Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 224: High-level officials of the three religions (2)

So pitiful...

I don’t know which of these tall young men is Xie Youqian, but the way they look now is really pitiful.

Eighteen bald men, one foot and two feet tall, were shirtless, wearing yellow coarse cloth bloomers and cowhide boots. Their pale golden skin seemed to be oiled, shining brightly in the sun.

They held Zen sticks as thick as a bowl of sea, just like villagers hitting rice cakes. The Zen sticks hit the red-robed young men lying on the ground with a dong-dong sound, smashing their bones bit by bit.

Several young men in red robes just wailed a few times before they fainted from the severe pain of broken bones.

The bald men quickly stripped them naked. From the scalp to the soles of their feet, every hair was carefully searched for storage rings, various accessories on their bodies, and even the lips of two young men. Inside, they pulled out the dentures that were engraved with fine runes.

It is worth mentioning that because of these dentures, several young men in red robes had all their big teeth knocked out.

Professional! Lu Qian praised sincerely while resisting the violent attacks of several silver demon puppets.

They are used to the attacks of these silver demon puppets, and that's all they do.

He doesn't have any magical powers or spells, he's just very fast and very powerful, that's all.

But Lu Qian was faster and more powerful than them. These demon puppets didn't have any killing skills. They just attacked and attacked in a straight line. Lu Qian dealt with them and became more and more relaxed and happy.

Between the spear thrusts, the silver demon puppet was knocked back repeatedly, and his body kept making a 'buzzing' roar.

On the hill where the metal boat was smashed, there was a flash of golden light. The thin Shenzui, carrying a tin staff, slowly walked out of the twisted air on the top of the mountain.

He made a backhand move, and the golden hill with a radius of one foot collapsed rapidly, and finally turned into a golden gravel, which gently floated into Shen Zui's palm.

Eighteen strong bald men saluted Shenzui with their hands folded: Abbott.

The corners of Lu Qian's eyes twitched.

The corners of Lu Yan's mouth twitched.

Lu Tie struggled to get up from the Wolf King's back, enduring the severe pain from the broken bones in his chest, and bowed deeply to Shen Zui: Lu Tie, the true disciple of the inner gate of the Great Vajra Temple, see the abbot!

Lu Yi had never seen Shenzui before.

But this did not prevent him from recognizing Shenzui's identity.

Eighteen bald men saluted Shen Zui, calling him 'Abbot'... and the golden tin staff in Shen Zui's hand. Lu Yi had seen the picture of this tin staff. It is one of the inherited Buddhist treasures of the Mahavajra Temple. Its properties It is equivalent to the jade seal passed down by the dynasty in the human world.

As for the golden hill that had just fallen from the sky, Lu Yi had also heard its legend. It should be another inherited Buddhist treasure of the Mahavakra Temple, known as the 'Vajra Sumeru Peak', which is the strongest in Buddhism.

The thin, tall and bald old monk in front of him, who can control two inherited Buddhist treasures of the Great Vajra Temple, is of course Abbot Shenzui, the current headmaster of the Great Vajra Temple.

So Lu Yi hurriedly saluted Shenzui, and his heart was full of doubts - why did he come out of the mountain in person?

Shen Zui was holding a Zen staff, slightly hunched over his waist, and walked step by step.

He looked at Lu Qian, who was fighting with several silver demon puppets, causing sparks to fly and the earth to shake. He smiled and nodded: You are right about releasing evil, Lu Qian. It is really possible that you are the reincarnation of the ancient true Buddha of my Buddhist sect. Otherwise. , with your cultivation, how can you compete with these evil puppets?

As soon as the eighteen bald men appeared, Lu Qian had already activated the secret technique of Wuliang Guixu Body. The light of the furnace that had been ignited in his body was restrained, and the mana was absorbed. Only the furnace in his heart was filled with light, and even the skin and flesh near his heart changed. It became translucent, and a red flame burned blazingly in the chest, emitting huge amounts of light and heat.

Everyone can only think that Lu Qian simply ignited the heart furnace.

As for how it was possible to have a lively fight with these silver demon puppets by simply igniting the heart furnace... Didn't Shen Zui give the most reasonable explanation - 'Lu Qian may be the reincarnation of the ancient true Buddha of Buddhism'!

The reincarnation of the true Buddha of Buddhism... People are born with divine power, born with an indestructible body, and born with infinite supernatural powers. Where can you go to reason?

Lu Qian stabbed hundreds of times in succession, causing large dents to appear on the silver demon puppet's smooth and mirror-like body. He said loudly: Disciple Lu Qian, I have seen the abbot, hiss... these demon puppets are powerful, and the disciple has lost his etiquette. , please don’t blame the abbot.

No wonder, no wonder. Shen Zui smiled gently and waved to Lu Qian with a smile: Young man, it's a good thing to exercise more... Take your time, don't be in a hurry, I have found something. Interesting things.

Shenzui looked at Lu Yi and found that Lu Yi had the absolute upper hand. He held his Zen staff and walked towards Qing Minyu and others step by step.

The disciples of Xuanji Sect were dying and fainting. Only Qing Minyu remained awake.

He watched Shenzui walking step by step, and screamed at the top of his lungs: Bald donkey... old thief bald... the most vicious, shameless, vile, and filthy one among your sects in Jishengtian. , it’s you bunch of bald guys!”

Don't come here, don't come here...what are you going to do? What are you going to do?

