Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 490 Explosion (3)

The water quality of Xijianchi is excellent, and the taste of the lake is naturally extremely delicious.

The wine brewed with water from the Xijian Pond has a unique and refreshing taste.

The waiter who brought the wine has already left. Naturally, he was not from Mahakala, he was just led by someone using secret techniques to deliver a message to Lu Qian. There will be no memory of what happened today in his mind.

Lu Qian held a bowl of fine wine and stood at the window, quietly looking at the City Lord's Mansion.

Mr. Xuan Yuan is ranked first among the top ten swordsmiths in Sword City and is recognized as the most powerful swordsmith in Sword City. Although he only has the cultivation level of the Condensing Dao Realm, he once used ordinary metal alloys to forge a top-quality flying sword with power comparable to the second level of the Other Side Realm.

Using ordinary acquired materials to forge a Lingbao-level sword, such a method can be called a reversal of fortune, and he deserves the title of No. 1 in the top ten.

The drizzle was hazy, and Mr. Xuanyuan did not hold an umbrella. A very thin wisp of firelight spurted out from above his head, and slowly green smoke rose up, evaporating all the raindrops within several feet around him, and not a single drop could fall on him.

He came to the door of the City Lord's Mansion, nodded to the several Jianmen deacons guarding here, and strode in.

In Sword City, apart from Wutongsou, only Mr. Xuanyuan, the first great master of sword making, has the authority to enter the Earth-Lung Furnace at any time and freely access the Lingbao embryos inside, or simply use the Earth-Lung Furnace's Power, cast into finished products underground.

Wisps of dense sword intent swept across Mr. Xuan Yuan's body.

The reconnaissance restrictions quickly passed over his skin, flesh, bones, internal organs, bone marrow and brain.

Mr. Xuanyuan walked calmly through the layers of restrictions, crossed the formations, and finally arrived at the entrance of the Earth Lung Furnace. After greeting an elder of Jianmen who was guarding here, Mr. Xuanyuan jumped up slightly and jumped directly into the Earth Lung Furnace.

All the way down vertically, after a long time, Mr. Xuanyuan came to the depths of the Earth Lung Furnace.

The fire was dim, purple air was rising, and in each of the huge 'alveoli', countless acquired spiritual treasure embryos were shining with a faint light. The Lingbao embryo that had cultivated a hint of spiritual energy sensed Mr. Xuan Yuan's energy, and immediately let out a high-pitched chirp, just looking forward to him taking it out of the furnace, officially appearing, and glowing with its due light.

No rush, no rush, there is a chance!

Mr. Xuanyuan nodded slightly, waved his palm, and countless metal lumps the size of human heads flew out from his palm. These metals were synthesized and refined with earth veins and spiritual fires, and have been refined to an extremely pure level. The metal lumps between the critical point of entity and spiritual energy shone with a dense light, and quickly flew towards the spiritual treasure embryos.

One piece of Lingbao embryo corresponds to a metal lump. These metal lumps fly into the Lingbao embryo and quickly turn into traces of metal energy and merge with the Lingbao embryo. These spiritual treasure embryos have a faint sense of substance, and the flashing spiritual light becomes more and more brilliant.


Mr. Xuanyuan raised his left hand.

A flash of light flashed on his finger, and the Beiming Ring that had just been integrated into his flesh and blood emerged. Wisps of heaven and earth spiritual energy swirled and danced around the Beiming Ring, turning into a huge force field like a whirlpool. Countless spirit treasure embryos around it emitted high-pitched, joyful sounds. The chirps flew towards Beiming Jie one after another.

In the Holy Heaven, the Beiming Ring, which is about to collapse, is worthy of being the most precious treasure of the Beiming Immortal Sect.

As Lu Qian's cultivation improved day by day, Beiming Jie also began to absorb his magic power and his energy continued to recover. When Lu Qian came to Yuanling Tianhou, Bei Mingjie breathed in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorbed the charm of heaven and earth, and the speed of recovery increased countless times.

After Lu Qian robbed several cities of Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, robbed five elders of Baoguang Pavilion, and annihilated Wanhuamen in the last sentence, and swept away the inventory of Wanhuamen, he also took countless rare materials, Keep feeding Beimingjie.

Therefore, although today's Beiming Ring has not yet recovered the atmosphere it once had in Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, the internal void has reached a thousand miles in radius, and its capacity is terrifying. It can no longer be found in Yuan Lingtian. A storage talisman greater than His capacity.

The spiritual treasure embryos in the Earth Lung Furnace were easily swallowed by Bei Mingjie, leaving none behind.

Mr. Xuanyuan's eyes flashed with a faint golden light, and he went straight to the deepest part of the Earth's Lung Furnace, where the furnace meets the underground fire veins. Here is a huge fire lotus array. Overlapping sword lights condensed into a lotus platform, suppressing the underground fire veins. The monstrous firepower was continuously extracted from the fire veins, integrated into the furnace, and tempered to refine the treasure.

The underground fire veins of Sword City were opened by the Supreme Power 30,000 years ago with his supreme power. They are hundreds of giant fire veins that converge like thousands of streams returning to the sea, forming a pool that is as big as the sword washing pool on the ground. magma sea.

Endless magma is rolling in this sea of ​​​​earth, and the heat of the earth's fire and the poison of the earth's core are gathered here.

A sword talisman was suspended in the sky above the fire lotus formation, exuding infinite power, suppressing the rolling sea of ​​magma and restraining all the violent and terrifying firepower.

Mr. Xuanyuan chuckled lightly, waved his sleeves, and countless thumb-sized thunder beads roared out from the Beiming Ring, densely attached to the huge fire lotus formation. There were even tens of thousands of thunder beads, directly surrounding the sword talisman that suppressed the sea of ​​fire.

