Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 491 Explosion (4)

A perfect lakeside feast.

When Lu Qian and his entourage left, he took a solemn look at the smiling shopkeeper and a few running waiters.

Of course he knew what Mr. Xuan Yuan did in the Earth Lung Furnace.

All of this was originally his instruction.

He also knew that once those world-purifying divine thunders erupted, the entire Sword City... no, the entire Sword Washing Pond, as well as all the surrounding towns and villages, would be destroyed. This will be a man-made catastrophe.

These people who are busy and happy have extremely low cultivation levels and there is no chance of them being spared.

He walked slowly on the street with his hands behind his back. Looking at the people on the street, Lu Qian subconsciously rubbed his palms. Well, my hands are full of blood and I can’t wash them clean.

But what can be done?

Their vanguard army has been squatting outside the Holy Heaven for who knows how long. Preparations for the follow-up conquest army are in full swing. Even killer organizations like the photo studio, which has killed countless people, have been asked to form an elite team to attack the Holy Heaven.

In comparison, it would be better for you to die. Lu Qian muttered in a low voice.

Qingyou's hand grabbed Lu Qian's arm and squeezed it gently. She could see that Lu Qian had a very heavy heart. She also roughly knew what Lu Qian was mumbling about. After all, when Lu Qian was refining those world-purifying divine thunders, he revealed all his plans to Qingyou.

Sword City is facing a disaster, and the Sword Washing Pond stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles may completely collapse, and the casualties will be in the hundreds of millions. This was a man-made catastrophe, and the initiator was Lu Qian.

But Qingyou has no psychological burden.

The good thing about sword cultivators is that they are a little stubborn and a little paranoid. As long as it is a determined matter, they will do their best to complete it no matter how much it costs. Even if you practice to an extremely deep level, your sword cultivation may become nothing else but the sword, and your sword heart will be clear and clear, without any worries.

She said softly: This is not our fault.

Lu Qian grinned, nodded with a smile, put his hands behind his back, and a cloud of water slowly emerged under his feet, lifting the group of people up and heading straight to Fubo Island outside the city. Returning to the small garden that had just been completed a few days ago, Lu Qian released a small flying boat purchased in Jiancheng, and asked Ahu and others to get on the flying boat and wait.

In Sword City, there is an unknown building.

Bai Xuanyue received another piece of information from Canngling Dayuan - Hu Buwei had led a large group of photo studio masters to the ruins of Alder City. He held Hu Tianjun's body and howled loudly. The ancestor of the Hu family of the photo studio, who has the longest generation and the highest cultivation level, presided over the scene. Right next to Hu Tianjun's body, Hu Buwei succeeded as the owner of the photo studio.

As the most evil young master in the photo studio in the past ten thousand years, Hu Buwei's own cultivation has reached the ultimate state of Zhao Void. He acts as a killer on the front line and has performed countless extremely dangerous missions, all of which have been successfully completed.

Regardless of his strength or qualifications, it is only natural that Hu Buwei takes over the post of host!

It's just that it's not quite justified.

After all, Hu Tianjun was killed, and several inherited treasures such as Yu Ling Banner, Heaven and Earth Returned Together, Bone Knocking and Marrow Absorption, etc. were all robbed, especially Yu Ling Banner. Without this inherited treasure, which is the number one in the photo studio, it would be like the emperor lost his inheritance. Guo Yuxi, this always smells weird!

Therefore, the large and small void moving formations in various cities and towns in Canngling Plain are simply crazy.

There are countless assassins from photo studios, Yi Shui'er, wearing tight black clothes and wearing various masks, pouring out from various void moving formations like a tide, like a group of mad dogs, howling 'Ao Ao', all over Canngling Great Plains Raging.

They... went crazy for renunciation.

Many local forces in Canngling Great Plains, those in charge of large and small cities, those senior leaders of large and small monk families, and those village owners densely scattered in various mountains, many unlucky people were openly broken into by the crazy photo studio killer, Caught alive in public, regardless of indiscriminate torture.

In just a few hours, hundreds of cities were forcibly taken over by photo studios, nearly a thousand monk families were slaughtered, and two to three thousand copycats and gangs were killed.

The photo studio is completely crazy!

Hu Buwei even cut his wrists to bleed, and sent blood letters to several large sects near Canngling Dayuan, such as Jianmen and Miluo Sect's mountain sect. He said that the revenge for killing his father must be avenged, and the murderer was hiding in Canngling Great Plains. The photo studio would not hesitate to find out the murderer at all costs, recover the treasure, and wash away the sworn hatred. In the process of pursuing the murderer, any sect must If there is the slightest interference, the studio will be destroyed without hesitation!

The photo studio has the ability to destroy both jade and stone.

Except for Jianmen, none of the other sects are willing to face the wrath of the mad dog-turned photo studio, nor do they have enough confidence to fight against the mad dog-turned photo studio!

The photo studio was crazy enough in the first place, let alone now?

Therefore, in addition to Bai Yuan who also led a large team of troops to slay the evil spirits in Canngling Great Plains, other sects reduced their deployment and transferred their manpower deployed in Canngling Great Plains back to their sects, allowing the photo studio to go crazy in Canngling Great Plains.

The huge Canngling Plain has a territory the size of more than a hundred Xuanyan Immortal Dynasties. It is vast and has a population of tens of trillions. Do you want to find the murderers who killed Hu Tianjun?

This is harder than finding a needle in a haystack!

After reading the information sent, Bai Xuanyue shook her head slightly, turned around and went to Xiaozhu's backyard.

