Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 421 Ten Thousand Flowers Gate, Hanyue Temple (2)

Beside the White Goose Pond, disputes gradually broke out.

Because the Yaoying Uncensored Conference is just around the corner, in just a few days, countless young monks with strong blood, or old perverts who have been traveling among flowers for many years, have used various methods to make millions, tens of millions or even Billions of miles away, I rushed to Qianhong City in a hurry.

The business of brothels in Qianhong City has soared, and the prices of rental houses in various parts of the city have also skyrocketed.

Some young monks who have conflicts or old grudges on weekdays, or whose sects don't deal with each other behind the scenes are constantly pouring in. They are all young and energetic, and they can come to Qianhong City to participate in the Uncensored Conference, and they are not honest. The master of points.

Lu Qing was sitting on the Baiyu Tower. In just a few days, he drank wine, listened to music, and enjoyed the dances and various skill demonstrations of the outer sect sisters, and relaxed a lot.

Just outside the Baiyu Tower, on the White Goose Pond, more than 300 conflicts broke out in just a few days.

Some were seriously injured, some died, and some suffered losses and sent letters of distress to the families and sects behind them, which attracted a large group of guards, protectors, and guardians to fight outside Qianhong City.

In just a few days, due to the battles and fights between the monks in the southeastern territory of the Bidu Kingdom, more than a hundred cities and towns were destroyed, tens of millions of civilians were killed and injured, and a large number of local wealthy families suffered from the fish pond disaster. , there were heavy casualties, or there were many who lost their money and their homes.

At this moment, a senior sister from the outer sect holding a red jade flute was playing a tune gently. While Lu Qian was sipping wine, on the white goose pond outside the building, three young men from the Barbarian King Palace were playing with seven Blood River Cult members of the same age. The monks confront each other.

Lu Qian watched it with relish.

The Barbarian King's Palace and the Blood River Sect were among the twelve sects that invaded the Holy Heaven in the first wave.

Lu Qian once killed the disciples of Manwang Palace in Xinyin.

As for the Blood River Sect, they even wooed General Le Wu, intending to use Le Wu to directly control Dayin and complete their first step in invading the Holy Heaven. Even the current leader of the Blood River Religion, Old Blood God, has descended into an avatar and is making waves in the Holy Heaven.

The Barbarian King Palace focuses on bloodline inheritance. In order to strengthen the bloodline, they will not hesitate to kill creatures and temper themselves.

The Blood River Sect steals people's essence and blood and sacrifices their souls. They use various cruel and vicious methods, which are simply cruel.

Both sects are not good people, they are all first-rate evil heretics.

Therefore, a few days ago, young monks from various families in Baietan fought with each other, and some monks who were friends came to smooth things over... When the monks from these two families got together, all the monks in the pavilions around Baietan were silent. They waited patiently to watch the excitement, but no one came forward to persuade them.

I wish they could fool you.

There were three people on one side and seven people on the other side. The first to take action were the disciples from the Barbarian King Hall.

Three arrogant men over ten feet tall, wearing heavy armor and holding long halberds, roared loudly and turned into three black lights, rushing straight towards the Blood River Sect disciples on the opposite side.

The seven Blood River Sect disciples sneered, taking action was their signature method.

Seven blood flags swayed in the air, and seven rivers of blood roared out. In an instant, the White Goose Pond turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the blood boiled. Countless twisted faces loomed in the blood, and they stretched out their dark claws to grab. Disciple of Manwang Palace.

The sound of 'clicking' was endless, and the halberd made a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, constantly tearing apart the ghosts in the blood river.

Those ghosts made sharp whistles, were arrogant and fearless of death, and kept rushing forward in a mighty manner.

From time to time, there would be a few streaks of blood-colored lightning shooting out of the blood river, or there would be a few balls of blood-colored flames swirling towards the disciples of the Barbarian King's Hall, and there would even be a few blood lotuses the size of a basin slowly blooming, extremely twisted there. In the ferocious, ferocious sea of ​​blood, there was actually a solemn and holy aura out of thin air.

This is a method of transforming demons into Taoism, and it already has a bit of a transcendental feel.

Lu Qian's eyes were filled with excitement and astonishment.

The group of Blood River Sect disciples who invaded the Holy Sky claimed to be true descendants or direct descendants, but a comparison showed that their magical powers were far inferior to the seven Blood River Sect disciples in front of them.

In terms of cultivation, these seven Blood River Sect disciples are probably on par with Luo Yan and other pioneer disciples who invaded the Holy Heaven. But at the level of magical powers and spells, and in terms of understanding and mastering the rhyme of the great road, Luo Yan and others pale in comparison.

Do these seven young disciples of the Blood River Sect represent the true level of the true disciples of the Blood River Sect?

Thinking about it, if it were Lu Qian, he would not send his true confidants into the first wave of invasion teams to take risks!

After a chaotic battle, the three monks from the Barbarian King's Palace were tyrannical. Their bodies were hit several times by bloody lightning, burned by bloody flames, and even hit by the divine light of the sea of ​​​​blood ejected from the blood lotus, which dissolved the flesh and corroded the soul.

They relied on their extremely powerful bodies to survive the siege of seven Blood River Sect disciples.

They relied on their extremely powerful bodies and huge strength to kill and fight fiercely in the sea of ​​​​blood. They actually shattered the sea of ​​​​blood several times and attacked directly in front of the disciples of the Blood River Sect.

