Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 504: Chicken feathers all over the place

A killer should kill the enemy by any means, regardless of honor, good or evil.

Therefore, the killers in the photo studio, especially those who are not high-level, always carry various powerful thunder beads, thunder charms and other objects with them, which are very useful whether they are raiding the enemy or killing themselves.

Moreover, the photo studio and Baoguang Pavilion are still in-laws.

Hu Tianjun's daughter is married to the chief shopkeeper of the Yunluo Ancient Kingdom branch of Baoguang Pavilion. The relationship between the two parties is really close.

Baoguang Pavilion is one of the two largest commercial sects in Yuan Lingtian. It has channels all over the world and controls countless resources. Naturally, there are countless powerful monks who are good at condensing thunder beads and drawing thunder talismans. Through Baoguang Pavilion, When purchasing thunder beads and thunder charms, the photo studio can also get huge internal discounts.

Therefore, countless photo studio killers suddenly appeared, and literally billions of thunder beads filled the void for hundreds of miles around, like a downpour, hitting the mountain guard formation of Shengyang Palace.

Along with the countless thunder and fire, there was Hu Buwei's hissing cry: The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable! Shengyang Palace, my photo studio and you will fight to the death!

A group of photo studio elders also took action.

The void twists, the spirit devours, the Tao Yun changes, huge black whirlpools emerge in the void, and extremely powerful forbidden killing techniques continue to fall down.

The next moment, the sky collapsed.

The Shengyang Palace's mountain-protecting array shook violently. In the array hubs inside the mountain gate, countless Shengyang Palace monks responsible for maintaining the operation of the array exclaimed in unison: Spiritual crystal, spiritual crystal, quickly, open the warehouse, quickly Send the spiritual crystal over!

Countless thunderbolts exploded, including thunder beads condensed by half-step celestial beings and thunder talismans drawn, which could be shattered hundreds of miles away with a single strike. Countless thunder beads and thunder talismans exploded almost at the same time. The terrifying power turned into a ball of chaotic flames, swallowing everything, and shattering the outermost three-layer defense formation of Shengyang Palace in one blow.

It has stood outside the gate of Shengyang Palace for 30,000 years. It was carved from lava corals from deep-sea volcanoes. The giant archway is three miles high and twelve miles wide. It was hit by thousands of thunder beads at the same time. , the huge archway was blown to pieces, and countless red coral fragments spitting flames flew around.

At the outermost edge of the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, near the mountain gate archway, within a hundred miles, there are caves where thousands of outer sect disciples, servants and servants live, large and small. The lava coral is extremely dense and extremely heavy. A fist as big as it weighs tens of thousands of kilograms. It also contains terrible fire poison. The red flames it spits out are enough to instantly vaporize ordinary refined steel.

Countless fragments flew, causing caves to collapse and shatter. At least more than 100,000 Shengyang Palace outer disciples and servants were reduced to ashes by the high temperature erupting from the lava and coral fragments without being able to even utter a scream. .

In the air, Chi Huoyuan, the second ancestor of Shengyang Palace, hissed and cursed.

Thirty thousand years!

Thirty thousand years have passed since the war!

No one attacks the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace anymore... The skills they practice are extremely extreme, and all the disciples explode like firecrackers. Shengyang Palace, with its explosive and paranoid personality, has superb skills and amazing combat power. In Yuan Lingtian, , a bully-type sect that hides from everyone!

They have always been the only ones to bully others, no one has ever dared to bully them!

But today, the ancestor of Shengyang Palace dived into the deep sea 30,000 years ago, worked hard for hundreds of years to collect enough lava coral, and spent 800 years of hard work to build the mountain gate archway, which was blown to pieces!

Chi Huoyuan jumped to his feet and cursed angrily: Activate the big formation and fuck me to death! Mi Xin, you little bastard, we will worry about your affairs after we finish working in the photo studio.

Deep in the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, several flames shot up into the sky. They were still nearly ten thousand miles away from the destroyed archway. Large fire clouds and immeasurable flames had swept in, covering the entire world in an instant.

In the sky, fire clouds as thick as glue were rolling violently, and huge fire bubbles were brewing rapidly in the fire clouds. The next moment, countless house-sized magma fireballs silently erupted from the bursting fire bubbles. It hit the ground heavily.

One group, two groups, three groups...

Children, kill! an elder of the photo studio screamed: I, the son of the photo studio, are not afraid of death... drag them and die together!

Balls of magma and fireballs fell to the ground, and then exploded violently.

The ones who took action were the half-step celestial beings who stayed behind in the Shengyang Palace. They used all their strength to activate their great magical powers. Every blow was like an ancient volcano erupting. A ball of magma and fire fell to the ground, and flames rose up for hundreds of miles.

Groups of fire continued to superimpose, superimposed crazily, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned into a lava hell. The earth was trembling and boiling. The area of ​​three to five thousand miles in front of the Shengyang Palace Mountain Gate instantly turned into a rolling and turbulent area. In the sea of ​​lava, countless photo studio killers who were not well-educated were washed away by the fire and their magic power was confused. They fell into the lava with wailing sounds and instantly turned into a wisp of smoke.

Black light that was hundreds of miles long cut down heavily.

The elders of the photo studio allowed those low-level killers to be killed in large numbers. They did not care, but they frantically attacked the Shengyang Palace defense formation that had been twisted to the extreme.

The black light crazily tore at the increasingly brighter red light curtain. The light curtain twisted, trembled, splashed countless ripples, and continuously erupted with harsh tearing sounds.

Suddenly, inside the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, shrill howls came from several formation hubs.

A photo studio killer swooped out from the shadows, slashing and killing the Shengyang Palace disciples who were frantically adding spiritual crystals and running formations. The Shengyang Palace disciples who were operating the mountain gate formation at full strength were almost powerless to resist, and most of them were killed in an instant.

