Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 485 Killing Tianjun (5)

Outside Alder City, there are hills covered with red azaleas.

Jieyin Toutuo sat cross-legged under a rhododendron, looking at the alder city with a happy smile.

Alder City, one of the largest cities in the Canngling Plain, is jointly managed by several large clans and controls an area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles. If there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, several big clans will join forces to resist and fight against the powerful enemy; but on weekdays, several big clans will fight among themselves like mad dogs. Every year, tens of thousands of monks will be shattered to pieces because of their internal fighting.

Who would have thought that Alder City is the most important killer training camp in the studio?

The internal fighting between several big clans and the fierce battles between several big clans and surrounding forces are all for the purpose of starting a war and allowing the killers in the photo studio to gain experience and practice quickly in the real bloodshed.

Such a magical cave must be destroyed.

Jie Yin Toutuo smiled and said this to several bald monks who were also sitting cross-legged under the azaleas.

Several bald monks, one is extremely majestic, with dark golden skin, as if made of bronze; one is white and fat, with a fleshy appearance that is harmless to humans and animals; one is full of sorrow, as if pickled with bitter bile Thirty thousand years, every wrinkle has a bitter flavor; a...

The last monk, ordinary people can hardly detect his existence.

Sitting there, he seemed to be completely integrated with the mountains, trees, and earth. When you look at him, you will only think that you have seen a mountain, a tree, a piece of mud, or even a grasshopper, an ant, a sparrow... You will ignore his existence, even if he is tall, short, fat and thin. , Black and white, beauty and ugliness are all unclear.

The four monks nodded slowly and stood up one after another.

The extremely majestic monk walked toward the Alder City step by step.

The fat white monk swayed his body and rushed straight into the sky. He flew tens of thousands of miles into the sky in an instant, then transformed into a silver Buddha statue and swooped down silently.

The sad monk pulled out a sharp sword from nowhere and flicked the blade with his fingers. Amidst the clanging sound of the sword, the muscles behind him squirmed, and four arms slowly grew out from behind him. Each arm They all held a long sword tightly.

And the monk, who had almost no sense of existence, disappeared as soon as he stood up.

Jie Yin Toutuo smiled. He patted the azalea next to him, and large blood-red petals flew into the air. He clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, so on each petal, there was a Jie Yin Toutuo the size of a matchstick. Tens of thousands of petals floated towards Alder City with the wind, like a mighty army.

In Alder City, evil is rampant in broad daylight.

From time to time, a cold light erupts somewhere, and a shrill scream sounds, as someone kills Xiegui.

From time to time, a miserable howl came from a corner. The monks around heard the sound and rushed to see a pool of blood on the ground. This was someone who had been poisoned by Xiegui.

The city was in chaos, and people's hearts were floating. Some people wanted to drag their families and escape from Alder City, but the city gates in all directions turned into red cherry mouths. The little mouth opened and closed slightly, letting out a clear and melodious laugh. There was a black hole in the mouth, bottomless and unpredictable. No one dared to take a step towards such a 'city gate'. All mortals were sealed inside. In the city.

Someone had an idea and wanted to climb up the city wall, hang on a rope, and sneak out of the city.

But on the stone steps leading to the top of the city wall, small white and tender hands stretched out from the cracks in the bricks from time to time. These small hands were holding red handkerchiefs and gently waving: Uncle, come and play. come!

A strong young man who was close to him felt an inexplicable evil fire rush out of his heart, and boldly stepped onto the stone steps. Those little hands grabbed his ankles and pulled them down. With a poof, he disappeared without a trace. A set of clothes was left on the ground.

In the streets and alleys, even in the courtyards of some wealthy compounds, and near some wells, vague figures of women appear from time to time. They were crying, holding their heads and jumping into the well, and there would be a burst of frightened cries nearby. Inexplicably, some people would become wet all over, and spurts would continue to come out of their mouths and nostrils. When the water comes, people are drowned in the plains.

In the back garden and library, Hu Tianjun gave Hu Ping a few hard kicks, gritted his teeth and said: Transfer all the elite disciples who have reached the bronze medal or above in Alder City and evacuate quickly. Not only Alder City, but also the original gate of Canngling All strongholds will be evacuated except for necessary manpower to guard them.

Changing into a set of clothes as quickly as possible, Hu Tianjun pressed his palm on the chest injury that was still in severe pain, and cursed at Hu Ping: You evil beast, if your mother hadn't begged...

He poked Hu Ping fiercely with his finger, and Hu Tianjun said sternly: The elite disciples of Alder City will be your team to conquer the Holy Heaven in the future. You... work hard and don't be crazy like before.

Hu Tianjun looked at Hu Ping, who looked angry, with extremely complicated emotions.

After all, he is his own son... If Hu Ping can behave better and behave more normally during this expedition to the Holy Heaven, he will not mind giving this inferior creature a chance.

Alder City is the most important training camp for the studio in Canngling Plain, and it has accumulated millions of elite killers.

If such a team really works hard and works hard, it will not be difficult to make a great contribution!

