Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 262 Big Drama (6)

There was chaos in Fuyao Palace.

Several court officials swung their jade chimes angrily and shouted loudly, telling Panman and others to stop.

But Panman and the others ignored him at all.

They flew towards Shang Yang and killed him.

Outside Fuyao Palace, the Yulin Army blocked the imperial guard.

In Fuyao Hall, all the Shenwu generals are Yinyuan's confidants.

The young eunuchs under Yu Changle and the young eunuchs under Yu Sandou stared at each other one on one. Under the influence of Qi, these young eunuchs were unable to save them.

Even if they take action...these young eunuchs, who are mostly skilled in opening meridians and opening meridians, cannot be the opponents of Panman and his party.

You know, after capturing so many Yuanlingtian monks in Wuzhou City, a group of old monks in Shenzui made a fortune. These old monks were not stingy. They used the fastest speed to convert those cultivation resources into disciples. Cultivation.

Now Panman and his party are all Fire Realm monks who have lit up the heart furnace!

Although they only ignited a furnace of five internal organs, they and these little eunuchs who were guarding the palace were already the difference between 'mortal' and 'extraordinary'.

For a moment, a group of thugs more than one foot tall formed in the Fuyao Hall, beating up Shang Yang, the minister of Dali Temple, but no one stopped them.

The shovel went straight to Shang Yang's neck with a terrible sound of breaking wind.

Panman was so excited that he almost peed.

Although he is an outer disciple of the Great Vajra Monastery, he is still a hostage of the princes. The evil spirit in his bones is no different from other hostages of the princes.

There was a big fight in Fuyao Palace, and the person who was beaten was the minister of Dali Temple who was responsible for the law and justice of the country!

Ouch, that’s so exciting!

Panman even planned that when today's affairs were over, he would run to Shang Yang's mansion and squat at the gate. Since Shang Yang has been beaten, his sons and grandchildren must also be beaten.

A family must be neat and tidy!

Shang Yang saw the bright shovel head coming towards him, and he suddenly grinned.

He smiled for the rest of his life, and Panman and his twenty or so accomplices were also in an inexplicably happy mood, and they laughed stupidly along with Shang Yang.

Then, the corners of Shang Yang's mouth drooped, showing a sad and crying expression.

Just as they smiled, Panman's group suddenly felt convulsed and cried at the same time.

Afterwards, Shang Yang's expression changed rapidly, and his seven emotions transformed. Panman and his group changed their moods between joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. The muscles on their faces almost stopped cramping due to the drastic changes in expressions.

As soon as the shovel shoveled out three feet, Panman spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Anger hurts the liver, happiness hurts the heart... the changes in the seven emotions can hurt the internal organs the most. His emotions changed so drastically in the blink of an eye, and Panman's internal organs ached. His heart, which was ignited by the furnace, was fine, but his other liver, lungs, spleen, and kidneys felt as if they had been poked with knives. There were even ruptured blood vessels, and a large amount of blood seeped out.

Demon magic! Panman shouted, and a group of protons behind him also vomited blood, and a few of them fell to the ground in embarrassment, crying and laughing like crazy demons.

In the main hall, many officials and nobles looked at Shang Yang in shock.

The change in Shang Yang's expression caused Panman and others' faces to twitch, and even caused Panman and others to vomit blood and get injured!

This kind of method cannot be achieved by martial arts.

Moreover, in all these years, I have never heard of Dali Temple Qing Shang Yang having any martial arts skills, and he has never shown such skills in front of anyone!

Many courtiers who had some vague disputes and conflicts with Shang Yang on weekdays, and even plotted against each other behind the scenes, felt cold for a moment - this Shang Yang was hiding so deeply, he really had ulterior motives and was not a good person!

You dare to fight in the Fuyao Palace. You are so brave! Shang Yang smiled slowly: Hmm, where did you get the exotic treasure? You actually brought weapons to the palace. You are plotting something evil and want to rebel. !”

Panman roared loudly.

A large area of ​​fire lingered in his chest, and the real fire in the furnace of his heart was blazing, instantly melting his whole body.

All the internal bleeding in the body was instantly tempered by the real fire into a ball of bloody smoke. He opened his big mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist. The blood energy rose and turned into a mighty and extraordinary Vajra Dharma on Panman's head.

The hazy Vajra Master holds the demon-subduing pestle, and there is a faint golden light emitting from his eyes.

In the main hall, the evil atmosphere created by Shang Yang's strange methods was shaken by the extremely powerful Vajra Dharma. Panman got rid of the control of the seven emotions changes, shouted loudly, and continued to shovel towards Shang Yang with a handy shovel. .

Shang Yang's pupils condensed.

You bastard, Panman actually practices Buddhist techniques... He has met his nemesis!

Shang Yang is the elder of the outer sect of the Six Desire True Demon Sect among the six sects of the Demonic Way. He practices the most orthodox Demonic Way skills, and the Demonic Way skills are naturally restrained by Buddhism. This is innate restraint, unless the cultivation level is far superior. Buddha practice ten times, a hundred times, otherwise this innate restraint will never be able to get rid of.

Moreover, the Six Desire True Demon Sect is good at manipulating people's hearts, playing with human feelings, using the seven emotions and six desires to seduce people into corruption, and extract the evil power of all kinds of emotions and desires to improve their cultivation.

