Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 479: Lighting the Void

The heavy pagoda fell on its head.

The pagoda was still hundreds of feet high above Lu Qian's head. An evil wind hit him, and an invisible force of imprisonment enveloped his body. Countless twisting strange forces were winding around like giant pythons. Lu Qian's muscles suddenly twisted and deformed, and his bones also made an overwhelmed 'ka-ka' sound.

Lu Qian looked up in shock.


At least it is a spiritual treasure from the seventh heaven on the other side.

Coupled with Hu Tianjun's half-step heavenly cultivation that swept seven thousand miles into the void, Lu Qian was sure that he could not block this blow!

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. The only ones that could withstand the sharp attack of this pagoda were the Wutu Sneaking Thunder God's Net, the Fallen God's Whip, and... the Qingning Heart Lamp!

But none of the three treasures have ever seen the light of day.

Lu Qian's newly acquired Nine Dragon Zijia, Flying Bear Spear and Beiming Sword have a slightly shallow background and are far inferior to this pagoda in terms of quality. Compared with Lu Qian's own cultivation, there is a fundamental gap between him and Hu Tianjun.

The pagoda fell head-on with a terrifying roar.

Yinyuan's hysterical screams came from the boat: Brother Lu!

Bai Yu's distorted scolding voice came from afar: Save my brother Lu, otherwise, none of you will be lucky!

The exclamations of Qingyou and the three girls came.

Three streaks of purple-red sword light, carrying a monstrous heat wave, rolled out of the cabin of the painting boat. Dozens of black figures came forward to meet them, slightly staggered. The three sword lights were blocked near the painting boat, and they could no longer advance further.

In the air, four flying warships controlled by the disciples of the Sword Sect swooped down rapidly. Giant runes flashed on the surface of the ship, pulling the inspiration from heaven and earth to form giant sword lights.

On ordinary days, as long as the operator of these four flying warships has a single thought, he can gather countless inspirations from heaven and earth, and release sword lights all over the sky to kill the enemy. But today, the surrounding seven thousand miles of void is locked by Hu Tianjun's Dao Fruit. All the power, all the inspiration, and all the Dao Rhythm of this world have become Hu Tianjun's power, Hu Tianjun's inspiration, and Hu Tianjun's Dao Rhythm.

The four battleships were unable to draw any inspiration from the outside world. They could only consume the spiritual crystals accumulated in their own cabins and slowly condense the sword light bit by bit. Looking at this trend, by the time the four battleships condensed into sword light and launched an attack, Lu Qian's head had been bombarded by the pagoda more than a hundred times.

Lu Qian suddenly laughed: I originally wanted to wait!

Hu Tianjun looked at him inexplicably: What are you waiting for?

Lu Qian took a deep breath, and the vast magic power in his body began to roll violently. In his mind, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain lit up with a golden light that reached the sky at the same time. On the surface of the mountain, countless Taoist soldiers sitting cross-legged and meditating simultaneously started to use the Taoist martial arts technique from the Beiming Immortal Sect, which had the same origin as Lu Ren.

Outside the golden light of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, a vast layer of water rippled, and then quickly poured into Lu Qian's body.

In Lu Qian's mind, the three Tao Fruits of Wind, Water, and Strength suddenly lit up brightly. All the mana, essence, soul, and everything in Lu Qian's body quickly shone towards the three Tao fruits. The Dao Fruit of Light collapsed.

In just one breath, Lu Qian's breath completely disappeared, and his whole person became an empty shell.

Hu Tianjun frowned: Are you trying to break through in front of me? You are arrogant, who do you think I am?

Amidst the angry scolding, the jade flute hanging on Hu Tianjun's waist made a sharp chirping sound, suddenly flew up, circled, and stabbed Lu Qian's forehead fiercely. Bai Shengsheng's jade flute flew quickly, and the air passed through the jade flute, making an unpleasant whistle like a ghost crying.

Just when the jade flute was about to touch Lu Qian's eyebrows, three bright lights rushed out from Lu Qian's head, and then a strong wind set off between heaven and earth, water ripples surged, and a terrifying power erupted.

There is nothing mysterious about the so-called illumination of the void.

Comprehend your own Tao Fruit to the extreme, and then place everything you have, including magic power, soul, essence and blood, in the Tao Fruit, and try your best to release it to the outside world, and use the power of the Tao Fruit to 'influence' the outside world. real world.

The inspiration of heaven and earth that affects the real world, the charm of heaven and earth that affects the outside world, and all the tangible and intangible energy in the outside world.

Influence them, impregnate them, then control them, distort them, assimilate them...

When the assimilation is completed, everything within the scope of the influence of Tao Fruit will be available to you!

Some small sects with small households have insufficient foundation and knowledge, and their understanding of the Tao and Fruit is too empty and too shallow. For example, a great avenue has 30,000 Dao lines, but they only condensed less than a thousand Dao lines in the Dao fruit... Even if they release the Dao fruit, illuminate the void, and break through to the Illuminating Void realm, the scope of the Dao fruit's influence may be seven to eight Li, or more than ten Li, or at most thirty or fifty Li, there will be no follow-up.

As for ordinary casual cultivators, the lucky ones who got the inheritance of monks through bad luck, or the ordinary monks of sects and families, they also have immortal foundations and insufficient background. The Dao Fruit is released, shining in the void, covering a range of perhaps There are hundreds of miles, three to five hundred miles, this is the ultimate.

A truly powerful sect has vast Taoism and complete inheritance. Some people even condense more than one Taoist fruit and comprehend more than one power. For such a sect, their direct descendants may shine through the void and reach thousands of miles away.

