Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 255 Welcome back

Jiayou's nineteenth year, September 2nd.

The Queen Mother held a banquet in the imperial city, and the Emperor brought several of his beloved concubines to the banquet.

In the Royal Garden of the Imperial City, the sky is high and the air is crisp, and the scenery is full of beautiful scenery. The emperor plays the jade flute at the banquet, attracting the gentle calls of wild geese passing by in the sky.

The Queen Mother wiped away her tears in public and accused the emperor of not doing his job properly and using his dignity as an emperor to serve people with his voice and appearance like an actor!

The emperor was horrified and knelt down to defend himself. The queen mother fluttered her sleeves, threw her cup and scolded the emperor.

The emperor took his beloved concubines and returned to Jiuqu Garden in despair.

The imperial city is like a big sieve, and no information can be hidden. The news that the Queen Mother denounced the Emperor at the banquet quickly spread throughout Haojing, and naturally also reached Lu Qian who was shopping with Qingyou and the three girls.

Carrying a small woven bamboo cage and listening to the crisp chirping of the green-headed grasshopper inside, Lu Qian sighed.

The emperor is filial. He...has been waiting for the queen mother and the general to take the initiative.

Having said that, I really believe now that there really is such a creature as the 'Fu Di Demon' in the world!

‘Fu Di Mo’?

Qingyou and the other three girls looked at Lu Qian in astonishment.

Well, he is a kind of terrifying creature who regards his younger brother as the most important person in the world. He can completely give up his husband, son, etc. for his younger brother.

This kind of creature, tsk tsk...

The three girls, Qingyou, couldn't understand the concept of supporting the younger brother, but they roughly understood the dissatisfaction with the Queen Mother and the General that filled Lu Qian's words.

Lu Qian returned to Haojing with tens of thousands of powerful Jingqi.

There are also ten powerful monks including Shen Zui who are currently living in Jiuqu Garden.

Based on the fact that General Le Wu was in cahoots with the monks of the Blood River Sect, it was easy for Shenzui and the others to directly surrender the General in the name of 'eliminating demons and defending the Tao', and bloodbathing the entire Queen Mother Clan with thunderous force. matter.

But... these days, despite the uproar in Haojing, the one who organized Lu Qian, Lu Yi, Shen Zui and others to clean up was surprisingly the emperor Yinyuan.

This emperor has a notorious reputation.

Selling an official position and getting a title.

Blackmailing courtiers.

Arrogant and extravagant.

Believe in favor of traitorous ministers.

All kinds of messy crimes, against the stinking emperor.

In the deepest part of his heart, there was still such a touch of snow-white softness... He simply couldn't take the initiative to be cruel to his mother and uncle.

Even if he already smelled something was wrong.

Even though he had worked diligently to collect money over the years, carefully built up an army of confidants, and deployed countless preventive measures against the General Le family...but he was actually so soft-hearted that he was unwilling to take the initiative.

However, a filial emperor is always more lovely than an emperor who is decisive in killing even his own mother and uncle. Lu Qian shook the grasshopper cage and muttered in a low voice.

Then, Lu Qian suddenly felt heart palpitations.

He raised his head and looked north.

In a very far place, he felt a trace of blood connection, and a faint sense of crisis came over him.

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

In his mind, a picture of a person with three eyes lit up, and a large area of ​​light flashed, condensing into pieces of simple golden text in his mind.

These days, Shenzui had people take out many Buddhist magical powers and secret techniques from the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of the Great Vajra Temple and handed them over to Lu Qian one by one. Lu Qian kept these magical powers and secret techniques in mind, and when he had time, he would spend some time to understand them.

Now, very inexplicably, under the stimulation of the three-eyed figure, these Buddhist magical powers that have not yet been introduced naturally speed up their comprehension. The essence of Buddhist magical powers is derived out of thin air, and it quickly condenses with Lu Qian into a substantial spiritual light. Compatible.

Faint auras of cause and effect and destiny emerged in Lu Qian's mind.

Lu Qian's eyes suddenly turned a light golden color. He looked in the north direction and said in a deep voice: I'll come as soon as I go... There is someone very important to me over there.

Carrying the grasshopper cage, Lu Qian took a step towards the north.

In a square inch of Zen forest, one thought can escape.

The spiritual light of the divine soul swayed slightly, and with the consumption of a huge amount of divine soul power, Lu Qian's thoughts were everywhere, and he took a step of thirty thousand miles. This is Buddhism's supreme mind escape method. If your mind is anywhere, as long as the power of the soul is enough, you can teleport through the air, which is many times faster than ordinary light escape.

After taking a slight breath, Lu Qianyuan's soul, which was tens of millions of times more powerful than ordinary monks, quickly recovered and returned to full power within a breath.

The Wuliang Guixu body began to circulate, and the Guixu Immortal Energy in the body began to operate at full speed according to the circulation of the five Vajra Dharma phases.

Lu Qian's whole body turned into a light golden color, golden flames spurted out from around him, large lotus flowers and ten thousand-character Buddha seals appeared under his skin, and a bright light shone faintly behind his head. His whole body became like a real Vajra Arhat coming to the world.

The returning immortal essence in his body quickly transformed into pure and huge Buddhist power.

Lu Qian's one-thought escape technique suddenly became more in line with his body at the moment and the Buddhist power filled in his body.

Another step forward. With this step, Lu Qian traveled 60,000 miles.

In this way, with a few steps, he had already walked out of Dayin's direct territory and entered the territory of Beimingzhou. He took a few more steps and crossed most of the Northern Mingzhou, arriving at the grassland tens of thousands of miles south of the Baimang River.

