Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 501: Po Mi Luo (2)

The Miluo Sect openly claims that there are twenty-one elders in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm.

In fact, Miluo Sect still has eleven powerful people who can't hide in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm.

The thirty-two supreme elders who are half-step into the realm of heavenly beings are even weaker on paper than the studio which has eighteen direct descendants and twenty-one collateral elders.

But Milo Sect is famous for its ‘Dharma’.

This is a sect that pushes various spells to the extreme.

For example, the most common thunder technique in the world, 'Thunder in the Palm', apart from Jianmen, basically all the monks in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world have learned this thunder technique that is easy to acquire, fast to practice, quick to activate, and very powerful.

But in the hands of monks from other sects, Palm Thunder is an entry-level thunder method, which is ordinary and ordinary, and is just the basic method for the most basic monks to protect the way and defend against enemies. For an ordinary furnace-level monk, a bolt of lightning can shoot out for more than ten feet, and its power can destroy a wooden hut. It can cause a certain amount of damage to monks of the same level and paralyze one or two breaths, and that's about it.

In the Milo Sect, to what extent has palm thunder been studied and deduced?

The same monks in the furnace realm and the disciples of the Milo Sect can shoot a palm thunder from ten to thirty miles away, and the power can threaten the monks in the fierce fire realm. If the other party is not cautious, even if they are in the fierce fire realm, once they are attacked, Everyone will be seriously injured.

This kind of power and this kind of attack distance are almost comparable to Jianmen's flying sword.

As for the upper echelons of the Milo Sect, they have squeezed out the secrets of various spells to the fullest. In their hands, the most common Five Elements spell in other sects has the power to move mountains and seas, collapse mountains and destroy mountains.

The Miluo Sect is known as ‘one method to rule the world’!

They have the confidence to say so... Especially the elders of the Miluo Sect who have reached the half-step heavenly realm. They can even turn some of their powerful spells into 'Original Mysterious Spells' and condense them into something similar to the acquired spirit. A terrifying treasure-like existence that can erupt with terrifying destructive power at the drop of a thought.

Because of this, people in the Milo Sect have developed extremely extreme temperaments - they despise all foreign objects. Even the disciples of the Sword Sect are forced to carry around some elixirs, talismans, various treasures with wonderful auxiliary effects, etc. , Milo disciples don’t want it!

This is...

Therefore, Luo He easily took over the Shengxian Palace. A little golden light flew out around him, and golden clouds were dotted. Under Lu Qian's command, dozens of Taoist soldiers from the Void Realm appeared quietly and quickly took control of the core hub of the Miluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation. , quietly activated all the defensive forbidden methods inside and outside Shengxi Palace.

Then, with a smile on his face, Luo He went straight to the core forbidden area of ​​Milo Sect.

This is the place where the powerful elders of the Miluo Sect’s Half-Step Heavenly Realm usually retreat for cultivation. This time, Bai Yu used the Supreme Immortal Order as a bait to lure all the Supreme Elders from several major sects around Canngling Great Plains to help her eliminate them. Evil spirits, the supreme elders of the Milo Sect almost came out in full force.

Taishang Xiangao, this thing is so good, so wonderful, who can resist its temptation?

However, as a super sect that ranks among the top five in Yuanlingtian in terms of overall strength, Miluo Sect has its own rules for daily operations. No matter how tempting the Supreme Immortal Order is, there are still three extremely powerful sects left in the sect’s powerhouse. The elders are in charge.

These three elders are seven times senior than Luo He and are the most respected elders in Miluo Sect today.

And their cultivation and methods can be called humanoid natural disasters... Previously in Sword City, Lu Qian used so many world-purifying divine thunders to detonate the underground lava sea, causing such horrific scenes of destruction and completely destroying the Earth Lung Furnace. . As for these three Milo Sect elders, if they take action, they can have the same effect with a serious attack.

According to Luo He's explanation after his transformation, at least one of these three elders has already practiced nine mysterious methods of life, and all of them have condensed into a form similar to the acquired spiritual treasure, with at least the power of It is not weaker than the Xuanyuan Yiqi Taiyue Pagoda and the Heavenly Demon Skull in Lu Qian's hands, which are valuable treasures of this level.

With these three elders sitting at the mountain gate, coupled with the numerous mountain-protecting formations deployed by the Miluo Sect for countless years, the Miluo Sect is naturally as stable as Mount Tai.

Luo He stepped on the flowing wind and landed gently at the core of the forbidden area in the back mountain.

He flipped his palm, and a Supreme Immortal Certificate appeared in his hand. As soon as the large, majestic, and infinite Taoist charm of the clear light came out, a low-pitched exclamation came from the forbidden area shrouded in spiritual mist.

Three groups of strange lights suddenly flashed, and three qinghui old men appeared in front of Luo He at the same time, their eyes fixed on the Supreme Immortal Crown: Xiao He'er, what are you...

Lu Qian appeared quietly behind the three elders.

With the help of the Taichu Confusion Bead, Lu Qian followed Luo He all the way and entered the core hinterland of the Miluo Sect. Along the way, there were countless detection formations, countless defensive restrictions, and countless Miluo Sect disciples wandering around. One person can find the slightest trace of Lu Qian.

Even these three old antiques from the Miluo Sect who had participated in creation did not give the slightest warning or the slightest caution.

