Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 503: Spying on the Holy Sun (2)

Near the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, extremely high in the sky.

Here, there is almost nothing in the blue sky. Ordinary Yuan Lingtian monks simply cannot rise to such a height, and other birds, beasts, poisonous insects, foreign objects, etc. do not have this ability.

Lu Qian stood here quietly, surrounded by the silent and invisible green wind that could melt all things; above his head was the invisible and traceless Great Yang True Fire, whose high temperature could melt all things; far away under his feet, there were countless streaks The auroras and thin clouds moved rapidly with the wind, and there were various natural dangers inside. There were even streaks of lightning that were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles long and flashed by.


Looking down at the earth, Lu Qian's eyes flickered, and he could clearly see Hu Buwei's eyelashes at the entrance of Shengyang Palace.

What a shame.

These days, using the great powers of Buddhism, he has forcibly 'transformed' the disciples of the photo studio and the Milo Sect. So many masters have become Lu Qian's most loyal and die-hard lackeys to him. This harvest has made Lu Qian almost Get intoxicated.

These transformed masters are much easier to use than the Tao soldiers in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Although those Tao soldiers have no realm bottlenecks, as long as they invest resources, they can continuously improve their cultivation... But they are humanoid, living combat puppets, monotonous and single. Apart from guarding and protecting their homes and courtyards, they have no big future. . If you ask them to leave you and use a piece of silver to make soy sauce, you may not be able to do it well.

And these converted subordinates... apart from their absolute loyalty to Lu Qian, their sanity, IQ, and basic talents are all the same as before. They still have immeasurable room for development. You give them a piece of silver and ask them to make soy sauce. If they say they can't, they can still haggle with the boss and get an extra two cents of salt and half a tael of vinegar to match.

Being able to save so many elite disciples from Huaying Studio and Miluo Palace, Lu Qian really wanted to repeat his old tricks and wipe out the disasters one by one... If he could conquer all the disciples of Yuanlingtian's hundred sects, After transformation, won't the dark clouds in the sky disperse? Aren’t Yuan Ling Tian and Ji Sheng Tian in harmony? Don’t you need to fight and kill?

But, no!

After subduing so many disciples of the Miluo Sect, and then forcibly converting Mi Xin from the Shengyang Palace, Lu Qian felt a faint sense of crisis... A huge malice was brewing against him, and he could use various methods at any time. Explodes in unpredictable ways.

If Taichu Hun Tongzhu hadn't wiped out all the clues of Lu Qian's existence, this malice might have turned into an actual disaster!

After thinking for a moment, Lu Qian understood what was going on.

If Yuan Lingtian is a large pasture, the consciousness of heaven and earth is the master of grazing. All monks are free-range livestock in this large pasture. The consciousness of heaven and earth has left a mark on them that belongs to Yuan Lingtian - the worldly world. Pig farms and sheep farms also do this. They have been using a red-hot iron on the buttocks of animals since they were young.

But what about Lu Qian?

After he 'transformed' these monks, the marks on these monks changed from Yuan Lingtian's to Lu Qian's.

Yuan Lingtian raises too many animals. It doesn't matter if you 'transfer' thirty, fifty, or even three to five hundred animals. The consciousness of heaven and earth cannot detect or notice... But you are bold and reckless, forcibly transmute three to five thousand, three Fifty thousand, even three to five million...

No matter how slow the rancher's reaction was, he would see an animal with someone else's brand on its butt jumping past in front of him, and then another animal, and then another animal... Even a pig would realize that something was wrong, right? ?

His family's pasture, his family's resources, a large group of other people's livestock came in to eat and drink?

Take a closer look - oh, why do these animals that eat and drink so secretly look so familiar? It seems like it used to belong to our family. Why did it become someone else’s livestock?

Moreover, these powers of Condensing Dao Fruit, Illuminating the Void, and Half-Step Heaven and Human Realm are like the leaders of the herd of animals with noble bloodlines. The consciousness of heaven and earth will naturally take more care of them and take stock of them from time to time!

After all, the worth of these powerful monks is much higher than that of those little minions.

Therefore, Lu Yi can no longer continue to be so unscrupulous... He kept on doing it and used various means to completely wipe out the monks in the photo studio and Miluo Palace.

Thirty thousand years ago, the Buddhist sect from the Supreme Holy Heaven invaded Yuanlingtian as a vanguard. They also first used the method of 'transformation' to gain a group of die-hard subordinates, and then used them as the vanguard to spread the flames of war throughout Yuanlingtian. .

The senior Buddhists from 30,000 years ago were unable to bring the entire Yuan Lingtian monks under their control. In the end, they had to raise the butcher knife... Lu Qian didn't think he could do what they couldn't do!

So...we still have to follow the original plan!

The little sun with a diameter of a hundred miles and shining nearly ten thousand miles hung high above the Shengyang Palace. The golden rays condensed into countless translucent sharp arrows, suspended in the void, and locked Hu Buwei and several photo studio elders.

A low and powerful voice, as if the whole world was resonating, rumbled: Master Hu, if you don't investigate your father's death, why did you come to our Shengyang Palace? Our Shengyang Palace has always acted openly and honestly, and Heyou Studio has never When it comes to any business involvement, are you afraid that you have found the wrong person?

No one wants to mess with a photo studio.

