Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 436: Daring to Act (8)

In the Buddha's Sound Hall, the sound of Buddha slowly fell silent.

Lu Qian stood up and walked slowly for seven steps.

With each step, a nine-color lotus bloomed on the bronze floor, gently supporting Lu Qian's body that had grown to six feet.

In his mind, the image of a three-eyed man has all lit up.

Wind, water, and force, the three Dao Fruits have been compressed to the extreme, turning into an unsearchable 'singularity', slowly rotating around Lu Qian's soul. On the edges of the three Dao fruits, there is immeasurable brilliance brewing. Just waiting for an opportunity, they can shine like the sun and illuminate the void!

When these three great suns bloom, it is when Lu Qian breaks through the Tao Fruit and shines in the void.

The image of the Buddha, with six arms on all sides and a thousand-handed treasure wheel behind him, turned into a shrine, hangs high in his mind. There are eight hundred radiant Taoist fruits lingering in all directions.

Each Dao Fruit corresponds to a technique and a inheritance of the once extremely holy Heavenly Buddhism.

Because of the existence of Foyin Hall, these Taoist fruits have been condensed to the extreme, and have also reached the edge of the illuminating void realm.

However, although the Eight Hundred Dao Fruits are much lower in grade than the three Dao Fruits of Wind, Water, and Power, the level of power they contain is also quite different. After all, the total number is too large.

If we break through the Illuminating Void Realm at the same time, use our own soul to draw the Daoyun of the outside world, and activate the infinite spiritual machine of heaven and earth to wash away our body, soul, essence, blood, and mana, how much momentum can the Eight Hundred Dao Fruits generate? Even Lu Qian's current body cannot bear such a huge change, so he can only try to deal with it slowly.

Even so, Lu Qian's current physical strength and magical power have reached an extremely terrifying level.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that one Dao Fruit brought him extremely pure mana cultivation for a thousand years - eight hundred Dao Fruits is the total amount of mana for 800,000 years!

Even though Lu Qian had laid a solid foundation with the Wuliang Guixu body, his body was like Wuliang Guixu and could accommodate all things in the world... He still felt like he was stuffed now.

Just walking seven steps in place, Lu Qian felt like a round fish bubble filled with heavy mercury. He was trembling and swaying with each step, as if his body might open a gap at any time. , the astonishing amount of mana in the body will turn into a world-destroying tide and roll out.

In particular, the quality of Lu Qian's magic power is extremely pure and superb.

He is currently in the realm of half-step Zhaoxukong, but the quality of his magic power has definitely reached the level of a powerful monk in the late stage of ordinary Zhaoxukong. Therefore, in terms of supernatural power and magic, Lu Qian at this moment is enough to confront the great powers in the later stage of Zhaoxukong.

If you add in his golden body, which is already so strong that it's a bit crazy...

There should be no one who can take a blow from him if he is half a step above heaven.

Taking seven steps, Lu Qianmo used the magical power of meditation, and a clear round of Buddha's light circulated around his body eighteen times, condensing and concentrating the abundant mana in his body little by little, and then his eyes sprayed out rays of light, facing towards He looked outside the Buddha Hall.

He could clearly see the little quarrel between Mr. Wu Geng and Mrs. Wu Tan.

From the conversation between the two, Lu Qian also understood their identities and directly saw the strange relationship between them.

The great Buddhist monks are all masters of ‘mind cultivation’.

To put it disrespectfully, the eminent monks of Buddhism are all top experts at guessing people's hearts and grasping human nature. In the eyes of Lu Qian, who has experienced the inheritance and initiation of Foyintang, the little thoughts of Duke Wu and Mrs. Wutan are simply It is extremely clear at a glance.

Interesting! And, what a baby!

Lu Qian smiled and waved with his left hand, and Fairy Yaoying and Moonlight Monk appeared in front of him.

Moonlight Monk's whole body is surrounded by Zen light, and there is a moonlight Buddha's light spinning above his head. It is obvious that his practice has also made great progress, and he has gained some of the true meaning of Hanyue Temple's true teachings.

When he saw Lu Qian, Moonlight Monk put his hands together and saluted Lu Qian, and respectfully called him 'senior brother'.

Fairy Yao Ying looked at Lu Qian with a blank expression.

After the Moonlight Monk saluted, Fairy Yao Ying knelt down and bowed to Lu Qian: Lord Buddha!

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched and he looked at Moonlight Monk: She is already my Taoist protector. Don't you feel heartbroken?

Lu Qian was afraid that something might happen between Moonlight Monk and Yao Ying. What about the emotional entanglement between the reincarnated true Buddha and the demonic saint, the emotional entanglement between ten reincarnations, the bitter struggle between the true Buddha and the demonic maiden, etc...

If something like this really happened, Lu Qian decided that he would even 'transform' the Moonlight Monk.

Moonlight Monk looked at Fairy Yaoying very calmly, shook his head gently, chanted My Buddha is Merciful, and then said lightly: Senior Brother, Mercy, this is Yaoying's opportunity to transcend... Being able to escape from the endless sea of ​​desire and stay with her senior brother is the blessing she has gained through hard work for hundreds of lives.

Moonlight Monk looked at Lu Qian and chuckled: Senior brother is destined to become a Buddha and become an ancestor. Being able to follow senior brother is a blessing that many people can only dream of.

Lu Qian looked at Moonlight Monk, smiled and nodded.

Well, he was indeed a great Buddhist monk. This nonsense was very shameless and Lu Qian liked it very much.

Lu Qian pointed towards Fairy Yaoying.

Fairy Yaoying stood up, recited a string of secret mantras, and made fingerprints with both hands. Hearing the sound of 'clang', the life lock of mother and son locked around Moonlight Monk's neck was immediately released, and slowly floated away from Moonlight Monk with a trace of golden cloud's evil aura.

