Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 496: Convergence

Mahakala has been sneaking around in Yuan Lingtian for so many years. He is not very visible, but he has great potential.

Just seeing how well Jieyin Toutuo could arrange Lu Qian's identity as a 'barbarian', we know how deeply Mahakala has laid a deep foundation in Yuanlingtian.

Following Yin Toutuo's order, countless dark stakes, ears and eyes of Mahakala were activated in Canngling Great Plains.

Seven hours later, Bai Nu sat in front of Lu Qian and his party.

The white girl became less and less like a 'thing'.

No one knows what kind of existence these evil spirits are, nor how they cultivate, nor what their mode of survival is like.

Anyway, when she left the Holy Heaven, Bai Nu was a little bigger, and at least she looked human. And now the white girl who appears in front of Lu Qian...

Six wings made of lifeless white light were scattered behind him. At the core was a dead white bone orb, with a gap in the middle, and a blood-colored eye rolling around in the gap. Within the white rays of light, countless strange and twisted runes danced around. These rays of light turned into eighteen layers of halo, rotating around the central orb following a mysterious trajectory.

Now, he no longer looks human at all.

But the aura she exudes is countless times greater than when she was in the Holy Heaven... Just look at the cold sweat on the foreheads of the old monks sitting aside, you can tell that the aura Bai Nu exudes inadvertently The evil pressure put so much pressure on them.

The blood-colored eyes were staring straight at Lu Qian. The white woman said nothing and remained motionless, just staring at him.

Lu Qian coughed slightly and asked Yin Toutuo directly: May I ask some masters if they join forces, can they suppress her?

Sha Fo Wuxin snorted coldly: At this moment, I am just a hair behind her...if I hadn't been seriously injured in Sword City...

Shafo Wuxin's answer was also very direct.

Obviously, his strength should be comparable to that of Bai Nu... But in Sword City, he was seriously injured by the elders of the sect led by Bai Yuan. Now he, along with a few Jie Yin Tu Tuo, should not be Bai Nu's opponent when fighting alone. But several old monks joined forces, and Buddhism is the best at restraining evil spirits, so they should be able to suppress Bai Nu.

Bai Nu remained silent, her eyes flashing with blood as she scanned the bodies of Jie Yin Toutuo and others one by one.

Outside the small building, the shrill cries of countless women suddenly rang out, and an almost substantial evil spirit invaded the small building. Amidst the rattling sound, thick red ice crystals emerged out of thin air, covering the entire small building thickly. layer.

The unintentional words of killing the Buddha obviously stimulated Bai Nu. She did not move herself, but let her subordinates show off their force. God knows how many evil spirits she brought to Ziluo City. The sinister aura emitted by the evil spirits outside made Lu Qian feel a bone-chilling chill and almost froze him on the spot.

Everyone is of equal strength, so we can sit down and talk calmly.

Lu Qian looked at Bai Nu solemnly: Are you still smart? Can you communicate with us calmly and normally? If not, I will kill you directly.

The bone orb flickered with light, and Bai Nu's sharp, cold voice sounded faintly.

My intelligence is far superior to that of you...a group of unknown people, you guys, ants...hehe, little guy, just say what you have to say...otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it and swallow you up in one gulp.

There was a hint of vibrato in Bai Nu's voice: Your blood now is extremely rich and alluring!

Lu Qian nodded and said straight to the point: Please ask a few masters to send you a message and ask you to come over for a while. In fact, the matter is very simple. We want to do something big with Yuan Lingtian Cultivation World, do you want to cooperate?

Before Bai Nu could speak, Lu Yi continued: I know that you are the condensed manifestations of millions of wronged souls from Wanmiao Tian, ​​and we are also your enemies. But, you can join forces with us to kill Yuan Lingtian's cultivation After the world is over, let’s decide whether we should live or die again, what do you think?”

Lu Qian smiled and said: The Yuan Lingtian cultivation community will not join forces with you to deal with us... It's not that there is no possibility, but you can't find us if you join forces. But it's different if you join forces with us, Yuan Ling The world of cultivation in heaven... is full of targets that we can plot against.

The white girl's blood-colored eyes were full of light.

Her big eyes rolled around a few times, and she said very simply: Okay, let's join forces. Anyway, we just want to kill people... kill more people... kill more people The better... We want to kill Yuan Lingtian... As for how to do it, we don't care.

You! Lu Qian smiled: How many people are equal to your strength now?

The white girl giggled: The Blazing Girl, the Blue Girl, the Blue Girl, the Ice Girl, the Heavenly Girl, the Evil Girl... plus me, there are seven people. The others who are slightly worse than us, there are seventy-two people.

Lu Qian's pupils condensed.

The expressions of the old monks who met Toutuo also changed slightly.

Bai Nu's strength is unrivaled in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm. There are actually seven evil leaders with similar strength to her? Those who are slightly worse than them must be at the half-step Heavenly Realm. There are seventy-two people in total?

This strength is much stronger than any of the top 100 sects in Yuan Lingtian if taken alone. I am afraid that not even Jianmen can find so many masters who are half-step into the Heavenly Realm.

