Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 435: Daring to act (7)

Under the Hanyue Temple, a large pit with a radius of thousands of miles and a height of nearly a hundred miles has appeared.

The Foyin Hall floats quietly above the rolling magma, and is tightly wrapped in Wutu's sneaking thunder net in all directions.

Mrs. Wu Tan gasped, the evil light of the Fallen Angel Whip flashed in her hand, and she extracted the little essence left in her body bit by bit. As for the twelve close female disciples, they had collapsed in a pink cloud, having exhausted all their energy and energy, and could not squeeze out even a little bit of magic power.

A very light layer of Buddha light that can be broken with a finger barely enveloped the Buddha Hall.

This layer of Buddha's light is so weak that Mrs. Wu Tan and the twelve female disciples can clearly detect it. As long as a monk who has just condensed the Tao Fruit takes action, this layer of Buddha's light can be blown to pieces with a casual blow.

Master...Master...congratulations, Master, congratulations, Master. A group of female disciples were all shouting.

Mrs. Wutan smiled ‘hehe’.

She gritted her teeth, bit her finger, drew out three drops of essence and blood, and let the white skull swallow her essence and blood. The pale skull turned its head, its eyes shining with green phosphorous fire stared at Mrs. Wu Tan, and the two rows of sharp teeth rubbed rapidly, emitting a dazzling firelight.

Madam Wu Tan gritted her teeth, raised the Fallen Angel Whip, and struck the white skull hard with the whip.

Go back...what did your master order you to do?

The white skull made a sharp whistle and roared. Madam Wu Tan had a gloomy face, hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the twelve female disciples behind her: Don't hurt their lives, otherwise...

The white skull screamed strangely and suddenly turned into countless afterimages that passed through Madam Wu Tan and rushed towards the twelve female disciples.

The throat, neck, shoulders, heart... Everywhere in the body, there were white skeletons opening their mouths and biting hard, sucking in the essence and blood in their bodies.

Three masters of the Void Realm and nine half-step masters of the Void Realm howled in unison, begging Madam Wu Tan for help.

They had exhausted all their mana and had no power to resist at this moment.

This white skull is the secret treasure of demon-controlling master Wu Gengong. He is ruthless and cunning, and most greedy and vicious. At this moment, it was not satisfied with the three drops of essence and blood given by Madam Wu Tan, so it held the twelve female disciples and sucked them hard.

The auras of the twelve female disciples suddenly declined.

Their magic power and Taoist realm are constantly falling. In just a short breath, the three female disciples of the Illuminating Void Realm have fallen back to the early stage of Condensing Dao Fruit, while the nine female disciples who are half-stepping to the Illuminating Void Realm have fallen back to the early stage. , and even fell directly back to the Golden Lotus Kai realm.

Master! Twelve female disciples cried out as they were dying.

The white skull let out a strange whistle of contentment, slowly descended from a height of a hundred feet, and shrank little by little to the size of a fist. Like a drunken man, it swayed leisurely and flew back to Mrs. Wu Tan. sleeves.

Mrs. Wu Tan pursed her lips and smiled, and said leisurely: Okay, okay, you have made great achievements this time, and I will not treat you badly... After you go back, you will select three thousand elite disciples from Hanyue Temple and directly harvest their blood. All the energy and energy can even burn their souls... In short, let you make up for your cultivation and make more progress, you will not lose!

The twelve female disciples looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time: Master, you are so kind and kind, and it is hard for me to repay you with my disciples shattered into pieces!

Well, now they don't even have the strength to move their little fingers, and Madam Wu Tan is always ruthless. Any disciple who dares to offend her will not end up much better.

Now that she has promised them, they can choose the furnace cauldron of Three Thousand Hanyue Temple to replenish their cultivation... Haha, such a pleasant and happy thing can also improve their cultivation. Where can I find such a good thing?

It's just a waste of time, what does it count?

Mrs. Wu Tan's fingers trembled slightly. She no longer paid attention to the twelve close disciples, but took out a bright red medicine bottle, and shakily took out a blood-colored pill the size of an egg yolk.

This is the great elixir refined by Shi Taiweng, the famous master-level casual alchemist of Yuan Lingtian who was once a subordinate of Mrs. Wu Tan. It is best at replenishing vitality and restoring the lost essence, blood and soul. It is the top elixir of Yuan Lingtian. The panacea is priceless.

It's a pity that since he met Wu Gengong and gave birth to his daughter, Wu Gengong was extremely jealous, and none of Mrs. Wu Tan's former subordinates dared to flirt with her anymore.

Shitai Weng was bold and had been secretly involved with Mrs. Wutan.

But no matter how bold he was, he would not dare to interact openly with Mrs. Wu Tan.

Therefore, Mrs. Wutan used to have no shortage of these great elixirs, but now she has to count the numbers to use them.

Man... haha! Mrs. Wu Tan held the pill and muttered in a low voice, showing a sneer. Just as she was about to put the pill into her mouth, a green-yellow palm shaped like a chicken's claw suddenly He appeared from beside her and grabbed the big pill with one hand.

The people of Yuan Lingtian are born with excellent qualities. Regardless of men or women, they are all tall and slender, with delicate and exquisite faces, just like the porcelain works of art carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen.

