Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 530: Expansion (2)


On the big waves, Li Guiliu and several other water god palace elders leaned out half of their bodies, with faces like evil ghosts, staring at Lu Qian, Song Feng and others.

Of course, Lu Qian was accidentally injured several times by the dagger-like gazes of Li Guiliu and others just because he was standing next to Song Wenfa. Li Guiliu and the others' main attention was still focused on Song Wenfa, Luo Wuji and other supreme elders of Miluo Sect.

Tragic...it's really miserable!

The Tianhua Immortal Dynasty collapsed in two attacks from the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons.

The imperial capital's Tianhua Immortal City's city defense formation, which could withstand the half-step celestial realm's fierce attack, was of no use and was shattered to pieces by a single blow from the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons. The most important hundreds of thousands of large and small cities in the Tianhua Immortal Dynasty, those with a population of more than one million, were completely annihilated in the second wave of attacks.

Suizu's flood formation submerged the Milo Sect's territory, but the monks were able to escape with a large number of people.

Although the water dragon formed by the water veins has powerful attack power, it still leaves a glimmer of hope. How can there be such a domineering and terrifying armillary sphere? With one blow, all living things were turned into powder, without even a chance to escape!

Song Wenfa...you are so cruel! Thousands of words finally turned into a hysterical curse: You act with such a heart, it's like a demon!

Song couldn't use his hands to change the seals, and sneered: Demon way? Who first attacked our Milo Sect with that inhumane formation?

With a sneer, Song Fengfeng shook his head: Come on, let's continue... Let's see who can't withstand it first!

Li Guiliu jumped to his feet and roared: Song Wenfa, don't think that just because there is a heavy weapon of unknown origin, you can run rampant in the world. We, the Water God Palace, are not someone you, the Milo Sect, can bully if you want!

Song could not spit out his energy. High in the sky, the armillary sphere trembled violently. Thirty-three consecutive starlights fell straight from the sky, hitting the heads of Li Guiliu and others.

Li Guiliu gritted his teeth, pointed his hand, and a smooth and flowing orb shot up into the sky with a faint light, rolled up a waterspout, and headed towards the starlight.

A ray of starlight hit the orb, and there was a crisp sound. The azure orb the size of a human head was shattered by a blow. The waterspout condensed by trillions of jun floods instantly vaporized. Li Guiliu let out a muffled groan, and his seven orifices rushed at the same time. When he started bleeding, without saying a word, he just like the turtle grandsons of the Turtle Ancestor, his head suddenly shrank down and he hid in the formation set up by the Sui Ancestor.

That orb is an acquired spiritual treasure that Li Guiliu worked hard to obtain three thousand years ago. It is at the sixth level of the other shore realm. It can gather water waves in the world and turn into a waterspout to strangle all things. It integrates offense and defense. Its power is really not weak.

Such a spiritual treasure was shattered by a single blow from the starlight!

The grade of the four-phase armillary sphere definitely surpasses the classification of spiritual treasures in the conventional sense and has definitely entered a higher level. Faced with such a heavy weapon, it would be damned if an old fox like Li Guiliu would carry it with all his strength!

Thirty-three rays of useless starlight rolled down and hit the formation set up by Shui Ancestor on the Qiuxue River.

The stars were shining brightly, the Xiantian Xuanming Banner was shaking violently, and in the great formation where floods were rolling and water mist filled the sky, a large crater with a diameter of thousands of miles and a depth of hundreds of miles suddenly sank. In this pit, all the water waves were instantly annihilated, and the countless water tribes hiding in it were completely disintegrated in the starlight at that moment, leaving no residue behind.

But the starlight dispersed, and floods rolled in from all directions, filling the pits again, restoring the formation to its original state.

In the formation, Shui Ancestor’s sneers kept coming: “This baby is quite interesting. Ancestor, I don’t even dare to fight head-on... However, Ancestor’s formation, unless you can break the world’s water veins with one blow, , otherwise the water veins will be endless and the power of the great formation will never end. Song can't do it, what can you do to me, ancestor?

Song Feng said calmly: We can't do anything to you, so after we rest for a while and recover our mana and essence, we will continue to destroy the secular vassals under the rule of Shuishen Palace... That's all.

Song was unable to mobilize his magic power, and his voice spread thousands of miles: Disciples form an array, be alert, and be careful. We have just burned the essence to activate the treasure, and now we have to meditate to recover... Three months later, we will take action again, and we must let Water God Palace regrets it.

Need to meditate and recover for three months?

This is true and false.

In order to activate the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons, Song Feng and his group of masters who were half-stepping into the realm of heaven and human beings had indeed burned a ray of origin before, and their vitality was severely damaged. If they did not meditate to restore perfection, it would have great consequences for their future paths. Impact.

But... with the family background of the Milo Sect, they will naturally not be short of ten thousand-year elixirs and great elixirs. If they really want to recover, three to five days will be enough for them to complete their breath adjustment and return to their peak state.

But Lu Qian originally wanted to use the help of the Miluo Sect to drag the Water God Palace into the quagmire, involve as many sects as possible in this muddy water, consume as much as possible the strength of the Yuanlingtian Sect, and use all the power of the Yuanlingtian Sect to It may delay their attack on the Holy Heaven.

