Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 484 Killing Tianjun (4)

The old man is Yuanxiao, the supreme elder of Xianghuo Tao.

This name reminded Lu Qian of a kind of white, round, sweet and delicious food deep in his memory.

But Elder Yuanxiao obviously had nothing to do with the delicacies in Lu Qian's memory. His attitude was extremely rigid and bad. He directly regarded Lu Qian as an enemy and ordered Lu Qian to return the Xuan Yuan Yi Qi Taiyue Pagoda, the most precious treasure of the Xianhuo Tao. .

The dozen or so confidants behind Yuan Xiao threatened Lu Qian with all kinds of talk. If he did not return the pagoda, there would be consequences, and the whole family might even be exterminated, and the nine clans would be executed, etc.

With such a bad attitude, it was natural that we could not continue talking about it. Lu Qian made his attitude clear and clear.

This treasure was the trophy he snatched from Hu Tianjun.

If Yuanxiao wants to claim back his family's treasure of town and education, please discuss it with Hu Tianjun. It is completely impossible to get benefits from Lu Qian with empty words!

The negotiation broke down, and Yuan Xiao turned around and left with her followers and confidants.

This is Sword City, and Lu Qian has just received the token from Bai Xuanyue, signed by Bai Xuanyue himself. In Jian City, to attack Jianmen's Keqing elders on Jianmen's territory... Xianghuo Dao, who ranked thirteenth in Yuanlingtian's overall strength, did not have such confidence.

Of course this matter is not over yet, there will definitely be sequels.

But Lu Qian didn't care.

In the next few days, Lu Qian continued to wander around Jiancheng, spending the whole day traveling around the mountains and rivers with Qingyou and the three girls. As for Ahu, Yu Dianhu and their group, they spent the whole day eating and drinking, or carrying lots of Canghaijue and Baoguangjue to the various sword-making workshops in Sword City to scan for goods.

Various flying swords, various armors, various sword formations, matching sword weapons, etc., under Wutongsou's careful care, Ahu and his party were able to purchase them at almost the cost price in Sword City.

Lu Qian's wealth, which he had worked hard to accumulate some time ago, gradually turned into the swords in the hands of the Tao soldiers, the armor on his body, the assembled formations, etc. The combat power of the Tao soldiers began to increase by leaps and bounds.

For a few days, wherever Lu Qian went, he could feel malicious eyes.

No one has taken action yet, but I believe that as long as Lu Qian leaves Jiancheng, trouble will definitely come to his door.

More than a month has passed like this, and the Sword City's Sword Fate event has come to an end. This event was a bit sloppy, because the truly high-quality and top-quality products were all directly bought by Lu Qian at internal prices. Many people came all the way to get them. The monk who wielded the sword could only leave angrily holding an identical sword.

Sword City gradually returned to its due tranquility and order.

Lu Qian also gradually figured out the small world that Jie Ying Toutuo and the others wanted to enter on the Sword Washing Pond, or simply the swimming patterns of the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm. Now that he is in Sword City, as long as he closes his eyes and meditates, and uses the power of Buddhism to guide him, he can vaguely feel the wandering aura in the void.

Canngling Great Plain, this is the buffer zone specially set aside by Jianmen and several other major sects. It is also the place where Bai Nu and other evil spirits entered the Queen of Yuanling. It is now the area where evil spirits are most seriously infested.

This great plain is extremely vast, with a territory as large as hundreds of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasties. There is no established major force here. In other words, several major sects such as Jianmen and Miluo Sect do not allow the emergence of established major forces here. power. Therefore, the monks here can only exist as bandits and monk families.

Chaos is the norm here, and no rules are the only rules here.

And after Bai Nu and other evil spirits got involved, the place became even more chaotic.

Such a chaotic area is just suitable for the survival of one type of people - killers!

In broad daylight, Hu Tianjun was standing in a library in the back garden of the large mansion Hu Mansion in the northwest corner of the Alder City, one of the largest cities in Canngling. He stared at it with wide eyes. In the garden below, there was a neat team welcoming the bride.

Red clothes, red sedans, and red lanterns were suspended in the air. Several sedan bearers raised their heads and stared at Hu Tianjun with their dark eyes. The faces of these bearers were pale, and there was nothing in their slightly open lips. They were just pieces of beautiful female human skin, wearing long red skirts.

In front and behind the sedan, there were a large group of drummers and trumpeters as well as a procession to greet and see off the bride.

The bodies of these 'people' were motionless, their necks were weirdly twisted at various unbelievable angles, and their faces were turned to point straight at Hu Tianjun.

Just like the sedan bearers, these drummers and trumpeters, and the 'people' who greet and see off the bride, all have pale faces, dark eyes, and slightly open mouths with nothing in them. They are all empty beautiful human skins, draped in Walking outside with clothes on.

A chuckle of clucking came from the sedan. A pale palm slowly lifted the curtain of the sedan, and a face like a flower slowly poked out of the window.

Amidst the crunching sound, the neck behind the face stretched bit by bit, stretched, and gradually stretched to a length of more than ten feet, and the head was forcefully delivered to Hu Tianjun.

