Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 225: High-level officials of the three religions (3)

Lu Qian walked through the clouds and smoke and came to Lu Yi's side.

The figure rushing out from under the hill over there also stepped into the sky on a black cloud with a faint smell of corpse, and flew towards Shenzui.

In the center of the black clouds is a strange old man with a tuft of red hair on his head, all naked, with a head as big as a bushel and a body as short as a dwarf. He was wearing a dark green robe, and the two palms exposed outside the sleeves were as black as chicken claws, shining with green phosphorus fire.

Behind him, there were dozens of figures, including men and women.

The thirty-six men were all burly men nearly ten feet tall. They only wore a crotch cloth around their waists, and their exposed skin was as dull as granite, exuding a dead air.

Well, they were dead people to begin with.

Lu Qian took a serious look at these big men. They were dead people, but when they just emerged from the ground, they could run, jump, and be very fast.

There are also twenty-four women.

These women are all tall, slim and beautiful girls. They were wearing short leather armor, covering their shy and vital parts. Like those big men, their bodies were lifeless, and their exposed skin was a dull, deathly white color.

Beside the old man, on one left and one on the right, stood a pair of identical twin girls.

They are much better than the big men and girls behind them. Their facial features are vivid and their skin color is similar to ordinary people, but slightly pale.

They were born quite beautiful, and with their looks, even if they were sent to Jiuqu Garden in Yinyuan, they would be eligible to be named concubines. However, God knows which bastard with a twisted mentality gave them an extremely messy look.

The cheeks were powdered, and two palm-sized balls of red rouge were rubbed on. The lips were painted as bright red as if they had just drank blood. The eyeliner and eyebrows were thick and black. They were two beautiful girls, and they looked like a matchmaker in the countryside. generally.

These two girls were also full of death energy and were obviously not alive.

When the black cloud flew towards Shenzui, one of the girls' bloody lips moved slightly, and she made a clear and sweet voice: Old bald donkey, you are the most ruthless and vicious group of bald men. After all, I am the devil. , or are you a devil?

Scared, hurry up. A few days ago, you anxiously asked those old bald men in Buddhism to issue a joint edict, asking each of our three religions to send people here to discuss matters... What on earth is going on? What is all this fuss about?

The Wuzhou City in front is full of death energy. In the past two days, at least nearly ten million people have died there. What a good guy. I am about to collect the accumulated corpse energy and temper my two sweethearts. If you delay me, I won’t rely on your good deeds.”

Shenzui stood up slowly and smiled at the group of old men with withered hair: Master Corpse Demon, didn't you just see it? Those demon puppets that our Fahai smashed were not from our Holy Heaven. thing!

Shenzui pointed at Qing Minyu who was groaning on the ground, and said coldly: Yuan Lingtian's people have already invaded.

Lord Corpse Demon blinked his small eyes, and the girl beside him said coldly: So?

Shenzui hugged the tin staff in his arms and sighed: I am all about to die. Originally, I was just waiting for my legs to kick off and my eyes to close. Things in this world have nothing to do with me.

But, my disciples, please try your best. In this era of great strife, hehe, with some efforts, my great Vajra Temple's heaven and earth wisdom has recovered a little. I have made some breakthroughs in my cultivation these days, and my life has been extended for another three hundred years!

Lord Corpse Demon swallowed his mouth and the girl next to him said coldly: What a bald donkey. Sure enough, you are a thief who doesn't die when you are old... Your luck is really blind. It's true that good people don't live long, and it's a disaster. Live for thousands of years!”

Shen Zui smiled disapprovingly: You know, I have also practiced some magical powers from other Buddhist sects. Among them, 'other minds' are slightly miraculous... When I made a breakthrough in my cultivation, I fell into silence and saw some signs. , so the various Buddhist sects issued edicts to allow colleagues from the three religions to gather here.

Shen Zui pointed to the ground at his feet and said softly: As I see it, my fate in the Holy Heaven begins here.

The black cloud of Lord Corpse Demon came to Shenzui. He lowered the black cloud and, holding his hands behind his back, led the two girls to Shenzui. He looked down at Qing Minyu who was lying on the ground twitching.

Oh, Yuan Lingtian! The girl next to the Corpse Demon Lord giggled.

Another girl said coldly: Well, you are the old bald ass from the Buddhist sect, I am here personally from the Demonic sect, and who are those old bull noses from the Taoist sect?

Before Lord Corpse Demon finished speaking, an almost non-existent sound broke through the sky very high in the sky.

Next to Master Shen Zui and the Corpse Demon, a very faint, almost invisible sword light flashed past. A man about seven feet tall, wearing a light green Taoist robe and a large cloak made of white crane feathers, had an elegant temperament. The old man who was cold and dusty suddenly appeared.

Shen Zui laughed and remained motionless.

The Corpse Demon Venerable screamed strangely and jumped backwards for seven or eight miles. Whoosh! Dozens of white bone shields popped up like mushrooms, spinning crazily around him with phosphorescent will-o'-the-wisps. , covering his whole body tightly.