Therefore, it is perfectly fine to meditate for three months to restore your vitality, and then take action against the vassal forces of the Water God Palace three months later!

In the Qiuxuejiang formation, Li Guiliu and others heard Song Wenfa's voice and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

In three months, no matter which vassal dynasty of the Water God Palace would be attacked next, three months was enough for them to organize monks and move people from major cities far away.

Three months later, the Milo Sect took action again. All they could attack were empty cities.

Even if this is done, the destructive power to the secular forces of Water God Palace is not small - the common people have relocated, who will take care of the farmland, shops, mineral veins, medicinal fields and other businesses?

Moreover, the major cities of the Secular Immortal Dynasty are places where the elite gathers. There are countless important resource points around them, as well as the Cave Heaven Paradise, the Secret Realm and the Secret Mansion, etc.

The Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons fell with one blow, but regardless of whether it was green or red, everything was turned into powder.

Thinking of the tragic losses they would suffer in three months, Li Guiliu and others turned pale.

However, everything is worth it... As long as we get the inheritance of Master Canglang and his inherited treasure, everything will be worth it. Li Guiliu said with a trembling voice, not only to convince himself, but also to convince a group of princes Elder: As long as we break the restrictions in the secret palace and get the inheritance and treasure, our Water God Palace will definitely rise!

We can get back all the losses now a hundred times or a thousand times later!

All the Supreme Elders from the Water God Palace nodded slowly.

They simultaneously looked at Suizu who was running the formation in the main hall, and suddenly there was a trace of malice in their hearts - if it weren't for the formation set up by Suizu that was too sinister and too unforgiving, the Milo Sect would not have sacrificed the Four Hours. Armillary Sphere is fighting them, right?

If Suizu had just used a normal formation to fight with Milo Sect... he should have been able to delay the fight for more than ten or twenty years smoothly. This period of time is enough for them to break through the restrictions in the water mansion and take out all the good things inside.

But... Sui Zu was too cruel!

Li Guiliu's eyes flashed and he gritted his teeth.

This time, they felt like they were luring a wolf into the house. Sui Anzu acted like this because he was clearly using their Water God Palace as an excuse and in the name of their Water God Palace to make them take the blame and gain benefits for himself!

The pagoda he was worshiping was obviously not a good thing.

He killed countless common people under the rule of the Miluo Sect, and extracted the souls of wronged people and all kinds of evil, dead, evil, and yin energy in order to refine treasures for himself. The disaster was caused by him, but it was the Water God Palace who was responsible for the loss.

But now, under the shroud of Shuizu's formation, Li Guiliu and the others didn't dare to do anything.

Not to mention that they were surrounded by a large formation. Shuizu could activate the formation to attack them with just a thought. They really had no confidence in resisting. Shui Ancestor even gathered a group of Turtle Ancestor's grandsons, and he himself brought a group of powerful dragons and dragons. The combined power of the two groups actually surpassed thirty people who were half-step into the realm of heaven and human beings. !

Moreover, these dragons, dragons, and giant tortoises, although they have sparse Taoism and mediocre supernatural powers, are all powerful and extremely powerful, and they are all super masters of body refining. With their innate bloodline advantages, they will take advantage of themselves when fighting against half-step Heavenly Realm monks at the same level.

What is even more irritating is that the Water God Palace specializes in water magic, and these dragons are dragons, giant turtles, and old turtles. They are naturally capable of controlling water, and the water magic has very little damage to them!

Shuizu has taken advantage of him, so how can Shuishen Palace resist?

Li Guiliu looked at several elders from his sect, and all of them nodded lightly... endure it, we endure it. On the day when the secret palace is broken open, when the overall strength of the Water God Palace soars, and even three or five celestial beings appear, I have to get everything back today!

Let's entertain some Taoist friends from Dianjian Peak and others... They have come from afar and were invited to help in the boxing. We can't entertain them poorly, as it will appear that our Water God Palace has failed morally. Li Guiliu waved his hand and put it aside for the time being. This incident of Shui Ancestor usurping the throne and bringing disaster to Shuishen Palace was brought to an end.

No matter how much losses the Tianhua Immortal Dynasty suffered, Suizu still controlled the formation and bombarded the secular vassals of Miluo Sect indiscriminately, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of secular creatures every day.

Almost all the disciples of Miluo Sect came out to help the vassal Immortal Dynasty resist the flood, focusing on defending important cities, and at the same time relocating the people in the villages and towns to other places.

Song could not wait for others to continue adjusting his breath and recover.

Lu Qian, on the other hand, wore Jiulongzi armor and carried the Beiming Sword, provoking outside the formation all day long.

Send Brother Shibian back!

Under the pretext of asking for Song Shibian, Lu Qian shouted and cursed outside the formation every day. The Shui tribe in the Water God Palace had a bad temper and couldn't hold back his anger, so he rushed out and fought with Lu Qian.

In just half a month, Lu Qian killed nearly a hundred dragons and tens of thousands of powerful aquatic species such as giant whales and giant octopuses.

These little days passed like this day by day.

More and more people are watching the battle from all directions, and there are even more people with ulterior motives.

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