Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 529: Expansion

Yuan Lingtian, the main altar of Senluo Sect.

Unlike the grand, solemn and solemn mountain gates of other top 100 sects, the main sect of Senluo Sect is more like a secular country.

Under the huge mountain-protecting formation, among the mountains, there are densely populated towns with no more than 10,000 people. Tens of thousands of small towns together form the Senluo Sect, which can be called the oldest inheritance of Yuan Lingtian. General forum.

As many sects, inheritances, and cultivation techniques as there are in Yuan Lingtian, Senluo Sect has corresponding branches and schools. Refining alchemy, refining talismans, refining corpses, refining weapons... Swordsmanship, Formation Tao, Feng Shui, Kanyu...Buddhist cultivation, Taoist cultivation, demonic cultivation, ghost cultivation...

There are all kinds of majestic avenues and crooked ways. Senluo Sect is all-encompassing and inclusive.

There are even many elders who practice many disciplines.

There are elders who refine corpses and use zombies as flying swords to sacrifice.

There are elders who make elixirs, catching demons and using them as elixirs to make elixirs.

There are elders who practice Buddhism, but they also practice the Yin and Yang dual cultivation methods of Taoism.

There is an elder who is a demon cultivator, but he forcibly refines Buddhist relics!

In short, there are many weird things and countless evil things in Senluo Sect... But just because there are so many fun and interesting things, many masters and celebrities are too distracted and cannot improve their cultivation level. Although it is ranked among the top 100, and due to its long inheritance and large number of disciples, it is still ranked very high, but in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world, all sects firmly believe that Senluo Sect is probably among the top 100 sects. Among them, they are just at the bottom.

After all, the total number of supreme elders disclosed to the public by the Senluo Sect is only seven or eight!


Only a few core executives of the Senluo Sect know the true face of the Senluo Sect.

Senluo Mountain is 320 miles high and has a base radius of 12,000 miles. Its mountain range stretches for millions of miles and has dozens of branches. There are thousands of blessed places and secret realms inside, and it is protected by an ancient formation. , Senluo Mountain has long spiritual inspiration and rich Taoist charm. It has been the main altar of Senluo Sect for countless years.

Deep in the heart of Senluo Mountain, among the many restrictive formations, there is an underground palace that occupies a vast area.

The entire underground palace is made of five-color fine gold, which is simple and colorful. Every inch of the land exudes an extremely ancient charm of vicissitudes of life.

Here, there are dozens of unpredictable but extremely powerful auras, and strange lights of various colors shine, illuminating the entire underground palace. If there are powerful experts from other sects present, they should be able to feel that these dozens of breaths are half a step into the realm of heaven and man.

Among them, there is an obscure qi mechanism that is hidden and hidden, which is far more powerful than these half-step gods.

Just like Bai Zhu of the Sword Sect, the Senluo Sect also has powerful beings in the realm of gods and humans hidden behind the scenes.

Deep in the underground palace, a gold and copper hall is surrounded by blazing fire and fierce golden gas. If you get closer, the fire will almost burn your soul, while the golden gas will penetrate directly into the internal organs. Ordinary monks can't stand it even a little bit. Not much, if touched, the internal organs will be shattered into pieces.

In the main hall, Elder Luo Hua, the general manager of the outer sect of the Senluo Sect, was holding a thin booklet, reporting on the recent events in Yuan Lingtian.

At the end of the hall is a giant throne that is a hundred feet high. It is a metal war puppet with a dragon head and a human body and colorful dragon scales all over its body. It has a powerful and terrifying aura that almost condenses into substance. It freezes the entire void of the hall. , sitting calmly on the throne, quietly listening to Luo Hua's report.

This war puppet is a secret treasure of the Senluo Sect that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Only the masters of each generation can master it.

In that catastrophe 30,000 years ago, this war puppet only made one full-strength attack. Although it was severely injured, it also caused the death of one of the nine heavenly beings in the Supreme Holy Heaven and severely injured another.

Except for that time, this war puppet brazenly killed a heavenly being from the Supreme Holy Heaven, which caused drastic changes in the battle situation. The Supreme Supreme Being from the Sword Sect may have been unable to escape the killing disaster. After he fell in the pursuit, there would be no more powerful rise behind him, and the great achievements of almost annihilating the Supreme Holy Heaven with one man and one sword.

For 30,000 years, the Senluo Sect secretly collected resources and spent countless efforts to finally repair this war puppet to the best of its ability, reaching its peak strength. The war puppet has also been passed down to this generation of leader Wanxiang.

The deity of Wanxiang is still drinking the cold wind outside the barrier between heaven and earth in the Holy Heaven.

But a ray of his soul rests on this war puppet, and he still has perfect control over everything in the Senluo Sect.

So, the Earth Lung Furnace of Jianmen was destroyed? The war puppet spoke, and his voice was like thunder, making the entire hall tremble.

Yes! Luo Hua smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a straight line. As the elder in charge of the outer sect, he controls most of the external intelligence channels of the Senluo Sect. He can be called the most well-informed person in the Senluo Sect. Of course, all major matters are clear to the sect. Which concubine does Bai Xuanyue, the headmaster of the Sword Sect, prefer? , which concubine is more favored, he can also find out about such trivial matters.

The Shengyang Palace killed Hu Tianjun, and the photo studio and the Shengyang Palace risked their lives to fight? Zhan Puppet spoke again.