In a very elegant small building in the backyard, an old man with a height of just over four feet, a rosy complexion, and a round and friendly look was being served by four children. He squinted his eyes and happily ate a bowl of black sesame syrup. Filled glutinous rice balls.

There was a large square table in front of the old man, filled with all kinds of desserts, such as mung bean cake, osmanthus cake, sesame cake, cloud cake, etc. There were hundreds of varieties, and the white porcelain plates were piled up one by one and stacked up. Can be more than two feet tall.

This is Mr. Dishu, who is as famous as Mr. Tianshu and Old Man Pianpian, Yuan Lingtian's top master of divination.

Mr. Tianshu had been used by Bai Yu, and he was unlucky enough to be hacked to death by Hu Ping on the street.

Mr. Dishu, on the surface he is a casual cultivator, but in fact he has always been a guest of Jianmen. He has secretly enjoyed Jianmen's offerings for more than 10,000 years. Through him, Jianmen mastered the secrets and gossip of many powerful monks and stole countless rare information.

Seeing Bai Xuanyue, Mr. Dishu hurriedly swallowed the glutinous rice balls in his mouth, put down the bowl and spoon, stood up with a smile, and saluted Bai Xuanyue: Headmaster, I'm looking for you, what can I do for you? ?”

Good thing. Bai Xuanyue handed over the information just now and said with a smile: The photo studio is eager to track down the murderer of Hu Tianjun. I think it will be on your head soon, so you can make preparations first.

Mr. Dishu took the sword talisman, flicked his fingers, and a screen of light appeared. He carefully browsed the information sent by Canngling Oyuan, and said quietly: This is not an easy job. People who can kill the owner of the photo studio, tsk, predict their whereabouts, this consumption, but you don't know How old is it?”

Mr. Dishu returned the sword talisman to Bai Xuanyue and frowned: There have been a lot of things recently. Taoist friend Tianshu died suddenly. Not to mention, he has been used to having smooth sailing over the years, so he is a bit arrogant and careless. He should have a fate in his life. Tribulation.”

Headmaster, when I came here, I told you that there was blood covering Sword City. Do you... have any countermeasures?

Bai Xuanyue smiled and nodded: Sir, don't worry. Eighteen Supreme Elders and thirty-six thousand inner sword guards have brought nine mountain-protecting formations and have already laid a dragnet. I even invited people out of the Patriarch Hall. The enshrined Supreme Sword of Life...what do you think, sir?

Mr. Dishu walked to the door with his short legs and thumped, and glanced at the sky.

He frowned and said: The blood light is rich, there must be a disaster of blood light, but I don't know who it should be. However, with the master's cultivation, he also invited the natal magic sword of the Supreme Lord back then. I think no matter it is No one can take advantage of me. I feel relieved, little old man.

Bai Xuanyue nodded and said calmly: So, sir, I would like to ask you to make another calculation. Where does the enemy come from and what is his intention?

Mr. Dishu's round face showed a trace of sadness. He smiled bitterly and said: Headmaster, is this a matter of divination...

Bai Xuanyue smiled and said: This year's offering to you, plus three bottles of 'Ten Thousand Years Turtle Yuan Dan', can extend your life, replenish your energy, and improve your cultivation. It is most suitable for you.

Mr. Dishu suddenly brightened up and nodded with a smile: Then, I will be ashamed of myself!

A complete set of eating utensils is carried with you.

Mr. Dishu set up his posture in the small building, took out all kinds of weird secret treasures, and began to chant the secret mantra. A strange Tao rhyme wave spread from his small body, In an instant, the entire Sword City was enveloped.

He held a piece of crystal clear, dark gold-colored strange tortoise shell, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the armor. Suddenly, a ball of blood inflammation enveloped the tortoise shell, and mysterious lines continued to appear on the tortoise shell.

Bai Xuanyue put her hands behind her back and quietly watched Mr. Dishu perform his actions.

No one is good at this kind of divination method and the huge sword sect, and it is even difficult to get started. To be honest, seeing Mr. Dishu behave like this, Bai Xuanyue was still a little curious and a little moved.

Now Bai Xuanyue's sword cultivation has reached the point where there is no progress. Unless he attains enlightenment and ascends, it will be difficult to make any progress.

He was wondering if he should try again one day and see if he could learn the ability to divine secrets.

This method, inspired by heaven and man, seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune, and has infinite magical effects!

Suddenly, the originally red-faced old man Dishu turned pale, and blood continuously flowed out of his seven orifices. The dark golden tortoise shell in his hand was silently burned to ashes.


Old Man Dishu hissed: Catastrophe!

How could it be possible? How could it be possible? Some people disturbed the secret of heaven, and some people helped him cover it up... This method is to confuse the old man's 'magic trick'... He, he, he...

Bai Xuanyue raised her eyebrows.

Turn the old man upside down?

now it's right!

The Xuanji Sect used Lingbao to trace the traces of the murderer in the Wanhuamen case on the ruins of Wanhuamen before, but the old man took action and helped them confuse the secret.

The last time Bai Yu ambushed Toutuo and his party, the old man's energy did not appear.

But this time the old man Dishu came to do the fortune-telling again, and the great art of confusing the old man suddenly appeared. Obviously, the murderer is in Jiancheng!

Trouble is coming! Old Man Dishu vomited blood: It's here, it's here...

Jiancheng suddenly shook slightly.

On the sword-washing pool, the calm wind caused a huge wave of hundreds of feet!

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