Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 426 Moonlight Monk (3)

Accepting the task given by the leader is to make Moonlight Monk join Mahakala willingly and joyfully.

It's not kidnapping.

Therefore, after Lu Qian 'robbed' Fairy Yaoying and Moonlight Monk from Qianhong City, he negotiated with Fairy Yaoying in the mountains and asked her to let Moonlight Monk go.

But Fairy Yaoying seemed to sense some kind of danger. She suffered a lot, but refused to let go of the life-lock between mother and child.

As for Moonlight Monk, his attitude is very determined - he must return to Hanyue Temple and take away some 'real monks'.

What else could Lu Qian do?

We can only take them all the way to Hanyue Temple.

Fairy Yao Ying didn't tell her that a powerful weapon like the Fallen Angel's Whip was hidden in the sky above Hanyue Temple. Lu Qian almost suffered a defeat on the spot, so Lu Qian gave her a hard blow.

But Moonlight Monk's attitude was still so resolute, Lu Qian had no choice but to look at Hanyue Temple from a distance and think of a solution.

In the afternoon.

Outside the south gate of Hanyue Temple, several Zhike monks were leaning against the gate, laughing and chatting.

The few Zhike monks are all good-looking.

If they have long hair and wear serious robes, they all look like young men from aristocratic families.

Although they have shaved their heads now, these Zhike monks are also dressed quite neatly. Balm putty was applied to the scalp, rouge powder was applied to the face, the eyebrows were dyed extremely brightly with indigo, and the slightly moist lips were carefully outlined with flower juice.

With his hands behind his back, Lu Qian took Ah Hu and several other followers with him, and arrived at the gate of the mountain with one unsteady step. From seven or eight feet away, he could smell the rich aroma wafting from the bodies of several Zhike monks.

Lu Qian coughed.

Several Zhike monks looked over at the same time, and when they saw Lu Qian's priceless outfit, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they all stood up and greeted enthusiastically: Master, are you here to celebrate?

Hey, sir, there are many female Bodhisattvas from the Wanhua Gate in this temple who are on duty all year round. They are all passionate beauties.

Hey, if you like plump things, go to the Zen Temple in the east; if you like slender things, go to the Zen Hall in the west; if you like green and shy things, you can find them all in the bamboo forest in the northwest; if you like mature ones, go to the Rhododendron Sea in the Northeast Mountains. The senior senior sisters of the Hundred Thousand Inner Sect will take care of your stay.

Several Zhike monks happily came forward and touched Lu Qian's arms and chest with their slender and tender palms.

Lu Qian looked at a few... oh, no, a few Zhike monks who were smiling like little hens who had just laid eggs. What are you talking about?

He hurriedly waved his hand and swept away the arms of several Zhike monks. Lu Qian shouted coldly with a gloomy face: Young Guaochao, I have a good Zen room, which is enough for me and a few of my entourage. I, my son... have been in a bad mood recently. I am angry and my blood is boiling. I heard that Hanyue Temple is a holy place for Buddhism...

When he said the words 'Buddhist Holy Land', Lu Qian subconsciously looked at the sky.

Well, there are only those smelly evil clouds rolling in the sky, and there is no clear sky, white clouds, and a bright and clear universe, so I can rest assured. I don’t have to worry about being slapped down by the Buddha, who will smash me and the entire Hanyue Temple into meat cakes.

Ahem, that's why I came to Hanyue Temple specially because I want to retreat for half a year and practice meditation!

Lu Qian smiled extremely brightly.

While laughing, he took out a handful of Baoguang Jue and threw it to the nearest Zhike monk.

This precious light is shining with light, and it is full of treasures from the Condensing Dao Fruit and Illuminating the Void Realm. The denomination on it is quite large, and the total value is about one thousand Condensing Dao Fruit and one hundred Illuminating the Void.

This is a fortune.

Moreover, before entering the mountain gate, the Bao Guangjue thrown out casually should be a tip for these knowledgeable monks, right?

This is not serious incense money!

Several Zhike monks smiled brighter and brighter, and hurriedly bent down. With extremely flattering smiles, they ushered Lu Qian all the way into Hanyue Temple with great attentiveness, and went straight to the Zen garden at the back, which was specially used to entertain guests.

With the Wanhua Sect's reputation like this, Hanyue Temple has become a 'medicine pestle' for Wanhua Sect's female disciples to refine their cultivation and purify their magic power. Every month, a large number of Wanhua Sect's female disciples come to Hanyue Temple. Practice in shifts'.

One can imagine what a place of tigers and wolves the Hanyue Temple is now.

Every month, there are many, many, many, extremely large numbers of unscrupulous cultivators, evil cultivators, demonic cultivators and other unscrupulous people who have traveled thousands of miles to eagerly come to Hanyue Temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha, staying temporarily for three days. After five months, I exhausted all my energy and money in my wallet, and then I left with two empty waists and an empty wallet, dying.

The word color... leads people to sinking.

There is no need to describe how virtuous Hanyue Temple is now.

Following a main road in Hanyue Temple, traveling north and west for more than four hundred miles, among the large green pines and cypresses, tall buildings stand like towering clouds.

