Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 500: Breaking Milo

Three months later.

In Canngling Great Plains and Black Wind Canyon, twelve elders from the photo studio were roaring and fighting fiercely.

Underground, Wu Tu sneaked through the Thunder God Net, and the thunder light was faint, sealing off all possibilities of escaping; in the sky, the Xuanyuan Qi Taiyue Tower's light curtain rose, completely sealing the surrounding void; between heaven and earth, eighteen Buddhist treasures and auspicious lights Wandering around, it turned into a golden torrent, constantly washing over the twelve Half-Step Heavenly Realm elders.

What is even more outrageous is that from all directions, there are countless evil spirits who have shrunk their bodies to the size of dust particles, forming a terrifying array, constantly letting out shrill cries, charming calls, and ecstasy. Indescribable sound. Wave after wave of extremely sinister evil power continuously bombarded the souls of the twelve photo studio elders, weakening their strength by more than half out of thin air.

And those who besieged these twelve unlucky guys head-on were eighteen Mahakala Half-Step Heavenly Realm experts, led by Jie Yin Toutuo!

It is difficult to guard against domestic thieves.

When the owner of the photo studio became a thief, the twelve photo studio elders naturally fell into the trap and obediently slipped into the trap set by Lu Qian.

The skills of the photo studio are mainly about being invisible and bursting out instantly. Missing a single hit and running away are the characteristics of the photo studio killer. But when it comes to frontal killing, the killers in the photo studio have unavoidable weaknesses compared to monks of the same level.

As long as the Photo Studio Killer can withstand the first few moves of the Photo Studio Killer, the Photo Studio Killer, which consumes a huge amount of vitality and mana, will inevitably weaken rapidly and fall directly into a disadvantage.

As for Jie Yin Tu Tuo, a group of great Buddhist masters...the characteristics of Buddhism's skills are thick skin, thick flesh, and endurance. In particular, Buddhist monks have strong and long-lasting magic power and are best at fighting protracted battles.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the elder of the photo studio burst into flames, and Jie Yin Toutuo and others were injured one after another.

But after just ten breaths, Jieyin Toutuo and the others stabilized their formation and easily brought the battle into their rhythm.

The world is surrounded and blocked from all sides. There are evil things outside that disturb the mind. There are powerful Buddhist masters inside who are carrying on the fierce attack. There are also eighteen Buddhist spiritual treasures brought in from the Mahakala Temple to suppress the battle...

How can these twelve unlucky photo studio elders win?

Not to mention, there is Lu Qian with the Flying Bear Spear in his right hand and the Fallen Angel Whip in his left hand, standing aside with a smile and watching with eagerness!

Who are you? The twelve photo studio elders trapped in the Black Wind Canyon are all direct descendants of the Hu family in the photo studio. These elders of the Hu family are also the most active force in tracking down the murderer of Hu Tianjun and searching for the treasure of the photo studio.

Now a group of people were surrounded by an ambush, and when they saw that the main force of the attack was actually eighteen bald thieves with shaved scalps, these elders of the Hu family already had the answer in their hearts, but they still shouted angrily.

Even if you die, you must let me understand and die happily! The elder Hu who had just shouted angrily roared wildly: What hatred do you and my studio have? What hatred? Why on earth?

Elder Hu shouted angrily, which meant something was wrong.

The black light that protected his body was suddenly suppressed by the silver Buddha light released by Zen Master Baoxiang. An astonishingly bright sword turned into three feet of cold light. It circled around the elder of the Hu family and slashed at him, forcibly tearing away the mysterious light that protected his body. There was a small gap.

The elder of the Hu family wielded thirteen crescent-shaped scimitars that were as thin as cicada wings, almost transparent, and only the size of a palm, slashing all over the sky. The light of the sword was faintly visible, sharp and ruthless, and the blade was quenched with poison. The sword never left Zen Master Baoxiang's vitals.

However, the mysterious light protecting his body was broken, and Zen Master Baoxiang suddenly transformed into a silver Buddha statue. A lotus Buddha seal in his palms spurted out thousands of meters of cold light, and forcibly immobilized thirteen scimitars.

Lu Qian took advantage of the situation and broke out.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up, and Lu Yi's speed reached the extreme. The elder of the Hu family could not see Lu Yi's movements clearly, and did not even feel the slightest sound from Lu Yi. Lu Yi had already reached his side, and started to move. A fallen angel whip struck him.

The evil energy of the seven emotions and six desires broke out, and the mysterious light protecting Elder Hu's body suddenly dimmed, and most of it disappeared in an instant.

The Flying Bear Spear brought out a gleam of cold light, and penetrated the scattered black light around Elder Hu's body. The gun barrel was lightly rubbed on his chest, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard endlessly. The Elder Hu vomited blood, and was beaten by Lu The body was almost crushed with a single shot, and all the mana in his body was shattered, and he fell to the ground in all directions.

Countless evil spirits quickly covered the elder's body, and he made all kinds of weird and soul-enchanting sounds at the top of his lungs.

Blood spurted out from the seven orifices, and the soul's defense was violently broken. Lu Qian pointed his hand, and a little golden light of 'transformation' fell from the sky, easily entering the eyebrows of the Hu family elder, and implanted the 'loyalty to the death' in his soul. seed.

Heaven...my photo studio... A bit of golden light shone in the soul of this elder of the Hu family, quickly infecting his soul. Before his soul was completely enveloped in golden light, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and let out a desperate cry.

In such a large photo studio, there are only eighteen Half-Step Heavenly Realm elders who are direct descendants of the Hu family.

If all the twelve people present were wiped out, the Hu clan would be gone and would no longer be able to suppress the elders with foreign surnames who were promoted from assassins in the photo studio.

