Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 208 Flood, flood!

At the top of Wuzhou City, the sword light of the three Qingyou girls came back with a ball of golden light.

The golden light, wrapped in three cyan sword lights, kept beating and vibrating. The sword lights collided and made a loud and ear-piercing sound, which made countless soldiers on the city head lose their footing and hold their ears.

Seeing that Jin Mang was so violent, Lu Qian picked up the spear and hit Jin Mang with a 'dong' barrel.

The golden light dispersed, and a nine-inch dagger was revealed.

The dagger is entirely golden, as smooth as a mirror, and dazzling. If you look carefully, inside the sword, there are chains of gorgeous and smooth runes that are like flowing clouds, spinning rapidly.

Lu Qian fired a few more shots and sneered at the dagger: I know you are all intelligent, do you accept it or not?

The golden sword vibrated slightly in the air.

Lu Qian released two small swords, Yaoguang and Xuanying, and surrounded it on the left and right.

The golden sword made a high-pitched sword sound, and Lu Qian suddenly reached out and grabbed it. In his mind, the spiritual light of the soul turned into a flood-like spiritual shock, invading the golden sword silently.

The spiritual mark left by Wu Heyun was violently broken, and the aura left in the golden sword by Wu Heyun using the secret technique of the Heart Sword Sect was also washed away in an instant. The golden sword stopped beating and rested obediently in Lu Qian's hand.

Lu Qian picked up the dagger and looked at the sword.

A faint golden rune lit up on the sword, which was the word Golden Yang.

Jinyang, Jinyang. Qingyou took out his ancestor's manuscript from his luggage and quickly turned to the column that recorded the famous flying swords of the major sword cultivators: Jinyang Sword, Jinyang of the Heart Sword Sect , Qingyang, Chiyang, Baiyang, the first of the Four Yang Swords!

The Four Yang Sword can be ranked among the top ten among the flying swords inherited from the Heart Sword Sect.

Qingyou looked at Lu Yi with strange eyes: Our Qinglin Sword Pavilion emphasizes the sincerity of the sword. A Qinglin Sword is enough for us sisters to use. This sword is too hot, so keep it!

Lu Qian put away the Jinyang Sword with a smile, and smiled at Qingyou: You are afraid of trouble, but I am not. I will accept this sword, and I will give it to you if I have something good for you in the future.

Lu Qian shot arrows randomly, which made many sword cultivators in the Heart Sword Sect lose their temper. They stood angrily at the gate of Qi Li's Chinese army camp and looked over and over towards Wuzhou City. No one had the courage to continue to attack. Forward.

After hesitating for a long time, they could only rescue the wounded, help up those injured fellow disciples, and retreat with Qi Li's Chinese army camp. This retreat is a hundred miles. Qi Li's army only retreated a few miles, and then continued to surround Wuzhou City.

Lu Qian was not in a hurry.

Let Qi Li lay siege to the city. If nothing else happens, Lu Wei's Canglang Cavalry and the follow-up troops of the Eastern Expedition Corps are rushing here in full swing. When the follow-up army arrived, Lu Yi and others attacked from the outside. Lu Qian's army bloomed from inside Wuzhou City, which was enough to give Qi Li a good look.

Lu Qian inspected the Jinyang Sword on the top of the city. When the disciples of the Heart Sword Sect followed Qi Li and retreated, the painted boat on the river was also slowly moving upstream.

On both sides of the river, there were riders under Qi Li's command staring at the boat.

Ordinary people would never have such courage. In the face of the army's reprimands and orders, they continued to swim leisurely on the river without any sound of response.

The painting boat headed upstream in the opposite direction, and the horsemen on both sides of the river followed it closely.

The river was only two or three miles wide. A master of the Tuo Pulse Realm with superb archery skills in the army took out his strong bow and aimed at the burly men manning the boat at the rear of the boat. Armor-piercing arrows shot out with sharp whistling sounds. Ben shot those big men over.

Several big men were manipulating the sails and oars calmly. When arrows were shot, they grabbed them without raising their heads. Arrows that were enough to penetrate iron armor two miles away were easily caught by them one by one. He came down and threw it on the deck.

The riders on both sides of the strait were stunned and subconsciously tightened their reins.

The speed of the boat was also getting faster and faster, gradually accelerating to a level comparable to that of a fast horse. It traveled northwest along the river for a distance, turned a huge corner, and submerged into the green mountains. Yugi disappeared from sight.

This matter was reported to superiors by Youqi.

The superior captain reported the matter to his superior.

The general under Dong Qibo who was responsible for commanding these rangers did not take this matter to heart at all. Could a mere folk painting boat cause any harm to Dong Qi Bo's army?

Even if there are three or five martial arts masters on the boat, what use are mere martial arts masters facing millions of elite troops?

What a fuss. The general threw away the information sent to him and went to work on other more important things.

Dong Qibo's army went on an expedition, and the legion was huge. Both the soldiers and the mounts were all big-bellied, and the daily logistics consumption was an extremely terrifying astronomical figure. Moreover, when we arrived in Wuzhou, it was extremely far away from Dong Qibo's own territory, and it was impossible to transport enough logistics supplies from Dong Qibo's territory.

Uncle Dong Qi's order is to collect food on the spot!

Wherever you go, you eat.