That is to say, physical cultivation sects like Manwang Palace use various blood to temper their bodies, and then they become as majestic and inhuman as a lion and a tiger... This is an alien species, and there are not many sects like this in Yuan Lingtian. .

Therefore, the man who suddenly appeared next to Mrs. Wu Tan... He was less than six feet tall, skinny, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, his hair was bald in a Mediterranean style, and his body was like a dead monkey dried in the sun. It looks like an extremely rare product in the entire Yuan Lingtian.

He was wearing a rustic khaki robe, with a two-finger-wide hairband tied around his bald head. In the middle of his eyebrows, a radiant yellow orb the size of an egg was fastened.

How should I put it, the overall shape of this person is like a piece of earthy yellow, hot, and barren cow dung.

And Mrs. Wu Tan is naturally a cold, delicate and beautiful black night-flower that cannot be easily offended.

The temperament of the two...the gap is huge.

But when she saw the skinny, skinny, ugly, short old man, Mrs. Wu Tan's pupils shrank, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face that had always been as cold as an iceberg.

Why are you here, Master? Mrs. Wu Tan smiled brightly, but her face, which was already pale, became almost transparent, and she lost even the slightest bit of popularity.

Yuan Lingtian has many demon giants, including those old monsters such as the Supreme Elders of the demonic and evil ways, and their personal strength is enough to rank among the top three. Yuanlingtian Black Jade Sea Star Palace, claims to be Xiaoyao Ancestor, the old demon whose real name is Wu Gengong grinned with a smile, and gently patted Mrs. Wu Tan's face with dry palms like monkey paws.

Quack...Wutan, you just left the Xingxiu Palace. Ancestor, I am following you. Wu Genggong's voice was extremely unpleasant. Sometimes it was sharp, sometimes it was hoarse, sometimes it was as feminine as a woman, and sometimes it was rough as if it had been burned by coals. throat.

He chuckled strangely and looked at Mrs. Wutan with satisfaction.

You are usually the most cautious in front of the ancestor. This time you have spent such a big price to serve the ancestor comfortably. Hehe... The ancestor is very curious. You are so unwilling to manipulate you on weekdays. , the reluctant one, but this time... there is a ghost, there must be a ghost!

So, ancestor, I...hey, this is a rare act of generosity. You see, I will also lend you the Heavenly Demon Skull. I will also lend you the Thunder God's Net.

Ancestor, I have lent you all the treasures at the bottom of my box... I'm worried, I'm scared, this is my coffin book, Ancestor! If you run away with them... Hey, of course you won't, Wu Tan. You can run away, but if you are robbed of your wealth and sex... wouldn't I, ancestor, suffer a big loss?

So, you borrowed these treasures for three years, and I, ancestor, have been watching behind you.

You used these treasures to kill several juniors who had enmity with you in the past... I saw it all in my eyes... But I know that if you want to kill those people, you don't need to ask me, ancestor, to borrow the treasures!

You must have a more important goal!

Wu Genggong clasped his hands behind his back, turned around, looked at the Buddhist Sound Hall shrouded in an extremely thin layer of Buddha light, and said quietly: I didn't expect that your Wanhua Sect would actually hide such a good thing... This Hanyue Temple , I have been here twice, but I didn’t even notice that there is such a Buddhist secret hidden under the Hanyue Temple.

Tsk, tsk, this must be the extremely profound magical power of Buddhism, which diverted my attention, ancestor.

In other words, my ancestor was born in the demonic path, so before this Buddhist secret was breached, I had no 'chance' to produce any 'karma' with this secret.

Buddhist magical powers are indeed extraordinary.

But since Wutan has helped me break this restriction, haha, Wutan, in those bald words, this Buddhist treasure is destined to me... What do you mean?

Wu Gonggong's words were very rude.

He naturally attributed this Buddhist treasure to his own name.

Mrs. Wu Tan's expression became... extremely, indescribable. She looked at Wu Gengong and said nothing for a long time.

Wu Genggong smiled and pinched Mrs. Wu Tan's face with his paws.

Oh, you went to the Dahuang Mountain and Dian Dian Mountain before, asking Old Man Pian to help you isolate the secrets and chaos... But you have been following me for so many years, don't you know that the person that Old Man Piao is most afraid of in his life is me? ?”

You asked him to help you cover your tracks, and you wanted to eliminate the last possibility that Ancestor and I would find out your secret... As soon as you left the Valley of Disorientation, Old Inversion sent a letter to Ancestor me!

Mrs. Wu Tan finally couldn't help it, and she hissed: How dare he charge me such a high fee?

Wu Gonggong smiled and nodded: Yes, he actually dared to accept my wife's money... So, I went to Dianwangu Valley, broke both of his legs, and asked him to compensate ten times of my wife's expenses. Madam, But are you still satisfied? If you are not satisfied, I will slaughter his entire family later.

Mrs. Wu Tan, don’t speak anymore.

This time, she was eaten to death by Wu Gengong.

This is due to the rapid rise of Wanhua Sect. Although the Supreme Patriarch in the sect is also half-step into the realm of heaven and human beings, no matter in terms of heritage, strength or other aspects, he cannot compare with an old man like Wu Gengong. The devil contends.

Otherwise, why would she be in such an embarrassing situation?

Wu Gonggong rubbed his hands proudly and said with a smile: Then, let me see, ancestor, what is in this Buddha's treasure!

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