Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 289 The Genuine Mountain Chief (2)

This is.


Lu Qingyang, enlightened.

Moreover, his cultivation on the Great Way of Heaven and Earth is very high.

Taishang Lu Qian inherited the Beiming Immortal Sect and derived the Five Great Vajra Dharma from the inherited exercises of the Maha Vajra Temple.

The Tao of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect is tolerant and restrained. It is the kind of vast emptiness that accommodates all things and is absolutely unpredictable.

The Tao of the Five Vajra Dharmas is magnificent, solemn, infinitely powerful, strong and pure, and it is the Buddhist Tao that uprightly tolerates everything and at the same time suppresses everything.

By the way, the picture of the three-eyed man allowed Lu Qian to get the purest and most domineering way of power from the mount of the god. From the three-eyed man himself, he got wind and water, as well as the derived powers. The way of all kinds of change.

And Lu Qingyang's way is change and deduction.

All things in heaven and earth are in his way, and with the power of one person, he can deduce the changes in heaven and earth.

This is……

Lu Qian's heart lit up, and he saw that above Lu Qingyang's head, in the black and white aura, there was a palm-sized, crystal clear spiritual talisman condensed.

This is the way of talismans.

Talisman...the reflection of heaven and earth, the cardinal of all things.

Talisman masters observe the wonderful principles of the movement of all things in the world, extract various Tao patterns from them, and combine them together to form various powerful spiritual talismans.

Well, there is another way of saying that there is no separation between talisman and formation.

Talisman masters are basically masters of formations.

Lu Qian saw that under the two qi of black and white on top of Lu Qingyang's head, a little bit of spiritual light emerged under the spiritual talisman, turning into various shapes, circling and flying, interpreting the secrets of endless formations.


Lu Qingyang has extremely profound attainments in talismans and formations.

And the spiritual talisman in the black and white aura had an extremely miraculous effect, directly suppressing Lu Qingyang's aura fluctuations, making him look like an ordinary, strong old man from the outside.

At this moment, Lu Qingyang revealed his cultivation, and Lu Qian felt that he was a master of cultivation who had planted the golden lotus seed.

Lu Qian stared directly at Lu Qingyang.

Lu Qingyang smiled and patted Lexi on the head, then looked up at Lu Yi: My little friend, do you think that I...

Lu Qingyang stretched out his right hand, drew his index finger out of thin air, and a three-foot-long spiritual talisman was generated out of thin air.

The spiritual talisman turned into a faint spiritual light and rose into the sky. In an instant, a light rain began to fall from the sky. The raindrops were like mist, erratic, nourishing the peach trees within a hundred miles.

On the peach trees that were already full of peaches, the branches and leaves were squirming, and the peach blossoms came out of thin air and bloomed in a very short time.

For a time, the peach forest with a radius of hundreds of miles became bright and bright in spring, and a peaceful and abundant breath of life filled the void, making people inexplicably feel that their body and soul were warm and helpful.

A magical talisman turns a hundred miles around into a paradise.

Lu Qian looked at Lu Qingyang in shock.

The Great Vajra Temple takes the path of attributing great power to oneself. How much power can be unleashed is how much cultivation one has.

And Lu Qingyang's way of talismans is a way of borrowing force to mobilize the heaven and earth with a trace of power, and shake the mountains with every grain of sand... His own cultivation may not be strong, but he can borrow his own cultivation. A hundred times, a thousand times the power of heaven and earth!

This is probably the highest practice of Taoism's Tao follows nature.

Lu Qian coughed lightly, looked at Lu Min, and then at the appearance of Lu Qingyang, a bad old man. After thinking about Lu Qingyang's birth date and current age in the secret files of Haojing, Lu Qian looked at Lu Qingyang solemnly. Bowed down.

The master has magical powers, and the boy is inexplicably frightened.

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes: May I ask, Master, if I have the chance to learn the Great Way to Heaven?

Lu Qian was feeling bad in his heart.

Lu Qingyang's method of talismans was unfathomable. As long as he dared to teach it, Lu Qian would dare to learn it.

Yes! Lu Qingyang nodded with a smile: It's just that the way of talismans is so profound and subtle that you can't get started in just a short while. I first solved the murderous disaster for the second prince and suppressed the evil that was causing trouble in the world, and then I gave him You preach and teach.”

Lexi was already kowtowing: Master, help me, Master, save me... Hey, Master, I am willing to learn this... this... what is this... the way of talismans, I am willing to learn this talismans from you The way!

Lu Qingyang smiled and nodded: Very good, very good... But the evil spirit's cultivation is unpredictable. If you want to eradicate him, you need a trace of the luck of the country in the second prince, so I can do it!

After pondering for a moment, Lu Qingyang smiled and said: Second Prince, are you willing to accept me as your teacher? You must be willing, without any hesitation or hesitation!

Lexi's eyes suddenly lit up, and she kowtowed with a few loud noises.

Disciple Lexi, pay homage to Master!

Lexi smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed into a thin line: Don't talk about becoming a disciple... If you don't dislike the disciple's stupidity, the disciple is willing to accept you as his godfather... Dad, my son kowtows to you!

Lu Qian, who had been bowing to Lu Qingyang as usual, jumped up as if his buttocks were being burned and shivered.

Lu Min and the dozen young people who were listening to Lu Qingyang's lecture also had distorted expressions, showing that they did not dare to accept the lesson.

This joy...


Lu Qingyang was also slightly startled, and then shook his head with a smile: That's all, that's all... Since you have already accepted a disciple, you might as well have more adopted sons... Anyway, I just want to keep you safe. Haha!

The breeze swirled around Lu Qingyang. He flew up out of thin air and said leisurely: Very good, very good, that's it. Let me try my hand at that evil spirit!

