Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 497 Convergence (2)

Twenty thousand miles east of Ziluo City, there is a small city called Tieshi.

This city is extremely barren. Apart from some cultivated farmland around it, there is no other production. Therefore, no monks take a fancy to it. Iron Stone City, with a population of nearly 100,000, is only occupied by casual cultivators from the Sanwu Furnace Realm. They rely on extortion from surrounding farmers. , collecting some rice land rent to live on.

In the northwest corner of Tieshi City, there is a general store that sells needlework, thread, coarse cloth basins and other things. It also sells grain and animal skins. The business is neither good nor bad. It is the kind of store that barely survives starvation, but is on the verge of bankruptcy all year round. .

In broad daylight, in the grocery store, there was only an old man who was lame in one leg and blind in one eye, sitting blankly at the door, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes in disgust at a stray dog ​​across the street.

The owner of the grocery store, Huang Yijiu, was currently squatting in the back room in a secret room three hundred feet underground, looking at the small moving array in front of him expressionlessly.

Huang Yijiu, or in other words, the photo studio killer numbered as Yellow No. 19, Canngling Branch Building, Zhuang Department, according to the photo studio files, he is only in the middle stage of Golden Lotus. In fact, his cultivation level had already entered the Illuminating Void Realm twenty years ago.

People always have opportunities for good fortune. Huang Yijiu is one of those people who has the opportunity and good fortune. His cultivation has advanced rapidly. In just a hundred years, his cultivation has soared. He has broken through the two realms of Golden Lotus Opening and Condensing Dao Fruit from the Golden Lotus Realm. He is so powerful. Breaking into the Zhaoxukong realm, he has even reached the late stage of Zhaoxongkong in twenty years of cultivation.

However, he concealed his cultivation and did not report it.

In the photo studio, such behavior is extremely dangerous. If he is discovered, he will definitely receive the harshest punishment, and may even be refined into a disposable 'Shadow of Death' puppet.

But, he did it anyway.

Life in Tieshi City is very leisurely.

As a hidden stake left by the photo studio in Tieshi City, he did not even have daily assassination missions. He was only responsible for monitoring the movements around Tieshi City, especially paying attention to the movements of the Milo Sect not far from Tieshi City.

How could a disciple of the Milo Sect come to a place like Tieshi City where nothing matters?

So Huang Yijiu lived a very leisurely and comfortable life. He lived a quiet life like a worldly person. He even considered whether he should go out to do a job and make a windfall, and then take the watery man on the street. , Marry back the Tofu Sanniang who he often flirts with?

After sighing softly, Huang Yijiu muttered in a low voice: Unfortunately, we can't.

A single-line secret agent in a photo studio like him does not have the right to marry and have children... Only the leaders of large-scale secret agents, in order to hide their identities from others, can reproduce their offspring and develop their families.

If discovered by the photo studio, the single-track secret that was spread out dares to marry a wife and have children at the workplace...the only outcome is to kill the whole family.

It's a pity that the old building owner died... Why didn't the person who died in the Canngling branch building die? If all the case files in the Canngling branch building were destroyed, I would... Huang Yijiu muttered in a low voice, and then, again Sighed.

Even if the person in charge of the Canngling branch of the photo studio dies and all the killer information in the Canngling branch is destroyed, he will not be able to leave the photo studio.

It was as if, once the agreed date and time arrived, he had to wait obediently in this secret room... The photo studio had already taken control of everything about him. Unless he could advance to the half-step heavenly realm, he would never be able to get rid of it. Control of the photo studio.

There was a crisp cry from the moving array, a ray of time flashed, and a jade bottle and a jade slip were ejected from the moving array at the same time.

Without looking at the jade slip, Huang Yijiu quickly grabbed the jade bottle, opened the cork, took out a dark green pill that exuded a pungent smell, and stuffed it into his mouth as quickly as possible.

This is the antidote to the ‘Red Heart Pill’.

‘Red Heart Pill’ is a vicious drug used by the photo studio to control the countless killers under its command and prevent them from turning traitor. Once taken, the antidote must be taken once a year, otherwise the yin fire will burst out from the heart and burn the person to death in just one breath.

Unless you reach the half-step heaven and human realm through cultivation, you will never be spared.

I can live another year. Huang Yijiu sighed softly and lazily grabbed the jade slip that came with the Chixin Pill antidote: It's strange, I have so much free time in this hidden pile. It’s been years, how can there be an order issued?”

Turning his fingers on the jade slip, Huang Yijiu pinched a seal very unfamiliarly. He briefly recalled the secret spell that he had almost forgotten, recited a spell in a low voice, released the seal, and activated the jade slip.

A ray of light spurted out from the jade slip and injected into Huang Yijiu's eyebrows.

Huang Yijiu's face suddenly became extremely ugly: Are you kidding me? A hidden stake like me who is only in the Golden Lotus Realm and has no experience in action is going to be deployed? This is, this is...

Huang Yijiu's face looked as if he had been forced to stuff a mouthful of cow dung into his mouth, which was extremely ugly.

Gritting his teeth, stamping his feet fiercely, he pointed at the ceiling of the secret room in a low voice and greeted the eighteenth generation of the new building owner Hu Buwei's ancestors. Huang Yijiu drooped his face, turned into a wisp of shadow, and left silently. Secret room.

