Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 499: Confusion in the Beginning

Tear open the defense of the soul, inject the seeds of loyalty, erase all the memories related to the Taichu Confusion Pearl, stuff him with a large bag of Canghaijue and Baoguangjue, and then feed him a true and permanent antidote of the Red Heart Pill, and everything will come together. !

After Huang Yijiu paid homage to Lu Yi, he reluctantly returned to Tieshi City at Lu Yi's urging.

His name has completely disappeared from the photo studio's files. He can go back to Tieshi City to find his tofu Sanniang. Whether it's a secret marriage or a secret marriage, he can get rid of the shadow of the photo studio and enjoy his life to the fullest.

With his current cultivation level in the late stage of Zhaoxukong... he basically won't encounter any big trouble in Yuan Lingtian.

After all, he sent the Taichu Confusion Bead.

A supreme treasure that transcends the other side.

He was floating quietly in Lu Qian's mind, and a subtle aura naturally flowed out and wrapped around Lu Qian's many treasures. Tiny Dao patterns emerge quietly, integrating into these treasures little by little, completing their Dao, enhancing their Dao charm, and fundamentally strengthening these treasures.

Lu Qian's Nine Dragon Zijia, Flying Bear Spear, Beiming Sword, Fallen Angel Whip, Heavenly Demon Skull, Taiyue Tower, Thunder God's Net... and even the previous highest-grade Dafan Jingshi Sect's inherited treasure Qing Ning Heart Lamp, all of them He took the initiative to get close to Taichu Hun Tongzhu, and frantically fought for the mysterious energy that was leaking out.

Shuiyun flew towards the next gathering point of the photo studio killers.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the head of the cloud, quietly feeling the Taichu Bead of Confusion - this treasure could make Huang Yijiu disappear completely from the world, as if he had never existed in the world, and it could erase all The secrets and traces made it impossible for the old man to predict any information related to him.

This is only the tiniest part of the function of the Taichu Mixing Bead.

After Lu Qian used the power of the three-eyed human figure to activate the power of wind to search for Huang Yijiu, Taichu Hun Tongzhu abandoned Huang Yijiu without hesitation and came to surrender.

Lu Yi, no, it should be the three-eyed figure in Lu Yi's mind, the real owner of the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl. Huang Yijiu is just a lucky temporary host. The benefit Huang Yijiu gets from the Taichu Huntong Pearl is probably the Taichu Huntong Pearl temporarily sheltering in his body and paying him rent.

Carefully, he released a ray of soul and touched it with the Taichu Mixing Bead.

Lu Qian's soul suddenly fell into a drunken, wonderful, erratic, and indescribable state. In front of his eyes, a boundless and profound ocean seemed to appear. Every drop of water in the sea was an indescribable truth of heaven and earth. The reality of the entire world was contained in this vast ocean!

Lu Qian carefully turned his soul into a small hand and grabbed a handful of water drops from the endless ocean.

This handful of water droplets merged into the soul, and Lu Qian's body suddenly had endless Dao patterns flashing crazily. Incredible Dao insights merged into the soul one after another. All of Lu Qian's Dao fruits, including those he thought he had understood. The three ultimate Dao fruits of the Way of Wind, the Way of Water, and the Way of Power suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance.

Wisps of Dao patterns emerged out of thin air, constantly integrating into the three Dao fruits.

The original composition was already extremely complex and exquisite. In Lu Qian's opinion, the Dao Fruit, which was already perfect to the extreme, began to expand and swell. The internal structure began to be fine-tuned. More exquisite Dao patterns condensed into a complex spatial structure, which continued to evolve. Tao fruit is generated internally.

In the void, inspiration and Tao Yun surged down, turning into a huge funnel-shaped vortex, pouring into Lu Qian's body crazily.

Mana cultivation is soaring.

In the beginning, the bead was mixed with the secret of heaven, covering up all the abnormalities. Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the water clouds and frantically extracted the inspirations and rhymes of the heaven and earth. The diameter of the large funnel in the sky was thousands of miles, but no one noticed this strange phenomenon.

Lu Qian's origin is improving crazily.

He didn't know which incredible realm the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl had connected to. Endless strange aura surged into his body, rapidly improving his origin.

What is the origin?

The essence of life!

The same fertilized egg is about the same size, but the resulting creatures are vastly different. Some are just tiny krill, while some are giant whales that can swallow millions of krill in one mouthful; some are mayflies that live and die, and some are turtles and turtles that can survive for thousands of years; some are from Mortals will die if they fall from a height of more than ten feet, but some are eagles that can soar high in the sky.

This is the origin.

The difference in origin brings about huge essential differences in living things.

Lu Qian's origin is improving!

His life style, on the premise that his cultivation level has not changed, his strength is increasing, his physique is getting stronger, his physical strength is soaring, his life span is extending crazily, and his five senses and six senses such as touch and smell are increasing. Continuously strengthening, his body's defense against various injuries and negative energy is also increasing at a terrifying rate.

Lu Qian traveled from Gadfly Valley to Lengqiu Pool, the next gathering point of the photo studio killers. It was only 120,000 miles, and he flew slowly for 24 hours. In just two days, with the blessing of the extremely powerful source, his physical strength actually increased to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

The huge funnel in the sky flashed with bright light and collapsed.

An energy three times greater than the combined spiritual intelligence and Tao Yun he had absorbed before was suddenly injected into his body. Lu Qian's body swayed slightly, and he was covered in sweat. The sweat was as thick as mercury, bright red in color, and had a strong stench of blood. Tangy.