Relying on the knife handles and gun barrels in their hands, wherever Uncle Dong Qi's army passed, the people had to hand over their rations, the government had to take out all the materials in the official warehouses, and the local gentry and rich people, etc., even more Take the initiative to contribute' and work hard!

Wuzhou is a famous land of plenty, very fat, very fat!

The main battle force surrounding Wuzhou City could not easily leave the camp, so these rangers, who were responsible for patrolling, reconnaissance, and killing enemy scouts, became the main force in collecting food.

This is a fat guy, very fat, very fat!

Just find a few local tycoons to extort money, and a huge amount of wealth will fall into your pocket.

In comparison, who is in the mood to take care of a painting boat?

However, let the group of brats who have seen the painted boat go with them to collect food. The Ranger Commander suddenly remembered something: If during the food collection, they saw the painted boat and found its owner, Home, let them vomit more things on the charge of attacking the army and plotting evil intentions.

Huafang, who had been used as a reason for blackmail, had traveled more than a hundred miles against the wind and current.

The young men and women walked out of the cabin and looked at the terrain on both sides of the river.

The eldest young man suddenly clapped and laughed: There is not much here. Both sides of the bank are raised and the mountains stretch for hundreds of miles. It is a good place to store water.

After saying that, he pointed his hand and the boat, which was speeding on the river, suddenly stopped. It stopped directly on the river without any deceleration.

He reached into his sleeve and took out a stack of light cyan, more than a foot long and three inches wide, covered with various strange patterns of talisman paper. He took a sharp breath, and then blew on these talismans in one breath. On paper.

Crash! dozens of talisman papers flew into the air. The higher they flew, the bigger the talisman papers became.

Gradually, these talismans turned into huge cyan light curtains that were hundreds of feet long and nearly a hundred feet wide. The whole body was filled with light, and the huge runes slowly moved around in the light curtain, exuding a breathtaking energy. The overwhelming pressure.

The young man pressed his hands gently, and the light curtains formed by these talisman fell down one by one, and fell directly into the river with a clang sound, and lined up neatly in a row, turning into a towering tower. A hundred-foot-long light curtain embankment.

The mighty river suddenly stopped flowing.

To the west of the light curtain dam, the water surface gradually rises.

To the east of the light curtain dam, the river water fell bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next to the young man, a charming girl smiled: I'm afraid there's not enough water, so I won't be able to trap and kill the people outside the city.

The young man looked at the girl with a smile: Junior sister, please help me.

The enchanting girl nodded, dug into her sleeves, and took out a small altar the size of a palm. She casually threw the altar away. The small altar swayed in the wind, and the drip-drop turned into an altar several feet wide and landed on the bow deck of the boat.

The girl walked to the altar, took out three talismans, and with a flick of her finger, the talisman ignited and turned into three flames that shot up into the sky.

She casually picked up three tokens on the altar and knocked them gently. Then she picked up a triangular flag with patterns like wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and waved it toward the sky.


The girl drank lightly.

A cold wind rose from the ground, howling from the northwest. Suddenly, on the mountain peaks on both sides of the river, countless trees, big and small, were blown to sway, and some weeds were blown up by their roots.

The howling wind blew across the river, causing waves several feet high to rise on the river.


The girl shouted again.

The originally clear sky was filled with thick clouds rolling in from all directions. Thick clouds piled up densely, and within a radius of a hundred miles, the sky darkened instantly. The wind blew the dark clouds, and the dark clouds rubbed against each other. Suddenly, large thunderbolts loomed in the dark clouds.


The girl waved the flag vigorously.

In the dark clouds, countless lightning bolts exploded, and lightning and fire fragments flew in the air. More thunder fell on the peaks on both sides of the bank, causing the mountains to collapse and the ground to crack. Countless trees were ignited by the fire and burned gently in the wind. Like a torch.

Then, a ridiculous downpour roared down.

This rain is so outrageous.

The raindrops are actually the size of a fist.

The heavy rain in the sky was like the dam of the Tianhe River collapsed, and the water from the Tianhe River rushed directly to the earth.

Strong winds and heavy rain caused the river water to rise heavily to the west of the dam.

In the place covered by heavy rain, the small rivers and streams turned from clear to turbid in a very short period of time. The water surface expanded rapidly several times, and the dim yellow rivers and streams were like crazy poisonous snakes, fiercely submerged into the river.

The water level of the river rose at an absurd speed.

One foot, two feet, three feet...

Another young man took action with a smile: Senior brother, the dam is certainly good, but the terrain on both sides is a little low... Tsk, I don't know, I have to spend some money.

The young man smiled and took out a pair of bone plates from his sleeves.

The black and yellow bone plates were engraved with the patterns of mountain peaks. The young man grabbed the bone plates, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the set of seventy-two bone plates, and then threw them casually towards both sides of the bank.

On both sides of the river, those originally gentle and graceful mountain peaks, which were originally no more than a hundred feet high, were like bamboo shoots on a spring night, constantly rising higher and higher.

Accompanied by faint earthquakes and thunder, these peaks grew hundreds of feet taller in a quarter of an hour, like two rows of screens stretching for hundreds of miles, sandwiching the river.

The height of the river rose more and more, and the waves on the river, blown by the strong wind, increased from several feet high to more than ten feet high.

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