The orders in the jade slips are very clear.

The order came directly from the top of the photo studio, ordering Huang Yijiu to meet at the specified place at the specified time.

If there is any violation, the building rules will be dealt with.

Transforming into a shadow, carrying a light breeze, Huang Yijiu galloped towards the ordered location. As he fled, he muttered in a low voice: What are the building rules? I have forgotten how many building rules there are... Oh, what about it? Isn't it just that the old building owner died? Why bother with such a big fanfare? ? Why bother?

The old poster is dead, the new poster should be happy and excited. What a good thing? Why are you fighting!

One day later, outside Ziluo City, there was Heiniu Mountain and Gadfly Valley.

There are weeds everywhere and countless mosquitoes.

Huang Yijiu had arrived outside Gadfly Valley six hours ago. According to the order he received, given his cultivation and realm, he should arrive here to meet up in two days.

However, Huang Yijiu's cultivation level was far higher than what he had in the photo studio files. His escape speed was so fast that it only took him a few hours to reach his destination. He turned into a ray of shadow and hid outside the Gadfly Valley with great caution and caution.

A black orb the size of a fist was suspended above his head, emitting a strange aura that enveloped his whole body. Huang Yijiu was completely integrated with the surrounding environment, without any energy leaking out. He simply did not exist in this world, even those related to him All traces, all cause and effect, all heavenly secrets and other 'external causes' that can be used for calculation and divination have been completely annihilated by this orb.

At this moment, for anyone, Huang Yijiu is a non-existent 'concept'.

This orb is Huang Yijiu's opportunity. Who would have thought that such a treasure could be hidden in an unknown small ancient tomb under Tieshi City? Because of this orb, the ancient tomb has existed peacefully for countless years, and no one has ever found any trace of its existence.

However, after Huang Yijiu was sent to Tieshi City, he was timid and afraid of death. He was afraid of being surrounded by people in his grocery store. He randomly dug a secret escape tunnel underground, and inexplicably dug into the ancient tomb without any risk. , and got this 'Taichu Bead of Confusion'.

This orb contains infinite mysteries, and Huang Yijiu's rapid progress in practice is only an insignificant part of the infinite mysteries of the orb. However, Huang Yijiu's own qualifications were limited, his experience was rudimentary, and his methods were crude and meager. The benefits he got from this orb were only a little bit.

Time passed little by little.

A dark wind howled, and a figure broke into the Gadfly Valley.

Dressed all in black, with a black mask on his face, his figure is somewhere between looming and non-existent, with the dark wind lingering under his feet, ready to turn into a shadow and escape at any time... This is the common style of a photo studio killer.

The owner of the photo studio quickly circled the Gadfly Valley several times, looking through all the nooks and crannies that could hide people. After finding no trace of an ambush, he whistled softly.

The gentle wind blew by, and a dozen black shadows quietly emerged, quickly guarding the surrounding area.

Huang Yijiu watched every move of these 'colleagues' with relish... They were so cautious, and their methods of searching and booths were so sophisticated. These dozen black figures should be the front-line killers of the studio, guys who are really risking their lives with others, but It can't be compared to a hidden pile like him who says the years are quiet and good.

This is just the first wave.

After that, basically every quarter of an hour, a wave of photo studio owners came quietly.

Various sounds of birds and insects continued to sound. Wave after wave of photo studio owners used special means to confirm each other's identities, and then waited quietly in the Gadfly Valley.

As the number of photo studio killers gathered in the valley increased, especially after a supreme killer from the Zhao Void Realm and twelve gold medal killers from the Condensing Dao Realm came later, the atmosphere in the Gadfly Valley became much more relaxed.

Nearly 30,000 studio elites have gathered here. Such strength is scary enough, so there is no need to be cautious.

Huang Yijiu calculated the time secretly and found that the time for them to meet was almost here.

He carefully observed the surroundings, thinking about whether to run to the Gadfly Valley to join his colleagues... But for some reason, the Taichu Mixing Pearl shook slightly, and an extremely sharp sense of danger came over his heart.

Huang Yijiu tried his best to recall the rules of the photo studio. He finally remembered that for an emergency call like this, if he did not arrive at the meeting point on time...if there was a legitimate reason, he would be whipped three hundred times with a poisonous dragon whip soaked in venom... …

I won't behead... Then, wait a little longer. Huang Yijiu was determined to survive.

He began to think about Tieshicheng Tofu Sanniang's figure, face, and her soft and beautiful voice... Well, since there is a sense of danger, it's better to keep quiet. He held his chin with one hand, pulled a piece of dogtail grass and held it in his mouth, seriously considering the possibility that he would not marry Sanniang Doufu, but instead develop her into a secret lover.

Tofu Sanniang's father... is desperate for money. So, if I can have a lot of money... Huang Yijiu began to wonder where he was going to make a windfall. Perhaps, those juniors from the Forge Realm in Iron Stone City were made?

Time passed little by little, and no more killers from the photo studio came.

In all directions, in the mountains and forests, countless red lanterns lit up at the same time, and the astonishing evil energy swept across all directions. In an instant, except for the supreme killer who had the highest cultivation level, all other members of the photo studio were frozen by thick ice.

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