Within the body, an invisible shackle bound by the rules of heaven and earth shattered.

Physical power, a hundred thousand things!

In the Taichu Bead of Confusion, a clear message quietly flowed into Lu Qian's soul - the power of the body is myriad, it can be called the power of a 'Kun'!

There was a faint calamity cloud forming above Lu Qian's head.

However, the traces of Lu Qian's existence were completely blocked by the Taichu Confusion Bead, and the calamity cloud quietly dissipated as soon as it was formed.

Yuan Lingtian's world consciousness suddenly felt that there were alien beings born that were not suitable for this world and must be eradicated. But the consciousness of the world could not find Lu Qian. This terrifying thunderbolt, which was originally destined to be terrifying and powerful enough to destroy any existence, just disappeared.

The power of a ‘Kun’.

This is not how a lower world like Yuan Lingtian should exist.

This should be the magnificent power that can only be possessed after hard training and long accumulation after holding the Supreme Immortal Order and ascending to the upper world.

Such a power will absolutely destroy the balance in the lower realm, even threaten the structural safety of the world itself, and pose a huge threat to the space and matter of the world, so it must be eliminated!

But Lu Qian escaped obliteration.

In the Taichu Mixing Pearl, strands of strange power filled his body, and Lu Qian's aura became dull and peaceful, no different from ordinary people.

In my mind, the image of the Three-Eyed Man has been completely lit up. Lu Qian’s three Dao Fruits, the Dao Fruit of Wind are embedded in the center of Feng Long’s eyebrows, the Dao Fruit of Water is embedded in the center of Shui Long’s eyebrows, and the Dao Fruit of Strength is embedded in the center of the eyebrows of the three-eyed man. The human mount, the sacred elephant, is rolled up with its trunk and swaying happily from side to side in the air.

The Dharma of the Buddha derived from the fundamental inheritance of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect was transformed into a set of powerful and ferocious armor, with the whole body burning with blazing flames, and was draped on the body of the three-eyed man.

Lu Qian received the Holy Heavenly Buddhist inheritance from the Foyin Hall and condensed eight hundred small Taoist fruits. Now these Taoist fruits have merged with the dim stars in the three-eyed figure. A total of eight hundred stars are shining with brilliance. The three-eyed figure and the holy statue were illuminated with brilliant flames, as if shrouded in a layer of colorful haze.

In addition to the eight hundred Buddhist small path fruits, the fundamental inheritance of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect, under the indoctrination of the great road, quickly derived one thousand two hundred small path fruits, which also merged with the dim stars in the sky.

Lu Qian condensed these small Dao fruits before, and one small Dao fruit provided him with a thousand years of mana cultivation.

After being completed and strengthened by the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl, there were a total of two thousand small Taoist fruits. Each small Taoist fruit blessed Lu Qian with three thousand years of mana cultivation.

In his body, the powerful magic power almost condensed into substance.

The subtle aura emitted by the Taichu Mixing Pearl rapidly flowed through his body, constantly refining and sublimating the overly abundant mana in his body, evolving it into a higher level of strange power.

Every new ray of power contains a hundred times the original mana and power.

Lu Qian realized in his heart that this was the strange power possessed by Taichu Hun Tongzhu, but now it was only a semi-finished product in his body... It should be called the 'half-step of Taichu's power'. Well, it’s not appropriate to call it half a step. The degree of completion of the Power of the Beginning is about one percent. Perhaps it’s more appropriate to call it a ‘small half-step of the Power of the Beginning’.

With a chuckle, Lu Qian squinted his eyes, and his eyes suddenly turned into a bright and terrifying golden color. The void in front of him was shocked by his gaze, and suddenly a large area of ​​​​void was shattered, and a black hole with a diameter of a hundred feet was blasted out of the void in front of him.

With a touch of his hand, the black hole dissipated and the void calmed down.

Yuan Lingtian's spatial structure is tens of millions of times more stable and powerful than that of Jishengtian. Even a powerful master who is half a step into the heaven and human realm cannot shake Yuan Lingtian's spatial structure in the slightest.

Only those who are truly powerful in the realm of gods can twist and tear apart space with supreme force, and teleport through the sky.

As for Lu Qian, after merging with the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl, he realized the Great Dao in just two days. His cultivation realm had only reached the peak of Zhaoxu Kong, but he already had combat power that was comparable to the Heavenly Realm, or even beyond.

What is your origin? It seems that you are quite destined to me!

Lu Qian subconsciously asked Taichu Hun Tongzhu.

The black orb floated in my mind, motionless and silent for eternity.

Lu Qian shook his head slightly, stood up, flicked his sleeves, and his escape suddenly accelerated. Silently and without any sign of light or shadow, he had appeared above Lengqiu Lake.

It's not teleportation, but a real escape method, and the speed of this escape method has reached the terrifying level of being able to fly thousands of miles at a glance. Under such a stable space structure of Yuan Lingtian, such an escape speed far exceeds the power of any half-step celestial being by ten or twenty times!

More than 50,000 photo studio masters gathered near Lengqiu Lake.

Without letting those evil spirits take action, Lu Yi floated above these photo studio killers and pressed down gently with his right hand. Fifty thousand people vomited blood and knelt down at the same time, including three photo studio elders who were at the peak of the Void Realm. No one could move at all!

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