With a flash of golden light from his left hand, he took the Moonlight Monk back to the Vajra Sumeru Mountain. Lu Qian grabbed the mother-child locket and fastened it around his neck. The Dream Bubble Pearl shimmered with light, and in conjunction with one of Lu Qian's eight hundred Tao Fruits, Lu Qian's body squirmed and changed, turning into the appearance of the Moonlight Monk.

In the past, Lu Qian had relied on the Dream Bubble Bead to change his body.

But now it has been passed down in the Foyin Hall, and eight hundred fruits have been condensed. Among Buddhism, there is also a way of change. Lu Qian used this way of change, combined with the miraculous effect of the dreamy bubble beads, to transform the moonlight monk he transformed into, both in appearance and breath. They are exactly the same as the original body, without any difference.

Originally, if he encountered a powerful person who had cultivated some magical eyes, Lu Qian's own cultivation was not enough, and there was still a chance that the Dream Bubble Bead would be seen through.

But now that Lu Qian's cultivation level has soared, and he has the Buddhist way of transformation, and combined with the power of the Dream Bubble Bead, it will be difficult to find anyone in the world who can see through his way of transformation...

Go and give your parents a surprise.

Lu Qian smiled and nodded towards Fairy Yaoying.

Fairy Yaoying's expression suddenly changed with a blank look on her face, and she turned into the enchanting posture that had charmed all living beings in Qianhong City. She giggled, twisted her slender waist, and gently pulled the mother-child life lock. He led Lu Yi out of the Foyin Hall step by step.

Lu Qian put his hands together, and a clear moonlight rose from the ground. The moonlight rotated, and a lotus Buddha seal appeared in the middle. It was so clear and transparent that people's body, mind, and soul suddenly became extremely 'empty' and 'clean'. The breath slowly releases.

Outside the Buddha's Sound Hall, the already indestructible Buddha's Light Restriction exploded with a 'pop'.

Fairy Yaoying twisted her slender waist, giggled, and walked towards the twisted faces of Wu Gong Gong and Mrs. Wu Tan.

Fairy Yaoying released a faint sandalwood fragrance all over her body, and with every step she took in the void, a pale golden mandala flower slowly bloomed. What she is performing now is an extremely partial Buddhist inheritance in the Foyin Hall. It is a 'celestial maiden transformation' that is specially used to create a holy light effect when some great Buddhist monks give lectures, attracting the hearts and minds of believers.

This method is very unpopular, but it is extremely useful for deceiving secular believers, accumulating incense money, accumulating believers, and enclosing territory.

Once she performs the 'Tiannu Transformation', Fairy Yaoying transforms from a witch from the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect into a flying heavenly protector in the Buddhist legend. She has a strange fragrance, grows flowers every step of the way, is surrounded by the sounds of heaven, and has layers of exquisite beauty. Immortal light body protection.

The aura of Fairy Yao Ying has also changed a lot, becoming elusive and mysterious.

Father, mother, you are too late... Hehe, the benefits of this place have been taken away by my daughter. Fairy Yaoying giggled and walked step by step towards the stunned Duke Wu and Mrs. Wu Tan. before.

This is the place where the last abbot of the Supreme Holy Heavenly Brahma Jingshi Sect died in the ancient times, leaving behind the most profound inheritance of the Supreme Holy Heaven Buddhism... There is also a Ten Thousand Buddhas Pill to help my daughter refine her body and purify her soul. , refined into the body of a Buddhist goddess, and planted the supreme fruit of Buddhism!

Fairy Yao Ying winked at Mrs. Wu Tan: Mother, you are no longer a match for my daughter... My daughter's secret skill of the Goddess of Ten Thousand Transformations is a Buddhist magical power that can specifically restrain the power of the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect. What about the law?

Fairy Yaoying's words are nine true and one false.

There is no such thing as Ten Thousand Buddha Pills.

But what about other things? Look at Fairy Yaoying’s almost translucent glazed body, and then look at her strange fragrance, lingering fairy light, and the faint aura that suppresses Wu Genggong’s magic power. Duke Wu and Mrs. Wu Tan had to believe that the daughter in front of them had really converted to Buddhism and gained great benefits!

His own background was not righteous, but the core senior leaders of all the major sects in Yuan Lingtian and all the strong casual cultivators knew it well - when Jishengtian attacked Yuan Lingtian, he caused the most damage to Yuan Lingtian. The ones who suffer the most are those bald Buddhists!

The magical powers of the thief bald men simply crushed everything. They destroyed many sects in Yuan Lingtian at that time, and hundreds of millions of monks lost their souls. They killed Yuan Lingtian with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Today, Buddhist monks are not welcome in Yuan Lingtian.

But if someone can obtain a truly profound Buddhist inheritance...this is a good thing that countless people are jealous of, envious of, and long for!

Wu Gengong's skinny cheeks trembled. He glanced at the Foyin Hall greedily. With a wave of his right hand, the Thunderous Divine Net that covered this area suddenly sprayed out a large piece of yellow light.

Yao Ying's sweetheart, is it really you? Hmm!

Wu Gengong made seals with his hands and pointed towards Fairy Yaoying.

Within Fairy Yao Ying's body, a bronze token the size of a palm, carved with a twisted ghost face, suddenly appeared, and she weakly let out a sad cry.

As soon as the bronze token appeared, a large area of ​​bright and pure fairy light emerged from Fairy Yaoying's body, like a whirlpool gently swirling, turning the bronze token into pieces.

Wu Gonggong showed a smile.

This is indeed my precious daughter...

Dear Yao Ying, if you got any good things in there, take them out immediately and let my father help you identify them!

Wu Genggong grinned and extended his hand unceremoniously.

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