The shouts of killing rose to the sky, and countless elite cavalry in black clothes and black armor whistled and ran back and forth, tightly surrounding a small hill.

On the hill, more than a hundred people built corpses into a protective wall to resist the onslaught of countless elite cavalry around them. The arrows fell like rain, hitting the corpses with a dense 'Puff' sound.

After a wave of arrows, hundreds of cavalry howled and rushed forward. They rushed up the hill without fear of death and launched a desperate attack on the more than a hundred people behind the thick pile of corpses.

A burly man with long gray hair, holding a gun in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, led hundreds of men to charge back and forth, killing the cavalry on the spot one by one.

The swords and spears in the man's hands all emitted a faint light, and the spears and swords screamed and slashed across tens of feet. Judging from the momentum, it was clearly the strength of the Dzogchen, the pinnacle of martial arts. At this point in cultivation, there is only one chance left. If there is a suitable cultivation method, one can break through the furnace realm and successfully enter the raging fire realm.

The man let go and started killing, and every time he killed dozens of cavalry, he shouted at the top of his lungs: Marquis Beiqiu, you are a coward without eggs, you dare to be a traitor and a traitor, but you don't dare to be a traitor, get out of here and die!

Hahaha, you dared to do such a thing back then, why didn't you dare to admit it?

You are hiding your head and keeping your tail. You sent these minions here just to take off my head?

Hehe, hehe, don't let me go back to Haojing... Otherwise, you are all the nine clans implicated, and you will all die a good death!

The swords and guns were swung together, and the broken limbs and arms flew everywhere where the man passed, and the blood turned into blood mist and sprayed out. Each of the elite cavalry was blown to pieces, but horns kept sounding in the distance, and a steady stream of cavalry had gloomy faces and fierce expressions. He continued to charge forward without fear of death.

The man had been leading the charge for a long time, and the sword and gun in his hand were already covered with cracks, and the gun light and sword blade were constantly weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the man still yelled and flew back and forth, bringing up afterimages at extremely fast speeds.

On the hill, more than a hundred men, under the command of this man, took advantage of the terrain to resist the continuous cavalry raids from all around.

Looking down from a high altitude, there are at least 200,000 elite cavalry surrounding this hill within a radius of dozens of miles.

And further away, in all directions, within thousands of miles, more cavalry are gathering towards this side. The armor of various colors was dazzling with flames. At first glance, it seemed as if the entire grassland was in commotion.

High in the sky, countless large and small falcons were flying wildly, constantly passing messages to and from each other, and making sharp chirping sounds.

Thirty miles away from the hill, next to a small lake, several golden banners with wolf tails hanging on them were fluttering in the wind. Several old people with gorgeous clothes, plump bodies, pampered and extraordinary bearing stood on the banner with their fronts trembling. Down, staring blankly in the direction of the hill.

You, just live your old age in the Qinglang clan, can't you? Why do you want to escape again?

Those idiots and losers from the Qinglang clan take so much tribute from us every year. Why are they allowed to escape with just over a hundred people?

The cavalry who were chasing us were actually wiped out by more than a hundred of them...

Okay, okay, don't complain... In short, we can't let him go back to Haojing. Otherwise, with the methods he used back then, we... will all die without a burial place. Hehe, we can't do what we did back then. .”

That Lu Xiu... is really scary. However, fortunately we also have help from strangers, otherwise this time, our homes will be confiscated and our families will be exterminated, and none of us will be able to escape!

Several old people raised their heads and stared blankly into the sky.

Hundreds of feet above the ground, Lu Xiu was riding on a cloud of water, fighting crazily with hundreds of burly men in golden helmets.

Lu Xiu was bare-armed, and the flesh and blood around his upper body and chest showed a strange translucency. A golden flame burned in his heart. He waved the iron gun, and with each shot, the head of the gun sprayed out hundreds of feet of golden light. .

Each of those burly and strong men was about one to six feet tall. They were tall and strong, but their movements were nimble and swaying, like butterflies walking through flowers.

If you look closely, you will see that these burly and muscular men are all paper figures made of paper cuts.

They circled and slashed crazily around Lu Xiu, and the paper swords in his hands struck down with cold light as fast as the flowing wind. The gun light released by Lu Xiu collided with these swords, making continuous thunderous noises.

The battle has been going on for quite some time.

The golden flame in Lu Xiu's heart had dimmed.

He gasped loudly, and the sweat all over his body was evaporated by the high temperature of his body, turning into a ball of white air that enveloped his body.

One shot penetrated the three paper figures, who ignited pale golden flames. Lu Xiu roared angrily: How dare the evil heretic attack and kill Emperor Dayin... You guys, are you really not afraid of robbing your family and exterminating your clan?

On the ground, an elite heavy armored cavalry group surrounded several men wearing gorgeous robes.

Hearing Lu Xiu's roar, one of the leading men smiled sinisterly: This world has changed... the emperor? Hehe, just wait until we understand the supreme road passed down from our ancestors, hehe, the emperor is nothing!

As soon as the word fart came out of his mouth, Lu Qian rushed into the battlefield.

On the hilltop, the man who was shouting to kill grunted, and was suddenly hit by an arrow in his hip.

In the air, Lu Xiu exclaimed and dived towards the hillock to kill him.

He ignored his own defense, and several paper figures rushed forward, slashing with their swords, making a crisp sound, leaving shallow blood marks on Lu Xiu's body.

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