Don't come here. I am a direct descendant of the Baiyangqing clan of the Xuanji Sect. If you dare to touch a hair of my hair... Can you, the Holy Heaven, withstand the endless anger of my Xuanji Sect now?

Shenzui smiled and walked step by step to Qing Minyu. He looked down at Qing Minyu who was pinching the thigh wound with both hands and trying his best to seal the blood vessels in the wound to prevent excessive blood flow. He smiled and said: Boy How dare you slander my Buddhist innocence? However, I can understand that young people are ignorant.

Shenzui knelt down and patted Qing Minyu's head gently: Little donor, look at your head, it's so plump and round. As long as you shave off the three thousand worry threads, your head will definitely be smooth and round. It’s a top-notch little monk’s head… You and I, the Great Vajra Temple, are destined!”

Qing Minyu looked at Shen Zui in shock.

Look, you are so happy that you are speechless. Shen Zui smiled brighter and brighter: How about it, our Great Vajra Temple is still short of a few bald boys who can grow vegetables, grow flowers, and clean toilets. , are you willing to give in?

Qing Minyu hissed: How dare you insult me?

Shenzui stretched out his hand with a smile, grabbed one of Qing Minyu's arms, and then gently pressed his fingers together.


Qing Minyu's arm was like a crisp spring bamboo shoot, which was crushed to pieces by Shen Zui. He gently flicked the broken arm and flew far away, landing right in front of a wolf.

Qing Minyu watched in despair as his arm disappeared into the wolf's kiss... He screamed in pain and fear: Old thief Bald... I am the Xuanji Sect, I am the Baiyang Qing clan...

Shen Zui shook his head gently, his smile faded, and he said seriously: A good man doesn't suffer the consequences of his life, what do you think?

Qing Minyu quickly closed his mouth.

Shen Zui smiled brightly: Very good, he is a smart child. I like smart babies. Smart people will always suffer less... Well, considering your Yuan Lingtian's current situation, and Tell me everything about your sect’s situation, as well as the causes and consequences of your invasion of the Holy Heaven, as well as your personnel arrangements.”

If you tell me, you can live. Shenzui looked at Qing Minyu with a smile: If you don't tell me, you will die.

Qing Minyu was stunned, and out of nowhere he said something extremely nonsensical: Monk, you are not allowed to kill!

Shen Zui was also stunned. He tilted his head and gave a very serious answer that left Qing Minyu speechless: That is an ascetic monk. I am a Buddhist protector monk who specializes in killing people and setting fires. ...Before I was ordained, I was the head executioner of the Purification Department of the former dynasty, and I always had to kill one or two thousand heads every year, didn't you know?

While Lu Qian was fighting with the silver demon puppet, he paid attention to the movements on Shenzui's side.

Hearing Shen Zui's last words suddenly, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Shaking his head, Lu Qian let out a long roar. He suddenly jumped into the air, swung his spear, and brought up the sky with gun shadows, hitting several silver demon puppets head-on.

Lu Qian removed his heavy armor.

The purple robe on his body suddenly burned, revealing his bronze skin.

Near his heart, the flesh and blood were transparent, and you could see that his heart was burning like fire.

With his crazy bombardment, the flesh and blood near his left and right lungs also turned translucent. A trace of fire quickly spread from the heart to the lungs, and then the lung furnace also emitted blazing flames.

In front of Shenzui, Lu Yi, and eighteen disciples of the Great Vajra Temple, Lu Qian perfectly performed how a Buddhist disciple who was 'suspected to be the reincarnation of the real Buddha' made a breakthrough during the battle and ignited the Dragon-Tiger Vajra Body 》The whole process of the second furnace.

Shenzui turned around in shock and looked at Lu Qian with surprise and joy.

Lu Yi's eyes widened in shock, looking at Lu Qian in disbelief.

Eighteen bald monks gasped at the same time. They shook their Zen staffs and accidentally bumped against several young men in red robes, smashing several of their broken bones. Two of them were unlucky. Dan woke up from the pain and then passed out again.

Lu Qian... no, Fahai, I will give you an opportunity later. Shenzui said happily: I am afraid that the future of my Great Vajra Temple will depend on you!

Lu Qian beat several silver demon puppets almost to pieces, and was about to destroy them completely in one go, when suddenly he heard the word Fa Hai, his hands trembled, and he almost threw away his spear.

Gritting his teeth, Lu Qian said loudly: Disciple, please obey the abbot's instructions...

The spear was like a dragon, and with a fierce sweep, countless small cracks appeared on the surface of several silver demon puppets. Fireworks spurted out, and they were severely chopped into pieces by Lu Qian's fierce attack.

The voice of a girl who was quite crisp and sweet, but had no ups and downs in her tone of voice and seemed lifeless, came from below.

Shenzui old bald donkey, you are a good disciple. Tsk tsk, you have to keep an eye on him, he is really a good material!

Shenzui raised his tin staff and slammed it on the ground.

There was a muffled sound, and the earth within a radius of more than ten miles shook slightly, and the sand on the ground suddenly released a faint golden light.

Shenzui said coldly: If my disciple loses even one hair, I will burn the corpse pit of your zombie cave... Huh, old zombie, will the Demon Sect let you come forward?

The earth shimmered with golden light, and from the bottom of a hill, large pieces of burnt black smoke came out.

With a muffled sound, the ground cracked open, and dozens of figures sprang out from the ground. The sweet girl's voice yelled angrily: Old bald donkey, you are really not a thing. He kills you when you meet him. The friendship of so many years is nothing. Don’t you want to talk about it?”

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