Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 427 Moonlight Monk (4)

Song Guo used his magic power to lift up a huge carved bed, several desks, large chairs and other furniture, and followed the two young novices slowly to the Zen courtyard where the distinguished guests were being entertained.

Song Guo is a middle-aged monk who is no more than seven feet one or two inches tall, skinny, with a slightly dark complexion. He does not look amazing, but has protruding eyes, which are very bright and energetic.

What he practiced was not the Hanyue Heart Sutra, which was directly passed down from Hanyue Temple.

This Heart Sutra was the main culprit that attracted the gaze of the Wanhuamen Demon Girl, which caused Hanyue Temple to transform from a relatively normal Buddhist temple to the land of fireworks it is today.

Who would have thought that the Buddhist power cultivated in the Han Yue Heart Sutra can actually refine other people's essence, blood, magic power and soul, help people refine and extract the impurities in them, and make the essence, blood, magic power and soul become mellow, harmonious, clear and pure. What about the miraculous effect?

Hanyue Temple, which is pitiful but has a ten thousand-year heritage.

I feel sorry for so many great monks who have gone astray.

I feel sorry for this blessed land with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Song Guo lamented silently, and together with a group of handyman monks, they moved these brand-new, unused furniture into the pavilion one by one, and placed them neatly in each room according to the orders of several little girls from Wanhuamen. In a neat and luxuriously furnished Zen room.

That magnificent Zen room... Song Guo lamented in his heart, how does this look like a place where Buddhist disciples should live?

Okay, hurry up and get lost. I'll get angry when I see you guys... Don't offend the distinguished guests here, be careful with your skin. A little girl waved the handkerchief in her hand impatiently, as if to drive away pigs and dogs. Generally, let Song Guo and the others get out of here quickly.

The female disciples of Wanhua Sect like those monks who have practiced the Hanyue Heart Sutra, are tall and mighty or handsome and romantic, and are careful, considerate and obedient to them.

As for Song Guo and his group of aliens...it really makes people angry just looking at them.

They are completely useless to the female disciples of Wanhua Sect, and all of them are in ragged clothes, and their whole bodies exude a sense of shabbiness. He also looks vulgar, and he makes me feel impatient just looking at him. I can't imagine what it would be like to let these guys touch me even a little bit.

So, get out of here and don't offend the distinguished guests.

Song Guo and the other monks put their hands together expressionlessly, chanted a Buddhist chant softly, lowered their heads, and left the pavilion with steady steps. Just as they were about to leave on the clouds, Lu Qian suddenly pointed at them with a smile.

Hey, wait!

The faces of several Zhike monks, a few little girls, and the senior sisters from the Wanhua Sect in charge of this Zen monastery all changed at the same time.

A rather enchanting senior sister from the outer sect wearing a long aqua dress twisted her waist and smiled as she approached Lu Qian: Young Master, have they offended you? Hey, they are just a bunch of losers. They have no luck and no hope for the rest of their lives. They...

Lu Qian looked at the outer sect sister and interrupted her.

It's nothing else. It's just that I lack a few servants in this courtyard for me to drive around... Just them, keep them all, and let them serve in this courtyard these days.

The outer sect sister was stunned and said subconsciously: We have very considerate and gentle outer sect disciples who obey our orders, young master...

Lu Qian waved his hand and said carelessly: Hey, what are you talking about? How can I bear to manipulate these beautiful little girls at will? They just need to stand beside me and let me look at them.

A Zhike monk came up and said with a smile: Young Master is right. However, for some things such as running errands, young monks and brothers can also serve you. Why do you need these rough hands and feet to ruin things? Young Master’s eyes?”

Lu Qian touched his chin, looked at the fat-haired and pink-faced Zhike monks, and said slowly: My lord, what bothers me most is that there are men who are more handsome than me dangling in front of me! Generally, such men are I asked people to drag him out and beat him to death!

Zhike Monk's greasy smile suddenly froze, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly took several steps back.

Lu Qian smiled and pointed at the expressionless Song Guo and a group of handyman monks, and said slowly: It's you, go and change into clean clothes. These days, you have been squatting in the annex buildings on both sides. Master, I If there is a place that needs people, they will naturally call you... Go quickly!

While giving orders, Lu Qian took out a large handful of Baoguang Jue and threw it into the arms of the outer sect sister beside him.

The senior sister in the green skirt smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Hanyue Temple is now an extra-large 'brothel', a real 'land of love and romance'. The attributes of Wanhua Sect's skills are like this, and the atmosphere of the disciples in the sect is like this... Those who are rich are the uncles!

No one would doubt that Lu Qian would do something weird to a group of dark-looking, skinny monks who couldn't shave even a few ounces of fat off their bodies.

Or, as long as the money is in place, even if Lu Qian wants to peel off the skin of these miserable monks, refine their souls and torture them, or even use magic means to make them into various puppets, ghosts and other things... As long as the money is in place, Nothing bad to say.