Lu Qian's eyes flickered.

He saw the canopy of luck above Lu Qingyang's head, which was originally about an acre in size and was half green and half purple. It began to extract traces of purple air flow from the pure purple luck above Lexi's head and blend it into himself.

The half-green and half-purple canopy of luck rolled and quickly turned towards pure purple.

Disciple, just follow the plan! Lu Qingyang nodded to Lu Min.

Lu Min agreed.

In the peach forest at the back, a group of nearly a hundred young men and women dressed in coarse cloth, with watery eyes and extraordinary temperament, walked out slowly.

Lu Qingyang waved his sleeve, and a peach charm carved from peach wood flew out from his sleeve, emitting a large ray of light and covering the group of personal guards who followed Lexi here.

Wisps of rays of sunlight rolled down, and the guards all showed a faint smile at the same time.

Take the Li Dai Tao Zombie Talisman and go. Lu Qingyang waved his hand.

Lu Min said hello to Lu Yi, and the group quickly left Taolin, leaving Lexi and his guards inside.

The group of people mounted their mounts and returned to Yincheng along the same route.

On the way, Lu Min said to Lu Qian seriously: Today, Master is going to do something big... This will be a test for you.

Lehuo, these days, I think you are quite talented. At least you are taking care of the affairs of the Grand Sima Mansion in an orderly manner... It is true that there are many leftover pearls in the world, and unicorns are often hidden in the fields.

Today, if you behave well, I will take you to join the Master's sect.

You may not know that this world has changed.

Are you pursuing wealth and honor in the world?

Lu Min shook his head and smiled: Many years ago, Master's pursuit changed from wealth in the world to the fruit of immortality. This is your opportunity, you must not miss it.

Lu Qian asked Lu Min curiously: May I ask Da Sima, what exactly are you planning to do?

Lu Min smiled brightly: Just look and you will understand.

He looked Lu Qian up and down and said solemnly: I don't know why, but I felt quite friendly after seeing you... Therefore, I am willing to take you with me to do anything, including colluding with the second prince. .”

Just stay with me, and you will understand everything by night.

That night.

Outside the city, there is a new army camp under the control of Da Sima Mansion.

The Chinese military tent.

A small altar was built, with various tokens, arrows, flags, etc. placed according to some strange rules.

In the middle of the altar, there is a verdant peach branch enshrined, and a vitality constantly pours out from the peach branch.

Lu Ren followed Lu Min and watched Lu Min, wearing a long robe, tumbling and rolling in front of the altar. A mahogany sword danced with a whoosh sound.

This is a bit like a dancing master.

Inside the tent, there were twelve disciples of Lu Qingyang. They held their swords in their hands and stood quietly in the corner of the tent, looking at Lu Min Shiwei with wide eyes.

In this camp that stretches for more than a hundred miles, more than a hundred other Lu Qingyang's disciples have already put on New Army uniforms and are hiding in various corners of the camp.

The night gradually deepens.

The peach branches on the altar suddenly floated up without any wind, and then stuck heavily on the tent floor.

Lu Qian watched as the peach branch, which was more than a foot long, quickly took root, sprouted, and began to grow rapidly.

In a few breaths, a peach tree about one foot high appeared in front of Lu Qian. The branches of the peach tree danced lightly, and waves of strange mana rhythms were like ripples in the water, quickly spreading in all directions.

In each tent, the snoring of the soldiers who had fallen asleep stopped at the same time.

All the soldiers' bodies twitched slightly, and their eyes began to rotate violently under their eyelids.

More than a hundred disciples hiding in various places in the camp simultaneously sacrificed pieces of peach wood talismans one foot long. The whole body was golden, and the peach talismans carved from the heart of ten thousand years of mahogany rose into the air, suspended several feet above the ground, and The mana fluctuations released by the small peach trees in the Chinese army's tent echoed from afar.

In the camp that stretches for more than a hundred miles, a thick layer of fog rises from the ground.

One after another, the New Army soldiers stood up silently and walked out of the camp in neat lines.

The 'Li Daitao Zombie Talisman' has taken control of the bodies of these new soldiers, and a mysterious force has replaced their little remaining consciousness.

Lu Qian felt the changes in the camp and touched his chin in embarrassment.

This is a bit...

Too much.

He has been cultivating these new soldiers for several days in a row, turning them into 'Beiming Dharma Protector Soldiers'. With enough Xuanyuan Divine Water and a large amount of medicine to temper them, the strength of these soldiers has improved by leaps and bounds, and now all of them are It can be called the top elite.

As a result, Lu Qingyang and the others played such a mysterious trick!

Directly use talismans to control the behavior of these soldiers?


Lu Qian sincerely lamented that there are really endless strange secret techniques in the world of cultivation.

Li Daitao is stiff, Jin Ge is golden armor!

Lu Min scolded softly, and a thunderbolt struck the small peach tree twisting in the middle of the tent.

The leaves of the small peach tree fell off on their own with a clatter, turning into streaks of green light flying in all directions. Then, countless leaves grew rapidly and flew out again...

I saw the little peach tree dancing extremely enchantingly. In just a quarter of an hour, at least millions of leaves flew out of the Chinese army's tent.

Countless New Army soldiers quietly formed a neat square formation in the dark night.

Streams of green light fell on them, and the auras of heaven and earth rolled from all directions, turning into sets of green ray armor on their bodies, wrapping them entirely.

Lu Qian squinted his eyes, feeling the feedback from the recent guardians.

With the blessing of this radiant armor...the power and speed of these guardian Tao soldiers increased by about ten times.

There was also a surge of vitality filling their bodies, giving them a strong resilience.

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