Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 422: Ten Thousand Flowers Gate, Hanyue Temple (3)

Next to the White Goose Pond, there is an extremely splendidly furnished room. The room is filled with gold and silver, with peonies carved from dark green emeralds. It is an elegant building with an extremely nouveau riche style. On the small floor, Ahu, Yu Diaihu and his group of more than a hundred people were gathering together, standing at the window, watching the battle outside, and gulping down wine.

Although Qianhong City is not a serious place, Ahu and the others are not serious people either.

A group of unorthodox people came to an unorthodox city and naturally wanted to do some unorthodox things.

They are not real monks. They have followed Lu Qian and pretended to be monks for so long. Why can't they really be locked up in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain and become monks?

Therefore, Lu Qian gave them a break.

These guys all practice the five secret methods of Vajra Dharma of the Mahavajra Monastery. After receiving the initiation from Lu Chen and spending a huge amount of cultivation resources in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, Lu Chen condensed the Dao Fruit, and most of these tiger masters squeezed into the threshold of the Condensed Dao Fruit Realm.

If more than a hundred people join forces to form a Vajra Buddha Formation, it will be an easy and normal thing to wipe out three or five Condensing Path Realms.

Therefore, Lu Qian felt at ease with them and allowed them to gather together to eat meat, drink wine, and gamble money to find older girls.

Lu Qian was watching the fight between the Barbarian King Palace and the Blood River Sect disciples in Baiyu Tower. Ahu and the others were also gathering together, happily cheering for the two groups, hoping that they would beat each other's brains out one by one.

When the Blood River Sect suddenly killed an assassin, and hundreds of disciples of the Barbarian King Palace were killed and wounded, the guardians of the two sects appeared at the same time. Ahu and the others were so excited that they were about to start the game and bet on which guardian would be the last. Win.

As a result, that extremely sweet voice, full of all kinds of charm, came over.

Ah Hu swallowed hard and said, This girl is going to die!

Yu Diaihu subconsciously touched his waist with both hands: What did Master Jun say... If you die under peonies, you can be a ghost... Tsk, when I see this lady, I have these two waists. I’m not ready to ask for it anymore!”

A group of tiger masters, as well as a group of fellow Shenwu generals from Yu Diaihu, all nodded in agreement, with clear saliva seeping out of the corners of their mouths.

In mid-air, the sea of ​​blood converged and the evil spirit dissipated.

The two guardians who ran out angrily pretended to be gentle people at this moment, their eyes slightly glowing with peach blossoms, and they saluted a small boat that ran out of the air at an unknown time.

The small boat was no more than twelve feet long and about three feet wide, with a small pergola built on it.

Lying on the bow of the ship was a woman whose appearance could be called a disaster. Judging from her appearance, she has the sweetness of a cardamom girl, the moisture of a young woman with flowers, the charm of a mature woman, and even a trace of the gentleness and kindness of an old grandmother...

In short, she has the unique charm that women of all ages in the world should have, which is unforgettable at a glance.

And her skin, long hair, figure, appearance, needless to say.

Ninety-nine percent of men in the world have their dream lover, the most dreamy lover they can imagine, and most of them cannot compare to her.

This is a breathtakingly beautiful woman, like an elf, who makes people extremely intoxicated at the sight of her. She wishes she could be like Yu Diaihu and offer her two big waists directly, even if she is squeezed into ashes, she is still willing to do so.

Such a beautiful woman...

It's just that the clothes are a bit too risqué.

Take off all the clothes on this woman's body and weigh them with the most delicate scale. The total weight will probably not exceed one or two weights!

Although the clothes on her body are all thin, extremely thin pink gauze... but all the clothes only have this much. If she is placed in a conservative place, the best end for her is to be soaked in a pig cage.

Such a beautiful, enchanting and bold woman has a thin gold chain about the thickness of a mung bean tied around her waist. On the thin gold chain, countless fine runes rolled, shining softly.

The gold chain is about seven or eight feet long. The other end of the chain is an exquisite neck collar.

The woman was lying on the bow of the boat, occupying most of the space on the bow.

A young monk wearing a moon-white monk's robe, who is as gentle as jade, and whose whole body is filled with a 'pure and natural' aura, and who personally feels extremely 'transparent' and extremely 'clean', is sitting quietly on the bow of the boat. In the corner, the exquisite gold collar was tightly strangling his neck.

The young monk was like a pet dog, tied with a gold chain by the woman, sitting there calmly and quietly.

The various amorous feelings on the woman's body were like a piece of stinky tofu that had just come out of the pot, and the strong smell that was constantly exuding was flowing towards the monk.

As the monk sat there, within three feet of him, there was a world of his own.

No matter how charming you are, you can never get even close to his body. He was only three feet away from the woman, but it seemed like he was separated by a day and a place. The distance between the two was extremely far.

What a handsome monk... What a pity.

Ahu and Yudianhu looked at the monk and couldn't help but sigh.

The next moment, Ahu suddenly blew an extremely sharp whistle: Big sister, let go of the monk and come to me, Mr. Hu? That monk looks like he has tender skin and tender flesh. He can withstand any kind of violence. Fight? Mr. Tiger, I am a person who has been tempered many times and has gone through the test of the world... Just look at Mr. Fo's arm, and you will know how rich Mr. Fo is!