The vertebrae of three people above his head served as flagpoles, and the large flag made of human skin fluttered in the wind, emitting streams of foul-smelling black gas from rotting corpses that wrapped around his body. Wherever the black gas passed, the rocks and trees below were corroded and hollowed out.

On his body was a piece of bone armor with an ancient shape, covering his whole body airtightly.

The two girls who stayed on the spot yelled in unison: Second Chong Sword Master, what do you want to do? Join forces with the old bald donkey to trick me?

Thirty-six strong men remained silent, and uniformly pulled out the bronze axes carried on their backs, and pointed them at the green-robed old man with a 'swish'. These bronze axes are stained with ancient colors, and their blades emit green phosphorus fire, illuminating the surroundings with green light and a cold air, as if they have arrived at a ten thousand year old tomb.

The twenty-four girls also drew out their red copper scimitars uniformly.

These scimitars were also of ancient color, with streaks of red mist twisting and entwining, and a faint and harsh wailing sound kept sounding, making everyone's hearts tremble more and more, as if there were inexplicable beings quietly appearing around and behind them.

The current leader of the Heart Sword Sect, the Second Sword Master Chong, touched his beard, which was more than three feet long, and said quietly: Old corpse demon, if I really want to plot against you, I will not let out the sound of the sword or reveal the light of the sword just now. , Isn’t it refreshing to directly give you a sword with the Invisible Sword Escape?”

As if he were playing a pipa, he gently plucked his beard with his fingers. The Chong Er Sword Master smiled at Shen Zui: Long time no see. I originally thought that when you passed away, old monk, I would burn some paper money for you. It doesn't look like you have any money. This is your chance.”

Shaking his head, the Second Sword Master of Chong said with a smile: Old monk, this old corpse demon actually thinks that we will join forces to deal with him... If we really want to kill him, do we need to join forces?

Shenzui hugged the tin staff and smiled hehehe without saying anything.

The Corpse Demon Lord put away all the treasures and ran back with a black aura all over his body. The two girls spoke at the same time and shouted angrily: Who are you looking down on? Who are you looking down on? If you two don't join forces, who of you can? Harm a hair on my head?

The Second Sword Master of Chong smiled.

Silently, without any light or shadow, without any warning, a handful of red hairs, probably less than a thousand in total, fell neatly from the top of the corpse demon's head. Eight roots.

Red hair more than a foot long fluttered down from in front of the corpse demon venerable.

The Lord Corpse Demon stared blankly at the red hair falling in front of him. His body was trembling slightly. He stretched out his hand and gently caught his hair. He stared blankly for a long, long time.

The second sword master of Chong said with a smile: You can't hurt even one hair? How about eighteen?

The Corpse Demon Lord was silent for a long time.

Then he grinned.

The two girls beside him laughed in unison: Oh, what you said just now was just a joke... Chong Er, I heard that a group of your disciples were brutally slaughtered nearby? Tsk tsk, it's this old man The monk’s disciples did it!”

Shenzui and the Second Sword Master of Chong stared at the Corpse Demon Lord at the same time.

The Corpse Demon Lord stuffed eighteen red hairs into his sleeves, clasped his hands behind his back, and looked at the two of them with his head held high.

The two girls laughed in unison: Although I am a devil, I also have a heart of justice. Chong Er, your people were slaughtered like chickens. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated.

Look, this old thief Shen Zui is right here. How about you give him a sword and I'll help you?

I'm telling you, some things are really intolerable. Your Heart Sword Sect can't let the Great Vajra Temple bully you, can you?

Shen Zui and the Second Sword Master of Chong rolled their eyes at the same time.

Shenzui shook his head and said: Old Corpse Demon, I don't care what you are up to, but this method of sowing discord in front of people is too bad. Even if you want to pretend to be crazy and act stupid on purpose, can you improve your style a little?

Sighing, Shenzui said in a deep voice: Let's talk about serious matters, Yuan Lingtian's people have come in. What happened back then has been recorded in various classics, so there is no need to repeat it. Since it is an eternal feud, Let’s discuss what to do?”

The Second Sword Master of Chong frowned and remained silent.

The two girls next to the Corpse Demon Lord laughed: Hey, why do you have to come here to discuss this kind of thing? Just now, the old bald donkey said that you foresaw certain signs, saying that this is The place where the robbery started?”

A young girl smiled briskly and said: How big is this calamity?

Far far away in the sky, large white clouds were smashed into pieces, and a huge object rushed out from behind the white clouds and flew straight towards this direction at high speed.

This object was too huge, and it was still hundreds of miles away. Even the ordinary soldiers on the ground could see this behemoth approaching rapidly.

It was a metal city, one mile long and wide, with walls twenty feet high.

The dark city was suspended in the air relying on unknown power, flying straight towards it at lightning speed.

On the ground, a red-robed young man from the Demon Puppet Sect woke up. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the rapidly approaching metal city. He gritted his teeth and hissed: Hate...Xie Fugui, I am so embarrassed. How can I be seen by you?

Lu Qian looked at the young man.

Thank you Fugui?

So, the person who just spoke should be Xie Youqian?

‘Rich’, ‘wealthy’, their parents are really very tasteful people, they gave their son such a good name!

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