golden light on Wu Heyun's body suddenly disintegrated, and a bolt of lightning exploded under his waist and abdomen. The lightning flashed, and his two thighs vaporized and disappeared without a trace.

Wu Heyun howled miserably: I am Wu Heyun, the elder of the outer sect of the Heart Sword Sect... You... have caused a big trouble!

In the direction of Qi Li's Chinese army camp, dozens of silver, white, and yellow sword lights with a length of five, six, seven, eight, and the longest were about ten feet rushed out, rushing towards this side in a hurry, thinking We must rescue Wu Heyun.

The three cyan sword rainbows pressed down, and Wu Heyun let out a miserable scream. The three sword lights smashed him into pieces, a cloud of blood mist exploded, and a golden light suddenly rushed up, trying to escape through the air.

The three Qingyou girls shouted in unison, and the three cyan sword lights turned into a big net to tightly lock the three cyan sword rainbows, and dragged them bit by bit towards Wuzhou City.

Qi Li and the several golden-armored generals around him were so frightened that they turned their mounts around and fled towards the direction of the Chinese army.

They dared to run to a place less than three miles away from Wuzhou City and have a casual argument with Lu Qian. Wasn't it Wu Heyun who they relied on?

With this god-like figure holding the battle, Qi Li and the others did not pay attention to Lu Qian or the defenders on the city, including the heavy bed crossbows and other equipment.

Never imagined……

Wu Heyun, such a divine being, was actually beaten to the point of physical and mental destruction by the three girls Lu Qian and Qingyou.

As for the sword guards of Haojian Palace, these days they are all arrogant and imposing. Qi Li has been made a little embarrassed by the senior officials of Haojian Palace several times.

It was also completely unexpected that these sword guards, who had become extremely arrogant after receiving certain promises from the Heart Sword Sect, were actually annihilated. The sword guards who broke into the city were not even able to make a splash. Before it exploded, they all disappeared.

This battle cannot be fought!

Qi Li cursed in his heart - how could the unscrupulous emperor in Haojing City recruit such an incredible being?

The mount Deer King is running wildly.

Qi Li looked at the dozens of sword lights rushing out of the Chinese army camp, and felt a little confident in his heart.

The old immortal Wu Heyun is dead, but he is accompanied by dozens of young immortals, all of whom are masters, and none of them can compete with ordinary martial arts practitioners in the secular world.

No matter how fierce Lu Qian is, can he withstand the siege of dozens of gods?

The sword light broke through the air, and dozens of disciples of the Heart Sword Sect yelled and cursed angrily. The cold air swept across them, chasing the cyan sword light that fled towards the east gate of Wuzhou City with the violently struggling and beating golden light.

Lu Qian laughed haha. He held a strong bow and shot out arrows one after another.

Dozens of sword lights, each sword light was evenly distributed to seven or eight arrows in a breath.

I heard the disciples of the Heart Sword Sect shouting loudly one by one. Their sword light was wrapped in bursts of thunder. The lightning blasted their sword light to the point of collapse. The light was dim. Those sword lights that were only five or six feet long were even more... It exploded directly, revealing flying swords of different lengths and sizes, and fell to the ground with the wailing disciples.

On the top of the city, countless soldiers from the Yulin Army and the Leopard Cavalry waved their weapons and shouted loudly: My lord is mighty!

Qi Li and several golden-armored generals ran wildly, looking back from time to time toward the city head.

Hearing the roars of the soldiers guarding the city, Qi Li's face became extremely ugly.

Such morale... The important thing is that Lu Qian has such means. Can Wuzhou City still be defeated?

If he couldn't defeat him, not to mention the humiliation brought to him by those wooden signs on the road... At Qi Li's stage, what would it mean to be scolded for his ancestors? It's just a bit shameless.

But there has been a rebellion. If we are blocked here in Wuzhou City, we cannot continue to the west...

The emperor of Haojing City pursued the case.

If he issued an imperial edict, he would directly depose Uncle Dong Qi from his title.

Qi Li's mind was in turmoil, and he was confused and didn't know what to do.

In a hurry, Qi Li had already rushed back to the Chinese army camp. He hissed: That guy's bow and arrow are so powerful, they are simply inhumane... Break out of the camp, retreat, retreat, at least a hundred miles away... That guy's bow and arrow, Definitely a range of more than ten miles!

Qi Li thought about it. His Chinese army camp was retreating hundreds of miles. It should be safe, right?

Wuzhou City.

A large river flows from west to east, flows into the city from outside the city, passes through the entire city, and then continues to flow east.

Dong Qibo's army surrounded Wuzhou City from all sides. The river was still calm, and there were still a few sails in the river.

A gorgeous boat with a length of more than ten feet was flowing down the river from the center of the river, getting closer to Wuzhou City.

On the river bank, Dong Qibo's subordinates were riding down, chasing parallel to the river bank and the painted boat. Some soldiers waved flags and blew horns towards the painted boat in the center of the river, signaling them to dock for inspection.

On the boat, several strong men in short Tsing Yi clothes and over 10 feet tall were operating the boat and continued to approach Wuzhou City. They seemed not to hear or see the warning from the rangers on the shore.

In the cabin, a colorful glazed mirror about two feet in diameter and three inches thick was floating quietly. The light and shadow in the mirror flickered. It was Lu Qian who drew his strong bow and struck at the disciples of the Heart Sword Sect, leaving them in a state of panic. A situation where there is no way forward or back.

Sitting in the cabin were a dozen young men and women with rather strange looks and clothing.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, they are all tall and slender, with picturesque features and delicate features.

Their hair was green and black, and both men and women had long hair hanging down their backs. The sunlight shined through the window on their hair, making it moist and shiny, giving off a faint light just like their light blue eyes.

The style of their clothes is similar to the loose Taoist robes popular among Dayin's cultural ministers, but the sleeves and hem of the robes are wider. On the light blue robes, black silk threads are embroidered with various patterns of earth, water, fire and wind, among which are intertwined with simple pieces. And the weird runes exude a mysterious atmosphere.

They looked at the image in the glass mirror attentively, with sarcastic sneers on their faces.

After a while, when he saw the group of disciples of the Heart Sword Sect with the lowest cultivation level being blown up by Lu Qian's arrows and vomiting blood and falling to the ground, a pretty girl burst out laughing: This can be considered... a sword cultivator. ?”

In the cabin, cheerful laughter erupted, and several younger girls almost fell to the ground with laughter, holding their bellies.

A young man who looked to be the oldest smiled and waved his hand: Okay, let's start from here. Let's catch both sides... Let's talk about it, what should we do?

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