Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 517 The Beginning of the Chaos

Huayucheng, East Gate Tower.

Bai Yuan sat on the highest floor of the city gate building. The doors and windows were open, and a bronze mirror floated in front of him, reflecting what was happening by the Qiuxue River. Naturally, there was a scene where the Thirteen Fire Crow Ancestors were madly attacking and the Dianjian Peak monks came to reinforce them.

Dianjian Peak? Bai Yuan asked Tao Yunzi who was standing next to him.

Dianjian Peak, among the many swordsmanship sects in Yuan Lingtian, can barely be regarded as a serious sect. Zhuo Yunzi said with a hint of disdain in his tone: It's just that compared with our sect's extensive and profound swordsmanship inheritance, Dianjian Peak In terms of swordsmanship, if you only get the word 'quick', you will definitely be inferior.

Dianjian Peak ranks fifty-fifth among the top 100 sects in Yuanlingtian. Among the many sects in Yuanlingtian, it is considered the strongest sect besides Sword Sect!

However, perhaps it is the Jianmen family that dominates the Yuanlingtian swordsmanship. Among the top 100 sects in the huge Yuanlingtian cultivation world, apart from the Jianmen, there is only the Dianjianfeng swordsmanship sect. The other small and medium-sized kendo sects have three or two big cats and kittens, but they are all insignificant.

This highlights the special status of Dianjian Peak.

Being able to occupy a place among the top 100 sects outside of Jianmen, Dianjianfeng's combat power is still very strong. If it weren’t for the great reputation of the Sword Sect, too many swordsmanship seeds who worshiped the Sword Sect, and the number of disciples of the Dianjian Peak being slightly sparse, with the inheritance of the Dianjian Peak, it would be a bit of a problem to break into the top 30. nothing.

Yinyuan sat next to Bai Yu, touched her little hand, and said lazily: No matter who he is, coming here to fight against our brothers is a capital crime... Xiaobai, I think they should We can close our doors. Yuan Lingtian, one sword gate is enough. What kind of electric sword peak is this? Haha, what are you leaving them for?

Bai Yu's eyes lit up and he nodded: Brother Yin is right. Several elders quickly made plans to see how to kill this Electric Sword Peak.

Zhu Yunzi was stunned, looked at each other with several other elders, and nodded with a wry smile.

Forget it, just destroy it. Dianjian Peak’s legacy of swordsmanship is still quite impressive. If Dianjian Peak is destroyed, its classics can be used to enrich the Sword Sect’s own heritage.

Bai Yu looked at the image in the bronze mirror and said with excitement: It looks like this is a big show. Brother Zhishen, I wonder if you can handle it?

Yinyuan smiled slightly and said calmly: Let Brother Lu play for a while first. How much can they do with a mere Water God Palace? The Milo Sect should be able to suppress it. We should just watch the show on the sidelines and wait. Brother Lu and the others really can't hold it back any longer, Xiaobai, if you bring someone out again... with the support of your sister-in-law... the mere Water God Palace can't turn the tables!

The white turtle smiled so hard that both rows of white teeth were exposed.

Well, the protagonist naturally appears last... When 'Lu Zhishen' can no longer bear it, she, the sister-in-law, will appear with reinforcements from Jianmen and blind a group of people. Only then can she show what she can do as a sister-in-law. What?

Yinyuan's words won her heart!

The ancestors of the thirteen fire crows screamed, and they began to burn their essence and blood hysterically. After being frozen by Luo Wuji, monstrous flames burst out from their bodies again, and the color of the flames turned into an almost transparent cyan, and the temperature of the flames was higher than The flames released before were more than a hundred times higher?

The ice crystals melted rapidly, and the fire burned crazily. Song couldn't release the purple rays of light, causing large ripples. There was even a faint high temperature seeping in through the purple rays of light, forcing the disciples of the Miluo Sect behind Lu Qian and others to continuously retreat. .

Song Wenfa and Luo Wuji scolded at the same time.

Four more elders of the Miluo Sect took action. They did not sacrifice any spiritual treasures or the like. They just activated their own mysterious magic, and various strange phenomena rushed out, covering the void for thousands of miles, killing the ancestors of the thirteen fire crows. Suppress it, drain away their energy and blood bit by bit, consume their mana, and crush the burning feathers on their bodies into pieces one by one.

Lu Qian let out a long roar, and even sacrificed the Xuanyuan Qi Taiyue Pagoda. The rising yellow light of the Taiyue Pagoda turned into a giant object, crushing it from a high altitude, and an abnormally heavy force field tightly imprisoned ten people. The ancestor of the three-headed fire crow dispelled most of their arrogance.

The expressions of Huo Minyun and the other two Supreme Elders of Fire Crow Valley suddenly changed.

They stamped their feet fiercely and muttered a few times towards Li Guiliu.

Li Guiliu looked at Tie Feiliu from the Mingyin Sect, but all the monks from the Mingyin Sect shook their heads. Tie Feiliu swore that their skills were incompatible with those of the thirteen Fire Crow Ancestors. Once they used them, The cold and cold air was so strong that it might accidentally injure the thirteen trapped Fire Crow Ancestors.

While they were calculating, the monks from Dianjian Peak who came to help from behind had already come out with their swords without saying a word.

The nine Dianjian Peak elders who were half-step into the Heavenly Realm took the lead, followed by a large group of masters from the Lighting Void and Condensing Dao Fruit Realm. They formed a sharp sword array, and wisps of cold light condensed out of thin air, locking onto Lu Qian and others here.

The next moment, countless bolts of lightning shot into the sky.

Electric Sword Peak is truly worthy of its name. The sword comes out like lightning, and the light of the sword is like a thunderbolt. It cuts across thousands of miles of void in an instant, striking hard at the purple rays of light that Song cannot release. Hearing the sharp sound of breaking through the air, Song Wenfa's body swayed slightly, and blood emerged from all seven orifices at the same time.

