Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 261 Big Drama (5)

There was quite a commotion.

Finally, Zhu Chong stood up. On behalf of the cultural and educational officials, the many princes, and the people of Dayin, he solemnly bowed deeply to the Queen Mother behind the pearl curtain.

For the sake of the country and the people of Dayin, please ask the Emperor to abdicate and ask the Queen Mother to take the throne as the Emperor!

Lu Qian was very interested and almost applauded.

The Queen Mother usurped the throne, how wonderful!

If Yinyuan hadn't been really lucky... this Dayin would have given birth to a queen!

Then what?

Naturally, the relatives are even more arrogant, the Queen Mother... No, the various promises made by the Queen before will allow cultural and educational officials, aristocratic families, and the power of the princes from all sides to become more powerful, and even those princes will become kings of separate regimes in the true sense!

Although there are now four princes in Dayin, they have actually divided themselves into one side.

But at least in name, these princes were still Dayin's ministers.

But God knows what our ‘Queen’ promised them?

Look at how these princes' hostages are happily and dancing... It can be imagined that the 'Queen's' promise makes the princes behind them quite satisfied!

These princes' protons were the first to stand up, and they knelt down neatly behind Zhu Chong.

Please ask the Wudao Emperor to abdicate, and ask the Queen Mother to assume the throne of the Emperor, correct the course of the dynasty, and turn things around!

Civil servants also stood up.

Honorable nobles... Among the distinguished nobles, some of them have lower status. Hous and uncles in Haojing, etc., got out of the train one after another and worshiped solemnly - of course, they were not worshiping the emperor sitting in front, but behind him. The Queen Mother.

And those real top nobles.

They stood expressionless.

Neither agree nor disagree.

With their wealth and status, no matter who the emperor is, their interests will not be harmed in any way.

Therefore, these top nobles are too lazy to interfere in the family affairs of your emperor's family.

But their attitude of disapproval and non-objection actually means that they have already made a choice - the Queen Mother and the General must have made certain promises to these top nobles in exchange for their performance today. .

Lu Qian could even guess it.

For these top nobles, they don't care at all about official positions, money, privileges, etc.

All they care about is territory, territory, fucking territory!

God knows how many benefits the Queen Mother and the General promised these top nobles?

Zhu Chong slowly turned around and looked at the courtiers, protons, and nobles kneeling on the floor in Fuyao Hall... Then, his pupils condensed slightly.

Among the hostages of the princes, there is actually a small group of people who stand motionless in place?

Moreover, among these protons, there are actually several trains that are very far ahead. It is obvious that the princes behind them are of extremely high rank and strong strength?


Zhu Chong looked at them in surprise, and then he looked at Le Wu who was standing aside with a red face.

Didn't Lewu assure him that the princes from all sides have been completely settled these days?

Why is this still happening?

Le Wu's face darkened, and he rushed out with a long stride. He walked in front of Panman in a few steps, put his feet up, and put his big face less than a foot away from Panman's, and whispered: Panman, you wouldn’t raise prices on the spot like this...

Lewu's eyes flashed with blood as he stared at Panman rather fiercely.

A few days ago, when Lewu sent his clansmen to connect with each other, Panman represented the Duke Chiyang of Nanman State behind him. This top prince of Nanman State promised that they would agree with the Queen Mother to replace the emperor and achieve the status of empress.

What's going on? So you don't admit it?

Lewu was sure that Panman was going to raise the price, and he was going to... increase the money!

It's shameless to wait!

How shameless!

How could this be done? Could it be that the gold, silver and jewelry sent to Panman's mansion in Sijifang a few days ago were all fed to dogs? There were even a few pretty girls among them, which made Le Wudu very excited!

Is this a meat bun beating a dog?

Panman and the twenty-odd protons behind him, who were burly and ferocious in appearance, laughed strangely in unison.

The gate of the Great Vajra Temple is located in the high mountains in the south of Nanman Prefecture.

Buddhism has an extremely stubborn and stubborn fanaticism in spreading its teachings.

Even in these years when the spiritual power of heaven and earth collapsed, the outer sects of the Great Vajra Temple, Red Lotus Sect, and other Buddhist sects are still building temples and Zen forests all over the world, recruiting disciples all over the world, and purifying believers all over the world. brain plasma.

Compared to Buddhism.

In the years when the spiritual power of heaven and earth collapsed, the Taoist sect clung to the mountain gate and stayed behind closed doors. Among the six sects of the Taoist sect, only the Heart Sword Sect served as the sharp sword of the Taoist sect to monitor the world. It accepted an outer sect disciple and established the Haojian Palace in Eastern China!

And what about the Demon Gate?

The Demon Sect is more selfish and mean-spirited. They are cautious and only seek to protect themselves before it is too late. In other words, they lose three or five outer sect pieces and fend for themselves outside the mountain gate. Other than that, how can they have the mood to care? Secular activities?

Panman, and the more than twenty disciples of the great princes behind him, are all outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple!

Faced with the threatening look in Le Wu's blood-gleaming eyes, Panman slapped Le Wu on the face, pushed him back a few steps, and then strode away. come out.

