Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 288: The Genuine Mountain Chief

Southeast of Yincheng, there are thousands of miles of peach trees.

People today do not have this skill.

This grove of peach trees was the work of a powerful person from any dynasty before Dayin.

Two or three large rivers, seven or eight large lakes, and thousands of villages and towns are scattered here and there. In the thousands of miles of plains, there are few other tree species, only a few clumps of Youhuang.

In this area, there are only old peach trees, each one growing stronger than the other and bearing gorgeous fruits.

Lu Qian rode a tall horse and followed Lu Min. A group of personal guards surrounded a black oil carriage and moved slowly along a trail. On both sides of the road are ancient peach trees as thick as a few people hugging each other. In November, the peach trees are covered with bowl-sized peaches, which are bright red and quite festive.

A branch was drooped by the weight of peaches. Lu Yi passed by and picked two peaches, leaving one behind for Lu Min.

Lu Min took the peach quickly, glanced at Lu Qian, and smiled.

Lu Qian wiped the fine hair of the peach on his sleeve and took a big bite.

The skin is thin and the meat is tender, with a mouthful of honey juice.

Lu Qian gnawed the big peach clean in two mouthfuls and threw the peach core into the woods: This peach, good... Tsk, this peach forest is really thousands of miles wide? Who was this extravagant person back then? Such a generous effort to plant such a large peach grove.

Lexi also leaned out half of her body from the car window, looking around curiously.

Lu Min smiled calmly: In the middle of this peach forest, there is a peach mountain, and there is a huge ancient tree on the mountain...here...

Lu Yi looked at Lu Min: Do you have any explanation?

Lu Min waved his hand: There are indeed some opinions, but what I said here is useless. You will know when you meet that person.

Lu Qian laughed.

Lu Min is still showing off... Okay, I'll just play with you.

Lu Qian saw that Lu Min came to Yincheng just to hide evil intentions and came here specifically to fix things.

Otherwise, if he really wanted to prosper in Xinyin, whether it was to find Lehuan or even Leshui? Isn't it cheaper than looking for Lexi, the second prince who can't reach the sky or the ground?

Instead, he found Lexi, who was unreliable, which showed that Lu Min wanted to make things right!

Following the forest road, we traveled forward for a hundred miles.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth has been restored, and many mounts with the blood of alien beasts in the world are gradually returning to their ancestors. Especially the mounts in the hands of nobles, aristocratic families, and nobles from all walks of life are the best of the best.

Just like the tall horse under Lu Qian's seat, all four thighs have even hairy whorls. There is a breeze when walking, and it is obvious that the blood has returned to the ancestors to a certain extent.

The mounts of the other guards, as well as the four white horses pulling the cart, also look like this.

Therefore, the group of people traveled very quickly.

After more than a hundred miles, in less than half an hour, they had already reached the end of the field.

Here, there is a peach tree that is very out of season. It does not bear peaches, but it is actually full of palm-sized purple-red peach blossoms. There are also wild bees and butterflies busy around the peach blossoms. The autumn sky is shining brightly and the forest is quite warm. It is a beautiful scene in March.

Just under a large peach tree more than ten feet high, an old cow was lying on the ground.

Next to Lao Niu, there was a somewhat tattered felt.

A tall old man with little hair left, only a small bun on the top of his head, with a ruddy complexion and a tall body, was sitting cross-legged on the felt, holding a book in his hand, teaching articles to a dozen young people in front of him.

The old man only wore a coarse cloth robe, which was covered with patches. His chest was open, revealing muscle lines that did not match his age.

Those young men were all wearing commoners, and they had a poorly made black iron sword beside them, just like the iron sword Lu Min wore with him when he went to the entrance of the imperial city to unveil the recruitment list.

The old man has a ruddy face, red lips and white teeth, and his eyes are as clear and pure as a child's. His eyes are full of curiosity about everything, and they are as agile as two black roller beads rolling on an ice tray.

Lu Min jumped off his mount and smiled at Lu Qian: We're here.

Lu Qian also jumped off his horse.

He looked at the old man sitting under the peach blossom tree, with peach petals constantly falling on him - this old man looked very familiar!

If you have more hair, a longer beard on your chin, and a slimmer figure, then you can squat in the Fuyao Hall in Haojing all year round, using a pen and a piece of paper to record the civil and military affairs of the dynasty. Taishi Ling Lu Baya, whom almost no one in the world dares to provoke, looks exactly the same.

So, is this old man the one?

Bai Changkong, the former deputy director of the Imperial Academy, had been thinking of his official position as the director of the Imperial Academy until his death over the years!

That special status and special means made it difficult for Zhu Chong and other cultural and educational leaders to take action, and they did not dare to promise to let Bai Changkong take over, the Superintendent of Dayin Kingdom, Lu Qingyang!

Lu Qingyang is a person who wanders around all year round, euphemistically calling it ‘study tour’, but actually he is doing some weird things!

Decades ago, at an academic debate meeting in the Imperial College, he got into a heated argument with his opponent. Using a ruler as a long sword, he single-handedly defeated hundreds of Imperial College professors and doctors, and even defeated thousands of imperial guards who came to suppress him. Wei, Lu Qingyang was lying on the street with a sword.

Lu Qingyang, who had studied hundreds of schools of thought intensively, was the most knowledgeable in the country, and made many big figures in literature and education furious, but they could do nothing to him.

Oh, right.