Afterwards, many photo studio killers directly detonated the world-purifying divine thunder on their bodies!

Well, Lu Qian provided them with a world-purifying divine thunder with absolutely terrifying lethality!

Balls of golden light seemed to spread slowly. Inside the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace, the towering mountain peaks suddenly collapsed and disappeared silently in the golden light. Each formation hub and countless formation nodes were instantly annihilated, and irreparable loopholes immediately appeared in the entire Shengyang Palace's mountain-protecting formation.

Kill! Hu Buwei screamed: The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable... Today, in our photo studio and Shengyang Palace, only one can be left alive!

Including Chi Huoyuan and Mi Xin, there are a total of five supreme elders in the Shengyang Palace who are half-step into the heaven and human realm to stay in the sect.

The skills of Shengyang Palace are too extreme and too hot. Therefore, when practicing, there are many disciples who often become possessed by demons, burn their bodies with internal fire, and their souls are scattered and their bodies and souls are destroyed. And the more advanced your cultivation is, the greater the probability of a fire. When you reach the Light Void Realm, and then you have to break through it, the various fire tribulation levels are simply one step and one death disaster. It is more difficult to break through half a step to the Heavenly Realm than ordinary sects. Quite a few.

Therefore, Shengyang Palace does not have as many half-step celestial realm elders as there are in other super sects.

In the huge Shengyang Palace, there are only 16 people who are half-step into the realm of heavenly beings. Adding in a few hidden old antiques, the total number of people is only 21!

Bai Yu was offering a reward from the Supreme Immortal, and most of the powerful people in Sheng Yang Palace rushed to help Bai Yu exterminate the evil spirits. Only five people remained in Sheng Yang Palace - including Mi Xin, who had just broken through the realm. A little more than 10 years old, the mole who was also 'transformed' by Lu Qian!

As for those who appeared outside the gate of Shengyang Palace today, there were eighteen people who were half-step into the realm of celestial beings in the photo studio!

Chi Huoyuan looked at the eighteen photo studio elders who were twisting and attacking quickly towards him, and laughed loudly: Hahaha, these idiots from your photo studio actually have the guts to show off with me in front of Shengyang Palace today. right?

It's not that I look down on you. Just those three or two blows from you in the photo studio. In a head-on fight, I can kill ten of you!

The other three elders of Shengyang Palace who stayed behind in the sect were also excited and gearing up. They turned into the sun and rushed towards the mountain gate: Come, come, come, old ghost from the photo studio, haha, let us Shengyang Palace weigh it. Weigh your quality!

The evil reputation of the photo studio is known to the world.

But killers in photo studios have always been sneaky and sneaky, especially at the level of Zhao Void and Half-Step Heavenly Realm. I have never heard of a killer at the level of a photo studio fighting someone head-on.

Kill with one hit and fly away, or miss with one hit and fly thousands of miles away. This is the style of the photo studio!

But today, eighteen photo studio elders actually charged head-on... Chi Huoyuan and the others did not feel any pressure, but instead felt great excitement and stimulation!

The flames burned their bodies and even burned their souls. Chi Huoyuan and the other four elders who really stayed behind had fallen into a state of insanity that they could not extricate themselves from. They wanted to fight, they wanted to fight, and they wanted to kill the elders of the photo studio who dared to provoke Shengyang Palace. ,all……

High in the sky, Lu Qian saw the opportunity and the Blood Taotie Cauldron suddenly activated.

Four extremely thin streaks of blood fell from the sky, as fast as lightning, and struck at Chi Huoyuan and the four of them. The terrifying evil power surged into the sky, and the cold murderous intent condensed into substance, which caused the four Chihuoyuan people to quickly raise their heads, their pupils contracted, and they looked at the four shockingly powerful bloody lights in horror.

Just when he raised his head, the eighteen photo studio elders were still charging forward. Eight supreme elders from the photo studio's direct lineage suddenly appeared beside the four of Chi Huoyuan.

The one who pretended to charge outside was the elder of the photo studio with a foreign surname.

The real killing move had been brought into Shengyang Palace by Mi Xin long ago and had been hidden in the mountain gate for several days.

There was no sound, no fluctuation, no sign of anything unusual. The eight elders of the photo studio who had been preparing for a long time transformed into countless afterimages and circled around the four Chihuoyuan people. A large amount of blood suddenly burst out from the bodies of the four Supreme Elders of the Holy Fire Palace.

When the blood just spurted out, the blood was red and burning with billowing flames.

With a snap of his fingers, the blood turned into pitch black, with ice flakes twinkling in it.

Violent poison, extremely terrifying poison, a poison that even half a step into the realm of heaven and human beings cannot withstand... The fire around Chi Huoyuan suddenly dimmed, and they all vomited blood. The blood they spit out was even darker in color, like ink. .

Four streaks of bloody light fell heavily from the Blood Taotie, and instantly submerged into the bodies of the four people.

This is the highest level of Mahakala. They have excavated countless ancient ruins and obtained a demon-killing treasure. The blood gas enters the body and specifically pollutes the souls and blood essence of the monks. It specifically damages the source and taints the soul.

Mi Xin! Chi Huoyuan screamed. He felt a chill all over his body. He could only mobilize less than 10% of his magic power!

He hissed: Escort us and leave to find the headmaster and everyone else...

Mi Xin waved the Royal Spirit Flag gently in his hand, and Chi Huoyuan and the other four Supreme Elders suddenly stiffened. The souls that were severely injured by the blood glutton were pulled out of the body by the Royal Spirit Flag without any precautions, and were instantly integrated into the Royal Spirit Flag.

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