Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 478: Zhan Tianjun (5)

The white turtle was furious again.

She stuck her head out from the window of the boat and shouted to the elders of the sect in the air: The Supreme Immortal Certificate is here, don't you want it? Whoever kills Hu Tianjun, I will give him a Supreme Immortal Certificate!

Several elders of the sect looked at each other and sighed at the same time, and then their eyes suddenly burst out with wisps of divine light, staring straight at Hu Tianjun.

There is no politeness, and there is no meaningless behavior of self-reporting.

Since you are determined to take action, let’s just kill him!

One of the elders of the sect flipped his palm, and a red flag flew into the sky. The sky was red for a while, and the overwhelming flames swept across a radius of three thousand miles. Wisps of purple fire continued to spurt out from the red clouds, turning into Arrow-like rays of light struck Hu Tianjun randomly.

Within an area of ​​three thousand miles, the water in the Sword Washing Pond suddenly sank more than a hundred feet.

The temperature in the void soared, and the lake water turned into steaming heat and evaporated into the sky, quickly blending into the blazing glow.

The other elder rubbed his hands together, and suddenly the sky was filled with thunder and thunder, and the earth was turned upside down. In the fiery red clouds, countless extremely thin electric rays splashed and flickered, also covering an area of ​​nearly three thousand miles.

As the elder rubbed his palms, countless balls of lightning the size of water tanks rained down overwhelmingly.

Both of them were extremely ruthless in their attacks. They just attacked Hu Tianjun without caring whether Lu Qian, who was wrestling with Hu Tianjun, would be affected.

Next to the two of them, an old man in black robe sighed softly, pointed his finger, and a spiritual treasure shaped like a crescent moon suddenly turned into a wisp of cold light and jumped into the sky. This spiritual treasure was hovering in the air, and the sound of chichichi could be heard constantly breaking through the air. Countless crescent moons of cold light rotated rapidly, turning into a mighty long river of cold light, falling straight towards Hu Tianjun.

Just as the cold light exploded, an extremely dull roar sounded, and a purple cloud rolled in the sky. In the purple cloud, a thirty-three-story bronze tower spit out dark clouds of black light, accompanied by countless piercing screams, and slowly smashed from high in the sky. fall.

Directly below the base of the pagoda is a crystal clear glass mirror. When the pagoda descended, the figure in the treasure mirror flickered, illuminating Hu Tianjun's figure.

This mirror is so magical that even Lu Qian, who transformed into the wind, clearly appears in the mirror.

Judging from the momentum of the pagoda falling, it was also someone who didn't care about Lu Yi's life or death. The elder who took action clearly wanted to smash Lu Yi and Hu Tianjun down together with everyone on the small sampan.

Dad, get on it, get on it, what are you doing? Come on, get on it... kill them, kill them... leave all the girls on the boat to me! Hu Ping Still shouting loudly without knowing whether to live or die.

He had no fear, no fear, no hesitation or hesitation. He screamed loudly, his face flushed with excitement, and his eyes were bloodshot from the extreme excitement, and they almost jumped out of their sockets.

He screamed hysterically: Dad, I want to kill them alive, especially the one wearing men's clothes... She had me cut up... but it doesn't matter, I know you can get me a pill to regenerate my limbs. Yes, you can definitely do it, right?

If you can't do it, what use are you, the owner of the photo studio, for?

You are going to have no descendants, do you know?

Hu Tianjun took a deep breath. He looked up at the sky. The sky was filled with red clouds and fire clouds. He could not see the face of God... He exhaled heavily and said in a deep voice: Strike with all your strength, only hurt but not kill. ...There is no way to explain this matter clearly to the younger generation, so we can only make a big fuss and let Bai Laogui come forward in person!

Hu Tianjun saw it.

My son is no better than an animal. When he is around, I can't even think about reasoning with others properly.

As for Bai Yu, this little girl in men's clothing is, well, a little stronger than an animal, but not much stronger. He is basically a bastard on the same level as Hu Ping!

With these two best people mixed in, it would be impossible not to make things worse.

Then, let’s make a big fuss, right?

It would be better to get Bai Eun's biological father to come forward and have the top management of both parties meet directly, which would be more convenient than fighting with these young people.

He is Hu Tianjun, the contemporary owner of the photo studio, and a giant figure who intimidates everyone in Yuan Lingtian... He has been messing around here for so long, it is simply too shameless and a loss of identity.


Bai Yu and the others can be captured alive, but Lu Qian must die.

Lu Yi killed his confidant elder in front of him. Lu Yi must die. Even if the headmaster of Jianmen helped him, Hu Tianjun said that Lu Yi must die!

‘Hehehehe’, a series of sneers came out of Hu Tianjun’s mouth. Then, the situation between heaven and earth changed, and the entire sky darkened. Above Hu Tianjun's head, wisps of black and white mist rose into the sky, and then spread rapidly in all directions.

Ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles...

In a breath, the heavy pagoda above his head had just dropped by more than a hundred feet. Hu Tianjun released the Dao Fruit, and the illuminated void area rapidly expanded to about seven thousand miles in diameter.

The seven-thousand-mile void was shrouded in flickering black and white mist. The red clouds emitted by the banner suddenly dimmed, and wisps of mist wrapped around them. The purple fire spewed out of the red clouds continued to dissipate, and the high temperature in the air began to rise straight. decline.