Hu Ping smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a thin line: Dad, don't worry, hey, when we get to Jishengtian, you will be optimistic... Hehe, I don't know if the little lady of Jishengtian is smart or not!

Hu Tianjun looked up at the ceiling in despair.

On the ceiling, small bloody handprints were clearly visible. Hu Tianjun lowered his head in boredom and glared at Hu Ping: You are not young anymore. Look at your elder brother, what does he do on weekdays? He has already You can now help your father and me with the building affairs, but what about you? You are still fooling around all day long!

Hu Ping's face turned red with excitement, and he shouted loudly: That's because you didn't give me a chance... Give me the photo studio and let me toss it for thirty or fifty years. Look, I guarantee that the photo studio is in my hands. Let's carry it forward... Just throw the boss to the Holy Heaven, leave the photo studio to me, and find a place to rest?

Hu Tianjun's fingers twitched, and now he wanted to strangle this bastard son to death with his own hands.

He glanced at Hu Ping with a deep look and said coldly: If you perform well in Jishengtian, after you come back, I will give you the real power of the master of the photo studio. If you do well, the future... will not be Can't.

Hu Ping smiled so hard that his molars were exposed. He pointed at Hu Tianjun and shouted loudly: You said that? You said it! Remember this, don't take it like a fart!

Several photo studio elders who were also in the room couldn't stand it any longer. They all turned their eyes, frowned, and looked at the few red lanterns floating slowly outside the window.

They felt that if Hu Ping was their child, they would have killed him with a knife.

Isn't he just a son? If you marry three to five hundred more concubines, are you afraid that you won't be able to have children? Tsk, the poster has good intentions towards Hu Ping, but this Hu Ping... is really not a toy!

A figure with almost no presence appeared quietly behind several elders.

The sound of a Buddhist chant sounded like Ruoyouruowu, and Hu Tianjun and several elders of the photo studio changed their expressions at the same time. Black and white mist spewed out around Hu Tianjun, and a large cold light instantly enveloped the entire library.

'Bang bang bang', there were seven muffled sounds in a row. The figure suddenly took action, and a small vajra pestle that was more than a foot long burst out with a strong light that could not be seen directly, shattering the black and white colors around Hu Tianjun. The mist hit the backs of the heads of the seven studio elders in the room.

The strong, violent, wanton, and raging murderous intention condensed into substance. Behind the figure, a bloody Buddha statue flashed away. Seven elders of the photo studio who were in the late stage of the Void and the perfection state were proficient in numerous assassinations and surprise attacks, and even more so in assassinations. , has assassinated countless masters, but was assassinated by others using more clever and unbelievable means.

The small vajra was like a giant volcano erupting, one after another with killing intent, and the Buddha's power with the terrifying intention of annihilation blasted into the heads of the seven elders, and saw the seven heads erupting into a dazzling light. There was a bloody light, and then a 'pop', and the soul was instantly annihilated.

Hu Tianjun stood upright and his heart suddenly twitched.

He shouted hoarsely: Killing Buddha without intention...you are killing Buddha without intention...bastard!

Killing Buddha without intention, a legend in the world of Yuan Lingtian killers.

His identity in the Yuan Lingtian killer business is probably the evil ghosts in the ghost stories that the old man told his little grandson at dusk.

This huge photo studio has spent a huge amount of energy, manpower, and mobilized countless resources to find out the identity of Sha Fo Wu Xin - this guy has pulled out his teeth several times and robbed the business of the photo studio, even the people sent by the photo studio. The killers were all killed together.

But after a thousand years, the studio still knew nothing about killing Buddha Wuxin.

He should exist.

However, no one could find him.

At this moment, Hu Tianjun saw the bloody Buddha statue behind the figure, and some legends related to Killing Buddha Wuxin suddenly came to his mind. He roared angrily, and at the same time countless cold rays shot towards Killing Buddha Wuxin.

At the same time, a large area of ​​faint mysterious light surged from Hu Tianjun's body. He activated hundreds of defense methods to protect himself almost at the same time. He grabbed Hu Ping's shoulders and led Hu Ping out of the library at full speed.

The library was cut into pieces by countless cold lights, but Sha Fo Wuxin stood quietly in the cold light emitted by Hu Tianjun, as if he did not exist. Countless cold lights penetrated his body, but failed to cause any harm to him.

Hu Tianjun grabbed Hu Ping and fled out of the library. He looked at Killing Buddha Wu Xin and stayed there quietly without making any move to pursue him. A warning suddenly surged in his heart. He raised his head suddenly and spat out a spray from his mouth. streamer.

A silver Buddha statue about three feet high was smashed on the head. It was almost to the extreme, but it did not make any sound. The Buddha statue hit hard on the stream of light sprayed by Hu Tianjun. The stream of light suddenly condensed, revealing its true body, with a handle three inches long. transparent dagger.

The dagger, which was surrounded by a faint smoke, was shattered bit by bit. The silver Buddha statue only hesitated slightly and continued to smash down hard.

Hu Tianjun stopped where he was, gritting his teeth and looking at the Buddha statue.

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