A group of low-level monks who are not welcome in Hanyue Temple, but due to historical reasons, are just low-level monks who work as coolies in Hanyue Temple. Does their life and death, their fate, matter?


Therefore, several outer sect sisters and Zhike monks left with a lot of Bao Guangjue, smiling and satisfied.

A large group of smart, pretty and cute little girls from the outer sect stayed behind and served Lu Qian, Ahu and their party diligently.

The nineteen handyman monks were called to take a bath, changed into clean and tidy fine cotton monk robes, and a pair of brand-new monk boots. They were all neatly dressed and returned to Lu Qian's courtyard. inside.

Song Guo led a group of junior disciples and stood in a line in front of Lu Yi with expressionless faces. He looked at Lu Yi and his group in front of them, who were dressed in rich clothes and had a strong aura, with great anxiety.

This is something that has never happened before.

Just as the outer sect sister said, they are just a group of hard-working monks, a group of fireworkers who specialize in menial, dirty and tiring work. They are like a group of tenacious insects struggling in the mud of Hanyue Temple. Just a miserable monk seeking to survive.

What value do they have?

Lack of motivated people? You don't want to push those little girls from Wanhuamen, so you choose them?

There is no such truth.

Song Guo's heart was very heavy, and he was ready to fight hard.

The thoughts that emerged in his mind were exactly the same as those of the outer disciples and the Zhike monks before - perhaps, the young master in front of him was a demon disciple with a cruel mind, and he left his fellow disciples behind for this reason. Use magical means to do some horrific things, right?

This kind of thing doesn't happen often in Hanyue Temple, but it's not impossible.

Some of the Wanhua Sect have to be careful to welcome and serve monks from high backgrounds with respect. Occasionally, they settle in Hanyue Temple. For some reason, they 'accidentally' kill three to five hundred Hanyue Temple monks... It's nothing more than a matter of losing some money. .

Those monks who were used as 'medicine pestles' by Wanhuamen all ended up like this, let alone these handyman monks?

Lu Qian stood on the steps with his hands behind his back, overlooking Song Guo and the others for a while, then looked up at the thick evil clouds in the sky that were like substance, and the Fallen Angel Whip that was swallowing the power of various desires in the evil clouds.

With this thing hanging above his head, Lu Qian really didn't dare to do anything random.

After a moment of silence, Lu Qian coughed and asked Song Guo seriously: You guys seem a little different from other monks in Hanyue Temple...

Song Guo took a step forward and saluted Lu Qian solemnly.

Just as he was about to speak, a little girl on the side had already laughed: Young master, you don't know, they are the cancer of Hanyue Temple, a group of the most stubborn, rude, unsophisticated, and useless monks... ugh , they are just a bunch of despicable pigs and dogs, we just spend some scraps to feed them as we please.

Lu Qian turned his head and glanced sideways at the little girl: Hey, whose crotch is not tightly closed and exposes your sharp-tongued mouth? Did I ask you anything? Interrupt indiscriminately and talk nonsense. Is this the rule of your Wanhua Sect?”

A group of little girls from the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect changed their minds at the same time.

They looked at Lu Qian blankly, closed their mouths at the same time, lowered their heads, and took two steps back with pale faces.

They all saw clearly that Lu Qian had thrown away a lot of Bao Guangjue in a big way before, and they knew that this was a truly wealthy disciple who spent a lot of money, and could not be offended by people like them, little girls from the outer sect, and maid-like figures.

The little girl who just spoke was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

The little girls from Wanhuamen are all quite frivolous. They interrupted before just to make a good deal for Lu Qian. If they can win Lu Qian's favor, Lu Qian will fall in love with her and spend a sum of money to buy her away from Wan Hua. Huamen, that’s the best.

Unexpectedly, the flattery slapped the horse on the leg!

This young master is very different from the wealthy children who visited Hanyue Temple before!

Song Guo raised his head slightly, glanced in surprise at the little girl whose face turned black after being scolded, and spoke slowly: Young Master Mingjian, we are just a group of stupid monks in Hanyue Temple who follow Buddhist precepts and are dedicated to pure cultivation. .”

Stupid? That's not necessarily the case! Lu Qian smiled and shook his head: Can you recite sutras?

Song Guo was stunned, rolled his eyelids, and looked at Lu Qian deeply with a pair of extremely bright eyes: Yes!

Lu Qian nodded: My ancestor, I don't know which generation of ancestor he is, has been dead for some years. A few days ago, I dreamed about him... Tsk, he was covered in blood, his armor was broken, and he died. The situation is very tragic, and I feel uneasy... Do you know how to save your elders? If you can, go to the auxiliary building and read it to me a thousand or eight hundred times.

A bunch of little girls were going crazy.

Song Guo and the other nineteen handyman monks almost vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Are you kidding me? You come to a romantic place like Hanyue Temple to find someone to chant sutras and save your ancestors?

Are you being too filial?

Or has your filial piety gone bad?

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