Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 254 How dare you! (4)

August of Jiayou's nineteenth year was very noisy.

In the market, some news could not be kept secret after all, and spread through word of mouth among the people.

In Jizhou City, all the men disappeared, and the women in Hecheng continued to disappear in the following days. In the end, the huge Jizhou City became an empty city. Similar things happened many times in other counties in Jizhou, and the densely populated cities turned into ghosts.

The city of Jizhou was massacred, the whole city was dead, and no chickens or dogs were left.

The city of Huozhou was robbed, all the men died, and the women were humiliated.

In the city of Jizhou, there was a rebellion. Zhou Mu raised his flag to rebel and raised troops to attack his neighbors on all sides.

In Mozhou City, there was a rebellion, the state pastor was killed, local wealthy families rose up, and they formed private armies one after another, and the fighting was lively.

Disgusting and bad news keeps coming out from various channels. Inadvertently, there is a sense that the country is in turmoil and the country is about to collapse.

As time goes by, there are more and more such messages, and more and more people are discussing these messages in the streets, and they are becoming more and more courageous.

Even at the end of August, in teahouses and restaurants, those storytellers dared to openly tell teagoers and diners about the ‘unique news’ they had received from nowhere.

In the past, which city hero or storyteller would dare to say this so grandly?

Is it true that the palace guards, the censors who patrol the streets, the Marquis Wu who patrols the streets, and the officials in various yamen are all vegetarians?

But in August, despite the heroes making up random things, and the storytellers talking wildly, no one controls these things, whether it is the palace supervisor, the patrol censor, or even other large and small yamen.

If the yamen doesn't care, the people below will be bolder.

Gradually, rumors that the emperor was immoral, the queen mother was licentious, the general was immoral, the prime minister was a traitor who brought disaster to the country and the people, all kinds of wonderfully processed rumors emerged.

And one after another, the imperial troops marched from the major cities in Haojing to the General's Mansion, which made this precarious feeling of chaos a hundred times stronger out of thin air.

One by one, the Forbidden Army entered the General's Mansion, but no one was ever seen coming out.

Although the General's Mansion is a huge military city that protects the imperial city, and its internal scale is extremely large, how can it accommodate the entire Haojing imperial army?

There are more than 2,000 cities in Haojing, first-, second-, and third-grade cities, and the size of the garrison is in the tens of thousands.

There are nearly 10,000 troops stationed in the third-grade, fourth-grade and fifth-grade city.

Only those markets in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades are all small villages that farm, grow vegetables, and cut firewood. The number of troops stationed in such markets ranges from hundreds to thousands.

Even so, the entire forbidden army garrison in Haojing is an extremely large number.

How could a mere general's palace accommodate so many people?

For a time, demons spread everywhere, and some scoundrels in the market spread rumors that the general had made a professional mistake. He slaughtered countless imperial soldiers and sold their flesh and blood as the meat of various pigs, horses, cattle and sheep.

The rumors are so ridiculous that no official has stopped them.

Those who are interested can only notice that the distinguished ministers, civil and military officials in Haojing City, big and small, old and new, those from rich families or from poor families, all go to three places in shifts these days.

The General's Mansion, the Imperial City and Jiuqu Garden.

When I go to the General's Mansion, I naturally meet the General Lewu.

Going to the Imperial City, of course, is to meet the current Queen Mother Leshi.

Go to Jiuqu Garden... The emperor has an edict, so naturally the ministers go to see the emperor.

However, the ministers went to three places and met with the three most powerful people in Dayin today. No one knew what they said, what they discussed, what they promised, what they promised, or what they asked for!

In addition to these courtiers, the protons in Sijifang also started to move.

The ministers were out in a bright and grand manner during the day, but the protons were sneaking around at night.

They were also going in and out of the General's Mansion, the Imperial City, and Jiuqu Garden. They all knew that hiding their heads and tail was useless, but they still wandered around hiding their heads and tail.

Similarly, outsiders also don't know what they talked about, what they asked for, and what they promised.

At this point, Lu Qian expressed his calmness.

No matter how noisy the civil and military ministers and nobles of the clan are, he remains calm every day. He goes out early in the morning and takes Qingyou and the three girls to the most splendid streets of Wuyinfang and Kunpengfang in the imperial city to buy various snacks. , delicious food from the street to the end of the street.

Afterwards, the four of them led a team of guards, followed by one or two carriages, and walked through the streets and alleys, specializing in antique shops, medicine shops, and oddity shops.

Among them, there are also some dim sum shops, rouge shops, etc.

At first glance, it looked like a few young gentlemen who didn't know the worries of the world, happily spending a lot of money to buy all kinds of inexplicable gadgets, filling one carriage after another.

Occasionally, when Lu Qian and Qingyou passed by the Imperial College, the Imperial College, or some restaurants or teahouses where scholars gathered, he would put his hands behind his back and listen to the discussions of poems and articles by scholars from all walks of life, and then calmly pretend to be To express his feelings, he could point to a chrysanthemum, a red leaf tree, or even a tea cup or a wine glass, and casually recite a wonderful poem.

Amid the exclamations and admiring gazes of countless scholars, Lu Qian, who had made a wonderful speech, calmly showed his face with a reddish green pomelo, and with excited cheeks flushed with limes and green lemons. Then he left with his hands behind his back.

Therefore, what was very different from the storm in Haojing City was that Lu Qian's reputation as the Sage of Poetry became more and more intense.

Finally, this day.