The two groups fought for just a cup of tea, and already the armors of the two Barbarian King Palace disciples had been corroded with a large number of gaps, and the flesh and blood on their bodies had also been corroded with deep blood holes.

As for the seven disciples of the Blood River Sect, two of them had their arms cut off, one had his calf cut off, and one had his lower abdomen pierced by a heavy halberd. Lu Qian could clearly see the heavy halberd passing through his body. A fragment of the unfortunate man's spine was blown out of his body by the heavy halberd.

Both sides roared repeatedly.

Not long after, dozens of heavily armored Barbarian King Palace disciples rushed over from other locations in Qianhong City, shouting and joining the battle group without saying a word.

Then, from other directions, the Blood River Sect disciples with disheveled clothes and rouge and lipstick marks on their faces also turned into blood and rushed over cursingly, and quickly merged into the sea of ​​​​blood that was on the verge of breaking.

One stick of incense later, the total number of disciples from the Barbarian King Palace and the Blood River Sect involved in the battle had reached nearly 3,000!

Lu Qian couldn't help but was speechless.

As expected of a demonic sect, how do these two elders manage their disciples?

This is, the brothers and fellow apprentices join forces and come to Qianhong City... To put it nicely, they are venting their energy over victory... To put it badly, they are a 'collective'!

Business is booming for you! Lu Qian joked towards Bi Taojiu who was serving diligently beside him.

The little girl winked at Lu Qian desperately: Young Master is joking... Hehe, Senior Sister Yaoying is very generous this time. There are 13,600 outer sect senior sisters this year. The merit lord has arrived, and we are ready to break through. Ascend through the inner door.”

These outer sect sisters are also looking for the first Taoist companion in this life at this Uncovered Conference!

The little girl's face was flushed, and she looked at Lu Qian tenderly: We, the outer disciples of Wanhua Sect, major in the 'Girl's Mysterious Technique'. This technique condenses a bit of innate true yin. It is extremely pure and possesses a ray of innate taiyin. Qi is of great benefit to the practice of disciples of various schools.

After a slight pause, the little girl lowered her voice: Especially the disciples of the Barbarian King Palace, who have received this trace of innate Taiyin Qi, can suppress the blood disorder and calm the 'blood evil' Qi brought by absorbing the essence blood of hundreds of millions of living beings and tempering the blood vessels.

The disciples of the Blood River Sect can use this wisp of innate Taiyin energy to neutralize the evil thoughts and resentment caused by the refining of hundreds of millions of ghosts in the body, which is of great help to them in breaking through bottlenecks.

Lu Qian looked at the little girl in astonishment: Huh? So, your Wanhua Sect's skills are quite promising...the so-called innate true yin, or the innate taiyin energy, these are extremely brilliant and extremely An object that can only be cultivated with mysterious inheritance.

Why, the higher you practice, the more mixed your aura becomes, and you need the monks from Hanyue Temple to refine your magic power?

The little girl looked at Lu Qian blankly.

In the private room, even the few outer disciples who were singing and dancing stopped their movements and frowned.

Isn't it? The outer disciples of Wanhua Sect can all condense a trace of innate Taiyin Qi in their bodies, which is of great benefit to demonic monks... This shows that their outer sect skills are of a terrifyingly high level.

Why is it that as the level of cultivation increases, the mana becomes mixed and the soul becomes chaotic, requiring the monks of Hanyue Temple to serve as a ‘furnace’ to assist in cultivation, gradually turning them into ‘medicinal dregs’?

Young master's question is too profound, I'm afraid we are unable to answer it. A senior sister from the outer sect who was pressing the jade qin was stunned, shook her head, and sighed: However, our sect's inheritance, entertaining others and ourselves, can To bring supreme happiness to our colleagues in the world... Isn’t this a high and profound road?”

Lu Qian started laughing, pointed at the outer senior sister and said with a smile: He is a good talker. Hey, hey, he's dead, hey, he's so deadly... What kind of grudges are they doing!

While Lu Qian was joking with the disciples from the Wanhua Sect in the private room, the situation over Baietan changed drastically.

A disciple of the Blood River Sect suddenly sacrificed a set of forty-nine blood-colored orbs the size of a human head, releasing a confusing and disillusioning blood light that enveloped the void. On the spot, more than a hundred disciples of the Barbarian King Palace turned into blood and merged into the sea of ​​blood. middle.

An angry and angry sound came from the distance.

A terrifying aura of essence and blood that was definitely illuminating the void realm rose into the sky, and a burly old man who was one foot or two feet tall, with his body exposed and only a light green bellyband wrapped around his waist, strode forward with a big ax in his hand. came through the air.

On the other side, an old man with the same aura above the sky, a faint glow of blood all over his body, and his long hair turned blood-colored, also flew over with big strides holding an open blood-colored umbrella.

More than a hundred disciples of the Barbarian King Palace died in one fell swoop. It was obviously impossible to resolve this fight peacefully.

The guardians of the two sects all showed up, and there was bound to be a battle.

In the void, countless colorful petals suddenly fluttered down, and a strange fragrance filled the area for hundreds of miles... A voice that seemed to be moaning and panting, delicate, sweet, and making people feel weak all over came faintly. come over.

Two old men, for the sake of Yao Ying, let's stop here!

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