Yes... the beating was so brutal. The photo studio went crazy. Several elders in the Shengyang Palace disappeared, and several elders were seriously injured by the dead shadows of the photo studio... It was because of the efforts of several good friends from the sects to rescue them. , Shengyang Palace is in danger of overthrowing this time. Luo Hua laughed again.

Miluo Cult and Water God Palace are also fighting? The cold light in Zhan Puppet's eyes flashed, illuminating the entire hall.

The Water God Sect invited the Water Ancestor of Yingyuan, borrowed the top spiritual treasure Xiantian Xuanming Flag, and laid out an extremely vicious killing array, hoping to drown the Milo Sect's secular territory. But the Milo Sect also dispatched the forbidden weapon Sihou Armillary Sphere plus a counterattack, the news came about an hour ago that the Water God Palace Tianhua Immortal Dynasty is completely dead.

Luo Hua shuddered and murmured: Back then, the founder of the Miluo Sect obtained the Armillary Sphere of the Four Seasons. At that time, our sect was still at its peak, and its position in Yuan Lingtian was supreme. It's true... The generation of elders of our sect Ancestor, I personally took action to test the Miluo Sect and wanted to seize the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons, but the ancestor of the Miluo Sect used a bitter trick to avoid it.

Later, several other ancestors of our sect also tried to test the Milo Sect, but all failed. They all thought that the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons was not in the hands of the Milo Sect, so they just let it go. But today As soon as I saw it, I realized that the Milo Sect has such deep thoughts... Thirty thousand years ago, the Milo Sect was almost wiped out, but it didn't even use this treasure!

The war puppet smiled coldly: Thirty thousand years ago, if the Milo Sect dared to use the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons, this treasure would no longer be theirs... Not only would they have almost wiped out the family, but they would have been eradicated long ago. Dogs don’t stay.”

The Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons... The origin of this treasure is unpredictable. It was born before the heaven and the earth. Zhan Puppet said quietly: It fell into the hands of the Milo Sect because of their fate.

Shaking his head, the war puppet slowly stood up. His power suddenly surged, and the huge hall was almost exploded by the surging mana.

This Yuanlingtian has become so lively all of a sudden. It can be seen that the chess pieces I attracted from Jishengtian have been activated... Zhan Puppet took a breath of cold air and said sincerely: It's just that Jishengtian Does Shengtian really have such great luck? It has shrunk to such an extent that the few lucky people I pulled from it can turn Yuanlingtian into such a mess?

Luo Hua smiled and said: Headmaster, it can be seen that Jianmen is getting worse from generation to generation. Senior brother, you can turn Yuan Lingtian upside down with just one move, but Jianmen doesn't have any reaction!

The war puppet waved his hand: Wrong! For one, Yuan Lingtian has not yet reached the point of being turned upside down. We need to take action and push hard from behind to lift this storm higher, bigger, and swallow it up. more people!

Two of you, the Sword Sect is not as simple as you think. I think they have the same idea as us. They hope that Yuan Lingtian will be in chaos, and then... take the opportunity to eradicate dissidents. It is best to destroy all the major sects in Yuan Lingtian. I will force out all my trump cards, and then...the battle will be successful!

Luo Hua looked up at Zhan Puppet in shock: But...

Zhan Puppet clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at Luo Hua: The purpose of Jianmen and our sect are almost exactly the same. Why do we want to destroy the plan of the expedition to the Holy Heaven led by Jianmen? It's because we want all Jianmen to be exterminated!

Why is Jianmen pushing forward the plan to expedition to the Holy Heaven? Because they want all our sects to be exterminated!

Although Yuan Lingtian is big, but... we only need to leave a unified sect! All other forces should die!

Zhan Puppet, Wan Xiang, the contemporary elder of the Senluo Sect, said coldly: The man behind the Sword Sect has sent down so many Supreme Immortal Titles. Do you think he is kind enough to let the monks from Yuan Lingtian ascend? No, this is two peach killing three people. The peaches attract people to risk their lives!

Luo Huasheng swallowed a mouthful of spit and said in shock: Then, senior brother, we should...

Wan Xiang slowly sat back on the throne and said in a cold voice: First add fuel to the flames and stir up the water. If possible, a few more people will die... But we must be careful not to provoke the Sword Sect or expose ourselves in advance.

Then... we just wait and see what happens.

We, wait. Wait patiently...

Luo Hua agreed, bowed deeply to Wanxiang, then turned and left the hall.

The Senluo Sect announced to the outside world that there are only seven or eight Supreme Elders in its family, most of whom have been practicing in seclusion all year round, and there are two or three old monsters who have almost exhausted their lifespan and are struggling to survive.

On the face of it, Senluo Sect is the only one who can go out and take charge of daily affairs. Only Luo Hua, a 'rookie' who has just broken through less than a hundred years ago... All the affairs of the huge sect are piled on Luo Hua's head. On the road, Luo Hua could only risk his life and run around, where would he have time to rest?

Wanxiang's fingers gently touched the armrest of the throne, making a loud boom sound.

He whispered to himself: These boys actually caused such a big disturbance... We need to keep a close eye on them. They attract the wolf cubs because they want them to bite people. Don't let the wolf cubs grow up too fast. , if the owner is bitten, it won’t be fun at all!”

However, if you want to add fuel to the fire, Luo Hua alone will not be able to stir up too much trouble.

It's time to get active.

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