As Lu Qian's status in Haojing continued to rise, as his authority grew stronger and he had access to more and more information, his understanding of Lu Qingyang also continued to deepen.

This is a person who has studied hundreds of schools of thought carefully, but he has completely disparaged the Six Saints, Nineteen Sages, Sixty-three Dawenjiao and many ancestors of the Dawenjiao family, saying that those 'sages', 'lesser saints', 'great sages', and 'sages' Wait, he's just a literary thief, a heretical old gentleman who has caused disciples and disciples of hundreds of schools of thought to almost riot.

Well, according to the top secret files of the Palace Supervisor.

This old gentleman travels around all year round. His main job is not 'study tour', but...'grave digging'!

Throughout the dynasties, many dynasties before Dayin, those ancestral tombs of noble families... The old gentleman has an extremely strong, almost crazy interest in these ancient tombs.

Yes, it should be this old gentleman!

Lu Qian remembered the two black donkey hooves hanging on Lu Min's waist when he ran to the gate of Yincheng Imperial City to unveil the recruitment list!

Is that a thing used to suppress evil spirits when digging graves?

Very professional! Lu Yi cursed in his heart - so Lu Min abandoned Lu Yi and ran away without a trace. No news came back for ten years, so that the Lu clan thought he died outside. Already...

Did he follow Lu Qingyang to dig the ancestral graves?

Lu Qian's fingers were a little hot and twitching. He wanted to clench his fist and do something to Lu Qingyang.

Those years...

Lu Qian clicked his lips. In those years, in the back streets of Tianenhou Mansion, in that small courtyard, Lu Qian's little life...that's all, I won't mention it anymore.

If it weren't for Lu Qian's somewhat magical powers, any six-year-old child would have died long ago if Lu Min played with him like this?

My hands are itchy, what should I do?

Lexi slowly walked out of the carriage. He looked at Lu Min, and then looked at Lu Qingyang, who was sitting under the big peach tree, dressed in an immortal style and with an elegant and elegant temperament.

Lu Qingyang was holding a book in his hand, as if he had not seen Lu Min, Lu Qian, and Lexi, and he was talking about the article in a loud voice.

What he is talking about is the art of war.

The final conclusion of the so-called vigorous energy and twilight energy, and how to use vigorous energy and evening energy to defeat the enemy when marching and fighting.

It has to be said that Lu Qingyang's talent and learning are truly at the top level of Dayin.

Lu Qian has also read some military books and has his own understanding of some military techniques. But standing here, after listening to Lu Qingyang's casual comments, Lu Yi felt that his mind was suddenly enlightened, and he seemed to have a new understanding of some military applications.

Lu Yi looked at Lu Min.

No wonder he was able to deceive civil and military officials, including Zhu Chong and other cultural and educational figures, into stunned silence in the imperial city, and directly deceived a great Sima into taking an official position.

Lu Qian maliciously slandered his biological father: I originally thought that you relied on this face to charm the Queen Mother... no, Emperor Xin Yin into a lard-sealed heart... I didn't expect it! It turned out to be true. I learned to do it with my own talents.”

Lu Min took Lu Qian and Lexi and walked slowly to the big peach tree.

The personal guards naturally stopped at a distance, with their feet propped up and watching what was going on here.

Master. The second prince, Lexi, is here. Lu Min saluted Lu Qingyang.

Oh! Lu Qingyang stopped teaching, raised his head, and put the scroll in his hand aside.

He glanced at Lexi, who fell down on the ground very bachelorly: The second prince of Xinyin, Lexi, has met Master... and asked Master to teach me, and asked Master to save me.

Lu Qingyang smiled 'haha', and hit Lexi's head with a little force on the scroll in his hand.

Needless to say, I naturally want to teach you and save you. Otherwise, why would I send my disciple to Yincheng? I have never done anything that wastes my energy in my life.

After coughing slightly, Lu Qingyang said calmly: Get up, sit down, and listen to me.

Lexi quickly stood up and sat next to Lu Qingyang respectfully.

In fact, after Lu Min's words and a night of restlessness, seeing Lu Qingyang, a master like Yun Yehe, in the atmosphere created by the big peach tree, my brain really didn't have much joy, and I was already immersed in it. into some strange state.

He was almost ready to treat Lu Qingyang like a sacred immortal Buddha.

The second prince is blessed. Logically speaking, he should have continuous blessings throughout his life, with hundreds of sons and grandsons enjoying glory and wealth, and a carefree life. This is the blessing brought by the second prince in his previous life.

Wow! A long wind blew through the peach forest.

Purple peach petals were flying all over the sky, creating an extremely solid atmosphere for Lu Qingyang's words.

Previous life? Lexi looked at Lu Qingyang in horror: Master, can you know my previous life?

Lu Qingyang smiled coldly: Young little boy, don't worry about such trivial matters... In short, according to numerology, the second prince should be carefree in his life and be rich until he grows old.

Lexi swallowed.

Lu Qingyang said coldly: But... there are evil spirits at work, and the second prince's blessings and luck have been swallowed up by evil spirits... Therefore, the second prince has suffered the disaster of broken bones, family destruction, and the loss of his soul. Suffering that cannot be transcended for eternity!

When he said these words, Lu Qingyang's black and white aura of purity gradually rose up, and a strange scene of the beginning of the world and the birth of mountains and rivers appeared above his head.

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he stared at Lu Qingyang.

This level of cultivation... is terrifying!

Lexi's face turned pale, and she fell to the ground again with a bang.

Master, help me!

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