Slowly walking out of the train, he took out a jade earpick in his hand and dug his ears vigorously. Panman shouted loudly: What you all said, I...is not, and I...nor is it...well, Well, I think it’s all bullshit!”

Lu Biya, who was copying quickly, suddenly raised his head and took a deep look at Panman.

He took out a piece of paper alone, and with a subtle smile, he wrote the name 'Panman', preparing to create an extra column for Panman in this period of history.

Whether Panman supports the emperor or wants to do something else.

During the great changes in the court in September of Dayin Jiayou's 19th year, Panman yelled bullshit in front of the Gongun princes. This was enough to make Panman's name passed down through the ages - hey, he is a bastard who is full of flies and dogs. Damn, the quality of these courtiers and nobles is getting worse from generation to generation. It is rare to have such a wonderful little baby. I should make him famous!

Zhu Chong sternly scolded: Presumptuous!

Panman suddenly raised his voice and shouted loudly: What's wrong? What's wrong? You old bastard, hypocrite, what do you want to do to me... no, no... what do you want to do to Wansheng?

Panman put away the jade ear pick, waved his right hand, a ring on his finger flickered with light, and a heavy Buddhist shovel, one foot and eight feet long, appeared out of thin air in his hand.

With so many Yuanlingtian monks captured in Wuzhou, there is no shortage of things like storage rings in the Great Vajra Temple.

As a very important outer disciple of the Great Vajra Temple, it was natural for Panman to get a storage ring.

With a 'thud' sound, Panman shoveled the thousand-jin convenience to the ground, pointed at Zhu Chong and shouted sternly: Do you know who my father is? My father is Chiyang Gong of Chishendong in Nanman Prefecture!

You! Zhu Chongyin looked sternly, glanced at Le Wu fiercely, and then looked at the pearl curtain behind the emperor.

He said coldly: Mr. Chiyang is highly respected, and I am here to respect you... But I am afraid that Mr. Chiyang will not let you act so wantonly, right? Panman, I know your bad reputation. In Sijifang Among the many princes and princes in our country, you are also one of the most arrogant people... But today, we are discussing important matters of the country!

Outside the door, there are forbidden troops who want to rush into Fuyao Hall!

After all, Panman had already taken out his dick - and, to many people, this method of taking out his dick out of thin air was extremely weird and incredible. Didn't they see Lu Banya using the tip of his pen when Panman was taking out his dick? Did they all pause suddenly?

Therefore, there is no reason why these forbidden troops should not be nervous!

However, there are Yulin troops guarding the door!

The Yulin army in the brigade blocked the imperial army one after another. The two groups were pushing and shoving at the door, silently attacking each other, hitting each other's weak ribs, pinching the throat, elbowing the waist, kicking the lower body, etc., and the two sides were very excited. Dozens of people fell quickly.

But if you look carefully, 70% to 80% of those who fell were members of the Imperial Army!

There was a lively fight at the door, and in Fuyao Hall, Panman laughed loudly: Hahaha, a major event for the country? I... no, Wan Sheng said it is also a major event for the country!

Panman looked at Zhu Chong seriously and said: My dear son, who was born late, Chiyang Gong of Chishendong said that the emperor is a good emperor... He lives in Jiuquyuan all the year round and never interferes in the affairs of the government. What is this? It is the 'rule of inaction'. An emperor who does not mess around is of course the best emperor in the world!

Everyone knows very well that in recent years, all the government affairs of the country have been in the hands of the queen mother, the general and the prime minister... Now the country is in turmoil, and chaos is everywhere... If you want to find the culprit, you should also look to the queen mother, The general and the prime minister are the ones!

The two dozen burly and bear-like protons who were standing behind Panman just now nodded.

Yes, my father said so too.

Brother Panman is right... In recent years, those who have fought with us on the streets have mostly been members of the Le clan... Tsk, tsk, they are all a group of masters who have brought disaster to the country and the people!

Yes, yes, the emperor is a good emperor. He never cares about us.

Well, in this great Yin country, there are gusts of evil wind, and there must be evildoers at work... I think the Prime Minister has an old, pale face, and he looks quite evil.

These protons from Nanman State are arrogant in nature and were thrown to Haojing to be protons. You can't expect them to study hard or anything like that. They fight and drink all day long. This is their daily life.

So, as soon as they opened their mouths, something felt wrong.

Gradually, it moved towards personal attacks.

Zhu Chong's expression changed.

Lewu was furious.

In the main hall, Dali Temple Minister Shang Yang stood up slowly. He looked at Panman and others with cold eyes, and said coldly: My dear princes, you are so critical of the government and slandering the Queen Mother, the General and the Prime Minister. The officer has the right to detain you.

Panman's reaction was extremely violent and direct.

He carried the heavy shovel and thrust the shovel towards Shang Yang's neck with a whoosh.

Screw you, I will set things straight today and defend the emperor to the death!

At the same time as Panman took action, the faint light flickered on his finger wearing the storage ring, and heavy Zen staffs, convenience shovels, Vajra pestles and other weapons flew out one after another. The two dozen protons behind him quickly caught the weapons. , attacked Shang Yang in a chaotic manner.

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