On September 1, the 19th year of Jiayou's reign, an imperial edict was sent from Jiuqu Garden to the Imperial City, requesting the Queen Mother to use the seal.

The Queen Mother rejected the edict, and with Yu Sandou, the chief eunuch at her side, personally sealed the edict back to Jiuquyuan.

What happened next brought the ups and downs in Haojing City and discussions between all parties to an abrupt end.

The emperor did not ask the Queen Mother to use the Queen Mother's seal and the Emperor's seal in the edict - as mentioned before, the Emperor's seal in Yinyuan and the imperial seal of Dayin were a whole set of seals, Seals, etc., are all kept in the hands of the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother refused to use the seal, but the Emperor actually stamped his own personal seal on the edict. This seal was usually used by the Emperor to stamp on various collections when he was reading, appreciating paintings, and appreciating them. The private seal can only represent the emperor's personal identity and does not have any official power.

In short, the emperor used his personal seal on the edict to make it known to the world.

The general idea of ​​the edict is that because Lu Cai, Lu Qian, Lu Jun, Lu Yi and others have distinguished themselves in the country, they will be specially rewarded:

Lu Yi was given the title of 'Tianenjun', and he was treated as a royal prince according to the ceremony and expenses.

Lu Qian was given the title of Tianyang Lord, and he was treated as a royal prince according to the ceremony and expenses.

Lu Jun and Lu Yi both received the title of Marquis and the military rank of Yulin Zhonglang.

Those who were forcibly recruited by Lu Yi were almost shackled and rushed to quell the rebellion. Mrs. Hu's three younger brothers, namely the three uncles of Lu Jun and Lu Yi, also had outstanding meritorious service and were awarded by Lu Yi and Lu Yi. According to the merits expressed in the text, the three men were awarded the titles of Wuzhou Mu, Wuzhou Comfort Envoy, and Wuzhou Expeditionary Envoy.

Inexplicably, the three of them suddenly became the second-rank and second-rank officials of the country and dynasty from just a white body!

In addition to these three uncles who inexplicably got high-ranking positions, all the confidants of Lu Wei and Lu Qian, including Ahu who had never set foot in Wuzhou, and the core tiger masters of Baihu Hall, all because of their resumes Military merit', one after another received various honors and military positions.

Just like Ahu, he transformed from a gangster leader in street fights to a Baron of the Imperial Dynasty and Captain Habayashi.

The last article of the edict was to praise Lu Qian's noble temperament and astonishing literary talents. In the official name and in the name of the emperor, Lu Qian was named the Poetry Sage and Wen Zong, and was awarded the title of Deputy Imperial Academy. The actual duties of Shanzhang' and Taixue's deputy Xuezheng.

As soon as the edict came out, Haojing was in an uproar.

The military achievements of Lu Yi, Lu Qian and others were just rewards. The emperor could give Dayin his official position as he wished.

But there is no serious seal of the emperor in the edict, and the consequences of this matter...

Countless people's eyes have been cast on the Imperial City.

And the emperor's last reward to Lu Qian, such as the 'Poetry Saint', the 'Wen Zong', the real power of the Imperial College and the Imperial College, shocked the cultural and educational disciples in Haojing City, and immediately made countless Huge divisions and antagonisms arose within the Wenjiao disciples.

Some of the cultural and educational disciples who were amazed by the poems and articles that Lu Qian had thrown out before applauded and cheered in unison, saying that Lu Qian was well-deserved and cheering for this edict.

Those cultural and religious disciples who opposed Lu Qian, especially those direct disciples of Bai Changkong, shouted insults without regard for dignity, and some even contacted him privately, preparing to go to the Imperial City and Jiuquyuan Fuque to 'deathly remonstrate'.

It is said that even Zhu Chong and other cultural and educational leaders were furious at the emperor's edict.

The 'Poet Sage' can tolerate it, but the 'Wen Zong' cannot tolerate it!

What is ‘Wenzong’?

In today’s world, the leader of culture and education is the ‘Wen Zong’!

If Lu Qian is the leader of culture and education, then what have become of Zhu Chong and other great sages who came from a family of cultural and educational saints?

In particular, the emperor personally canonized and proclaimed the ‘Wen Zong’ in the world. Since the establishment of Wenjiao, there is only one ‘Zhu Sheng’!

This edict from the emperor is equivalent to finding another ‘living ancestor’ for Zhu Chong and others!

The cultural and educational leaders in Haojing City suddenly became upset.

On the night when the edict was issued, in the Imperial City, in the Fuyao Hall, under dim candlelight, behind the curtains where people listened to politics, the Queen Mother sat expressionlessly on the throne, looking through the pearl curtains at Le Wu who was prostrate on the ground.

Then the emperor really issued the edict like this? The Queen Mother's voice was very cold: How dare he?

Le Wu said in a low voice: But sister, he really did this!

The Queen Mother was silent for a long time and sighed: This matter is very difficult for me to handle.

Le Wu suddenly raised his head and said urgently: Sister, he is just one of your sons...and I am your biological brother!

The Queen Mother's eyes suddenly widened.

She looked down at Le Wu who was kneeling on the ground, and said in a deep voice: You have been mobilizing troops frequently these days...how confident are you?

Le Wu grinned, his lips were as white as paper, and his eyes were slightly red.

Sister, don't worry, I'm 100% sure. Lewu smiled: The emperor may have hired a few strangers to help, but the general trend is in my hands and in your hands!

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