Ahu rolled up his long sleeves, revealing his muscular knots. His arms were almost as thick as an ordinary person's waist. He bent his arms forcefully, causing the muscles in his arms to bulge one by one, and then beat violently.

In fact, his muscles stirred the air, and the beating of each muscle shook the air and made a loud sound like a drum.

‘Boom, boom boom’!

A muffled sound was heard, and in front of the Yashe door, the White Goose Pond actually made small waves more than a foot high due to the sound of the beating muscles on Ahu's arms.

From all directions, countless monks heard Ahu's howling and looked over.

Meng Buding saw that Ah Hu could vibrate the air and make such a sound just by beating the muscles in his arms... Even the monks in the Barbarian Palace who were famous for their physical strength couldn't help but change their expressions.

Many young monks from the Barbarian King's Palace secretly calculated their own cultivation, and could not help but narrow their eyes and look at Ahu fiercely.

They were actually unable to do what Ahu was doing at the moment.

This level of physical strength is terrifying!

The guardian of the Barbarian King's Palace, an old man with an aqua bellyband around his waist, stared at Ahu with strange eyes: What a man, my nineteenth-generation granddaughter, is clamoring to find a powerful man. A strong man is married... This guy seems to be a good seed.

The monks of Manwang Palace mainly focus on family inheritance, and what they pay attention to is bloodline inheritance.

A majestic and fierce man like Ahu is the most ideal 'human race' for the major families in the Man King Palace to reproduce!

Sitting on the bow of the boat, that beautiful woman with all her beauty and charming looks is the instigator of such a huge battle in the Thousand Red City - Fairy Yaoying who ranks third in the Ten Thousand Flowers Clan.

She also heard Ahu's shout, and subconsciously followed the sound and looked over.

Seeing Ah Hu showing off his tyrannical physical strength, Fairy Yao Ying's eyes suddenly shone with astonishing light. She stared straight at Ah Hu's beating arm muscles and looked at them again and again, and then burst into laughter. He stood up and said: Don't be a silver pewter spearhead... He is as good as the old guy standing over there, but he is very disappointing.

As she spoke, Fairy Yaoying turned her eyes and pointed lightly at the protector of the Blood River Sect.

The Protector of the Blood River Cult, who had bright red hair and an astonishing aura, suddenly changed his face. He quickly glanced at Ahu, with a hint of terrifying murderous intent in his eyes, and then smiled at Fairy Yaoying and said, What are you talking about, Fairy? Words? I...

The old protector of the Barbarian King's Hall had already laughed wildly: Hahaha, fellow Taoists, can you hear me clearly? This old guy Xue Lizi has a silver-like pewter spear head, hehe... Fairy, do you still remember sixty years ago? , in the cave on the mountainside of Black Wufeng, the old man and the fairy were fighting fiercely for half a month?

Carrying the big ax on his shoulder, the old guy from the Barbarian King's Palace puffed out his chest and nodded proudly around him, as if he had won a great battle.

As for Xue Lizi from the Blood River Sect, his face had turned black and purple.

He stared straight at the old guy and hissed: Mu Chengxin, you old man, how about we go outside Qianhong City and have a good fight? We are all old friends. I really want to Consider your progress over the years.

Mu Chuanxin waved his hand vigorously and laughed: It's not a matter of weighing things up now... I'm just curious, Fairy, how long did this shameful old guy last?

Fairy Yao Ying stood up slowly with a 'puff', her eyes were like water, and she glanced around.

Suddenly, at least a thousand voices sounded from all directions at the same time, all laughing and saying hello to her.

With such momentum, it can be said that he has friends all over the world!

Lu Qian let out a heavy breath, looked at the young monk sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, and said quietly: This is the Tang monk from Hanyue Temple...oh, no, Moonlight Monk, right?

Tsk, I heard that he has already half-stepped the Dao Fruit after practicing for less than twenty years?

Besides, he is only twenty-five years old?

Dare to ask, Fairy Yaoying, she...she... Lu Qian lowered his voice: The Wanhuamen's skills are progressing very quickly, but Fairy Yaoying is said to have condensed the Dao Fruit. I'm afraid she is not... Can he be three to five hundred, eight or nine hundred years old?

Bi Taojiu was stunned and quickly lowered her voice: Young Master is joking, Senior Sister Yao Ying, she... she... is just young, she... she...

Bitaojiu didn't dare to speak.

Fairy Yao Ying's age is not a big secret.

She has already condensed the Tao Fruit, which proves that her cultivation time is not short.

But this... in Wanhuamen, who dares to discuss this kind of issue?

Lu Qian saw that when Fairy Yaoying smiled and greeted her old friends one by one, a trace of sadness suddenly appeared on the face of the Moonlight Monk.

Lu Chen shook his head, stood up, and laughed loudly: Sister Yao Ying, can you let me, my brother, join in this conference? Hey, hey hey!

Lu Qian used his magical power, and his voice suddenly became extremely sharp, and his hehe laughter was like extremely sharp, red-hot awls, piercing the eardrums of everyone within hundreds of miles around Baietan. .

For a time, countless people cursed and scolded, and powerful auras rose into the sky.

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