Before the lightning in the sky fell on Hu Tianjun's head, it was rolled up by the black and white mist, and it disappeared in an instant.

The crescent-shaped cold light in the sky had just fallen not far before it shattered into a shower of light and scattered in the sky. The elder's face turned red, and blood spurted out from the seven orifices at the same time.

The heavy pagoda above his head fell. Hu Tianjun raised his right hand at will and easily supported the majestic pagoda. His body only swayed slightly, causing the small sampan under his feet to slide back seven to eight feet.

Hu Tianjun's right palm was dark, and dark energy continued to pour out of it.

This black energy quickly wrapped around the pagoda, and wisps of black energy quickly seeped into the pagoda. The elder who was constantly pinching the air and chanting mantras suddenly changed his face, and shouted no. Hearing a loud noise, the whole pagoda turned black, and continuously sprayed out wisps of black energy and mysterious light. However, Hu Tianjun obliterated the soul imprint of the original owner in his breath and forcibly refined the pagoda.

The four elders of the sect whistled in the air, and at the same time they used escape techniques to fly into the sky, no longer caring about the Supreme Immortal Order promised by Bai Yuan.

The Taishang Immortal Certificate is certainly good and can help people achieve enlightenment and immortality, but if they die there today, what use is the Taishang Immortal Certificate?

One elder even cursed out loud: Hu Tianjun, I really can't believe that you have such a level of cultivation!

The Dao Fruit shines in the void and covers the airspace for seven thousand miles. This is an absolute strong hand in the half-step heaven and human realm. Like these four elders of the sects who took action, they were also from the top ten powerful sects in Yuanlingtian. They had practiced hard for thousands of years, and the range of their Dao fruits that illuminated the void was only about three thousand miles.

Hu Tianjun is younger than them and has practiced for less time than them, but his cultivation is so much better than them!

Where to go? Hu Tianjun smiled softly.

Beside him, black shadows appeared one after another. Just as Hu Ping said, when Hu Tianjun goes out, he is always accompanied by a large number of masters from the photo studio. As the leader of a killer, Hu Tianjun is well aware of the dangers of the world. He values ​​his own life more than anyone else, and he is more cautious than anyone else!

A large black shadow rose into the sky. In the black and white mist released by Hu Tianjun, the elders and supreme killers of the photo studio moved several times faster than before, becoming lighter, more erratic, and more mysterious and unpredictable.

The strength of each of their blows increased more than ten times out of thin air.

More than a dozen black shadows surrounded the four elders and attacked fiercely. The four elders yelled loudly, but under the blockade of Hu Tianjun's Dao Fruit, how could they escape? A large area of ​​light flickered in the sky, and the four of them could only defend themselves side by side, sacrificing a piece of defensive secret treasure, struggling to withstand the fierce attack of a group of mad dog-like photo studio masters.

Boy, you deserve to die. One of Hu Tianjun's eyes turned into pure black, and the other turned into tragic white. The black and white eyes stared straight at Lu Qian, and then a wave of energy came into the void. The terrifying pressure of coldness and coldness was crushed down on his head.

In the seven thousand miles of void, all the power, all the charm of the Tao, the inspiration of heaven and earth, and the movement of the Tao, were all forcibly transformed by Hu Tianjun. All the environments in this void have become the most favorable environment for the photo studio killer and Hu Tianjun himself.

In this void shrouded in black and white mist, Lu Qian was like a fish sealed in a cement block. There was not a drop of water or a trace of air. In addition to the increasing pressure from all directions, there was an increasingly dense murderous atmosphere. meaning!

Hu Tianjun stretched out his dark right hand and grabbed Lu Qian's neck bit by bit.

He stared at Lu Yi with cold eyes, wondering whether he would tear Lu Yi into a hundred pieces later, or should he be careful and slowly tear Lu Yi into a thousand pieces?

He thought about it seriously, and then felt that Lu Qian's body was about one foot six feet tall when he saw it before. Such a tall body could probably be torn into more than ten thousand pieces with a little careful tearing?

Hu Tianjun smiled coldly and decided happily that he would tear Lu Yi into eighteen thousand pieces in front of Bai Yu!

The black palm tore through the strong wind, tore through the wind whirlpool, shattered the strong wind that Lu Yi had transformed into, and shook his body out of the strong wind. Then, he grabbed Lu Qian's neck and suddenly exerted force with his fingers.

Lu Qian groaned, the veins on his neck bulged, and a strange force suddenly erupted.

Hu Tianjun's five fingers suddenly turned outwards, and with a few 'clicks', all five of his fingers were dislocated jointly by the force of Lu Qian's body.

He looked at Lu Qian in shock and hissed: What a great power...how can your physical strength compare...with...

Hu Tianjun was horrified to realize that Lu Qian's physical strength was actually several times greater than that of his proud eldest son Hu Buwei... How could a monk in the Condensing Dao Realm possess such physical strength? of?

Such a monster...should be killed!

There can't be anyone more evil than Hu Tianjun's precious son in the world!

Hu Tianjun decided not to tear Lu Qian to pieces, but to beat him until there was no trace of his body left, and he would be beaten to death!

The pagoda that had just been forcibly sacrificed by Hu Tianjun suddenly flew up and hit Lu Qian head-on.

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