The Tao Fruit shines for thousands of miles, which is also the lowest threshold to achieve half-step to the Heaven and Human Realm, and even to glimpse the secrets of the Heaven and Human Realm!

Only the veteran super sects ranked high in Yuan Lingtian, who have a vast sea of ​​classics, the guidance of countless masters and celebrities, and unfathomable foundations, can the disciples they carefully cultivated be able to strive for excellence in Dao Fruit. , constant carving and polishing.

Once it shines in the void, it can easily reach two or three thousand miles. Even like Hu Tianjun, the Tao Fruit shines for seven thousand miles, and it is so powerful that it crushes its peers.

Lu Qian released three Dao fruits.

The wind sweeps across the world.

Water is rolling all over the sky.

The Dao Fruit of Power is the most arrogant. He is entrenched between the wind and water, constantly releasing pure and domineering pressure of power. He bursts out of the black and white mist in the sky, opens a huge hole, and tears out a long Long cracks.

The power of Feng Shui followed this hole and this continuously growing crack, and quickly rolled crazily in all directions.

Wind has many colors.

The gentlest wind has no color.

A slightly sharper wind will be white.

Slightly faster wind, slightly cyan.

The extremely domineering wind can have black color.

In addition, due to the different wind speed, wind force, and wind properties, all kinds of wind marks and wind patterns are scattered all over the sky. In the end, countless colors are mixed together, turning into a chaos that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

The same is true for the color of water. Depending on its properties, it has various colors. In the end, all the water waves in the sky turned into a deep black blue, like the water waves that had accumulated and converged for hundreds of millions of years in the bottomless sea. With a slight movement, they rolled up into huge waves, which contained terrifying power. .

Chaotic light.

Black blue light.

Pure light without any color.

Three-color rays of light illuminated the void and quickly spread to all directions, driving Hu Tianjun's black and white mist away.

Three hundred miles...

Eight hundred miles...

A thousand miles...

Two thousand miles...

The Xuanhe light flame filled the void, Lu Qian's heart moved slightly, and he regained some strength.

The three-color flames merged into one, and each flame covered more than nine thousand miles. Within this range, the three layers of power were superimposed, quickly replacing Hu Tianjun's control of all the forces in the original seven thousand miles of void.

Hu Tianjun was shocked.

The monks who witnessed all this were horrified.

One of the elders of the sect was screaming strangely: This boy is extremely talented. The power of the soul and the foundation of mana, essence and blood far exceed...far exceed...hiss...

The monks of Yuan Lingtian judge the strength of a cultivator of Illuminating the Void by only looking at the size of the area covered by his strongest Dao Fruit that illuminates the void, followed by the number of condensed Dao Fruits.

For a monk, if the strongest Dao Fruit can only cover a hundred miles, then even if he condenses a hundred Dao Fruits and releases them together, covering thousands of miles of void, the increase in his combat power will still only be a hundred miles...anything A monk whose Dao Fruit shines thousands of miles can easily break his Dao Fruit and crush him to death easily.

And Lu Qian's single Taoist fruit covered more than nine thousand miles.

He condensed three Dao Fruits, and all three Dao Fruits had the power to cover more than nine thousand miles.

No one thinks how strong Lu Qian’s Kung Fu inheritance is, because as the owner of the photo studio, Hu Tianjun already represents the highest level of Yuan Lingtian’s Kung Fu inheritance!

Ordinary monks carve the Dao Fruit to the point where there is no room for improvement, and only then release the Dao Fruit to illuminate the void after carving it to the extreme that their own skills, talents, qualifications and understanding can achieve.

After reaching the realm of illuminating the void, he uses the Dao Fruit to control the power of the void, extracts the spiritual energy of the world, and the Dao Rhythm of the heaven and earth to feed himself back, with a little bit of powerful mana, powerful soul, and strong essence and blood, so that the scope of the Dao Fruit covering the void is once again increased.

Generally speaking, for a being like Hu Tianjun, after he enters the realm of illuminating the void, the so-called early, middle, late, and perfect realms of illuminating the void can roughly double the range of his illuminating the void.

Calculated in this way, Hu Tianjun now shines in the void for seven thousand miles. When he first entered the void realm, his path and fruit covered the void, which was only about 1,500 miles. During the entire cultivation process of the void realm, his path and fruit covered the void. The range of illumination has increased fourfold, to more than 7,000 miles. This is the ultimate of Hu Tianjun.

As for Lu Qian, everyone watched helplessly as he made a breakthrough on the battlefield.

When the battle breaks through, the Dao Fruit will shine for more than nine thousand miles in the void. Isn't that...

In the future, can he easily let his Tao Fruit cover thousands of miles of void?

It shines for thousands of miles, and it is like a heavenly being! A senior member of the sect roared loudly: It shines for thousands of miles, and it is half a step forward from heavenly beings; it shines for thousands of miles, it is enough to become a heavenly being!

Countless monks who witnessed all this, except for Bai Yuan, Hu Ping and other heartless bastards with no common sense, all the monks were in chaos.

No one believes that Lu Yi's inheritance of skills is stronger than Hu Tianjun's. In the eyes of these monks, the quality of the Dao fruits gathered by Lu Yi is at most similar to that of Hu Tianjun... Hu Tianjun is one of the ceilings of Yuan Lingtian monks in the world.

But Lu Qian had just broken through the realm and had such a vision... How powerful must his magic power and his blood essence be?

Apart from the Dao Fruit level, only external factors such as mana, blood essence, and soul determine the strength of the Illuminating Void Realm.

Finally, an old voice shouted: This kid is about six feet tall and has such a majestic physique. Isn't he gifted with extraordinary talents and extremely rich in energy and blood? Hey, he has the blood of ancient divine beasts and divine birds?

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