Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 518 The Beginning of the Chaos (2)

Two fire crow ancestors were killed.

The big parrot squatting on top of Lu Qian's head suddenly rushed out and took a deep breath towards the blood mist and fire in the sky.

Whoosh amidst the roaring sound of wind and fire, wisps of extremely fine blood essence slowly flew out from the blood mist and flames, and were continuously sucked into the mouth of the big parrot. However, the big parrot's cultivation level is limited, and the blood essence he extracts is extremely limited.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and shouted softly: That's it!

He grabbed it with his big hand, and from the wreckage of the Fire Crow Ancestor that exploded on the ground, and from the blood mist of the Fire Crow Ancestor who was strangled in the air, wisps of agile blood essence spurted out, and instantly turned into two balls of blood the size of water tanks. A ball of light was suspended in front of the big parrot.

The big parrot roared in joy, Master Bird, I have become rich today!

Opening its mouth, the big parrot swallowed the blood essence of the two fire crow ancestors in one gulp. I saw the feathers on his body stood up one by one, and then ignited with a huge flame. He staggered as if he was drunk, barely flew back to Lu Qian, and then fell down.

Lu Qian pointed his hand and put the big parrot into his long sleeves.

This time, it was incredible.

The rabbit cat and rhubarb roared lowly, the snapping turtle shook its head, and the green snake made a sharp chirping sound, eagerly wagging its head and tail in Lu Qian's sleeve, and slapped Lu Qian's wrist with its thin tail, making a crisp snap sound. ring.

Lu Qian looked thoughtfully towards the direction of the formation of the Water God Palace. In the formation, countless dragons and dragons prepared by the Water God Palace using secret methods and using spiritual elixirs to warm and nourish their blood were manipulating them vigorously. Countless aquariums are arrayed.

Reaching out and patting his sleeve, Lu Qian whispered: It's yours. It's yours after all. You can't run away. Also, don't worry, you three. I think your chance is not far away.

Before he finished speaking, the exit of a vortex tunnel suddenly expanded beneath the formation of the Water God Palace. A white wave rushed up hundreds of miles high, and strange-shaped giant turtles roared out of the white waves. After landing, their heads flicked, and they transformed into burly men with a height of more than ten feet and wearing heavy armor.

The big men transformed by these giant turtles rushed out of nearly a million people. The exit of the corridor suddenly became brighter. The Turtle Ancestor transformed into a three-foot-tall skinny old man wearing a green robe. He took a slow step with his hands behind his back. Step out.

Li Guiliu and others hurriedly came forward and bowed to Gu Zu with some humility.

The sword cultivators at the Electric Sword Peak saw the Fire Crow Ancestors fleeing in panic, and strong reinforcements arrived from their own side. They sheathed their swords at the same time, and the huge sword formation slowly retreated. Many sword cultivators retreated, vomiting blood and staring at Song Feng and his party with unkind eyes.

These sword cultivators were all unlucky ones whose natal flying swords were crushed by Taiyi Jinluo, and their souls were damaged.

A sword cultivator's skills are all based on this natal flying sword. If the flying sword is destroyed, he cannot use 10% of his strength. How easy is it to find a natal flying sword that suits him?

Most of the natal flying swords of the disciples of Electric Sword Peak come from Sword City, the finest products from the Earth Lung Furnace.

But now the Earth Lung Furnace has been blasted into the sky by some unscrupulous guy, and even the sword washing pool has been wiped out... The disciples of the Electric Sword Peak want to find another good treasure with the same quality as the previous natal flying sword. Where to find this?

In the void, the two camps mobilized their troops and generals, changing their formations.

Finally, with the west bank of the Qiuxue River as the boundary line, the two sides faced each other nearly a hundred miles apart.

At the Water God Palace, headed by Guizu for the time being, water vapor was rising into the sky, water mist was filling the air, and the thick smell of water gave people a headache. Especially the party in the Fire Crow Valley, who practiced the fire method themselves, were suffocated by the water vapor around them. The ancestor of the eleven Fire Crows, who barely survived, was furious and kept cursing.

On the side of Miluo Palace, the treasure light soared into the sky, and mysterious light overflowed. A group of elite disciples in Miluo Palace used their methods to release the breath of their own mysterious magic, which turned into various pagodas, spiritual mountains, auspicious clouds, stars, morning sun, sunset and other visions, which continuously illuminated thousands of miles.

Especially Song couldn't wait for the nineteen Supreme Elders present, and they all sacrificed the spiritual treasures they had packed at the bottom of the box. The colorful flames shot up hundreds of miles high and dispersed all the clouds in the sky, revealing a bright starry sky above their heads.

Among them was a Supreme Elder of the Miluo Sect, whose spiritual treasure was a flag that could draw the power of the stars for his own use. This flag, which was a hundred feet high, swayed in the wind, and you could see the brilliance of the stars in the sky rolling back, like a Long rivers rushed in, and the essence of the stars poured into the formation set up by the disciples of the Miluo Sect. The disciples of the Miluo Sect were all shining with starlight, like heavenly soldiers and generals, and their appearance was extraordinary.

In comparison, the Water God Palace is full of a group of weird shrimp soldiers and crab generals jumping around. In terms of appearance, it is a bit inferior to the boss.

However, in terms of top combat power, the Water God Palace, Mingyin Sect, Fire Crow Valley, Dianjian Peak, plus a group of turtle grandsons brought by the Turtle Ancestor, their number of powerful people in the half-step Heavenly Realm directly exceeds seventy Public.

Regardless of their cultivation and means, just in terms of numbers, the group of people gathered in the Water God Palace even overwhelmed the Jianmen!