Who, a decent and kind-hearted person, would want to cross paths with a group of killers who are quick to kill?

Therefore, the elder of the Shengyang Palace who stayed at the mountain gate still had a more polite tone. He even suppressed his usual hot temper and was ready to listen to Hu Buwei's explanation.

If it were people from other sects... Even if the elders of the Sword Sect ran to the gate of Shengyang Palace, struck their mountain guard formation with a sword, and even killed their twelve gatekeeper war puppets, what would happen to Shengyang Palace? You have to fight with someone first before talking about anything else.

But the photo studio...

Just keep your tone gentler!

Hu Buwei sneered: You found the wrong person? No, no, no, how could you find the wrong person? My photo studio has spent months of hard work, and the world has been chasing the murderer of my father. It's so easy to have such a small amount of solid evidence. , how could we find the wrong person?

The little sun swayed slightly: Oh? From what the poster said, could it be that my disciple from Shengyang Palace killed your father?

In the Shengyang Palace, several left-behind elders who were alarmed looked in the direction of the mountain gate at the same time, with mixed emotions in their hearts. They kept muttering and swearing at unpleasant words.

The disciples of Shengyang Palace killed the previous owner of the photo studio?

Hey, this thing seems a bit... inexplicably happy... The photo studio is one of the top five superpowers in Yuan Lingtian, and the Shengyang Palace is ranked within the top fifteen. There is a huge gap in strength between the two. , there are still some.

The people from Shengyang Palace were able to kill Hu Tianjun. To be honest, it was very embarrassing for Shengyang Palace.

But if you do this, you have to clean the tail of your hands... Now, the master of suffering has come to your door. If it were another sect, I wouldn't be afraid. Even Milo Sect, Shengyang Palace would dare to go back.

But these killers in the photo studio are all crazy... They couldn't really be their own family members, right?

Hu Buwei sneered: Open the mountain gate and I will tell you personally.

The little sun swayed again, and the density of arrows condensed by golden light in the void suddenly increased by more than ten times: I'm afraid it won't work.

Hu Buwei said angrily: Are you guilty of being a thief?

The little sun raised its voice, and the temperature in the sky rose straight up. With a flash of strong light, the little sun came over the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace. The sun was scorching, and the heat was unbearable. The large ridges outside the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace were not protected by mountain guards. , Countless flowers, plants and trees emitted steam, and they watched a large number of them wither and die.

Within a radius of nine thousand miles, wherever there is no protection by the formation, white steam rises from the streams, rivers, deep pools, waterfalls, etc. in the valley. After a while, all these water sources begin to boil. .

Being a thief with a guilty conscience? In the little sun, a figure in red robe slowly emerged: What the poster said is completely wrong. The temperament of the people in my Shengyang Palace is known to the world. Everyone under my Shengyang Palace has a bad temper, but they are bright. Majesty, this is the innate decision of our skills and path... I, Shengyang Palace, dare to act!

Hu Buwei's whole body was spitting out black cold light, and his body rose into the air, standing level with the figure: So, you admit that you murdered my father?

The figure in red robe waved his hand vigorously: It's not something we did, why should we admit it?

Before he finished speaking, Mi Xin turned into a ball of human-shaped flames and slowly flew up from the ground. He held the imperial flag and shouted sternly: Second Ancestor, Mi Xin and I did this... A few days ago, Mi Xin Outside, he happened to encounter Hu Tianjun doing something that was outrageous and inhumane. Mi Xin was so angry that he teamed up with several fellow Taoists to clean him up.

The royal flag, the treasure of the photo studio, is here as a proof!

Mi Xin slapped his chest so hard that it made a loud noise: Disciples of Shengyang Palace, I never speak hypocritical words. I did it, I did it... You bastards in the photo studio, weep for your father. Are you coming? Haha, what can you do to me?

Mi Xin vigorously shook the imperial flag with rising black energy and faint evil light: Your father, I personally chopped off his head. If you don't do it, what can you do to me? I am the guardian of Shengyang Palace. The 'Burning Heaven and Boiled Sea Four-pole Dazzling Flame Sacred Sun Formation' is the nemesis of these sneaky villains in your photo studio!

Among the little suns, the Taishang Patriarch, who ranked second in Shengyang Palace, almost fell from the air.

He said angrily: Mi Xin, what are you talking about? You have been stabilizing your realm and coordinating your magic power in the palace for more than a year. When did you leave the palace and when did you kill Hu Tianjun?

Mi Xin's expression changed slightly, and he saluted the Second Ancestor: Second Ancestor, this disciple is at fault... In the past year or so, this disciple said he was practicing in seclusion in the palace, but in fact he secretly left the sect... Uh, alder In the wooden city, there is an outer room that the disciple has secretly raised for thirty years. She also gave birth to three children for the disciple. When the disciple went to visit them in the alder city, he happened to meet Hu Tianjun!

The outer room and all that are all nonsense.

But as soon as Mi Xin's words came out, the entire Shengyang Palace was forced to a dead end!

Outside the mountain gate, Hu Buwei's eyes were cracked at the corners, and blood and tears burst out. He looked up at the sky and screamed in a hoarse voice: Give my father his life back!

The next moment, countless photo studio killers appeared out of thin air, and billions of thunder fires roared and smashed into the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace.

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