This is the 'Great Brahma's divine thunder that extinguishes the wonderful sound and purifies the world with just one thought', the supreme thunder method of the Great Brahma Purifying World Sect, one of the two supreme sects in the Supreme Holy Heaven.

This thunder is extremely magical and extremely 'idealistic'.

Even a young monk in the furnace realm can easily refine one. When each thunder bead is first born, its power is exactly the same regardless of the refiner's level of cultivation. The power of the initial thunder beads refined by the young monks in the furnace realm and the unparalleled power in the heavenly realm is probably equivalent to the full force blow of the ordinary monks in the furnace realm.

Then there is no need to infuse magic power or condense treasure materials. As long as the refiner faces the formed thunder bead and continuously recites the 108-character secret mantra The Great Brahma's One Thought of Silence and Wonderful Sound, You can continuously increase the power of this thunder bead.

Every time you recite it 13,500 times, the power of the thunder beads is doubled. If you recite it another 13,500 times, the power of the thunder beads is doubled again.

Lu Qian stayed in Jiancheng for more than a month. Starting from the day Bai Yuan and Yinyuan left, all the Taoist soldiers in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain were running secret methods at the same time, each of them sacrificed a world-purifying divine thunder, and then began to chant every day. Chant mantras.

For more than a month, those Taoist soldiers had blisters on their mouths and their tongues were almost worn out. They chanted The Wonderful Sound of the Great Brahma's Silence in One Thought day and night, all the time, at the fastest speed. These thunder beads The power of the thunder bead doubles every three days on average. Now the power of the thunder bead is more than 16,000 times that of when it was first refined!

This is almost the limit that Lu Qian's Dao soldiers can control now.

In the former Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, there was an old monk who was practicing in seclusion. He was so powerful that he could increase the power of the thunder bead by hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions, or even higher. These old monks have nothing to do for many years, just sitting in the mountain gate and constantly refining this terrible thunder bead. The power of an easy strike is equivalent to hundreds of millions of times and billions of times the lethality of a full-strength strike by a monk in the furnace realm. The thunder beads are given by the sect. To the younger disciples!

Think about it, the disciples of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect were walking outside, and when they had a disagreement, a thunder bead was thrown, and the sky and the earth for thousands of miles around suddenly collapsed, and everything was extinct!

When the Supreme Holy Heaven invaded Yuanlingtian, the Great Brahma Purifying World Sect borrowed the power of this purifying divine thunder to break through countless Yuanlingtian sects and slaughter countless Yuanlingtian monks, regardless of gender, age or cultivator. For the sake of heights, a thunder falls and everything is destroyed. It is extremely ferocious and truly infamous!

Although the thunder beads thrown by Mr. Xuanyuan are only more than 16,000 times more powerful, the number of thunder beads here is staggering.

The total number of Taoist soldiers Lu Qian has accumulated in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain has exceeded 100 million. Densely packed thunder beads are attached to the Fire Lotus Array, surrounding the astonishingly powerful sword talisman. Only golden light can be seen flashing around half of the ground. The lung furnace was dyed with golden light.

Mr. Xuanyuan smiled ‘haha’, and a faint ten-thousand-character Buddha seal flashed across his eyes.

He suddenly remembered that a month ago, Lu Qian came to visit him and had a pleasant chat with him. Then he introduced Lu Qian as his confidant, became his disciple, and willingly acted as a hawk and dog under his disciple, letting him be driven around.

My lord has the appearance of a heavenly being... Jianmen, a bunch of evil beasts living like flies and dogs, deserve to be killed! Mr. Xuanyuan sneered, transformed into a sword light and rose into the sky, and left the Earth Lung Furnace not long after.

The elder of the Jianmen who was guarding this place smiled and saluted Mr. Xuanyuan: Xuanyuan, my great-great-grandson has achieved great success in cultivation. He planted a golden lotus at the age of eighteen and has already understood some of the mysteries of the sword. However, he still has some skills. A good sword that fits your hand, I have prepared some top talents here, do you still have suitable embryos?

Mr. Xuanyuan stopped, pondered for a moment, and nodded slowly: I still have the quota of seven spiritual sword embryos in the Earth Lung Furnace. Your great-great-grandson is following the path of killing swords, and he has a 'Ganlang Li' Blood Sword', it suits his sword style very well.

It's just that the autumn colors are beautiful now. I'm going to take my family to Miaoyun Mountain to enjoy the autumn leaves... Can you wait a month?

The guard elder smiled and nodded: Good! The Sword Fate Festival has just ended. Xuan Yuan, you really should take a good rest.

Mr. Xuanyuan smiled, nodded, and calmly walked out of the City Lord's Mansion with his hands behind his back.

After leaving the city lord's palace, he went to his own workshop and arranged all the affairs. He left a dependent relationship to be his disciple. The disciple he disliked the most stayed behind, and named a group of close disciples to accompany him to serve him.

Bringing a large group of disciples home, Mr. Xuanyuan took his old wife, eight-bedroom concubine, and dozens of descendants and boarded a large flying boat presented by the sword seeker. Shi Shiran left Sword City and headed straight for Miao. The direction of Yunshan.

It is thousands of miles away from Jiancheng and stretches for thousands of miles. The mountains are full of unpredictable clouds, the neon light is like a fairy mansion, and the mountains and rivers are covered with maple trees. In autumn, the leaves are as red as fire. The scenery is unparalleled. Holy place.

Mr. Xuanyuan has a forest garden with a radius of three hundred miles there. In the past, he often took his family there for vacations.

The Sword Marriage Festival had just ended, and he took his family to Miaoyun Mountain to rest for a while. Who could find fault with him?

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