In the pine trees, exotic flowers and plants are densely covered, laughter and laughter are heard, strange fragrances are wafting, and figures are flying... Occasionally, a strong wind blows, and the things flying by you with the wind are probably bellybands, foot wraps, hair ties, etc. Sweat towels and other strange things.

There was a high-rise building in the Zen monastery that was vacant. When Lu Qian and his party came in, they saw the original residents of this high-rise building. With the support of two young monks, they were walking slowly on the clouds towards the outside of the mountain gate. Fly away.

This guest, judging by his aura, clearly has the cultivation level of Golden Lotus Kai.

But when his cultivation reaches Yuan Lingtian, he can be considered a master... But his Qi is so weak that it is difficult to control Yun Guang.

Lu Qian was very worried that this guy would die suddenly on the spot as soon as he came out of the mountain, or that because the cloud light was too slow and couldn't fly fast, he would be easily robbed by bandits.

However, even if the robbers wanted to rob him... a person like this who left the Hanyue Temple haggardly had nothing to rob.

A group of nimble young monks and a group of chattering little girls are cleaning this pavilion. They lit a large incense burner, and the billowing smoke was like killing insects. The whole building was filled with green smoke, and the rich aroma spewed out far away.

Some people even used various small spells to attract clear springs and rain and dew to wash away the pavilions. They used the breeze to smoke out the water vapor, and then carefully cleaned every piece of furniture and objects with spells.

The Zhike monk who was leading the way smiled brightly: What do you need, Master? If you are not used to the household items that others have used, with just a little extra money, all the furniture and beds will be replaced and made new for you!

Lu Qian nodded noncommittally and threw a large handful of Baoguang Jue to Zhi Ke Monk.

So, Zhike Monk smiled and summoned the two young novices who were sweeping the floor, and gave them some instructions. The two young novices nodded hurriedly, jumped up, and flew in a clear and cold moonlight. Got out.

Lu Qian subconsciously looked at the two young novice monks.

The moonlight under their feet was clear, pure, pure and innocent, and contained quite a bit of the essence of Buddhism in the extremely holy Tian Shui Yue Zen Forest.

Obviously, the Buddhist inheritance of Hanyue Temple is extremely high-level Buddhist orthodoxy.

It's a pity...that it has become what it is today.

Before Lu Qian could look back at the two young monks, a sweet voice came over: Oh, this young master is so majestic... Hehe, when we get to Hanyue Temple, there will be no girl from Wanhuamen who doesn't look at me. , why are you staring at those little thieves instead?

Sir, look here, the infinite scenery is here!

Lu Qian followed the voice and looked over. In the courtyard next to the pavilion, less than twenty feet away, on the top of the small six-story pavilion, the floor-to-ceiling glazed windows were open. A big man with a thick black hair on his chest was grinning towards this building. While smiling.

Surrounding the big man were a dozen or so pretty women... dressed in extremely immodest clothes.

Each of these women is surrounded by light mist of various colors, pink, apricot, peach, bright red, light green... In short, all the flowers in the world are stimulating to people's five senses and six senses, and their own desires, and they can be found in nature. , all colors of exotic grass can be seen on them.

This in itself is the characteristic of Wanhuamen's technique.

Against the background of this mist, these women look even more charming and charming with red lips and white teeth.

The person who opened his mouth to greet Lu Qian was a stunning young girl with long hair disheveled, a peach blossom wreath on her head, and pink mist lingering around her. In the mist, there were faintly visible peach petals made of runes.

This girl's cultivation level is already at the Condensing Dao Fruition state.

As for the black-haired man with an uncle's face, his cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Golden Lotus Blooming.

Lu Qian curled his lips. He seemed to have seen a little lamb jumping into the bloody mouth of a tigress. He was still there proudly showing off how white his fur was and how delicious the lamb meat was. .

Lu Qian coughed lightly and cupped his hands towards the girl: Sure enough, the scenery is infinitely beautiful...but, I never win anyone's love, haha!

Lu Chen looked at the majestic and high-spirited black-haired man, turned his eyes away, and stopped looking.

The peach blossom girl in the Condensing Dao Fruit Realm smiled extremely brightly: That's it, that's fine...if you don't win people's love...hehe, it won't take a few days!

Lu Qian understood what the woman meant.

The woman also knew that Lu Qian understood what she meant.

Only the big black-haired man was obviously a real rough man. He just didn't understand what the woman meant, and he laughed wildly at Lu Qian: You beauties, don't look at that. The boy looks strong and majestic, maybe he has a silver pewter spear head...

I, 'Tiger Langjun', am different. I am a well-known village leader in the northwest area of ​​Bidu Kingdom... Hehe!

Lu Qian exhaled a breath.

‘Tiger Man’?

I'm afraid that when you leave Hanyue Temple in a few days, you will turn into a fat orange!

The two young novices flew back.

Behind them, followed a dozen middle-aged monks in simple clothes, extremely plain colors, and even a bit broken.

Each of these monks was as skinny as a stick, with droopy eyelids, and their breath was dying and listless.

Above their heads, a cloud floated, holding more than a hundred brand-new furniture items.

Lu Qian's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at these middle-aged monks.

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