More than seventy-and-a-half steps to the realm of heavenly beings... This number can scare ninety-nine percent of Yuan Lingtian's sects to death!

Although they have different origins and different techniques, so many powerful people who are half-step into the heaven and human realm gather together, and the aura they release at will turns into an immeasurable floating void, faintly overwhelming the Milo Sect.

Lu Qian couldn't help but be happy: It's almost the same. Each elder on our side has to fight about four of each other. Can you handle it?

Song Wenbu's face twitched slightly.

He and the other elders with the strongest skills can easily defeat the other four elders. It is a bit difficult to win, and it is very difficult to kill them. The other elders of the Miluo Sect, with the foundation of the Milo Sect, can withstand two powerful opponents at the same time. With three people, it will be very difficult, and with four people, they will have to flee!

Shaking his head, Song Wenfa whispered: I'm afraid, if I can't bear it, I guess I'll have to go out in force!

Lu Qian nodded and pointed at Song Wenfa: People can call them friends, so can you!

Song Feng couldn't look at each other and the elders of his sect, nodded, each used their own methods without saying a word, and began to call friends after careful consideration, just like in the Water God Palace, inviting people to help with their fists.

Not only do you have close friends in the Water God Palace, but the Milo Palace family has a great cause, so naturally they also have a group of buddies and vassals. Don't you just want to make things bigger? Then let’s straighten things out...

In the camp of Shuishen Palace, Li Guiliu walked forward for more than ten miles with great ambition, and shouted loudly: Song Wenfa, this matter has reached such a stage, what else can you say? If you are right, you will get more help, but if you are wrong, you will get less help. I The Water God Palace has so many Taoist friends who have traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come to our aid with a fair heart and a righteous sentiment.

It can be seen that this truth lies with our Water God Palace!

Do you, Milo Cult, really want to continue fighting?

Look at your Qilin son Song Shibian...he is a strong candidate for the position of the next headmaster of your Miluo Sect. Are you willing to let him perish here?

Song Shibian slowly raised his head and shouted sternly: Ancestor, don't worry about Shibian's life and death. I, a disciple of Miluo Sect, will never be greedy for life or afraid of death!

These words were categorical. After Song Shibian finished speaking, he suddenly stuck out his tongue, and closed the two rows of big teeth with force. With a 'click' sound, he bit off the small half of his tongue, and spit it out with a 'pop' sound. , blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth, and blood flowed down his chin like a stream.

Song Feng's eyes suddenly turned red and he hissed: My son! Li Guiliu, I swear to destroy all nine of your tribes!

Li Guiliu turned around suddenly and saw Song Shibian's tragic appearance with blood spurting out of his mouth. He trembled with fright and shouted sternly: Are you dead? Why don't you treat them quickly... Our Shuishen Palace is a well-known and upright sect, how can we do this? Do you commit such a despicable act of abusing prisoners?

Li Guiliu was really shocked.

Everyone competes for the inheritance of the secret palace and fights for external possessions. This kind of thing is not uncommon among the Yuanlingtian sect. After a hundred and eighty years, it always happens once or twice. Fight after fight, as long as nothing happens to the important core characters, everyone will still be good friends afterwards, and generally there will be no mortal enemies.

But if Song Shibian died here... it would be difficult not to have a deadly feud!

As the supreme elder of the Miluo Sect, Song Wenfeng has the highest cultivation level, the most power, and countless disciples. If he insists on playing against the Water God Palace, he may really kill the nine Li Guiliu clans by himself!

Li Guiliu was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He shouted several times angrily. Seeing several of his juniors rushing to treat Song Shi, Li Guiliu turned around and said with a gloomy face: That secret mansion Inheritance, your Milo Sect has taken it and it’s useless.”

Song Feng couldn't shout sternly: Regardless of whether it is useful or not, this secret palace was discovered first by Shi Bian, and the secret palace is on the territory of my Milo Sect!

Li Guiliu jumped to his feet and cursed: Song Wenfa, are you shameless? The entrance to the secret palace is at Qiuxue River. This Qiuxue River is clearly the water area controlled by my Water God Palace, and it is the territory of my Water God Palace!

Song couldn't point fiercely at the bronze gate stuck on the water: That's nonsense. Qiu Xuejiang is the boundary river between you and me. It should be half of it for you and me. Look at the distance between the gate and the west bank. It's obviously farther than yours. The east coast is more than a thousand miles closer!

Li Guiliu and the elders of the Water God Palace looked towards the water below, and their faces suddenly turned dark.

There was a big fight before, and this section of the Qiuxue River was turned into a large lake with a diameter of two to three thousand miles... The bronze gate is now thousands of miles closer to the west bank than to the east bank!

According to the definition of the boundary river, if everyone has half of the water surface of the boundary river...it seems that the truth is on the side of the Water God Palace?

Li Guiliu's eyes widened and he was trying to think of something to say. The turtle ancestor had already snorted coldly, raised his right hand and squeezed it gently.

With a loud bang, outside the east gate of Huayu City, thousands of miles of land that had been beaten into a mess suddenly collapsed, and immeasurable white water gushes out from the ground, instantly turning the thousands of miles of land outside the east gate of Huayu City into a vast body of water. .

From this point of view, the entrance and exit gate of this secret mansion is more than two thousand miles closer to the east coast!

Turtle Ancestor said coldly: Look, the truth is here at the Water God Palace!

Song Feng couldn't help but jumped with anger: Is this, completely unreasonable?

Turtle Ancestor looked at Song Wenfa proudly: Young descendants, Huangkou children, what do you think my ancestor is telling you? If you want to fight, fight quickly. When you're done, call it a day. I'll go back and take a nap!

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