Shang Yang's physical body is also different from that of ordinary people. It will hurt if he is stabbed, and he will die if he is stabbed in the vital part.

Facing Panman's menacing shovel, Shang Yang silently used his magic power to attack Panman while retreating in panic: Okay, okay, okay, Mr. Chiyang is a good tutor... No, Mr. Chiyang wants to do that too. Do you want to rebel?

A group of princes' protons who were also from the Southern Barbarian State were inexplicably agitated, and endless anger arose in their hearts.

They jumped up one after another and yelled at Panman at the top of their lungs, accusing him of why he attacked and killed the important officials in the court in public. Did the Chiyang Gong lineage really have disobedient intentions?

Several protons from the great princes whose family background and strength were comparable to that of Duke Chiyang rushed towards Panman one after another.

They shouted loudly and agreed that after today, each family would join forces to besiege Chiyang Gong and carve up the vast territory and boundless wealth of Chishendong.

A group of big princes rushed forward faster, and then vomited blood and fell to the ground even faster.

The Great Vajra Temple...the Buddhist Dharma Protector Sect is good at being thick-skinned and strong-willed.

Panman is like a stone millstone, and these princes' protons are like tender quail eggs.

The quail eggs take the initiative to hit the rapidly rolling millstone!

That scene is so beautiful!

More than a dozen of the princes' protons suffered broken bones and cracked tendons, vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

Shang Yang smiled, and the protons from other princes from East China, West Youzhou, and North Mingzhou were suddenly shaken. They felt that Panman was their life-and-death enemy who killed their fathers and took away their mothers. They jumped up and screamed, hysterically. Launched a desperate attack on Panman.

Panman rudely pulled them with his hands, and the princes' protons vomited blood and flew far away.

His accomplices behind him also rushed forward.

These outer disciples of the Great Vajra Temple also took advantage of the Vajra Dharma to dispel the complex emotions that lingered in their hearts, and started to beat up the hostages who were usually brothers.

An angry roar came, and Lewu clenched his fists and yelled: You are wanton, it is simply lawless! Emperor, it is because of you bold and rebellious villains that today Dayin's country is in turmoil and the country is in turmoil. !”

Le Wu jumped to his feet and shouted: Give me, take down Panman and his group of rebellious officials and thieves!

Lewu saw it.

Panman and the others must have been instigated by someone, so after accepting the huge wealth from him and giving themselves enough promises, they jumped out and turned against others today.

This unscrupulous little bastard must be severely punished for such unscrupulous and treacherous behavior.

Otherwise, if today's thing is really messed up, wouldn't it be a joke?

From the disciples of the Yuanlingtian Blood River Sect, Lewu knew about the resurrection of Jisheng Tiantian and Earth's spiritual power. He also knew what Dayin would face in the future and what Dayin's Jishengtian would soon face. destiny!

Lewu is ambitious and ambitious.

He believes that heroes can only show their true qualities when the sea is crossing the sea, and a good man should bravely stand at the forefront of the tide and be the immortal hero who can turn the tide.

As long as his sister, the Queen Mother, can become the empress, he Lewu can gather Dayin's luck and use it for one person. His cultivation will soar rapidly, and his strength will be unrivaled in the world!



There is even hope for immortality!

In this process, he will kill anyone who dares to stop him!

In the main hall, dozens of heavily armored Le clan members, led by Leshan, the most outstanding member of the younger generation of the Le clan, snatched them out of the train, drew their swords and sabers, and faced Panman and the others.

Clang, clang, clang, all kinds of weapons collided into a ball.

Panman's group screamed strangely, and the weapons in their hands, such as the heavy Zen staffs and demon-conquering pestles, were all chopped into pieces by the swords shining with a faint blood light in the hands of Leshan and others like tofu.

The weapons of Leshan and others all came from Blood River Sect disciples who were killed by Lewu.

Yuan Lingtian has never experienced the collapse of heaven and earth. The disciples of the Blood River Sect who invaded the Holy Sky are all carefully selected elites, and the swords in their hands are all high-quality magic weapons.

Whether it is the material or other attributes, especially the sharpness, it is simply not comparable to the weapons in the hands of Panman and others.

Lu Qian looked a little embarrassed!

In Wuzhou City, they captured so many Yuan Lingtian monks and harvested a lot of top-quality materials and ready-made secret weapons.

But Panman and his group like heavy, large and heavy weapons, but none of the invading Yuan Lingtian monks used such heavy weapons!

Shenzui and the others just used some good materials and casually made some common Buddhist weapons for them to use. Real good guys would have to spend time, energy and carefully build them.

Therefore, Panman and the others suffered a loss in terms of weapons today.

Blood light lingered above Leshan's head, and a bloody figure with three heads and six arms and a sinister body appeared. He waved a long sword, and the sword never left Panman's vital points.

The sword light was sharp, and even though Panman dodged quickly, he was also split into several long wounds.

Seeing that Panman and his party were about to suffer a big loss, Yinyuan slowly stood up and patted the case in front of him hard.

That's enough!

Everyone stop it!

I admit that I am not a good emperor, not a competent emperor!

You all, stop and listen to me!

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