Lu Qian appeared behind the three of them, still striking hard with the Fallen Angel Whip in his left hand, and hitting the three of them heavily with the Beiming Sword in his right hand. The power of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires of the Fallen Angel Whip swept out. The bodies of the three elders trembled heavily, and strange lights and splendors gushed out from their bodies at the same time. Wherever their thoughts moved, the mysterious law of their own destiny had already erupted.

Just at the critical point where the mysterious law of destiny was about to move, countless evil and strange screams erupted around the three of them, like giant meteorites, slamming into their minds and impacting their souls.

The natal mystical law that was ready to go suddenly collapsed... No matter how strong the natal mystical law was, it was just a spell, not a true innate or acquired spiritual treasure of body protection. If it is a real protective spiritual treasure, if these evil spirits howl loudly, the treasure will have spirit, and it can also actively protect the owner, giving the three of them some time to react.

But the mysterious method of life... It is comparable to a spiritual treasure, but it is not a spiritual treasure after all. After all, it still requires three people to 'think' before it can be activated.

And when the soul is attacked and its thoughts are confused, how can it 'move'?

The Beiming Sword has hit the three of them heavily... Well, it is said to be 'heavy'. In fact, Lu Qian did not use much force. He just used the Beiming Sword, which weighs 1,200 elephants, very 'gently'. , waved it very 'cautiously', and pressed 'gently' on the backs of the three of them.

Lu Qian's physical strength is now too strong, and has exceeded the limit of strength that Yuan Lingtian can tolerate. If he explodes with all his strength, no monk in Yuan Lingtian can withstand his full blow.

With such a gentle press, almost all the bones in the upper bodies of the three people were shattered, and blood spurted out from their mouths like a fountain.

The disciples of the Milo Sect are pure, the purest 'Dharma cultivators' in the world!

They despise all foreign objects, and naturally despise all means of physical cultivation... For them, as long as the magic power is still there, as long as one breath is still there, as long as they hold the magic method, they have nothing to fear.

‘Dharma’ is supreme, everything else is just evil and heresy!

Therefore, the bodies of the three highest-ranking elders of the Miluo Sect are really 'weak'. Although they are a thousand or ten thousand times stronger than mortals, among monks, their physical bodies are just like this. If he didn't use magical powers, a 'little' physical cultivator at the Golden Lotus realm could hold down three old men and rub them on the ground.

With just one blow, Lu Qian almost collapsed the bodies of the three of them.

Severe pain hit, the mana was chaotic, and countless evil spirits turned into extremely fine red dust, clinging to the bodies of the three people and making strange roars.

Waves of terrifying evil power impacted the three souls, bit by bit wearing down the defensive forbidden methods blessed on their souls, and bit by bit consuming the power of their souls.

The souls of these three people were more than ten times stronger than Luo He. It only took so many evil spirits to break through Luo He's soul with a long roar. However, they surrounded the three of them and roared for a full ten breaths. The human soul actually just keeps trembling, but always stands firm.

Lu Qian praised: The famous family has an upright sect and an orthodox inheritance. It really deserves its reputation!

Then, he raised the Fallen Angel Whip and whipped the three of them on the head. The energy of the seven emotions and six desires turned into various indescribable illusions, and the waves of impact hit the three souls, forming a perfect match with those evil howls.

Lu Qian released the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and as a result, the sound of buzzing chanting continued to sound, which caused extremely serious harassment to the souls of the three people.

Three-pronged attack, the three people whined at the same time, the defense of the soul was broken, the soul was violently torn open a gap, a little golden light seed quietly fell, and perfectly integrated with their soul.

Evil demon, can you tell us who you are? The oldest of the three elders slowly opened his eyes. The blue and golden light in his eyes kept flashing. He was using up his last bit of strength to resist. The seed of transformation implanted by Lu Qian: I have heard about your methods from my teacher... Thirty thousand years ago, the Buddhas and demons that swept Yuan Lingtian and almost destroyed the entire cultivation world...

Lu Qian touched his nose.

Have the methods he used been used by the Buddhist monks who invaded Yuanlingtian from the Supreme Holy Heaven 30,000 years ago?

Well, he is indeed a famous and upright family with orthodox inheritance. He still remembers such little things clearly.

Lu Qian coughed slightly: What about Buddha and Demon, what about destroying Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world, I don't understand what you are talking about... The young monk Fahai is just a persecuted man, forced to wander around the world, and he was lucky enough to get a few senior brothers. Taken in, a kind-hearted monk who is helpless and careful to survive.

Putting his hands together, Lu Qian looked at the three elders sincerely: I am a compassionate Buddha, why are you three struggling like this? Come into my door and you will enjoy endless peace and bliss.

Then, Lu Qian raised the Fallen Angel Whip again and smashed the melon seeds on the heads of the three people again.

The strange light in the eyes of the three people dimmed rapidly, and only a little golden light lit up like a spark of fire, covering their eyes in an instant.

Lu Qian and the evil spirits stopped attacking.

As soon as the three people thought about it, a cool drizzle suddenly fell out of thin air. The almost collapsed bodies of the three men healed instantly. They stood up slowly and bowed to Lu Qian: Lord!

Lu Qian smiled and nodded: Gather all the disciples to discuss the future of our sect! Well, let's call them one by one according to their realm. First, gather all the elders and deacons from the Void Realm.

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