Moreover, Xiegui's methods are mysterious and unpredictable. In a real fight, they may not be their opponents even if they are in the ordinary half-step world of heaven and human beings.

Lu Qian even broke out in cold sweat.

When they left the Holy Sky, although Bai Nu and the others were strong, the monks from the Holy Sky were still able to suppress them... How long had it been since the Yuanling Geniuses had passed, that they had actually become so incredibly powerful?

Lu Qian's cultivation level is already considered as cheating, but he is actually far inferior to Bai Nu and the others?

There must be something to say here!

Of course, even if asked, Bai Nu would definitely not answer...

Then, it's settled. Lu Qian smiled and nodded: Is it okay for you to cooperate with us? Those big girls under your command will obey my orders, right?

Bai Nu rolled her eyes a few more times: They... are loyal and more reliable than you!


When Bai Nu said this, she sounded obedient. 'loyalty'? You have to be willing to do it!

Lu Qian shook his head, then nodded: That's good, very good. I need you to send a group of elites over... You said that your spiritual intelligence is stronger than ours? Then, if you add it all together, if we want to destroy the Milo Sect, probably You can bring in as many manpower as you need!

Bai Nu's eyes were filled with blood.

The faces of the four old monks Jieyin Toutuo, Killing Buddha Wuxin, Dragon-Lion Baoshu, and Kue Jade Elephant all changed.

Lu Qian's first target was actually the Milo Sect?

That was a super sect under the Sword Sect, one of the top five in comprehensive strength among all the sects in Yuan Lingtian. How dare Lu Qian have such thoughts about Milo Sect?

The night passed.

The evil spirits running around in Ziluo City suddenly disappeared.

When the red sun was rising in the east, Lu Qian had just ordered Ahu to throw Hu Ping's body into the mountains to feed the wolves. There was a dustpan in front of him, which contained extremely finely ground fragrant wood powder.

A cloud of green smoke floated in front of Lu Yi, and inside it was the spirit of Hu Ping who screamed, threatened and cursed.

Lu Qian grabbed a handful of fragrant wood powder, used his hands hard, and exploded with huge force. He crushed the fragrant wood powder together bit by bit, and pressed it into a thin incense stick, which was as thin as a few hairs combined.

The incense stick took shape and emerged little by little from the edge of Lu Qian's palm.

Wisps of runes on the incense flickered, and in the blue smoke, Hu Ping's soul was sucked into the incense. Hu Ping cursed and threatened like crazy, threatening Lu Qian to release him quickly, otherwise he would kill Lu Qian's whole family...

But as his soul was continuously sucked into the incense, Hu Ping's curses and threats turned into hissing pleas.

He rolled around in the green smoke, knelt down, and begged Lu Qian at the top of his lungs to spare him.

Lu Qian looked at him with a smile and shook his head gently: In the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty, when you took over the business, you didn't let those innocent girls go... There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and good and evil will have their own rewards, Hu Wu Master, your retribution has arrived.

While crying, Lu Qian forced Hu Ping's soul into the three-foot-long, extremely thin and extremely hard incense stick.

This kind of incense stick, made using the secret method of the Great Vajra Temple, is more than three feet long and can burn for three years and six months!

Lu Qian threw the incense stick into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and threw it in front of the young girls who were harmed by the killers of the photo studio in the Dajinshan Temple of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty and whose lives were ruined.

These older girls picked up the incense sticks and lit them lightly.

Hu Ping's spirit once again let out a miserable howl, and the fire burned the spirit. This was the most terrifying torture in the world. And he will continue to enjoy this kind of torture for three years and six months!

Clapping his hands gently, Lu Qian smiled: Okay, we have settled a matter... Well, the person behind the money can't escape, I will go find you. Now, it's up to us, the owner of the photo studio The operations over there are so efficient.”

Photo studio owner Hu Buwei acted very efficiently.

On the third day after Lu Qian finished concocting Hu Ping, Hu Buwei acted quickly after receiving the message from Lu Qian.

Urgent transfer orders were continuously issued from Hu Buwei's hands, and sent to the studio masters scattered throughout Yuan Lingtian through the top-secret channels of the studio. Countless hidden stakes were activated, countless secrets were activated, and the photo studio's tens of thousands of years of hard work were all mobilized at once.

Hu Buwei vowed to tell many elders in the photo studio that he had found the whereabouts of the suspect who attacked Hu Tianjun. He needed the photo studio to work together to wash away this blood feud and shame.

At the same time, in Canngling Dayuan, in Molong City, Yinyuan was making suggestions to Bai Yu.

Maybe, this is bad fate?

Bai Yu has come to the point of obeying Yinyuan's words. After listening to Yinyuan's plan, Bai Yuan immediately issued the Jianmen Sword Order to several large sects around Canling Plain, such as the Miluo Sect, with the order of the Jianmen Young Sect.

In exchange for three Supreme Immortal Certificates, Bai Yuan invited several major sects to send Supreme Elders who were half-step into the heavenly realm to help him slay the evil spirits.

Bai Yuan emphatically explained that as long as there are masters and ordinary disciples, the Sword Sect has everything you need!

For a time, the senior officials of several major sects heard the news and almost came out in full force!

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