What's even more frightening is that the 'transformed' elder felt the use of that little golden light.

He couldn't imagine that if a group of his Hu clan members all became Lu Qian's loyal subordinates... then the photo studio's foundation... a ten thousand year foundation, countless killers, countless wealth, and secretly control so many small and medium-sized sects. Families, large and small vassal families... all made wedding clothes for others!


At the moment when the golden light completely enveloped his soul, the mind of the elder of the Hu family suddenly lit up - they came here because they received Hu Buwei's order. It was Hu Buwei who swore to them that they had found the way to attack and kill Hu Tianjun. Clues to the person!

Hu Buwei...

Hu Buwei!

Hu Buwei?

He is already a puppet controlled by others, and the foundation of the photo studio has already fallen into the hands of others!

Another photo studio elder was led by Toutuo and Shafo Wuxin to join forces. The body-protecting Xuanguang was destroyed, the personal soft armor was shattered, and seven consecutive body-protecting secret treasures and talismans were violently broken.

Lu Qian appeared next to the elder of the photo studio as fast as lightning. First, he struck him with the Fallen Angel Whip, which made him stunned and unable to control himself. Then, he shot him so hard that his bones and tendons were broken. He vomited blood and fell to the ground. Countless evil spirits fell to the ground. They pounced on him one after another, calling him Mr. affectionately, and violently tore apart his soul defense!

A bit of golden light fell to the ground, and another photo studio elder was 'transformed' by Lu Qian!

Jieyin Toutuo couldn't help but laugh loudly: Buddhism is vast, and there is a destiny for universal salvation. Junior Brother Fahai has such magical powers, and he has gained the essence of my Buddhism! Great good, great good!

Lu Qian smiled shyly.

This old thief, Bald, can say such a shameless method so sanctimoniously... Hey, Lu Qian really likes this shameless energy!

Seven days later, the remaining six half-step heavenly realm elders of the Hu family of the photo studio were attacked at the entrance of the Canngling Dayuan branch of the photo studio. The six elders, together with hundreds of core masters of the Hu family, were all killed. Was 'crossed' by Lu Qian.

Three days later, among the elders with the surname outside the photo studio, all 21 elders with the surname outside the half-step heaven and human realm, together with hundreds of elders, deacons and other experts from the Zhaoxu Kong Realm, were attacked halfway, and the entire army was wiped out. They all worshiped under Lu Qian's sect. .

The upper floors of the photo studio were cleared away, and Hu Buwei let go of his hands completely.

Turning left and right, the elite masters of the photo studio were constantly transferred by Hu Buwei from all over Yuan Lingtian, and they were all given to Lu Qian. Hu Buwei, who let himself go, opened all the large and small warehouses of the photo studio. Lu Qian personally took a trip to the countless resources accumulated by the photo studio and burned them to his heart's content in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The majestic energy spreads violently, and inspiration and Taoism surge in.

Lu Qian once again used Buddhist secrets to share his Tao fruit with countless Tao soldiers in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The photo studio has a strong foundation, especially since they are in the business of selling their lives for money and killing people at every turn, so their wealth accumulation is extremely rich. With such a large photo studio, and the cooperation of contemporary building owners in the search, the resources Lu Qian obtained were almost a hundred times that of Wanhuamen, which had only emerged in the past few thousand years.

Burn as much as you want.

The Tao soldiers under Lu Qian's command have soared in strength in just a few days. Every day on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, there are strange Tao charms and auras surging up from the condensed Tao fruits.

From this, everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind.

A few days later, in Canngling Plain, outside Qingxi City, hundreds of millions of evil spirits were traveling during the day, and the dense evil energy soared into the sky, scaring several monks in Qingxi City into hysterical attacks. The white turtle asks for help.

Bai Yuan nonchalantly rewarded him with a Supreme Immortal Certificate, which attracted the Supreme Elder Luo He from the Miluo Sect who came for reinforcements. He took the initiative to ask for help, and hurried to Qingxi City with a group of close disciples and die-hard disciples.

Canngling Great Plains is extremely chaotic. Except for some important key points, for the sake of safety, no void moving formations have been set up between cities. Luo He could only take his disciples and hurried to Qingxi City using the escape method.

On the way, Luo He unexpectedly encountered an ambush from Lu Qian. It was still a familiar old recipe. After an extremely short battle, faced with an attack by experts ten times his own, Luo He lost cleanly, with almost no struggle to resist. He was crossed by Lu Qian.

A void moving formation went directly from the place where Luo He 'transformed' to Ziluo City.

Ziluo City is less than 30,000 miles away from the mountain gate of Miluo Sect.

Late that night, Luo He led a group of disciples and appeared at the main entrance of the Miluo Sect's mountain gate with a slightly scattered aura. He raised his hand to type a talisman, and the giant archway outside the Miluo Sect's mountain gate suddenly flickered with light and shadow. The phantoms of countless mountains and rivers flashed past, and the twenty-two-layered mountain protection formation opened up one after another, revealing a thoroughfare.

The disciples of the Miluo Sect who were responsible for guarding the mountain gate were alerted and appeared one after another. Seeing that it was Luo He returning to the mountain, these disciples of the Miluo Sect had no doubts at all and paid tribute to Luo He one after another.

Dizi is waiting to supply the Supreme Elder back to the mountain!

The younger disciples of Luo He's lineage came forward and greeted him respectfully. They led Luo He all the way straight into the core hinterland of the Miluo Sect without any hindrance.

Two-quarters of an hour later, the formation hub 'Shengxi Palace', which was responsible for controlling the Miluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation, was easily captured without any bloodshed.

On duty today, the person sitting in charge of the Shengxian Hall happened to be a disciple of Luo He's line.

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