In an instant, the purple air and glow withstood the impact of sword light at least a million times. Dianjianfeng's swordsmanship is extremely fast, so fast that you can't react at all. The sword light was like rain, like the roar of thunder, especially the nine elders of Dianjian Peak who were half-stepping into the Heavenly Realm. The sword light was reaching its extreme, and each sword had the power to tear the sky apart.

There was a crisp sound, and the purple rays of light burst. Song could not spit out a mouthful of blood. He drank softly, and a soft, thin and transparent Lopa with colorful rays of light flew out of his sleeve, and with a 'swish', it turned into a monstrous bright cloud blocking the sky. in front of him.

This is a top-quality defensive spiritual treasure, a good thing from the Ninth Level of the Other Side Realm.

Although the monks of the Miluo Sect have studied the 'Dharma' to the extreme, they have also condensed the mysterious law of their own life, and rarely use killing methods such as flying swords, spiritual talismans, thunder beads, and spiritual treasures. However, this just means that they are too lazy to use it, which does not mean that they don’t have it!

As one of the top five super sects in Yuan Lingtian's comprehensive strength, the Miluo Sect has a very rich fortune.

The piece of Luopa that Song Fa couldn't have, Taiyi Jinluo of the Two Yi Huiming Forbidden Sky Locking God, is the ancestral spiritual treasure of the Song family of the Miluo Sect. It has endless changes and endless magical uses.

The colorful rosy clouds cross the sky, and the five-colored rays of light are gathering from all directions.

Wisps of rays of rays of light condensed into long auras and puffed in the air. The soft and erratic rays of rays of light collided with the countless sword lights of the Dianjian Peak, and actually made a harsh sound of gold and iron clashing. This seemingly extremely fragile Xiaguang didn't move at all. The Condensing Dao Fruit of Dianjian Peak, the monks in the Illuminating Void Realm, and the natal flying swords of many people were actually smashed by the Xiaguang!

This ray of light is domineering and fierce, its softness and erraticness are just its surface. Its real root is the various innate evil spirits condensed in the void. The infinite evil spirits are condensed into a wisp. It is extremely heavy, extremely tough, and even more sharp.

Ordinary monks are swept away by this ray of light and become ashes.

Even the natal flying swords that these Dianjian Peak monks had maintained for many years with their own essence, blood, and soul could not withstand the terrible pressure in the glow and were instantly destroyed if they were touched even slightly.

The large group of Electric Sword Peak cultivators vomited blood and flew back, each one glaring angrily in this direction.

Unable to calm down, Song took out a pill and drank it, and the color quickly returned to his pale face. He chuckled, and sprayed a breath of vitality on Taiyi Jinluo. Suddenly the glow became stronger, and wisps of glow twined towards the thirteen trapped Fire Crow Ancestors. Wherever the glow passed, large pieces of feathers disintegrated, and the Fire Crow Ancestor became strong. Like a diamond, huge wounds that were as deep as the bone suddenly opened on his body.

Go! Huo Naoyun and three other Fire Crow Valley elders yelled angrily.

However, their own cultivation is limited, so they would not dare to come and fight Song Wen and others. So they whistled, urging countless fire crows to fly into the sky. When these fire crows raised their heads, they spurted out a stream of life essence and blood from their mouths, and injected it into the bodies of the ancestors of the thirteen fire crows.

Infused with the essence and blood of countless descendants, the thirteen-headed fire crow ancestor's arrogance soared.

There was a loud bang, and several huge wings hit the Taiyue Tower. Lu Qian felt his energy and blood shake, and he staggered back two steps. The Taiyue Tower was actually hit by several fire crow ancestors. He used brute force to fly hundreds of miles into the air, almost losing the spiritual connection with Lu Qian.

The terrifying flames rolled in, and Song Wenfa, Luo Wuji, and the other four elders who took action shook their bodies and groaned at the same time. Except for Song Wuwei's Taiyi Jinluo, which only slightly shocked Ji Xia, Luo Wuji and the other four elders' natal mystical spells were broken at the same time, and they all vomited blood.

Luo Wuji's face darkened, he casually took out a Kirin paperweight, spurted out a breath of vitality, and shook his hands to take out the paperweight, which was brightly colored and made of glass.

A ball of colorful light flashed rapidly, and there was a pop sound. The head of an ancestor of the fire crow exploded into a large ball of plasma. It was wailing and was slapped by a paperweight until its skull cracked, and it began to spin and fall towards the ground.

Luo Wuji pointed his hand, and a ray of blood spurted out from his fingertips and landed on the Qilin paperweight.

This unicorn paperweight roared continuously, turning into colorful flames that quickly flew up, fell, flew up, and fell. In the blink of an eye, it bombarded the head of the Fire Crow Ancestor hundreds of times.

'Boom boom' loud noises continued, the fire crow ancestor's head was smashed to pieces, a ball of fire exploded in his body, the earth shook violently, a blue-purple fire cloud slowly rose, and the earth was burned out. A large pit with a diameter of hundreds of miles and an unfathomable depth.

One of the thirteen fire crow ancestors in the Fire Crow Valley died here.

Huo Minyun and the other two trembled together, and began to wail like mourning concubines... The remaining twelve fire crow ancestors hissed in unison, and then turned around and left, never looking at Song Feng and others again. An ancestor of the fire crow even screamed: More money, more money, otherwise, we will come back to you!

Song couldn't blow it out in a gentle breath, and in the blink of an eye, the colorful bright clouds enveloped another fire crow ancestor.

Taiyi Jinluo closed inwards, and silently, the fire crow ancestor disappeared into thin air, leaving no remains behind.

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