My husband is quite handsome. Why don't we pair him up with a servant and play tricks? The beauty turned her head towards Hu Tianjun and smiled coquettishly: I have many sisters, so my husband can enjoy hundreds of flowers in one day and enjoy the bliss of the world!

Hu Tianjun put his hands behind his back and stared directly at the beautiful face in front of him.

Even though he had seen countless tragic scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, his heart had been forged like fine steel, and now his heartbeat could not help but accelerate slightly, and white hairs of sweat broke out in the back of his heart.

So weird...

There are ghost cultivators in Yuanlingtian, and there are also tyrannical existences such as ghost kings and ghost emperors who run rampant. There are even ghost cultivators who have comprehended the wonderful principles of heaven and earth, stepped into the half-step world of heaven and humans, and become the seat of the great forces of all parties. VIP.

Hu Tianjun is no stranger to existences such as ghost cultivators and resentful spirits. When he was a young man, he even acted as a front-line killer. He personally assassinated many ghost kings and ghost emperors, and plundered their ghost elixir essence to use in elixirs and refining. Tools, tempering souls, etc.

But this weird thing in front of me...

Hu Tianjun used dozens of secret studio techniques, but he couldn't find any ghostly energy in these strange bodies.

They are not ghosts.

But what do they look like?

Looking up at the sky, the red sun is high in the sky. It is noon, the time when the yang energy of the sky and earth is at its strongest. These weird people broke into the secret stronghold of the photo studio in Alder City in a majestic manner.

Ms. sir, don't you recognize me? The beauty smiled coquettishly, and shook her long neck gently. From the window of the sedan, a group of dim light slowly squeezed out, which was obviously A delicate body of a woman that was completely white but translucent.

The woman's head didn't move, her neck slowly shortened, and the woman's delicate body floated into the air, dragged by the neck, and moved closer to the head little by little.

Hu Tianjun's pupils suddenly shrank.

He had never seen such an evil scene in his life - in the translucent belly of the woman, there were clearly a pair of male and female babies. Judging from their size, they were probably eight or nine months pregnant, and their appearance could be clearly seen.

At this moment, the two babies, still in the womb, were grinning at Hu Tianjun through the woman's translucent belly.

Forget about laughing, with their crisp laughter, babies' laughter could be heard from all directions in the garden. Then, there seemed to be countless invisible babies crawling around. Amidst the popping sounds, bloody baby handprints appeared one after another on the walls and ground of the garden, the ceiling of the library, the four walls and the floor. .

The two male and female babies in the woman's belly suddenly started crying. They stretched out their hands towards Hu Tianjun: Dad, dad, we want to drink milk!

Hu Tianjun was slightly startled.

There are no signs.

There were no visions.

Even with Hu Tianjun's foresight of danger, which he had developed through countless assassinations and life-and-death fights, without any warning, Hu Tianjun felt a sharp pain in two places on his chest, as if a child's baby teeth had bitten an embarrassing part of his chest. , his skin suddenly cracked, and blood spurted out.

Hu Tianjun's face twisted and he yelled angrily.

Black and white mist swept across the entire garden, and countless silent, cold lights that were almost invisible to the naked eye swept across the void.

The entire wedding procession of the evil woman in front of her shattered at the same time. Dozens of red lanterns exploded into pieces, turning into green yin fire and falling to the ground. It burned the ground and melted, releasing a dense cold air. The air was filled with a wave of Inexplicable aroma.

My husband, you are so cruel... As long as you don't want to be a concubine, are you willing to kill your own child?

Uuuu, I remember your husband.

Tomorrow, I will invite some sisters to come over and have a good talk with my husband!

Hu Tianjun didn't care about chasing and killing. He knew that his attack just now did not cause fatal damage to the group of evil spirits.

But now, how could he bother to completely destroy these evil spirits?

He lowered his head, and the blood had soaked into his snow-white clothes, leaving two palm-sized blood marks on his chest.

The pain in his chest kept coming. This kind of pain pierced his soul and made Hu Tianjun a little bit intolerable. He was a tough guy who had been pierced dozens of times with flying swords, and he could still burst out and kill the opponent. However, because of the small wound on his chest, he grimaced in pain and gasped!

Behind Hu Tianjun, a dozen studio masters looked at each other in silence.

Hu Tianjun turned around, looked at the dozen subordinates with gritted teeth, lowered his voice, and roared: Whoever dares to leak what happened today, I will personally peel off his skin!

With a bang, the careless Hu Ping kicked open the door and barged in.

He shouted with great excitement: Dad, Dad, was your place haunted just now? I heard that the female ghosts in Alder City are all thieves...Dad, can you get me two female ghosts? Let me try What's the difference between a female ghost and a normal woman...

Hu Ping's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the two groups of blood on Hu Tianjun's chest in horror.

He looked at the dozen or so dumbfounded photo studio masters suspiciously, and murmured in a low voice: Dad, what are you doing? Did someone touch your breasts?

Hu Tianjun's body swayed slightly, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted from Hu Ping's anger.

You bastard, you, you, you, get out of here!

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